Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow

Post on 27-Feb-2018

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Transcript of Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow

  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Rubn Reguera Spanish Tutor ww w.rubenreguera.com ABN 24 302 145 047




    0:05 Hola, cmo ests?

    - Hola= Hi

    - Cmo = how

    - Ests= you are

    0:07 Super, y t?

    - Super = Great

    - Y= and

    - T= you

    0:08 Muy, muy, muy bien, gracias

    - Muy= very

    - Bien= good

    - Gracias= thanks / thank you

    American actress

    Gwyneth Paltrowspent the summer of

    sophomore year in

    high school as a

    foreign exchange

    student in Talavera

    de la Reina, Spain.

    She continues to

    regularly visit thetown and her host

    family. (People



  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Rubn Reguera Spanish Tutor ww w.rubenreguera.com ABN 24 302 145 047

    Listo/a para_______________?

    Are you ready for _____________?

    0:10 Lista para tu entrevista en espaol?

    - Lista= Ready

    o Listo(masc.)

    o Lista(fem.)

    - Para= for

    - Tu = your

    - Entrevista= interview- En= in

    - Espaol= Spanish

    0:12 S

    - S= yes

    0:12 Ok. Cuntame un poquito de tu personaje en la pelcula "Contagion"

    - Cuntame = tell meo From the verb Contar= to tell (a story) / to count

    - un poquito= a lit tle bit

    - de= of / about

    - tu= your

    - personaje= character

  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Rubn Reguera Spanish Tutor ww w.rubenreguera.com ABN 24 302 145 047

    - en= in

    - la = the (fem.)

    - pelcula= movie / film

    0:17 y cmo se siente ser el personaje que contagia al mundo con una epidemia.

    - Y= and

    - Cmo = how

    - Se siente= one feels

    o From the verbSentir= to feel

    - Ser= to be

    - El= the (masc.)

    - Personaje= character

    - Que= that

    - Contagia= transmits, infects


    From the verb Contagiar= to infect / to transmit / to give / to pass on (a virus or disease)

    - Al= to the

    o A(to)+el(the) = al

    - Mundo= world

  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Rubn Reguera Spanish Tutor ww w.rubenreguera.com ABN 24 302 145 047

    Porque= because

    Por qu?= why?

    - Con= with

    - Una= a (fem.)

    - Epidemia = epidemic / outbreak

    0:23 Pues, el papel es un poquito fuerte porque yo soy una mujer

    - Pues (linking word) = well

    - El= the (masc.)

    - Papel= script

    o Literally thepaper

    - Es= is

    - Un poquito= a litt le bit

    - Fuerte= dramatic

    o Fuerte= literallystrong

    - Porque= because

    - Yo= I

    - Soy= am

    - Una= a (fem.)

    - Mujer= woman

  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Rubn Reguera Spanish Tutor ww w.rubenreguera.com ABN 24 302 145 047

    Que= that

    Qu= what

    0:29 que ha viajado a Hong Kong para su trabajo y despus tiene contacto con este virus

    - Que= that

    - Ha viajado= has travelled

    o From the verb Viajar= totravel

    - A= to

    - Para= for

    - Su= her

    - Trabajo= work

    - Y= and

    - Despus= later

    - Tiene= he / she has

    o From the verb Tener= to have

    - Contacto = contact

    - Con= with

    - Este= this (masc.)

    - Virus= virus

    0:39 que es muy muy peligroso y entonces cuando ella regresa a los Estados Unidos

    - Que= that

    - Es= is

    - Muy= very

    - Peligroso(masc.) = dangerous

  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Rubn Reguera Spanish Tutor ww w.rubenreguera.com ABN 24 302 145 047

    - Y= and

    - Entonces= so, then

    - Cuando= when

    - Ella= she

    - Regresa= returns, comes back, gets back

    o From the verb Regresar= to return, to come back, to get back

    - A= to

    - Los= the (masc. plural)

    - Estados Unidos= United States

    0:45 ella es la primera persona quien ha cogido este virus

    - Ella= she


    Es= is

    - La= the (fem.)

