Casting profiles

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Casting profiles

Casting profiles

The role I am casting for is Dan Chambers.

Main requirements: For this role, I am looking for someone who is quite tall and fairly stocky, as they are a detective. This type of person needs to be relatively normal, but can have a psycho side to them, for example murdering people. They need to look like a young adult, who is very sly and gets away with a lot of things.

Suitability of the person: The person who I have decided to do it, is available all of the time as they are in my media group. They also look the correct age of a young adult, so this will look more realistic and believable. Also he is a good actor when it comes to the important scenes, which is good as he is the main character in our opening sequence.

Casting for role of Dan Chambers

The role I am casting for is Head teacher.

Main requirements: For this role, this character will need to look smart and look like they have power. This is because they are in charge of a school. They will just need to be an everyday person, who just gets on with their job to the best of their ability and make sure that the school runs as smooth as possible.

Suitability of the person: The person who I have decided to take on this part is me. This is because I will always be available for filming and I have the correct clothes to wear for the head teachers role. Also I can act in the scenes that I need to quite well without laughing as well.

Casting for role of Headteacher

The role I am casting for is the drug dealer.

Main requirements: For this role, they will have to look quite rough and wear certain clothing that fits the stereo type. For example: wearing their hoddie up and wearing jeans. They will also have to be a teenager as well, that is about the age of 17 years old.

Suitability of this person: This person is suitable for this role, as they are they are 17 years old. They are also very suitable, as they have the correct clothing to wear, which is a hoodie and jeans. They are also available to film most of the time, as I live with this person and I can easily contact them.

Casting for the role of the drug dealer

The role I am casting for is detective Barkley.

Main requirements: For this role, they will not be seen in the opening sequence, but they will be heard through a phone call. So they do not need to look like a certain person, but they must sound like a young adult also.

Suitability of this person: The person I have chosen to do this role is suitable, as they sound like a young adult. Also they are suitable, as they live with me also, so it means that it easy to speak to them and arrange a time to film the scenes.

Casting for the role of detective Barkley