Catch Us if You Can Oral

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Transcript of Catch Us if You Can Oral

1.Based on the novel you have read, write about a character that you dislike. Support your answer with information from the novel.In the novel, Catch Us If You Can, the character who I dislike is Granda. Although Granda took good care of his grandson, Rory, when he was young I do not think it is fair of him to expect Rory to take care of him now. Rory is still a boy and it is not easy taking care of an elderly person who is forgetful and stubborn. Rory himself needs responsible, capable adults to take care of him. Due to some unfortunate circumstance Granda is placed at Rachnadar, a home for the elderly, and Rory is placed at Castle Street, a childrens home. Granda is unhappy at Rachnadar. This is turn made Rory feel bad. He then escaped from Castle Street and broke Granda out of Rachnadar. I feel Granda should not have let Rory help him run away. He did not think of the kind of life Rory would be leading. Rory should be in school studying, not being a fugitive. I also felt Granda put himself and Rory in danger when he began doing criminal activities to avoid going back to Rachnadar. He also rose recklessly in a stolen car, further endangering their lives. Although Granda was not mean to Rory I felt he did not really think about Rorys present and future life.

2.Which character do you like best in the novel you have read? Give reeasons why you like this character, using information from the novel to support your answer.In the novel, Catch Us If You Can, my favourite character is Rory. Although he is only eleven years old and he is mature beyond his years. He has the responsibility of looking after his grandfather, or Granda as he calls him. He has a difficult time talking care of Granda as he is forgetful and very stubborn. Still Rory hardly complains and tries to take good care of Granda because he loves him. When he realises Granda is not happy at Rachnadar he hatches a plan for the both of them to escape. They succeed and go on the run. This shows that Rory is a smart and courageous boy. Rory is also very patient with Granda and hardly ever scolds him. Although Rory loves Granda he has no problem telling him off if he has made a mistake. He does not like it when Granda called the travelers as tinkers. He tells his Granda not to call them that as it might offend them. Rory is also very protective of his Granda. He is annoyed when the nurse in the old folks home treated Granda as if he was stupid. Despite his young age, I think Rory is more responsible and wise than many adults. He has to look after his Granda and make sacrifices for him. Yet he remains cheerful and takes care of Granda with love, patience and understanding. I find him admirable and like his character the best in this story.

3.Using details from the novel you have read state whether you like or dislike the ending of the story. Give reasons for your answer.In the novel, Catch Us If You Can, ends the story on a fairly happy note. Rory is able to get his grandfather away from the home he disliked and Rory himself is able to escape being in a childrens home. Right from the beginning of the story we find that the bond of love between Rory and his Granda to be very strong. They do not want to be separated at all. Being sent to the respective homes was devastating to them. Thus they decide to run away. Rory decides to look for his long lost father who lives in Liverpool but Granda is not aware of his intention. When he does find out Rorys intention, Granda is most unhappy as he feels that his son had abandoned him and the family in times of need. In the end Jeff, the son, turns up and the family has a chance to be together. Rory and Granda live in a flat not far from where Jeff lives with his family. Now the family is together. Rory has a father and Granda has a son. Rory has a chance to get an education and live with his ailing grandfather for as long as possible. The ending is full of hope for a better future. It is not a fairy tale ending. It gives opportunities for an average family to lead an ordinary but happy life.

4.Which character in the novel you have read changes for the better as the story proggresses? Give reasons for your answer, using information form the novel.In the novel, Catch Us If You Can by Chaterine MacPhail, the character who changes for the better is Granda. Granda has certain prejudices and fears. He is angry with his son, Jeff for abandoning the family and is afraid of being rejected. He does not want Rory to look for his father and does not want a reunion with him but when it happens, he is thrilled with his new grandchildren and accepts the fact that Jeff has also changed and is more responsible now.Granda dislikes the gypsies and thinks poorlyof them. But they help him and Rory and go out of their way to make sure they escape from the police. They show much love and compassion towards Granda and Rory and this makes him realise that he has misjudged them. He vows never to say anything harsh against them.Granda was initially suspicious of Rab, the rough garage owner but later realises that he is a man who is capable of great concern and kindness. Granda finds many caring people through is journey and realises that there are many compassionate people in the world.Granda definitely changes for the better as his experiences bring him life-changing encounters with good people.

