Post on 25-Nov-2014

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Once upon a time, in a kingdom, there was a beautiful girl and a good heart. She was live with her stepmother and stepsisters, because her parents had died. Her sisters called her “Cinderella”. Cinderella mean girls, dirty and full of dust. “The name that aggred with you” They said.

Cinderella’s mother and stepsisters was bad to Cinderella. They always told Cinderella to do all homework. Cinderella’s mother always fed Cinderella only once a day. Cinderella was not hate their. Cinderella always was patient.

After a while, one day, came the royal guards who spread the party invitation letter from the palace. “This is fun ! We will go and dress up is beautiful. If I become a princess, the mother would be happy” Cinderella’s sister said. The awaited day arrived, the Cinderella’s stepsisters started dress up with joy. Cinderella was very sad, because she was not allowed to participate by her sisters to came a party in the palace. “you want wear this clothes to come this party ? Oh no, this is very dirty, you know that !” Cinderella’s sister said.

After all went to party. Cinderella back to garden. She cried was very hard, because her heart was very upset. “I can not go to party with this clothes, but I want to”. Not long, came a voice, “Cinderella, stop crying”. When Cinderella turned, she saw a fairy. The fairy smiled kindly, “Cinderella take four rats and lizards”.

After all collected. Rats and lizards brought to groud garden in the backyard. “Viola” as the fairy spread her magic, there was a miracle. Rats became four horses. Lizards became two coachman. After that, Cinderella became a beautiful princess, with a very beautiful dress. Because happy, Cinderella had dance in circles with glass shoes like butterfly. “Cinderella, the influence of this magic will disappear after bell at twelve the night stop, because of that, you must go home before midnight” Fairy said. “Yes, grandma. Thank you very much” Cinderella repliced. The carriage brought Cinderella leave immediately to the palace.

After arrived at the palace, she was immediately went into the palace hall. Once inside, people saw Cinderella. Cinderella’s beauty was very interesting. And then, the prince came over to Cinderella. “You are so beautiful, will you dance with me ?” he said. “of course” Cinderella said. Cinderella held out her hand and smiled. They dance together. Cinderella’s mother and stepsisters did not believe about that. The prince continous to dance with Cinderella. “You are so beautiful, will you married with me?” prince said.

Because happy, Cinderella forgot the time. The clock was drag, signified at midnight. “Sorry, I must go home, prince” Cinderella said. Cinderella ran out the palace, and left the prince. Cinderella’s shoes off, but Cinderella did not concern it. The prince chase Cinderella, but he lost Cinderella’s track. Prince took Cinderella’s shoes. “I’ll find you” he said. Although Cinderella back to into a girl full of dust. She was very happy because she could left the party.

The next day, the prince came to houses. The prince went to girls on the party. He was not find the girl. Next, he arrived at Cinderella’s house. “We are looking for the girl whose feet fit the glass shoes” the prince and the guards said. Cinderella’s stepsisters were try the glass shoes. But, their feet was big. They were force their leg inserted into the glass shoes until blisters. At the time, the Prince saw Cinderella. “Hey you, please try this shoes”. Cinderella’s mother became angry “will not fit with this girl” she said. The guard helped Cinderella to wear the shoes. Then Cinderella was try the shoes. Apparently the shoes was perfect. “ah, you are the princess” prince said.

After that, Cinderella’s mother and stepsister was conscious with their mistakes. “we are sorry Cinderella, will you forgive us ?” they said. “yes, but you must promise to me” Cinderella said. Finally, Cinderella and the prince get married. And they were happy.