[Case Study] This Boosted Sales 1,100% for Chet Holmes ... · Amanda Holmes inherited an empire....

Post on 09-Sep-2018

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Transcript of [Case Study] This Boosted Sales 1,100% for Chet Holmes ... · Amanda Holmes inherited an empire....

  • Amanda Holmes inherited an empire. The daughter of legendary sales guru Chet

    Holmes, she wasnt necessarily expecting to follow in his footsteps as soon as she did.

    But when it came time to take over his global sales coaching business, Chet Holmes

    International, she immediately set clear goals for herself:

    She wanted to take a very traditional, phone-based business online.

    And she wanted to create an entire marketing automation system, from the ground up.

    As recently as 2012, the sales staff of Chet Holmes International generated many

    of their their leads by phone. In fact, the company didnt use e-commerce at all until


    Theyd done remarkably well using decades-old techniques. But Amanda knew that

    if they wanted to capture the younger demographic and keep growing the business,

    theyd need to modernize.

    So achieve her goals, Amanda and her team rebuilt . . . well, almost everything.

    To start, Amanda began working to improve their website, IT structure, operations,

    and order processing. A couple of years later, Amandas general manager convinced

    her that they should be using LeadPages.

    Once she looked into it, Amanda agreedand she moved quickly. After just 5 months,

    she her team havent just embraced marketing automation and rebuilt their sales

    funnel. Theyve increased their sales by 1100%.

    Enter LeadPages

    Once they had their tech infrastructure in place, Amanda and her team launched

    a campaign to increase membership sales and test the power of going automated.

    They set up an email service provider with automation capability, but beyond that the

    campaign was powered almost entirely by LeadPages tools. Amanda hoped that this

    system would help her convert leads into paid members in her sleep.

    Adopting LeadPages and LeadBoxes didnt just make managing their sales

    sequence easier. It produced some staggering conversion results.

    Usually in our case studies, we pick out a couple of key performance metrics to show

    you the effect LeadPages has had on our customers businesses. However, Amanda

    and her team have seen so much success with their marketing automation strategy

    and LeadPages, we had to reveal them all (click the clip below to play):

    The core of Amandas campaign consisted of pages built with four different

    LeadPages templates:

    Social Proof Giveaway Page: This was the landing page that started it all.

    Previously, Chet Holmes International tried to attract traffic with broad promises

    of learning about sales strategy. But for this page, Amandas team crafted a more

    targeted opt-in bribe: a series of videos teaching salespeople to get past any

    gatekeeper, among other enticing promises. As soon as Amanda began to funnel

    various traffic sources toward it, she saw results.

    Launch Funnel Template Page: When leads opted in, theyd be sent a timed

    sequence of three emails, each containing a link to a video page built with this

    template. These pages were mainly an attractive, convenient means of delivering

    the promised lead magnets, but they did have an extra talent: share, like, and

    comment functions prompted leads to spread the word via Facebook.

    Webinar 3.0 Page: When leads had completed the video sequence, they received

    a final email inviting them to a sales webinar. Perhaps because theyd already seen

    the value of CHIs training techniques through the videos, a remarkable 20%

    of people who received this email signed up for the webinar. (And 73% of them

    showed up!)

    Smart Product Sales Page: During and after the webinar, attendees were directed

    to this focused sales page offering a full year of access to CHIs sales training

    materials. How many of them bought a membership? On average, about 12%and

    more recently, Amandas seen sales conversion rates as high as 24%.

    Check out the video for an in-depth walkthrough of Amandas campaign flow:

    How Does This Apply to You and Your Business?

    Yes, [LeadPages] did increase conversions. Yes, it increased our leads tenfold. But,

    ultimately for me, it gives me peace of mind. Amanda Holmes

    Few family businesses are as massive as the one Amanda Holmes took on. But shes far

    from alone in needing to bring an established company into the digital world. In getting

    Chet Holmes International online and automated, she made several smart decisions

    that businesses of any size would be wise to follow as they adopt new marketing


    Start simple: Amanda didnt begin by promoting an e-commerce store for all CHIs

    products, or putting up a big video library for leads to wade through. Instead, she

    thought carefully about what she needed people to do at each step of the sales

    sequence, and built a targeted landing page around that one goal.

    Create content people will love: Another interesting thing happened when

    Amanda put this sequence into placeshe noticed that her email open rates went

    up. Her theory: people were excited about receiving the lead-magnet content

    theyd been promised on her landing page, and that excitement spilled over into

    wanting to see what else CHI had to say.

    Measure your results: And Im not just saying that because it makes it easier to

    write a good case study. By keeping track of her conversion rates as she put each

    piece of her strategy into place, Amanda was able to feel certain she was on the

    right course even as she made drastic changes to her sales model. (Fortunately,

    LeadPages puts conversion rates front and center for each tool you use, so this is

    easy to track!)

    If youre interested in trying some of Amandas strategies in your own business,

    weve got some tools that will make that easier. Check out the four templates

    Amanda used for her multi-step campaign, plus a full-resolution campaign-flow

    diagram, in the Bonus Materials folder included with this PDF.

    If you have LeadPages, you dont need to download these templates theyre already available

    to you inside your LeadPages account. Just log in and youll see how super easy it is to customize

    these pages in seconds with no technical knowledge or skills, make them mobile responsive, integrate

    them with your email service provider or CRM, run A/B split tests, and publish them to Facebook,

    WordPress, or your own server.

    Amandas Campaign Flow

    [Case Study] This Boosted Sales 1,100% for Chet

    Holmes International


    I dont know why you would create an opt-in page outside of LeadPages. Its just

    all there for you. Its so simple. Amanda Holmes

    I know that I am not relying on another person to handle all of the things going out.

    Its just automated without me. Amanda Holmes


    Get LeadPages: Amanda Holmes 1: Amanda Holmes 2: