Cellphones And Twitter for Education

Post on 09-May-2015

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A brief overview of using cellphones and Twitter for teachers and their classrooms.(Still in Rough Draft stage). My growing wiki for related resources is here: http://caspersontest.pbworks.com/Cellphones-and-Twitter

Transcript of Cellphones And Twitter for Education

http://www.flickr.com/photos/spitzgogo/286917522/ CC by Spitzgogo_CHEN

Cellphones and Twitter

For the TeacherIn the Classroom

Mobile Phones

Most ubiquitous form of technology

Increasing capabilities

Excellent for communication – multiple media

Students familiar and competent with


Document activities

CC by Gustav Hhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/hejgustav/3373246249/





Cha Cha

CC by stevegarfield http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3284/3287372663_fe2b1ca313_o_d.jpg

Rules for Cell Phones in SchoolsOne possible Social Contract with


Must be on Vibrate at all times

Keep in front of room until you use them

All items published related to lesson

If referencing someone in class, must have approval before posting or publishing.

Create a permission form (plus School’s AUP)

From Liz Kolb

CC by Mark Hamm http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3466/3383916444_bbd1947b0a_o_d.jpg

CC by jmiles http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3278/2772265449_77222fc527_o_d.gif

Twitter as resource

Easier, quicker facebook/blog to share thoughts with friends/colleagues

Resource for personal learning network: following and connecting with experts in the educational technology field

Connecting to other master teachers

Twitter Tools




Audioboo podcasting (iphone not really twitter related)

Video Link

Twitter Experiment Video (youtube)

Ways to use Twitter

Follow experts, famous

Class talk, questions, feedback

Track word, event, etc.

Homework updates, group work

Writing, grammar, group stories http://academhack.outsidethetext.com/home/2008/twitter-for-academia/