5.Based on the novel you have read, write about a character who you feel prossesses strong determination. Support you answer with information from the novel.In the novel Catch Us If You Can by Catherine MacPhail, the character, the character who possesses strong determination is Rory. Rory is an amazing eleven year old who acts with great confidence and determination to achive what he wants. Rory wants to keep his grandfather out of the old folks home and he does exactly that. He plans the great escape and with great effort and pains, manages to take him to his friend, Darrens mothers caravan. From there he has to be on the run from the police. The escape takes them through many experiences and episodes which teach Rory and his Granda many valuable lessons about the kindness and compassion of strangers. Rory is able to accept the outcome of these experiences only because he is determined to save his Granda from the miserable place, Rachnadar. If he had faltered in his aim, he would have not got the sympathy and the support of so many people. The public showed their support for him because they saw a determined little boy trying to keep his Granda from the dreadeed place. Rory sacrifices his education and the company of his friends for the sake of his grandfather. Rory looks for his long lost father to help him to save his grandfather. Rorys determination is admirable and will no doubt lead him to success as he grows older.

6.Describe an interesting event in the novel you have read. Give reasons why you find the event interesting. Support your answer with information from the novel.In the novel, Catch Us If You Can by Catherine MacPhail, an event that is interesting is the great escape that Rory and Granda undertake. Rory decides to run away from the home after talking his Granda out of the old peoples home. No doubt the escape is not a single event as it goes over many days but the escape takes them to many places and they meet many different people who help them on their journey. Meeting all these people teaches Rory some lessons too. From the travellers he learns about compassion and kindness. From Rab, Annie and Norma he learns about people who offer their help without question and treat them very well. Even when Norma reports about them, she is doing it out of kindness, not malice. So Rory is touched by all these peoples kindness and is deeply grateful. This escape is more than just an interesting event as it changes Rorys life. His father turns up to help him and Granda. Now he has a father, a stepmother and two adorable stepsisters. He has a family and that is a life-changing moment for him. I find this event thought-provoking as Rory and Granda trigger off much speculation and concern about what happens to senior citizens and young carers. Certain services provided for the elderly make life better for him and Granda. Rory can go back to school and lead the normal life of a young, growing boy. All these changes would not have taken place if not for the great escape.

7.Describe a character that you sympathise with in the novel you have read. Give reasons why you feel sympathy for the character. Support your answer with information from the novel.In the novel, Catch Us If You Can by Catherine MacPhail, I sympathise strongly with Rory. Rory is only eleven years old but has a huge responsibility as he has to look after an ageing grandparent. This is no easy job for such a young boy who should be having fun and enjoying his childhood. Rory has to see to the meals and medication of his beloved Granda. He has to see that his senile grandfather does not endanger himself as he does when he tries to cook and when he smokes his pipe. He tires to make sure see that his Granda behaves himself at the clinic and at school. Granda with his frank comments can be an embarrassment such as when he tells the teacher that she has a moustache! Rory does have a difficult job on his hands. Rory finds his homework in the rubbish chute because his Granda puts it there by mistake. He has to think of all kinds of excuses to tell his teacher for this mishap. Rory cannot stay back longer in school to do his homework because he has to get his Grandas meals. Thus Rory has to be on his toes to make sure he can cope with everything. When Granda and Rory are separated, it breaks their hearts. Rory undertakes to rescue his Granda and goes on a long journey which puts them both in many awkward situations. Yet Rory holds on to his determination and courage and comes through. I sympathise with this young boy who is willing to go through a lot all because he loves his grandfather and believes it is his duty to do his best for him.

8.What is the most important lesson you have learnt from the novel you have read? Give reasons to support your answer.In the story, Catch Us If You Can by Catherine MacPhail, the most important lesson I learned is about family responsibility. Family members have a role to play in caring for each other just like Granda and Rory do. Granda cared for Rory when his father abandoned him. He looked after him and took him for games and saw to his emotional and physical needs. Now he is old and is unable to look after himself. Rory understands his Granda well and looks after him now. He remembers how well he was looked after and feels that it is now his turn to look after Granda, a job which he does most devotedly. He sees to his meals, make sure that he takes his medicines and that he does not harm himself. Granda hates the idea of being in and folks home and Rory does his best to keep him away from it. Rorys act of love and compassion tells me that family members should show that they care for each other and do the right thing for them. When Rorys father, Jeff, abandoned his family, Granda looked after Rory and his mother. Granda was very hurt by his sons irresponsible action. He showered Rory with love and brought up his grandson well. Therefore, Rory feels it is now his turn to look after Granda. Jeff comes back into their lives later and does his part by making sure that Granda and Rory are comfortably set up in a flat nearby and can enjoy amebities that they need. Family members must care for each other and be there to lend a helping hand.