    - Primera= first (fem.)

    - Quien= who, that, which

    - Ha cogido= has taken, has caught

    o From the verb Coger= to take, to catch

    - Este= this (masc.)

    - Virus= virus

  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Rubn Reguera Spanish Tutor ww w.rubenreguera.com ABN 24 302 145 047

    Fue= it / he / she was

    it / he / she went

    Fui= I was

    I went

    0:50 y mucha... mucha gente se muere y es una responsabil idad horr ible


    Y= and

    - Mucha= a lot of, many

    - Gente= people

    - Se muere= die

    o From the verb Morir= to die

    - Es= is

    - Una= a (fem.)

    - Responsabilidad= responsibility

    - Horrible= horrible

    0:57pero el guin fue muy muy interesante y muy inteligente

    - Pero= but

    - El= the (masc.)

    - Guin= script

    - Fue= was

    - Muy= very

    - Interesante= interesting

    - Inteligente= intelligent

  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Rubn Reguera Spanish Tutor ww w.rubenreguera.com ABN 24 302 145 047

    Por eso= thats why

    Qu bien!= Thats great!

    1:01 y fue... fue por eso que tena inters en la pelcula.

    - Fue= was

    - Por eso =thats why

    - Que= that

    - Tena= I had

    o From the verb Tener= to have

    - Inters= interest

    - Pelcula= film, movie

    1:06 Este, qu bien... este... despus de haber hecho esta pelcula,

    - Este= so


    Literally this

    - Qu bien= thats great

    - Despus= after

    - Haber hecho = having done

  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Rubn Reguera Spanish Tutor ww w.rubenreguera.com ABN 24 302 145 047

    1:10 tienes alguna fobia ms a los grmenes y cargas mucho ms producto antibacterial?

    - Tienes= you haveo From the verb Tener= to have

    - Alguna= any (fem.)

    - Fobia= fobia

    - Ms= more

    - A= to

    - Los= the (masc. plural)

    - Grmenes= germs

    - Y= and

    - Cargas= you carry, you load up

    o From the verb Cargar= to carry, to load up

    - Mucho ms= much more

    - Producto antibacterial= antibacterial product

  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Rubn Reguera Spanish Tutor ww w.rubenreguera.com ABN 24 302 145 047

    sabes?= you know?

    1:16 Yo ya tena antes... este... fobia... pero...sabes? Cuando estbamos haciendo la pelcula

    - Yo= I

    - Ya= already

    - Tena= I had

    - Antes= before

    - Este= so / I mean

    o Literally This = este

    - Fobia= fobia

    - Pero= but

    - sabes?= you know?

    o From the verbSaber= to know

    - Cuando= when

    - Estbamos haciendo= we were doing

    o From the verb Hacer= to do / to make

  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Rubn Reguera Spanish Tutor ww w.rubenreguera.com ABN 24 302 145 047

    Todo el mundo= everyone /


    Todo el rato= the whole time

    1:25 todo el mundo tena los pequeos "PRL" y todo el mundo estaba limpiando las manos

    - Todo el mundo= everyone

    o Literally the whole world

    - Tena= had

    - Los= the (masc. plural)

    - Pequeos= small, little

    - Y= and

    - Estaba limpiando= were cleaning

    o From the verb Limpiar= to clean

    - Manos= hands

    1:30 todo el rato porque... sabes?... cuando ests haciendo una pelcula

    - Todo el rato= the whole time

    - Porque= because

    - sabes?= you know?

