Cert 1:1 Coach - Cornelsen Verlag · Cert 1:1 Coach Certificate in One ... Business English books...

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Cert 1:1 Coach Certificate in One-to-One Language Coaching


© High Impact Training 2007


Some of the terms, techniques and teaching platforms you’ll be fully familiar with by the end of this course: Coaching Just-in-time Teaching Wiki TPR Language auditing NLP Schemata Skype Storyboarding Reverse Role Simulation Springdoo Blogs/Vlogs Counselling-Learning Suggestology Remote Teaching Web 2.0 Cuisenaire Rods TA

Framework Materials Virtual Groupwork Bio-Graphics Semi-Scripted Anecdotes YouTube Scaffolding Dogme Skrbl Podcasts/Vodcasts Lexical Mapping Templates Collaborative Writing

I-Centred Materials Personal Compass Silent Way Auto-Dictation 3-D Simulations Lexical Visualisation Top-Down Processing Ego States Modalities Congruence Metaplan Response-ability End-Product Syllabus Design


The One-to-One Classroom

In the words of one-to-one pioneer, Peter Wilberg, ‘One-to-one teaching is different’. Many, perhaps most, of the personal and pedagogical skills we have developed as language teachers relate almost exclusively to working with groups. But the dynamics of managing a community of learners and making generalised assumptions about how people acquire language and communicate bear little resemblance to the focus, pace and style of one-to-one teaching. One to one is the preferred choice of a lot of English language learners, but for teachers it presents new challenges. Expectations tend to be high, close encounters can be claustrophobic, personalities loom large and much of our previous training fails to help us design effective programmes for the individual learner. But once we have accepted what can usefully be carried over from group teaching and what can’t and have mastered new techniques that we could never attempt with a group, one to one can be one of the most rewarding and ‘authentic’ forms of teaching. The Course

The Certificate in One-to-One Language Coaching provides the specialist training practising teachers need to face the unique challenges of working with the individual learner. This highly intensive 28-hour teacher development course is run over four days at a number of comfortable and well-equipped training centres in city-centre locations throughout Europe. The maximum group size is 16, so you will get plenty of personal attention. The course caters for teachers of both General and Professional or Business English. Because of the relatively higher cost of one-to-one teaching and the specific work-oriented needs of many individual learners, there is some emphasis on professional and business applications, but many of the techniques explored work equally well with the fast-track or senior executive, the parentally pressured teenager and the casual language learning ‘hobbyist’. To quote Wilberg again, ‘in one-to-one teaching, however specialised, the


technical repertoire of the teacher is more important than the materials repertoire’. Over the course of the programme participants will try out many practical one-to-one teaching techniques and benefit from theoretical inputs drawn from the diverse fields of coaching, counselling-learning, neuro-linguistic programming, transactional analysis, blended learning, suggestopedia and silent way language instruction. In addition, they will build up a substantial take-home file of materials they can immediately use in their one-to-one classes (see detailed programme below) together with a personal CD of customisable materials and post-course membership of an exclusive 121 Coaching Wiki. The Trainers

The course designers and trainers for the new extended 4-day version of this popular course are Mark Powell and Carl Dowse. Mark has 20 years’ General and Business English teaching experience (much of it in one to one) and is one of the world’s leading Business English teacher developers, having trained over 600 teachers for the London Chamber of Commerce & Industry Certificate in Teaching English for Business (LCCI CertTEB) as well as more than 100 for the highly successful 3-day One-to-one Language Coaching Certificate. Mark is a regular keynote speaker at international ELT conferences and is the author of several bestselling Business English books including In Company, Presenting in English and New Business Matters. He is a graduate of Oxford University. Carl is currently a Lecturer responsible for undergraduate business-related English courses at the Fachhochschule für Ökonomie & Management in Essen, Germany. He also works for Consultants-e, an award-winning teaching-with-technology company, as a facilitator on their courses in ICT in the classroom, e-moderation and using wikis. Carl has a special interest in all aspects of teaching with Web 2.0 technologies and has written online materials for English 360 and a blended learning guide for Cornelsen. He has a masters from Warwick University and has also studied at the universities of Oxford and Bologna.


The Programme

On this course you will learn how to:

• recognise the fundamental differences between one-to-one and group teaching

• import transferable techniques from group teaching and modify less transferable ones

• identify ELT resource materials which can be adapted to the one-to-one classroom

• maximise the unique opportunities of one to one, whilst working within its constraints

• change the pace and style of your teaching to suit the one-to-one situation

• go from prescriptive lesson planning to ‘prepared responsiveness’ or ‘response-ability’

• switch from a ‘just-in-case’ attitude to language input to a ‘just-in-time’ approach

• alter your mindset from that of language teacher to language coach

• profile the learner in terms of needs, wants, lacks and learning preferences

• conduct a ‘language audit’ for learners with very specific needs

• acquire the five key skills of coaching: rapport, deep listening, intuition, questioning,


• use models taken from Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Transactional Analysis to

build rapport

• design customisable open format and ‘framework’ materials to draw language out of the


• make the most of the learning space by establishing different activity zones

• adopt a product-oriented approach to fluency work through projects, reports and filming

• make use of close-range teaching tools such as cards, post-its, Cuisenaire rods, puzzles

• utilise multi-media to bring third parties and differing opinions into the classroom

• create simple self-disclosure activities around ‘I-centred’ texts such as quizzes,

questionnaires, psychometric tests and behavioural indicators

• take a phased interactive approach to reading skills

• use personal and professional timelines and graphic representations of the learner’s

goals, values and experiences

• utilise techniques from Counseling-Learning such as spontaneous reformulation,

cooperative dialogue-building, incremental recording, reverse role simulation,

collaborative writing

• use schema theory to design ‘storyboards’ for situational dialogues using projected

visuals and ambient sound effects to create ‘3-D Simulations’

• work with teaching aids from the Silent Way such as Cuisenaire rods, rod grids and Fidel

charts – limiting lexical load in order to focus on grammatical and phonological form

• teach remotely either by tele-teaching, e-teaching or a combination of the two


• use technology more supportively and seamlessly in the one-to-one classroom – mobiles,

dictaphones, MP3 voice recorders, laptops, Skype

• borrow techniques from Suggestopedia for reducing learning stress and working on

peripheral or subliminal learning

• draft a learning contract between you and your clients

• market yourself as a one-to-one language coach

And in the new 8-hour teaching-with-technology supplement you’ll be introduced to a range of Web 2.0 technologies and learn how to:

• select, download and exploit audio podcasts (with or without iTunes)

• exploit the video sharing website YouTube

• use other social networking tools such as del.icio.us

• provide synchronous and asynchronous business skills training (telephoning, e-mailing,

presenting, negotiating) using Skype and other web-based tools

• set up and exploit your own wiki to provide personalised, interactive online training

Teaching practice is not a stipulated part of the course, though there will be peer teaching during some of the sessions. Certification

The Certificate in One-to-One Language Coaching (Cert1:1Coach) is a unique qualification issued by High Impact Training, the training company jointly owned by Mark Powell and Carl Dowse. Attendance certificates are issued at the end of the course. To obtain their full certificates participants must attend all 26 hours of the programme, successfully take part in paired language coaching activities and complete a personal teaching log. The personal teaching log is a 3000-word document describing a one-to-one learner the participant has worked with and outlining techniques and materials included in their learning programme. Upon its completion (there is no fixed time limit) participants will receive their official certificate, which may be awarded with Merit.



Applications are welcomed from suitably qualified and experienced English language teachers. Normally, applicants will be required to fulfil the following criteria:

• be graduates • hold a recognised teaching qualification at certificate level (eg.

Trinity CertTESOL, CELTA, CertTEB) or above • have at least one year’s full-time EFL teaching experience (two

years part-time) For non-native speaker applicants the teaching qualification requirement can be waived for experienced teachers with a first or higher degree in English. As the course is conducted entirely in English, functional fluency in English is essential. Exceptions can also be made to the above criteria for native speaker applicants who do not meet ALL these requirements (eg. non-graduates with many years teaching experience, experienced teachers without a formal TEFL qualification, relatively inexperienced teachers with a good degree and a high grade on the CELTA) or HR specialists and business coaches relatively new to language training. So if you are unsure about your eligibility but enthusiastic about doing the course, by all means do apply, but please remember this is not an entry-level teacher training programme. You will be expected to be more or less familiar with standard TEFL techniques and terminology. To complete the personal teaching log and be eligible for certification you must currently have, or have previously had, one-to-one clients to base your written work on. Fees

The total fee for the 28-hour Certificate in One-to-One Language Coaching is €630. This covers tuition, a file of course handouts, 30-page directory of useful websites and a complete copy of the coaching materials on CD as well as membership of the 121 Language Coaches Club with dedicated resource and networking website (Wiki) for present and past participants on the course.


A Taster of the Course

Here are a few lesson ideas for one-to-one using the powerful approach of Counselling-Learning. You can see a short, informally recorded clip of Mark doing a session on this on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOmedG_IOk8

Collaborative Speaking

Counselling-Learning 1. Client chooses a topic they’d like to

work on: a welcome speech, a product demonstration or just simple personal information questions.

2. After making a few brief notes (perhaps in L1) they begin to speak – utterance by utterance.

3. Coach corrects and / or reformulates. 4. Client practises upgraded version a

few times, then records it and pauses the cassette / digital recorder.

5. Repeat procedure until whole monologue or dialogue is complete.

Auto-Dictation 1. Play back the recording. 2. Client transcribes. 3. Coach corrects as necessary. 4. Lexical, grammatical or

phonological follow-up.

© Mark Powell Associates 2006


Collaborative Writing

On the course you’ll also learn how to do technology-supported versions of the above, using video-casting and online whiteboards, so that you can coach your clients at a distance or offer blended learning.

Relay-Writing 1. Cut A4 sheets of paper into

roughly 3cm strips. 2. Client chooses a text-type they

want to work on – an e-mail enquiry, an application letter – and starts writing on the first few strips – one sentence per strip.

3. Each strip is numbered as the sentences are formulated.

4. After a few sentences, client passes the first strip to coach for suggested improvements.

5. Coach writes corrections and / or hints and passes strip back.

6. Client reformulates and continues with the document.

7. Any additions and / or deletions are jointly made.

8. Client keys completed text into a PC.

9. The final document is printed out for personal learning file or e-mailed to coach for reply.

© Mark Powell Associates 2006

I am write with regards ^ your job advertisement in the Economist.

I ^ like to apply to the vacancy of account manager.

I have many experiences in this field.

Actually I am being responsible of the L’Oréal account at O&M.

This gave me many opportunity for supervise a creative team.

1 2 3 4 5


Collaborative Lexical Jigsaw: ESP (Venture Capital)

Instructions: 1. Laminate and cut up jigsaw cards for reassembly 2. Tell client what the specific context (semantic field) is 3. Get client to explain ESP terms during reassembly 4. Discuss how these affect the raising of venture capital 5. Record conversation for client to listen to at leisure 6. Select high-priority lexical items for active use

7. Do any necessary pronunciation and stress work 8. Give client a set of cards to keep and play with 9. Play a short audio or video presentation containing target lexis for collocation checking and consolidation (Alternatively, play this first to facilitate the activity)

© Mark Powell Associates 2007

capital strategy holding


on investment (ROI)




up exit


angel ownership


equity first




public offering (IPO) capital strike



a deal self-


mover strapping make

company finance



a pitch


backing boot-












Collaborative Lexical Jigsaw: Venture Capital

(Expert View Monologue Audio/Videoscript)