9.Using details from the novel you have studied, describe one main character in the novel. Support your answer with close reference to the text.In the novel, Catch Us If You Can by Catherine MacPhail, one main character in the novel that I have choose is Rory. Rory is a loving and good-natured young boy who loves his grandfather very much. Rory gives up his childhood joys to look after his Granda. He buys his meals so that Granda will not endanger himself by cooking and sees to his medicines. Rorys caring ways decide his course of action for he goes on the grand escape because he cannot bear to see Granda in an old folks home. Rory rescues Granda from the old peoples home so that Granda will not be miserable. He assures Granda that they will never be parted from each other and sticks to it. Rory has a good sense of humour as he jokes about Mrs. Foleys eyebrows as a place to go on a safari and thinks she has a whiskery smile! His prayers are light-hearted and humane. He is very protective of his Granda and will not tolerate anyone saying anything hurtful. Rory is compassionate and he cries when he finds his Granda crying in Rachnadar. The thought of his Granda being in a place where people nobody wants are put is too much for Rory. Rory does not like Granda to call the travelers as tinkers and tells Granda not to call them so. He tells himself not to be judgmental about people too. Rory has a good sense of fairness and kindness. When he finally gets a home with Granda in a flat near his father and step-family, there is a sense of gladness that his well-balanced good boy is finaly getting his dues.

10.From the novel you have read, write about one of the themes in the story.One of the themes in Catch Us If You Can by Catherine MacPhail is love and compassion and family relationships. Granda loves Rory and Rory loves Granda, their love for each other is constant and unconditional. Granda did love his son, Jeff, but feels disappointed that his son abandoned the family. Granda had looked after Rory when he was a baby and now Rory wants to look after his Granda. He is willing to sacrifice much so that he can save his Granda from the old peoples home. Rorys friends are good boys who love him and care for him. They look upon Granda with great affection. Mrs. Foley, the teacher shows sincere love and care for Rory. Val Jessup, the social worker shows compassion for what Rory and his Granda are going through. The children at Castle Street show much affection for Rory. They realise that Tess behaves like that only because nobody wants her. Kindness and compassion are necessary in a civil society. The people who help Rory and Granda prove that they are caring and willing to help. The great escape is possible only because there are many willing and compassionate people on the road. Family relationships matter and Rory and Granda prove it. Sammy, his wife, Ruby and son, Tyrone are a warm and loving family. They may not have much money but they have much love and enough to spare. Bernie, his wife and daughter are equally warm-hearted and helpful. Rab and Annie are loving and caring. Families are held together by love and compassion.

The characters in novels often face problems. Some solve their problems but some do not. Using information from the novel you have studied, show how one character solves his/ her problems one who does not solve his/ her problemsSupport your answer with close reference to the text.GUIDELINES Name the novel and the author that you have chosen Choose a character, state his/her problems Explain how the character solves his/ her problems Choose another character and state his/ her problems Explain why the character fails to solve his/her problems Suggest what the character should do to solve his/ her problems Use evidence from the novel to support your answerSAMPLE ANSWERIt is true that characters in novels often face problems. Some manage to solve their problems but some do not.In Catherine MacPhails Catch Us If You Can, a character who manages to solve his problem is Rory. His apartment is burnt down due to Grandas carelessness. He is then forced to part with his Granda. He is sent to stay at the childrens home in Castle Street, and Granda is sent to the old folks home in Rachnadar. Being very close to Granda, Rory can see that Granda is miserable at the home. Rory can sense that Granda has lost interest in everything and it breaks Rorys heart to see Granda like that.So, Rory comes up with a plan to run away with Granda. He knows, by doing so, he can always be together with Granda. As long as they are on the run, they will be together. It can only be for a few days or a couple of weeks, but to Rory and Granda, their time together is precious.On the other hand, Tess, a girl whom Rory meets at the childrens home, fails to solve her problems. She has a sad life. Her mother is in prison and all her relatives reject her. Being homeless and unwanted, she is sent to Castle Street. Instead of making the best of her life there, she worsens it by becoming a bitter, angry and violent person.Her violent outbursts become so bad that she loses control of herself and her actions. She injures others, making them keep away from her. She fails to make friends and so, remains lonely and friendless. She cannot overcome her loneliness and sense of rejection. If she had chosen to be more positive, she would probably have made some friends who can help her instead of feeling rejected and unloved.Who is the most interesting character in the novel that you have studied? Give reasons to support your answer.GUIDELINES Name the novel and the author that you have chosen. Name the character that you consider interesting. Explain the role of the character in the novel. Give evidence from the novel to support your comments. State your opinion again.SAMPLE ANSWERIn the novel Catch Us if You Can by Catherine MacPhail, I think Granda is the most interesting character in the book.Reading through the novel, I found out that he was a caring and kind grandfather to Rory. The fact that Rory was to return the favours implies that Granda must have been a good man and good grandfather. His love for Rory is absolute. Also, Granda finds it hard to bear that Rory has to be in a home and wants to get out of hospital to take Rory home. This shows how much he cares for Rory.Granda is also a charmer. It is because he easily compliments others especially women not only for the looks but also for their talents as he praises Ruby for her cooking. All the times he remains the perfect gentleman, like opening the door for the young mother at the clinic.Other than that, he is quite a fascinating character. He knows a lot about films and film stars. His love for movie stars makes him even name his son and grandson after some film heroes of his time. Also, he loves singing and has no inhibitions about singing some old songs, however badly, in front of others.With all the above, I believe that Granda must be an interesting and remarkable man.