    - Cuando= when

    - Ests haciendo= you are doing

  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Rubn Reguera Spanish Tutor ww w.rubenreguera.com ABN 24 302 145 047

    1:35 y ese... ese es la tema siempre ests pensando en los grmenes

    - Y= and

    - Ese= that (masc. singular)

    - Tema= topic / issue / thing

    - Siempre= always

    - Ests pensando= you are thinking

    o From the verb Pensar= to think

    - En= en / about

    - Los grmenes= the germs

    1:39 y... y puede ser muy serio y muy grave

    - Y= and

    - Puede ser= it can be

    o From the verbs Poder= can / to be able to+Ser= to be

    - Muy= very

    - Serio= serious / grave

    - Grave= grave

  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Rubn Reguera Spanish Tutor ww w.rubenreguera.com ABN 24 302 145 047

    1:43 es que... hemos tenido viruses as que... que... que... y... mil lones de personas pueden... se pueden mori r

    - Es que(linking word) = can be t ranslated in English as well, you know

    - Hemos tenido= we have had

    o From the verb Tener= to have

    - As que= for that reason / therefore / consequently

    - Mil lones de personas= millions of people

    - Pueden= can

    o From the verb Poder= can / to be able to

    - Morir= to die

    1:51 y es... es horrible y es posible que se puede pasar en... ahora.

    - Y= and

    - Es= is

    - Horrible= horrible

    - Posible= possible

    - Que= that

    - Se puede pasar = can happen

    o From the verb Pasar= to happen

  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Rubn Reguera Spanish Tutor ww w.rubenreguera.com ABN 24 302 145 047

    Cuntame= tell me (a story)

    Dime= tell me (information)

    - En= in

    - Ahora= now

    1:57 S, claro. Y cuntame un poquito cmo fue el rodaje de esta pelcula

    - S, claro= yes, of course

    - Y cuntame un poquito= And tell me a lit tle bit about

    - Cmo = how

    - Fue= was

    - El rodaje= the filming / the shooting

    - De= of

    - Esta pelcula= this film / movie

    2:02 tengo entendido que te toc viajar.

    - Tengo entendido= I understand


    Literally I have understood

    - Que= that

    - Te toc viajar= you had to travel

    o Literally It was your turn to travel

    o Tocar a alguien= be (sb)s turn

  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Rubn Reguera Spanish Tutor ww w.rubenreguera.com ABN 24 302 145 047

    Nunca= never

    Siempre = always

    o Viajar= to travel

    2:05 S... bueno... yo estaba super emocionada porque nunca he estado en Hong Kong

    - S= yes

    - Bueno= well

    - Yo= I

    - Estaba= I was

    - Super emocionada= very excited

    - Porque= because

    - Nunca= never (before)

    - He estado= I have been

    o From the verb Estar= to be (location)

    - En= in

  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Rubn Reguera Spanish Tutor ww w.rubenreguera.com ABN 24 302 145 047

    Ah= there

    All= over there

    Aqu= here

    2:12... y .. . yo fui ah para cuatro das... yo creo... y fue un otro mundo

    - Y= and

    - Yo= I

    - Fui= went

    - Ah= there

    - Para= for

    - Cuatro= four

    - Das= days

    - Creo= I think

    o From the verb Creer= to think / to believe

    - Fue= it was

    - Un otro mundo= another world

    2:18 y muy... muy interesante y con comida super buena y... y... fue como algo muy distinto

    - Y= and

    - Muy= very

    - Interesante= interesting

    - Con= with

  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Rubn Reguera Spanish Tutor ww w.rubenreguera.com ABN 24 302 145 047

    Una vez= once / one time

    Dos veces= twice / two times

    Tres veces= three times


    - Comida= food

    - Super buena= very good

    - Fue como = it was like

    - Distinto= different

    2:27 que mi vida normal. Entonces esta parte fue muy interesante. Luego fui a Chicago dos veces de Londres

    - Que= that

    - Mi= my

    - Vida= life

    - Normal= normal

    - Entonces= so

    - Esta parte= this part

    - Fue= was

    - Luego= later

    - Fui= I went

    - A= to

    - Dos veces = twice

  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Rubn Reguera Spanish Tutor ww w.rubenreguera.com ABN 24 302 145 047

    De + place= from

    E.x: Soy de Espaa = Im from Spain

    - De= from

    - Londres= London

    2:37 y mi papel fue pequeo pero... pero yo estaba... volando a sitios muy muy lejos.

