CCO Toronto Campus at 150 Bridgeland Ave. Suite 102 CCO … › SICO_d › toronto... ·...

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Transcript of CCO Toronto Campus at 150 Bridgeland Ave. Suite 102 CCO … › SICO_d › toronto... ·...

Symposium 2 0 1 1

November 4th-7th 2011November 3rd Thesis presentations

Graduation Ceremony Gala Dinner and DanceSaturday Nov. 5th 6:00 pm

Course Schedule:Courses A and B run for 4 days November 4,5,6,7 2010 from 8:30 to 5:30 pm. Course C runs 3 days November 4,5,6 from 8:30-to 5:30Location: CCO Toronto Campus at 150 Bridgeland Ave. Suite 102

Breakfast and Registration for Courses at 8:00 Friday November 5th 2010.

Course Prices: (Courses A and B)CCO Students: 650.00 includes 1 Gala dinner Saturday NightCCO Grads: 850.00 includes 1 Gala dinner Saturday NightNon-CCO Grads: 950.00Course Prices: (Course C)CCO Students 550.00 includes Gala dinner Saturday NightCCO Grads 700.00 includes Gala dinner Saturday NightNon-CCO Grads: 800.00

Gala Dinner Tickets 100.00 per ticket or 150 for 2 tickets.

Hotel Prices: Special CCO Rate for the event is 119 per night, internet and parking additional

To Register: Please call 1-416-597 0367 in Toronto or 1-877-983-0367 outside Toronto ask for Seena

Come enjoy a course close to home with your family.

Gala Tickets can be purchased by calling the college at 1-416-597-0367 or 1-877-893-0367

PRESENTATION: The course will have a high practical element to enable the participants to gain as much supervised practise as possible. Participants will be guided through a series of palpatory skills and the exploration of centring exercises. They will be asked to work with colleagues on problem-solving solutions. They will be guided on experiencing the skills with a free mind. The involvement of participants in their own evolution will be fundamental to the success of the seminar.

A practical application of the Littlejohn mechanics for an appreciation of the relationships between pivots and curvesThe specific and minimal treatment approachHow to experiment with different modes of observation and perception to obtain an overall assessmentTo develop a procedure of observation and analysis of the hip drop testThe triunity diagnostic routine for selection of the primary or priority lesionTo develop a short form assessment from the triunity diagnostic routineThe sacral toggle technique for the resolution of primary pelvic lesionsTo explore the concepts of positional lesions, choosing the segment and performing the adjustmentThe ‘floating-field’ concept to correct traumatically induced positional lesionsThe motility assessment of osteopathic lesion components and as an indicator of the body’s preference for changeThe SAT principles of treatment of each area of the spine, pelvis and pivots to ensure an accurate resolution of the vectors contained in the lesionTo experiment with Body Articulating Technique (BAT) or General Osteopathic Technique (GOT) with specific reference to the primary lesionAn introduction to the ‘tissue field’ diagnosis with a view to making treatment more field specificA consideration of the treatment and resolution of shock as a necessary adjunct for successful treatment.

Presentation:This 3 day seminar provides an in depth review of osteopathic, anatomical and physiological dynamics in relation to fertility and maternity.Followed by the coverage of the osteopathic approach as it relates to the embryological conception and the neuroendocrinology applied to conception, pregnancy and delivery. This, in the ultimate goal to target the most important zones of a pregnancy follow up via multiple tests and specific technics.Finally, the seminar will provide a thorough review of 'immediate postpartum', breastfeeding and 'mother-baby' treatment.Speaker curriculum This very much appreciated seminar at the Montreal 2011 symposium enables the participants to fine tune their osteopathic approach with a new and more global neuroendocrinological vision of maternity. Strong from a bachelor degree in neuropsychology from McGill University, Anne-Julie Morand B.Sc. D.O. is a teacher at College d'Etudes Osteopathic of Montreal (CEO), Halifax and Vancouver. Passionate for her clinical approach in women health and research direction, she integrates her clinical knowledge and motherhood reality to pregnancy and parentality project for patients. STAGE 2: 27 months for "Life" pinpoints the osteopathic approach as it relates to preconception, gynecology, peripartum and specific mother-child postpartum reality.

This interesting course is offered to those who have already attended Endocranial Spasms, level 1. A revision of the most important points of Part 1 will be held and also a question period will take place at the beginning of the seminar, particularly on the technique to attain equilibrium in the reciprocal tension membranes and the equilibrated pressure in the fluids to allow the full potential of the biodynamic forcePROGRAM OF THE SEMINAR AND SUBJECTS TO BE DISCUSSED1. General Introduction Definition and presentation of spasms of emotional origin; difference with those of physical origin on palpation clinical signs and therapeutic comparison with spasms of transgerera-tional origin.2. Revision of protocol 1 (level of solid matter) and learning protocol 2 (liquid aspect and fluid levels) and 3 (electromagnetic fields).Application through exercises, evaluation and techniques.3. Description of the setting phases of an emotional spasm through modification of the density, the vitality and the systemic activity of the cerebral zone. How the disequilibrium builds up? How to detect it and treat the patients at each phase of the installation process? How the reality distortion brings the disequilibrium in the patient and the loss of the meaning of the life. Physiology of the emotions and the reactions depending the typology. Types of responses.4. Clinical examples and application.5. Importance of becoming aware and deciding the life path after the normalisation of the zones affected by the emotional shock Concrete illustration through clinical experience. Importance for the osteopath to work with the real nature of the patient. Definition and application of this reality.6. The lateral ventricles and the treatment of the central chain. Fluidic intervention on the third ventricle. Stage 2 and 3 and the third ventricle.7. Working with characteristics, specific to human species.8. Anatomy, physiology of the components related to emotional impacts. Interrelation between the thalamus and the limbic system, the diencephalum, the prefrontal area, hypocampus amygdalum, corpus callosum, the locus, the spino-thalamic tracts and the 5th cranial nerve.

