CDOT WMA Project SummaryCDOT%2007%WMA%ProjectSummary • ProjectLocaon: I70,%70%miles%westof%Denver...

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Transcript of CDOT WMA Project SummaryCDOT%2007%WMA%ProjectSummary • ProjectLocaon: I70,%70%miles%westof%Denver...

  • CDOT  WMA  Project  and  Specifica7ons  Summary

    2011  Rocky  Mountain  Asphalt  Conference  and  Equipment  Show

  • CDOT  2007  WMA  Project  Summary

    • Project  Loca9on:I-‐70,  70  miles  west  of  DenverMountain  terrain  –  elev.  8,800’  to  11,100’

  • CDOT  WMA  Project  Summary• Traffic30,000  AADT,  10%  trucks,  4.85M  ESALS  (10-‐yr.)  

    • Extreme  winter  condi9ons  (truck  chain  area)

    Winter  2007/8  Stats:

    -‐  Snowed  65  of  76  days      between  12/1  &  2/14

    -‐    128  chain-‐days        total  for  2007/8

  • Advera-‐WMA


    Evotherm  injected  into  AC  feed  line  here


  • Three-‐Year  Evalua9on  and  ReportNCAT Report 10-05

    Three-Year Evaluation of the Colorado Department of Transportation’s Warm-Mix Asphalt Experimental Feature on I-70 in Silverthorne, Colorado

    Final Report


    Tim AschenbrenerBill SchiebelRandy West

    Sponsored by: Colorado Department of Transportation


    “…  A`er  three  years  of  field  evalua9ons  in  a  loca9on  with  a  harsh  winter  climate,  the  performance  of  the  WMA  test  sec9ons  was  comparable  to  the  HMA  control  sec9ons  in  regards  to  rudng,  cracking,  and  raveling.    The  field  performance  was  excellent.“

  • CDOT/CAPA  Task  Force

    • Process  for  WMA  Approval  and  Use

    • Specs  allow  either  HMA  or  Approved  WMA

    • Colorado  Procedure  59Standard  Prac*ce  forContractor  Non-‐Standard  Asphalt  Mix  Approval

    -‐  requirements  for  submigal,  review  and  pos9ng  of      approved  non-‐standard  mixtures      (including  WMA  technologies  and  contractors)

  • Colorado  Procedure  59

    REFERENCED  DOCUMENTS  CDOT  Procedural  Direc*ve  1401.1     Product  Evalua7on  and  Experimental  Features  Colorado  Procedures  52     Contractor  Asphalt  Mix  Design  Approval  Procedures  AASHTO  Procedure  R35  Appendix     Special  Mixture  Design  Considera*ons  and  Methods  for  

    Warm  Mix  Asphalt  (WMA)

  • Colorado  Procedure  59  

    WMA  approval  required  for  WMA  Technology  and  Contractor

    WMA  mixes  must  conform  to  CDOT  Superpave  Specifica9ons

    WMA  Mix  Design  Criteria

      Aggregate  absorp9on  1.3%  or  less  -‐  can  use  HMA  mix  design  without  addi9ves  

      Aggregate  absorp9on  greater  than  1.3%  -‐  AASHTO  R35  WMA  Mix  Design  

    WMA  mix  and  binder  project  acceptance  per  exis9ng  CDOT  HMA  procedures

  • Colorado  Procedure  59SUBMITTAL  REQUIREMENTS  -‐  Electronic  Submigals  Required

    WMA  Technology  

    Summary  of  the  technology   Process  controls

    Addi9ve  types  and  quan99es   Addi9ve  influence  on  mix

    Equipment  &  plant  requirements " Benefits MSDS  for  addi9ves       Product  history  

    Project  History  with  data       Research  data

    Approvals  from  other  agencies   Design  Considera9ons

    Produc9on  Considera9ons  (volumetrics)

    Technology  Supplier  Contacts

  • Colorado  Procedure  59SUBMITTAL  REQUIREMENTS  con9nued

    WMA  Contractor  

    Contractor  WMA  Experience,  if  any      

    Contacts  for  past  project  owners

    Contractor  Contacts

    Design  Considera9ons Produc9on  Considera9ons

      ~  plant  configura9on  and  control  

        ~  an9cipated  field  volumetric  impacts  for  ini9al  approval  

        ~  contractor-‐recommended  field  volumetric  adjustment  

             from  lab  results  for  specific  mixes  during  construc9on

  • Colorado  Procedure  59

    • Review  and  approval    ideally  outside  the  construc9on  season  

    • Approved  WMA  technologies  and  contractors  posted  to  CDOT  Website  

    • Only  approved  technologies  and  contractors  allowed  to  supply  WMA  

    • WMA  use  is  the  contractor’s  op9on  –  paid  for  under  current  HMA  bid  items

  • Colorado  Procedure  59

    • Copies  of  CP-‐59  Available

    Bill  Schiebel,  CDOT  Region  1  Materials  Engineer4670  North  Holly  Street,  Unit  BDenver,  CO  80216Phone:    303-‐398-‐6801email:

    • Ques9ons