    - Y= and

    - Mi papel= my role (in the movie)

    o Literally my paper =mi papel

    - Fue= was

    - Pequeo = small / little

    - Pero= but

    - Yo estaba volando= I was flying

    o From the verb Volar = to fly

    - A= to

    - Sitios= places

    - Muy= very

    - Lejos= far away

  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Rubn Reguera Spanish Tutor ww w.rubenreguera.com ABN 24 302 145 047

    Otra vez= again

    De nuevo= again

    2:48 Y cmo fue trabajar con Matt Damon otra vez? Cmo fue la reunin?

    - Y= and

    - Cmo = how

    - Fue= was

    - Trabajar = to work

    - Con= with

    - Otra vez= again

    - La reunin= the reunion / the meeting

    2:52 Muy bien... muy muy bien.

    - Muy bien= very good

  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Rubn Reguera Spanish Tutor ww w.rubenreguera.com ABN 24 302 145 047

    Hace mucho tiempo= its been a

    long time / a long time ago

    Desde + period of time= since

    E.x: Desde la semana pasada = since last week

    Desde 1995 = since 1995

    2:55 Matt es una persona muy maja... muy bueno... muy... muy inteligente

    - Es una persona muy maja= is a very nice person

    o Majo/a= colloquial term in Spain meaning nice

    - Muy bueno= very good

    - Inteligente= intelligent

    3:00 y es un actor muy muy bueno y.. . sabes?... porque hace mucho tiempo desde "The Talented Mr. Ripley"

    - Actor= actor

    - sabes?= you know?

    - Porque= because

    - Hace mucho tiempo= its been a long time

    - Desde= since / from

  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Rubn Reguera Spanish Tutor ww w.rubenreguera.com ABN 24 302 145 047

    3:08 pero todava tenemos un relacin muy bueno y... y... fue muy cmodo trabajar con l

    - Pero= but

    - Todava= st ill / yet

    - Tenemos= we have

    o From the verb Tener= to have

    - Relacin= relationship

    - Bueno= good

    - Y= and

    - Fue= it was

    - Muy cmodo = very comfortable

    - Trabajar = to work

    - Con l= with him

    3:16 porque lo conozco bien y fue muy bien.

    - Porque= because

    - Lo conozco bien= I know him wello From the verb Conocer = to know (someone)

    o Literally I him know well

    - Fue muy bien= it w ent well / it was good

  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Rubn Reguera Spanish Tutor ww w.rubenreguera.com ABN 24 302 145 047

    3:21 Cuntame... cules seran tus pensamientos o precauciones si en verdad una pandemia as surgiera

    - Cuntame = tell me

    - Cules= What / which (plural)

    - Seran= would be

    o From the verbSer= to be

    - Tus pensamientos= your thoughts

    - O= or

    - Precauciones= precautions / preventive measures

    - Si en verdad= if in real life

    o Literally If in truth

    - Una pandemia= an outbreak

    - As= like this

    - Surgiera= happen

    o From the verbSurgir= to arise / to emerge

    3:27 en el mundo?

    - En el mundo= in the world

  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Rubn Reguera Spanish Tutor ww w.rubenreguera.com ABN 24 302 145 047

    3:29 Pues... es... es... la.. . la cosa que... que me preocupa es que se puede pasar

    - Pues= well

    - Es= is

    - La cosa= the thing

    - Que me preocupa= that worries me

    o From the verb Preocuparse= to worry about something

    - Se puede pasar= It can happen

    3:38 es que... y... y cuando estamos haciendo la pelcula... el di rector estaba diciendo: "bueno, eso se puedepasar".