Granda was Rorys grandfather. His name was Mister McTintosh.Granda took care of Rory after the death of his mother as his father had left them.As Granda got old, it was Rory who took care of him. Loves life and people, loved to joke and thought ladies found him charming Lived in the past in the sense- he liked to talk about old film stars and old songs. Was badly hurt twice in the novel but each time managed to bounce back because of his love for living No doubt Granda would live to a really ripe old ageDeboted to this grandson, granda trusted Rory and was completely dependent on him He went along with Rorys plan to escape Rory made sure he took his medicines Rory handled their finances not granda Granda appreciated what Rory did for himGranda did not want to be separated from Rory. He did not want to be admitted to the old folks homeGranda was sickly and always forgetful Saw the doctor regularly He often did not put out his pipe properly and would put it in his pocket, often his pipe caught fire. He forgot tht he had a chip pan on the stove and his flat caught fireGranda could surprise readers- he punched a thug, stole a car and could run very fast so as not to get caught.

Rory,a young schoolboy, was the hero of the story Intelligent, sure of himself, responsible, mature for his age and a survivor Protective of his grandfather and later, his half-sistersDid not want to be separated from his grandfather or live in a childrens home. Did not want his grandfather to live in an old folks home as he knew granda hated thatSacrificed a lot of his childhood in taking care of his grandfather, such as making sure granda took his medication, kept hospital appointments, had something to eat for lunch, etc.Even though people around Rory were worried that he had too much on his hands taking care of granda Rory managed it admirablyAble to make good decisions in difficult situations and to see things through even though what he did may not be the right thing. However, being a child, his decisions were often impulsive Showed determination and courage even in desperate situations (such as the times when the grandfather was seriously ill, or when both of them were admitted to state homes.When on the run, Rory grew up very fast as he came in contact with various people who showed various aspects of human nature.Had an open mind as he forgave his father readily, yet, he understood why his grandfather was bitter and unforgiving towards his father. He also forgave Norma who gave him away.Made friends easily, e.g. Dareen, Tyrone and Nicola and the boys at Castle Street.Rory represented youth and future which was full of hipe. Granda represented the past and its glories

Based on the novel that I have learnt in Form 5, Catch Us If You Can, written by an eminent author, Catherine MacPhail, I like its ending due to several reasons. Some of the reasons include the family is able to be reunited, Rorys father, Jeff McIntosh is finally given the chance to carry out his responsibility as a father to Rory as well as a son to Granda besides reducing the Rorys burden to look after his grandfather.

First and foremost, Rory and his family are reunited at last. Rory and Granda can both stay away from their torturing homes in Rachnadar and Castle Street respectively. Rory will then be able to get warmth from his family. As a teenager, it is indeed necessary for him to be raised up in a healthy family to ensure that he is well taught and nurtured. Thus, one of the reasons I like the ending of this novel is because Rorys family is finally reunited after a long period of time.

Next, another reason why I love its ending is because Rorys father is now given the opportunity to carry out his responsibility. It is the time for Jeff McIntosh to take up the responsibility to take care of his son, Rory. Rory, who is very young, needs education, care and love from his parents. On the other hand, Jeff McIntosh is also given the chance to look after his father, Granda. After leaving his family for so many years, he should now ask for forgiveness from Granda. It is also the time where he is able to portray good examples to his son, Rory by taking care of his father. Therefore, this is one of the main reasons why I like its ending.

On the other hand, I like this ending because it helps to create lesser burden to Rory. Rory, who is still very young, should not be given the task to take care of his grandfather, Granda, who is old, ill and has lapses of memory. It is indeed a burden to him because this may affect his study and growing process. It is also not suitable for him to take up the responsiblility to look after his Granda as he is still a primary student. At the same time, this helps to ensure that he is able to get sufficient education at this age. So, another reason why I like the ending of the novel is because Rorys burden has been reduced throughout his growth.

In a nutshell, there are a few reasons why I like the ending of the novel Catch Us If You Can. To name a few, Rory and his family are reunited, Jeff McIntosh is given the chance to carry out his responsibility and Rorys burden has lessened.