CDNsun - We accelerate websites!

Post on 21-Jul-2015

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Transcript of CDNsun - We accelerate websites!



Fast software delivery is what makes and breaks retention these days. If your delivery isn't consistent

and fast, customers leave. Making sure that your origin is coming from servers that are in the best

location for your points of delivery is what CDNsun does best. Whether you are pushing or pulling,

CDNsun can make it happen for you and your clients too.

What types of software is digitally delivered?

Almost every type of software is delivered online. Whether you are offering online classes, online

games, offline software, movies, music or any other kind of media – the expectation from consumers is

they can click and access the software. Companies lose business when their download links are slow, or

don't work at all. You can't manage your own, it’s too much of a full time job. You can contract a

proven CDN provider to manage the delivery and storage for you. CDNsun has a global network with

fast software delivery, live streaming capability and storage options too. There are benefits, features

and options with their accounts you just couldn't afford elsewhere.

Origin pull and push with the same service makes life better

With a CDNsun account you can do origin pull, or opt for push easily. PAYG makes it easy to

maximize effectiveness with the origin push, while origin pull can save you a lot of time with

populating your content. CDNsun can take care of the process and details of the origin handling, while

you can focus on the content creation. If you are starting to take advantage of the fast software delivery

that CDNsun offers, you can see how branching into live streaming combined with an origin pull can

double the potential return from one live event. If you have more controlled events, staying with the

origin push is best. The pay as you go plans can help you identify the best locations around the globe

on the CDNsun network to set your push so your clients get the fastest delivery possible.

How much does it cost?

There are more options than ever for pricing with CDNsun. Their pay as you go plans allow you more

control over your push. They also have a plan that can handle live streaming, and storage as well. You

don't have to store everything on the same server your site is on. Streaming and delivery from

dedicated website hosts is not only expensive, it can be unreliable too. This is why having a content

delivery network that you can rely on is essential if you want to make an impact on your customers.

Additional benefits with CDNsun software delivery

There are other benefits to having your software delivery and storage account with CDNsun. Besides

having one of the most competitive price plans around, there are also several protection features that

come bundled with the accounts. Features such as geoblocking and hotlink protection can help make

sure your account, and data, are secure. There are few companies that even come close to these types of

features, and none have the global network that CDNsun has to offer you.