“OK, well, the first thing to say is that having a good idea for a business is obviously not enough in itself to build up a successful company. You need money – and lots of it. At the beginning, when no-one’s especially interested in your business idea, a lot of brand new businesses, start-ups, may have to use their own money, to self-finance for a while. This is sometimes called bootstrapping. This is because getting the funds to start a business from nothing, getting seed capital, can be extremely difficult. But, sooner or later, as your business starts to grow, you’re going to need to raise more capital and you’ve basically got three options at this stage. One, you can go to a bank for a loan. But banks generally hate start-ups. Two, you could ask your friends or family for help – we sometimes call this the ‘friends, family and fools’ group. Usually a big mistake. And your final option is to approach a venture capital company or business angel. The basic difference between the two is that VC firms tend to work on behalf of investment funds, groups of accredited investors, while angels usually invest their own money, private equity. This is still what we call first round venture capital – financing the early stages of business development. Now, when you make your pitch to business angels, the main thing to remember is that all new businesses are very, very risky. Most fail within two years. So what angels are looking for is a good ROI. What I mean by that is a good return on investment on those companies they invest in which actually succeed. That means they want to see a high turnover and what they really like is what we call a first mover – a company that is first into a new business with no competition. Now, because its mostly the angels’ money that is at risk, they usually want a large share of your company, maybe 50% ownership equity, half your business. That’s normal. You might be able to get convertible debt instead – you pay back at a high interest rate and if you can’t pay, the angels convert your debt into equity instead. If your business recovers later, you may be able to arrange a share buy-back, but, of course, you’ll be buying those shares back for more than you sold them for! A key thing: every investor is going to ask you, the investee company, is how long you think it will take your business to make a profit, because they’ll want an exit strategy. They don’t want to own your business forever. They want to make a profit on it and move on. One exit strategy is to take the company public and sell off their shares in it in an IPO, an initial public share offering. They may want you to sell off your business altogether to an acquiring company. At any rate, they want to know how long the holding period is likely to be – how long will they have to keep their money in your business before they can sell their shares at a profit? And if you want more investment from your angels later on, what’s sometimes called a mezzanine investment, then you’d better be growing from day one. But before any business angel will strike a deal with you, they’ll want to do some due diligence, make sure you’re running your business efficiently and that your financial records add up. They’ll probably be too busy to want to run your business for you, but, in order to obtain backing from them, you may have to accept their advice as part of a mentoring programme. And, of course, their experience and contacts in the business world can be extremely valuable.” (Make a digital audio recording of this or film yourself presenting this information on Springdoo®)

© Mark Powell Associates 2007



You can organise this yourself or we can help you arrange it. Testimonials

Here’s what some of our previous course participants have to say:

Tricia Hunter Stefan Gee

Mark Strupler Helen Strong

Brian Brennan, co-author of Business: One to One (OUP)

Jack Spencer Prince

Trish Beattie

A huge amount of very useful input.

Excellent. This is what a training course should be like!

What a highly inspiring course, packed with lots of new ideas and approaches. I nearly laughed my head off – however, I wasn´t disoriented. On the contrary, I am extremely motivated now and know new ways to go.

An informative and entertaining course which provides an excellent introduction to the extensive field of coaching, packed to bursting with invaluable, quality Business English materials. Mark is an extremely talented trainer.

It does what it says on the can - and then some!

After having done the CertTEB [with Mark], I came with high expectations. They were more than fulfilled. In a word: inspirational.

Really loved the course, everything about it. Course content GREAT. LOADS of info.



Here are a couple of recent reviews of the previous 3-day version:




The Next Step

If you’d like to join us, please complete the accompanying application form (Word document) and e-mail it straight back to Mark at: markdavidpowell@yahoo.com On acceptance, you will be given an account number you can pay the €150 deposit into. The course will be confirmed on Jan 31, or before if it fills early, at which time the balance of the course fee should be paid. Please do not make travel or accommodation arrangements before the course has been confirmed, as, in the unlikely event of cancellation, we cannot refund any costs incurred. Your deposit is fully returnable (minus bank charges) if for any reason you are unable attend and you notify us on or before Jan 16. We look forward to working with you in 2008!