“Cell Memory Mechanism Discovered” And “Scientists Visualize How Cancer Chromosome...

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Transcript of “Cell Memory Mechanism Discovered” And “Scientists Visualize How Cancer Chromosome...

Carolina Mora Sánchez

Medicine student

III Semester Molecular


“Cell Memory Mechanism Discovered” And “Scientists Visualize How Cancer Chromosome

Abnormalities Form In Living Cells”

Transcription is the process whereby a RNA molecule is synthesised from a pattern

strand of DNA, with help of RNA polymerases RNA originates

the proteins

Transcription is the process whereby a RNA molecule is synthesised from a pattern

strand of DNA, with help of RNA polymerases RNA originates

the proteins

Transcription factors are in

charge of cell´s identity, an

alteration in their spot in DNA,

leads into a DNA mutationsTranscription factors are in

charge of cell´s identity, an

alteration in their spot in DNA,

leads into a DNA mutations

Repair mechanism, remove the error in the

DNA strand.

Repair mechanism, remove the error in the

DNA strand.

Cell Memory Mechanism Discovered Sciencedaily. August 15, 2013

Transcription factors are the

ones that give the function

and integrity to cells, they are

erased from the cell each time

that the cell divides.

Transcription factors are the

ones that give the function

and integrity to cells, they are

erased from the cell each time

that the cell divides.

Imagetaken from: http://legacy.genwaybio.com/gw_file.php?fid=2081

Cell Memory Mechanism Discovered Sciencedaily. August 15, 2013

When a transcription factor is erased they have to find their way back and placed in the right place.

When a transcription factor is erased they have to find their way back and placed in the right place.

The problem is that there is a lot of DNA, the suggest

mechanim is by the action of Cohesin they’re proteins,

and their main function is marked by the spot in the DNA strand of Transcription factors

The problem is that there is a lot of DNA, the suggest

mechanim is by the action of Cohesin they’re proteins,

and their main function is marked by the spot in the DNA strand of Transcription factors

Cell Memory Mechanism Discovered Sciencedaily. August 15, 2013

Cohesin is a ring protein, around a piece of DNA string , they control the

transcription factors and in that way this fact perhaps could help controlled

mechanism of mutations, alterations in the DNA

Cohesin is a ring protein, around a piece of DNA string , they control the

transcription factors and in that way this fact perhaps could help controlled

mechanism of mutations, alterations in the DNA

Image taken from: http://c431376.r76.cf2.rackcdn.com/32472/fgene-03-00171-HTML/image_m/fgene-03-00171-g001.jpg

Cell Memory Mechanism Discovered Sciencedaily. August 15, 2013

I think this study was important in several aspects, the first of them is the big medical utility, in

research and therapeutic field. In the other hand we can take advantage from this study given that now

we have a notion about how the transcription factors find their way back to the DNA strand. Also

the function of an important protein complex, cohesin, and how they interact with the

transcription factors.

I think this study was important in several aspects, the first of them is the big medical utility, in

research and therapeutic field. In the other hand we can take advantage from this study given that now

we have a notion about how the transcription factors find their way back to the DNA strand. Also

the function of an important protein complex, cohesin, and how they interact with the

transcription factors.

Scientists Visualize How Cancer Chromosome Abnormalities Form In

Living Cells Sciencedaily August 8, 2013.

The observation of how chromosomes abnormalities through a revolutionary

imaging technology, show to researchers how is the process and in what moment a

translocation is presented.

The observation of how chromosomes abnormalities through a revolutionary

imaging technology, show to researchers how is the process and in what moment a

translocation is presented.

Image taken from: http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/handbook/illustrations/balancedtranslocation

Scientists Visualize How Cancer Chromosome Abnormalities Form In

Living Cells Sciencedaily August 8, 2013.

Translocation is an alterarion of chromosomes, and happens when

part of a chromosome breaks off and becomes attached to another


Translocation is an alterarion of chromosomes, and happens when

part of a chromosome breaks off and becomes attached to another


Image taken from: http://www.cancerwatch.org/glossary/glossary_10.html

Scientists Visualize How Cancer Chromosome Abnormalities Form In

Living Cells Sciencedaily August 8, 2013.

Most of cancer cells has a translocation, that’s why it’s so important this research.

The observation of chromosome give us a clue in how the DNA alterations

are produced.

Most of cancer cells has a translocation, that’s why it’s so important this research.

The observation of chromosome give us a clue in how the DNA alterations

are produced.

Image taken from: http://healthyliving.msn.com/health-wellness/body-secrets-what-do-genetic-traits-reveal-about-health

Scientists Visualize How Cancer Chromosome Abnormalities Form In

Living Cells Sciencedaily August 8, 2013.

The investigators inhibited

the repair mechanism of

translocation and found that

inhibition a protein called

DNAPK-kinase, increased the

occurrence of translocations

almost 10-fold.

The investigators inhibited

the repair mechanism of

translocation and found that

inhibition a protein called

DNAPK-kinase, increased the

occurrence of translocations

almost 10-fold.

In my opinion this research was really important given that get the knowledge about how chromosome abnormalities,

Translocation, have a big impact in cancer and in other genetics disorder , due to the

majority of cancer cells have suffered a translocation process.

In my opinion this research was really important given that get the knowledge about how chromosome abnormalities,

Translocation, have a big impact in cancer and in other genetics disorder , due to the

majority of cancer cells have suffered a translocation process.

Each day we are aware of many discoveries; the medical field has advances day by day.

One of the most popular researches are about the study of the DNA´s molecule due to its genetic material.

Image taken from: http://www.e-nox.net/illustration.php?page=5

The study of how cohesin, transcription factors work and

the specific spot of translocation can be useful for

cure of hereditary diseases.

The study of how cohesin, transcription factors work and

the specific spot of translocation can be useful for

cure of hereditary diseases.

DNA suffers different process, involving proteins that act on the DNA, in some cases is not clear how this proteins work on the


Cohesin act in the cellular division

marking the specific location of

transcription factors

Image taken from: http://www.medicalert.co.zw/

•Martínez S, Lina María. Biología Molecular. 7 ed. Medellín: UPB. Facultad de Medicina, 2012. 85-95.P

•Jian Yan, Martin Enge, Thomas Whitington, Kashyap Dave, Jianping Liu, Inderpreet Sur, Bernhard Schmierer, Arttu Jolma, Teemu Kivioja, Minna Taipale, Jussi Taipale. Karolinska Institutet (2013, August 15). Cell memory mechanism discovered. ScienceDaily. Retrieved August 25, 2013, from http://www.sciencedaily.com-/releases/2013/08/130815161545.htm

• V. Roukos, T. C. Voss, C. K. Schmidt, S. Lee, D. Wangsa, T. Misteli. National Cancer Institute (NCI) at NIH (2013, August 8). Scientists visualize how cancer chromosome abnormalities form in living cells. ScienceDaily. Retrieved August 25, 2013, from http://www.sciencedaily.com-/releases/2013/08/130808170011.htm