Castiel, Dakotah and Milo BEAR · Cass and Bear loved to ‘scootch’ to the edge of the blanket....

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Transcript of Castiel, Dakotah and Milo BEAR · Cass and Bear loved to ‘scootch’ to the edge of the blanket....


Story and Illustrations by Laurie Ronan

Castiel, Dakotah and Milo BEAR

A true (almost) story

Story and Illustrations by Laurie Ronan

Castiel, Dakotah and Milo BEAR

A true (almost) story

Copyright pending

Laurie Ronan, 2014

Myrtle Beach, SC


Dedicated to my grand-girls; Caitey, Charlotte, Maeve

and all dog lovers. A special thank you to my special friend and buddy,


Castiel, Castiel, wake

up Castiel! We’ve

been BORN. We’re

not inside anymore.

It’s our birthday and

its time to rock and


Sh-h-h, Milo. Quiet!

It’s been a long night.

Let us sleep. You share this

day with 6 sisters and 3

brothers, and ME of course,

the biggest puppy of all!

There will be plenty of time

to celebrate!

Milo, don’t

be so


It’s naptime.

You just got



wants us to


I don’t want to

nap! It’s my


And don’t call

me that!

‘Milo’ is a sissy

name. ‘BEAR’

is a fitting name

for me. I will

be ‘Bear’!

Hear me


Milo tried to roar but only a little ‘er-r-r-’ came out

of his wide open mouth, and that turned into a great big yawn.

“Okay, since I am ‘Bear’. I guess a little

hibernation won’t hurt me.

Before he could even close his mouth he was fast asleep.

It wasn’t long before the quiet was shattered. Castiel franticly called out for his little sister.

Castiel and Milo slept on each side of their baby

sister Dakotah during their inside time. He hadn’t seen her since they were born.

Now, where could she be?

This outside territory is big and new. They used their noses, sniffing and smelling, wiggling and wriggling until they found her.

Silly boys,

I was just


my new


Did you

know it’s




where have you


“Yes, Dakota it’s everybody’s big day”.

“Don’t you be running off again without us.”

“Me and ‘eh, ‘Bear’ here need to keep you safe.”

For our birthday, Momma has made a very special supper. Let’s go find our places.

Soon, all that was heard from the puppies was a gentle breathing and occasional slurp from the

counter at ‘Momma’s Kitchen’.

Chasing squirrels,

camping, visiting

Maeve and



ball, the

dog park,


Every day the pups grew just a little bit more, Even Dakotah. She was still a tiny little runt But she was getting stronger and stronger.

She wrestled with her brothers and won most of the time.

Cass and Bear loved to ‘scootch’ to the edge

of the blanket. There, overlooking the sneakers and slippers, they would dream of the great big world they

would soon explore.

Sometimes, tiny Dakotah would join them, dreaming of treats and playtime.

Momma Maizey was a very busy Mom. With eleven pups to take care of, she had little

time for the twins shenanigans.

When they were gone too long, she would go looking for them. She’d find them always at their world’s edge, then she carried each one home like

a young juvenile delinquent.

One day the three pups woke to a huge surprise.

Milo, I can see. My

eyes can see! Look at

you Dakotah, what a

pretty little girl you are.

Milo, you are one good

lookin’ pup too.

You’re okay yourself,

Cass As a matter of fact,

you are a cool looking


But, my name is not



In Castiel’s excitement, he had forgotten Milo’s new name

My name is


Don’t forget ever again

Just see how big my paws


The puppies outgrew the little closet they had been born in.

They moved into a pen in the dining room where there was plenty of sunshine, warmth and much

more room to play.


The Best times were when Grammy came to play.

She came almost every day to help out with the puppies. What with washing floors and making

mush and cleaning beds, there was lots and lots to do.

She took them out of their pen one by one and

gave them each hugs and kisses. The others waited impatiently for their turn, squealing.

Grammy tried to love them equally, but her heart

had other plans.

Me, Me,

Please?! No, Me



I’m the


Me, Me

The pups would run and play just like Bear had dreamed.

They rumbled and tumbled and played chase.

Bear would lay in wait, then pounce on his brother. Cass would grab Bear by the tail.

And Dakotah? She loved to get in the thick of it.

The boys were not only twins but the best of friends. They stuck together like glue.

I can run faster

than you Milo

My name is not




Listen to

me Growl!

Grammy loved to see the pups running around loose, exploring every corner.

She’d play with them and let them tease her. They always made her laugh.

Come on Cass!

Let’s play tug-o-

war with Grammy.

I bet we win again.

Then Grammy would let them loose to explore the house.

She’d play with them and let them tease her. They chased the mop and played tug-o-war with

her. They always made her laugh.

Especially Bear, Cass and Dakotah.

Oops, no favorites right?

The pups liked to sneak under the furniture and

hide. Then they’d fall fast asleep. That always put a fright into Grammy, but she

quickly learned their favorite hiding places.

Simone could be found under the sofa; Willie, under the coffee table;

Petunia around the corner in the hall; Bear and Dakota snuggled together under the

bookcase; Cass wiggled under the wash in the laundry room.

Mealtime was always such a funny mess.

Grammy had to use two bowls, 5 pups on one and 6 on the other. Cass and Bear were piggy eaters so

Grammy had to hold them back to make sure everybody got to eat. Dakotah didn’t care to rush

her meal and even fell asleep in the bowl sometimes.

Each puppy had to be washed after supper, their paws, their faces and sometimes even their tails.

Grammy’s day was just not complete until she had counted to eleven at least a hundred times.

One, two, three,

four, five, six,

seven, eight, nine,



The twin boys and Dakota were best of friends, not just siblings. They were a perfect three-some.

Even though Dakota was a girl, she was a good egg

and lots of fun. She never ‘snitched’ on the boys.

And they loved her. She was even becoming pretty awesome in a game

of rumble.

The pups were almost grown. The time had come to find them ‘forever homes’.

Each pup got all cleaned up and smelling nice.

Auntie Julie said “now you puppies better be on

your best behavior”.

Company’s coming!


A family came with a little boy and girl. They were looking for two pups to complete their family.

Stella licked the young girl’s face.

The little boy threw a red and white ball and Willie

chased it and brought it back to the boy.

Stella and Willie were in heaven. These children were going to love them forever.

Nine more puppies to go.

A lonely lady came that wanted a companion and friend for her other dog, a golden retriever named

Vinny. Bubba was a great match. He could protect her with his loud bark and was looking forward to

meeting his new friend.

One by one the puppies went to their wonderful

new homes, until only Castiel, Bear (aka Milo) and Dakotah were left.

Grammy held her breath each time someone came for a puppy. She was so afraid someone would

take her secret favorite.

Auntie Julie decided she wanted to keep Castiel for herself and Cousin Caitey wanted to keep Dakotah.

That left only Bear

Grammy knew how much she loved Bear. He had always been her favorite. He was funny and playful. He always licked her face.

He was bold and so-o-o-o cute.

Grammy brought Bear home to his forever home. He could still go to visit and play with his brother

and sister anytime. They would never be separated for long.


they would always be brothers and sister and FOREVER friends.

THE END (or is it the beginning)