CH 35 America before 1930. 35.2 America, 1900 to 1930 From the previous century…. 2 Americans in...

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Transcript of CH 35 America before 1930. 35.2 America, 1900 to 1930 From the previous century…. 2 Americans in...

CH 35 America before 1930

35.2 America, 1900 to 1930• From the previous century….


Americans in Europe….

Figure 35-31 JOHN SLOAN, Sixth Avenue and Thirtieth Street, New York City, 1907, 1909. Oil on canvas, 2’ 1/4” x 2’ 8”. Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia (gift of Meyer P. Potamkin and Vivian O. Potamkin, 2000). 3

Realistic look at life…

No varnish…compare To Sargeant….

The Ashcan School…Robert Henri is the leader of “The Eight”

Figure 35-32 Installation photo of the Armory Show, New York National Guard’s 69th Regiment, New York, 1913. Museum of Modern Art, New York.


1913: The Armory Show Begins the European Dialogue…

With American Artists….

ChangesThe wayAmericaThinks About Art…

New York,Chicago,Boston

Figure 35-1 MARCEL DUCHAMP, Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2, 1912. Oil on canvas, 4’ 10 “x 2’ 11”. Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia (Louise and Walter Arensberg Collection).


“Cousins to the anarchists!”

“Bomb Throwers!”



“Aliens” (bringing)

Modernism… imperiling theRepublic of art….”

“An explosion in a shingle factory”

American Art Forms


Figure 35-33 MAN RAY, Cadeau (Gift), ca. 1958 (replica of 1921 original). Painted flatiron with row of 13 tacks with heads glued to the bottom, 6 1/8” x 3 5/8” x 4 1/2”. Museum of Modern Art, New York (James Thrall Soby Fund).


Exploring psychologyOf perception of exteriorWorld….

Unsettling juxtapositions…

To create new awareness…

Figure 35-34 MARSDEN HARTLEY, Portrait of a German Officer, 1914. Oil on canvas, 5' 8 1/4” x 3' 5 3/8”. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (Alfred Stieglitz Collection).


A different kind of heroicPortrait…

Classical references/Modernist ideals…

Figure 35-35 STUART DAVIS, Lucky Strike, 1921. Oil on canvas, 2’ 9 1/4” x 1’ 6”. Museum of Modern Art, New York (gift of The American Tobacco Company, Inc.). Art © Estate of Stuart Davis/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY.


Wants to convey the energyOf American culture…

A modernist still-life…

Sees packaging as evidence Of a sophisticated civilization

Deliberately creating an AmericanModernism…

Influence of synthetic cubism…

Figure 35-36 AARON DOUGLAS, Noah’s Ark, ca. 1927. Oil on masonite, 4’ x 3’. Fisk University Galleries, University of Tennessee, Nashville.


Artist of the HarlemRenaissance…

Celebrating cultural Accomplishments of African Americans

Studied in Paris..An early Graphic ArtistIn New York…

Also influenced by AfricanSculptures….

Figure 35-37 CHARLES DEMUTH, My Egypt, 1927. Oil on composition board, 2’ 11 3/4” x 2’ 6”. Collection of Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (purchased with funds from Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney).


A “Precisionist”

Fascination with Machines and itsRoles in modern Life….

My Egypt?

Unstable Composition?

Figure 35-38 GEORGIA O’KEEFFE, New York, Night, 1929. Oil on canvas, 3’ 4 1/8” x 1’ 7 1/8”. Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery, Lincoln, (Nebraska Art Association, Thomas C. Woods Memorial Collection).


Strips subjects to theirPurest forms…

Heightens their power byBringing out their strongestQualities and de-emphasizingThe extraneous….

Figure 35-39 ALFRED STIEGLITZ, The Steerage, 1907 (print 1915). Photogravure (on tissue), 1’ 3/8” x 10 1/8”. Courtesy of Amon Carter Museum, Fort Worth. 13

Founds Gallery 291

Took straight Unmanipulated Photos…

Creates a modernist Tableau that is createdBy the shapes and formsOf the images in the Photos coming togetherTo create a whole…

Taking us closer to a deeperFeeling and understandingOf humanity

Figure 35-40 EDWARD WESTON, Nude, 1925. Platinum print, 7 1/2” x9 1/2”. Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona, Tucson.


ExtremeAbstractionOf form..