Ch 29: America At Midcentury 1945-1960

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Transcript of Ch 29: America At Midcentury 1945-1960


Chapter 29:America At Midcentury 1945-


GI Bill of Rights

Full Employment Act

Council of Economic Advisors

Postwar inflation

Threatened railroad strike of 1946

Taft-Hartley Act

Baby boom

Post-World War II suburbanization

William Levitt

Highway Act of 1956

Practice of redlining

Harry Truman

Roosevelt's "Second Bill of Rights"

Progressive party


Presidential campaign and election of 1948

Fair Deal

Dwight Eisenhower

Dynamic conservatism


National Defense Education Act of 1957

Atomic Energy Act of 1954

Military-industrial complex

The vital center

Era of consensus

Venona project

Atomic civil defense program


Truman's loyalty program (Employee Loyalty Program)

House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC)

Hollywood Ten

Senator Joseph McCarthy

Internal Security Act of 1950 (McCarran Act)

Communist Control Act of 1954

Alger Hiss case

Ethel and Julius Rosenberg

Army-McCarthy hearings

To Secure These Rights

Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Services

NAACP'S Legal Defense and Education Fund

Charles Hamilton HoustonThurgood Marshall

Smith v. Allwright and Morgan v. Virginia

Smith v Allwright

Morgan v Virginia

Shelly v. Kramer

An American Dilemma, Native Son, and Black Boy

Jackie Robinson

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

Emmett Till

White Citizens Councils

Rosa Parks

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Montgomery Bus Boycott

Southern Christian Leadership Conference

Civil Rights Act of 1957

"The Treaty of Detroit"

Growth of the Sunbelt

The transistor

Emergence of a national middle class culture


"Middle-classness" of television programming

Consumer culture

Post-World War II Religious Revival

Gender role in families of the 1950s

Dr. Spock

Modern Women: The Lost Sex

The "crisis of masculinity"

William H. Whyte

Dr. Alfred Kinsey

Hugh Hefner

"Youth culture"

Slinky, Mr. Potato Head, and Davy Crockett

Rock 'n' roll

Elvis Presley

The 1950s upsurge in juvenile delinquency

Critics of the 1950 conformity

Environmental costs associated with economic growth

Planned obsolescence

Silent Spring

Urban and rural poverty of the 1950s

National Housing Act of 1949

1950s growth of agribusiness

Eisenhower's termination policy