    - Es que= you know

    - Cuando estamos haciendo la pelcula = when we are doing (filming) the movie

    - El director= the director

    - Estaba diciendo= was saying

    o From the verb Decir= to tell

    - Bueno= well

    - Eso= this

    - Eso se puede pasar= this can happen

  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Rubn Reguera Spanish Tutor ww w.rubenreguera.com ABN 24 302 145 047

    3:46 Y hemos tenido pandemi... pandemias as en... en... y hace... hace mucho tiempo

    - Y= and

    - Hemos tenido= we have had

    - Pandemias= outbreaks

    - As= like this

    - Hace mucho tiempo= a long time ago

    3:53 entonces... y... y haba como... un... un hombre ah que estaba avisndonos sobre las cosas tcnicas

    - Entonces= so

    - Haba= there was

    - Haba como = there was like

    - Un hombre= a man

    - Que estaba avisndonos= that was warning us

    o From the verbAvisar= to warn

    o Nos= us

    - Sobre= about

    - Las cosas tcnicas= technical stuff

  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Rubn Reguera Spanish Tutor ww w.rubenreguera.com ABN 24 302 145 047

    4:02 de los viruses y as... y... l estaba diciendo que se puede pasar en cualquier momento

    - De los viruses= about viruses * The plural of virus in Spanish is virusNOT viruses.

    - Y as= and so

    - l estaba diciendo= he was saying

    - Que se puede pasar = that it can happen


    En cualquier momento= at any time

    4:09 entonces es una... es una agobia, no?

    - Entonces= so

    - Es una= it is a

    - Agobia* Gwyneth Paltrow mispels this word. She meantAgobio= stress

    - no?= isnt it?

  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Rubn Reguera Spanish Tutor ww w.rubenreguera.com ABN 24 302 145 047

    4:13 S, claro... y este... cuando... cuntame uno de tus remedios ms comunes cuando t te contagias con un


    - S, claro= yes, of course

    - Cuando = when

    - Cuntame = tell me

    - Uno de tus remedios= one of your remedies / solutions

    - Ms comunes = more common

    - Cuando= when

    - T te contagias con un virus= you catch a virus

    o Literally You catch yourself with a virus

    4:22 Pues... yo bebo mucho agua y tomo un montn de vitamina C

    - Pues= well

    - Yo bebo= I drink

    o From the verb Beber = to drink

    - Mucho agua= a lot of water

    - Y= and

    - Tomo= I take

    o From the verb Tomar= to take

  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Rubn Reguera Spanish Tutor ww w.rubenreguera.com ABN 24 302 145 047

    Un montn de= a lot of / lots of /

    heaps of

    Qu lstima!= what a shame!

    - Un montn de= a lot of

    - Vitamina C= vitamin C

    4:27 pero... es que... el cuerpo es muy fuerte pero en esta pelcula el virus es... es ms fuerte que... que elcuerpo.

    - Pero= but

    - Es que= you know

    - El cuerpo= the body

    - Es muy fuerte= is very strong

    - En esta pelcula= in this movie

    - Es ms fuerte que el cuerpo= it is stronger than the body

    4:35 Eso es la lstima.

    - Eso es la lstima= this is a shame

  • 7/25/2019 Celebrities Speaking Spanish Gwyneth Paltrow


    In t odays globalized world, learning a foreign language is no longer a hobby but an es sent ial skill




    Buena suerte!= Good luck!

    4:38 Ok... pues muchas gracias por tu tiempo Gwyneth y mucha suerte y nos estamos viendo.

    - Muchas gracias por tu tiempo= thanks very much for your time

    - Mucha suerte= good luck

    o LiterallyA lot of luck

    - Nos estamos viendo= see you soon

    o Literally We are seeing each other

    4:43 Gracias. Adis

    - Gracias= thanks / thank you

    - Adis= Bye

    "When I was 15, I went to a small town outside Talavera de la Reina in Spain and I

    had the most wonderful experience. It really changed my life" Gwyneth Paltrow