Course A: Gerald Lamb SAT Part 1

Course B: Genevieve Forget and Philippe DruelleEndocranial Assess-ment and Treatment Part 2.

Course C: Anne-Julie MorandObstetrics in Osteopathy

PRESENTATION: The course will have a high practical element to enable the participants to gain as much supervised practise as possible. Participants will be guided through a series of palpatory skills and the exploration of centring exercises. They will be asked to work with colleagues on problem-solving solutions. They will be guided on experiencing the skills with a free mind. The involvement of participants in their own evolution will be fundamental to the success of the seminar.

A practical application of the Littlejohn mechanics for an appreciation of the relationships between pivots and curvesThe specific and minimal treatment approachHow to experiment with different modes of observation and perception to obtain an overall assessmentTo develop a procedure of observation and analysis of the hip drop testThe triunity diagnostic routine for selection of the primary or priority lesionTo develop a short form assessment from the triunity diagnostic routineThe sacral toggle technique for the resolution of primary pelvic lesionsTo explore the concepts of positional lesions, choosing the segment and performing the adjustmentThe ‘floating-field’ concept to correct traumatically induced positional lesionsThe motility assessment of osteopathic lesion components and as an indicator of the body’s preference for changeThe SAT principles of treatment of each area of the spine, pelvis and pivots to ensure an accurate resolution of the vectors contained in the lesionTo experiment with Body Articulating Technique (BAT) or General Osteopathic Technique (GOT) with specific reference to the primary lesionAn introduction to the ‘tissue field’ diagnosis with a view to making treatment more field specificA consideration of the treatment and resolution of shock as a necessary adjunct for successful treatment.

Presentation:This 3 day seminar provides an in depth review of osteopathic, anatomical and physiological dynamics in relation to fertility and maternity.Followed by the coverage of the osteopathic approach as it relates to the embryological conception and the neuroendocrinology applied to conception, pregnancy and delivery. This, in the ultimate goal to target the most important zones of a pregnancy follow up via multiple tests and specific technics.Finally, the seminar will provide a thorough review of 'immediate postpartum', breastfeeding and 'mother-baby' treatment.Speaker curriculum This very much appreciated seminar at the Montreal 2011 symposium enables the participants to fine tune their osteopathic approach with a new and more global neuroendocrinological vision of maternity. Strong from a bachelor degree in neuropsychology from McGill University, Anne-Julie Morand B.Sc. D.O. is a teacher at College d'Etudes Osteopathic of Montreal (CEO), Halifax and Vancouver. Passionate for her clinical approach in women health and research direction, she integrates her clinical knowledge and motherhood reality to pregnancy and parentality project for patients. STAGE 2: 27 months for "Life" pinpoints the osteopathic approach as it relates to preconception, gynecology, peripartum and specific mother-child postpartum reality.

This interesting course is offered to those who have already attended Endocranial Spasms, level 1. A revision of the most important points of Part 1 will be held and also a question period will take place at the beginning of the seminar, particularly on the technique to attain equilibrium in the reciprocal tension membranes and the equilibrated pressure in the fluids to allow the full potential of the biodynamic forcePROGRAM OF THE SEMINAR AND SUBJECTS TO BE DISCUSSED1. General Introduction Definition and presentation of spasms of emotional origin; difference with those of physical origin on palpation clinical signs and therapeutic comparison with spasms of transgerera-tional origin.2. Revision of protocol 1 (level of solid matter) and learning protocol 2 (liquid aspect and fluid levels) and 3 (electromagnetic fields).Application through exercises, evaluation and techniques.3. Description of the setting phases of an emotional spasm through modification of the density, the vitality and the systemic activity of the cerebral zone. How the disequilibrium builds up? How to detect it and treat the patients at each phase of the installation process? How the reality distortion brings the disequilibrium in the patient and the loss of the meaning of the life. Physiology of the emotions and the reactions depending the typology. Types of responses.4. Clinical examples and application.5. Importance of becoming aware and deciding the life path after the normalisation of the zones affected by the emotional shock Concrete illustration through clinical experience. Importance for the osteopath to work with the real nature of the patient. Definition and application of this reality.6. The lateral ventricles and the treatment of the central chain. Fluidic intervention on the third ventricle. Stage 2 and 3 and the third ventricle.7. Working with characteristics, specific to human species.8. Anatomy, physiology of the components related to emotional impacts. Interrelation between the thalamus and the limbic system, the diencephalum, the prefrontal area, hypocampus amygdalum, corpus callosum, the locus, the spino-thalamic tracts and the 5th cranial nerve.

Course A: Gerald Lamb SAT Part 1

Course B: Genevieve Forget and Philippe DruelleEndocranial Assess-ment and Treatment Part 2.

Course C: Anne-Julie MorandObstetrics in Osteopathy