cemre korkut, Youtube search project

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Transcript of cemre korkut, Youtube search project

Youtube Search ProjectIstanbul Bilgi University

Contributers:Cemre Korkut,Onur Beşiktaş,İpek Eren,Tamar ŞelelenkEC150

People can see first-hand accounts of current events, find videos about their hobbies and interests, and discover the quirky and unusual. As more people

capture special moments on video, YouTube is empowering them to become the broadcasters of tomorrow.

Youtube was founded in 2005 by Chad Hurley,Steve Chen and Jawed Karim who were all earlyemployees of Paypal.Hurley

studied design at Indiana University of Pennsylvania while Chen and Karim studied computer science together. According to a

story that has often been reoeated in the mChad Hurley and Steve Chen developed the idea for YouTube during the early months of 2005, after they had experienced difficulty sharing videos that had

been shot at a dinner party at Chen's apartment in San Francisco.edia, Jawed Karim did not attend the party and denied that

it had occurred, while Chad Hurley commented that the idea that YouTube was founded after a dinner party "was probably very

strengthened by marketing ideas around creating a story that was very digestible."[6]

Australiaau.youtube.comEnglish (Australia)02007-10-22 October 22, 2007 [93]

Francefr.youtube.comFrench02007-06-19 June 19, 2007[92]

Germanyde.youtube.comGerman02007-11-08 November 8, 2007 [96]

SpainEs.youtube.com June 19,2007

RussiaRu.youtube.com November 13 ,2007

United Kingdom Uk.youtube.com June 19.2007

Social Impact


South Korea

New Zealand






• Cute• "Laughing Baby"• balloon bowl• Comment• LonelyGirl15 is Dead!"• WHATTHEBUCKSHOW• Creativity• The Original Human TETRIS Performance by Guillaume Reymond• notsonois• İnspired• Blind Painter• texascountryreporter• Definition• "How to solve a Rubik's Cube (Part One)"• pogobat• Politic• Stop the Clash of Civilizations • AvaazOrg• Music• Chocolate Rain"• TayZonday

The most favourite


0f 2007

Youtube is using Flash Media Format.Adobe Flash Player

Format has to be loadedİn computers to watch the

videos.65.000 new video are added to Youtube system and

100 mil l ion video is watched in a day

Styles of canalsYoutuber Director

Musician Comedian


YouTube has been criticized for failing to ensure that its videos respect the law of copyright. At the time of uploading a video, YouTube users are always shown a screen with the following message:Do not upload any TV shows, music videos, music concerts or commercials without permission unless they consist entirely of content you created yourself. The Copyright Tips page and the Community Guidelines can help you determine whether your video infringes someone else's copyright. Inappropriate contentYouTube has also faced criticism over the offensive content in some of its videos. Although YouTube's term of service forbid the uploading of material likely to be considered inappropriate, YouTube does not check every video before it goes online. Several countries have blocked access to YouTube since its inception, including] THAİLAND. YouTube is currently blocked in Turkey after controversy over videos deemed insulting to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.

YouTube is now serving 100 million (yes, that’s right) videos daily:YouTube has come to hold the leading position in online video with 29 percent of the U.S. multimedia entertainment market, according to the latest weekly data from Web measurement site Hitwise. YouTube had 58,000 visitors in August, 2005; how many does it get on a monthly basis today? The site has 20 million uniques. That’s less than a year later.

The site has started showing banner ads and has struck a deal with NBC, with suggestions of other such deals in the works. Even though the site has limited revenues, it would probably now fetch an astronomically high purchase price given its growth and growing brand equity.-

Youtube’s imitators are rapidly increasing nowadays but why? Because youtube is a video icon such that every person tend to earn much more money. This is impossible.Nobody can’t earn money more than youtube.It is empire of video sharing websites but on the other hand youtube faces problems caused by its reliance on copyrighted material.This matter is dangerous for youtube’s prestige and youtube’schallengers use this problem to compete youtube’s own challengers are advancing at a rapid rate. AOL is re-engineering its video site to mirror youtube’s success and CNN is launching which will house user-contributed video features.Also Eefoof.com, Panjea.com,Rand Blip.TV are sharing 50 percent of ad page revenue with creater of videos. Like Dabble.com is video hosting site for search content.

Youtube has a simple design.Its colours are blue and white.Articles are blue.Background is white.youtube ‘s logo is black and red but of course in youtube’s development process some designers found new ideas.Designers have developed new backgrounds due to user’s demands.Thus Pearsestreet.com, Ytlayouts.net are youtube page designers.Youtube has a searching box for videos and under of searching box videos exist.If you log in your video name you can find out video easily. Advertisements exist right of the page.Ads are very important because revenues come from ads.You can comment videos and share by means of youtube system.When you add a video , your name is written down under of video.Also home,videos , channels,community boxs exist up of searching box.You can find video time,when that videos are added, who added that videos.

Youtube has a stereooscopic player for watching videos in 3D.Stereocopy.stereocopic imaging or 3D imaging is technique capable of recording three dimensional visual information.The illusion of depth in an image,movie is created by presenting a slightly different image to eyes. Youtube developed music category.For example you entered ‘bjork’ and youtube added music from radiohead.Massive Attack and Aphex Twin then you can remove some of the songs and you can add new songs ,save the playlist or watch all the videos. Youtube added a feature that lets you replace the Flash Player with a native player because your browser plays videos without Adobe Flash Player.Therefore your PC may slow down.Another benefit is tahet videos may be treated like images.HTML5 is an innovation for video security,speed,quality.

Youtube was born as a little website and it became the biggest video sharing website of the world. It will continue to grow by

means of internet,globalization,technology.

This process can’t be prevented through existing of technologic growth.

Sources Founder and Historyhttp://en.wikipedia.org /wik i/YouTube

http:/mediatedcultures.net/ksudigg /?p=108Legal Problems

http://www.youtube.com/watchSocia l Impact

http://www.artandpopularculture.com/Socia l_ impact_of_Youtube

Competitionhttp://37s ignals .com/sn/posts/48-youtube-competition-misses-the-point

Designhttp://www.ytlayouts .net/


Economic Growthhttp://blogs.zdnet.com/micro-markets/?p=482