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CASARA NATIONAL NAVIGATOR COURSE CASARA Navigator’s Role & Duties. CASARA Navigator Course. Table of Contents: Pre-flight Briefing Single Spotter consideration Map Preparation Navigation Log Aircraft preparation Start-up and Departure. CASARA Navigator Course. Table of Contents: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of CASARA NATIONAL NAVIGATOR COURSE CASARA Navigator’s Role & Duties




CASARA Navigator’s Role & Duties


CASARA Navigator CourseTable of Contents: Pre-flight

– Briefing– Single Spotter consideration– Map Preparation– Navigation Log– Aircraft preparation– Start-up and Departure


CASARA Navigator CourseTable of Contents:

During Flight– Transit– On scene– ELT Homing– Casualty / Crash Located– Off scene


CASARA Navigator CourseTable of Contents: Post-flight

– Debriefing– Reports & Claims– Preparation for the next flight

Emergencies– Aviate– Navigate– Communicate– Personal Safety


CASARA NavigatorDuties and Responsibilities



Pre-Flight DutiesPREPARATION

The CASARA Navigator is the most critical member of the search team.

The day that you receive a search tasking is not the day you start looking for maps, radios and pencils.

Be prepared and practice your assigned tasks continuously.


Pre-Flight DutiesBRIEFINGS Because you will be working so closely together, you

should attend all weather, operations and mission briefings with the pilot.

Accurate notes should be taken for future reference and in order to brief the spotters.

Confirm fuel load, fuel consumption, transit and search speeds and altitudes with the pilot.

Confirm with the pilot who is responsible for the Flight Plan and the Weight & Balance.


Pre-Flight DutiesBRIEFINGS (cont’d)

Discuss the search tasking generally to ensure that you and the pilot are comfortable with the plan .

Confirm whether or not you can operate OUTSIDE your area during the search.

Confirm the COMMENCE SEARCH POINT (CSP) and the type, visibility distance, search width and direction of the search.


Pre-Flight DutiesBRIEFINGS (cont’d)

Confirm the 30 minute reserve for your bingo time.

Discuss who is going to handle what communications.



While flying with a single spotter is not desirable, this situation may be forced on a crew due to an unanticipated fuel load or if a second spotter is not available for the moment.

By altering the way in which you fly a search pattern, you can maintain the integrity of your spotting at the expense of a search that takes more time.


Pre-Flight DutiesSINGLE SPOTTER (cont’d) This varies depending on the type of search.

CLA, Track Crawl, Parallel Track:– Fly each leg twice , once in each direction

Expanding Square:– Alter the track spacing as follows

• Legs 1 & 2 – normal spacing (2 X VIS);• Legs 3 & 4 – 3 X VIS (vice 4)• Every two legs increase by 1 X VIS


Pre-Flight Duties

Sector Search:– Fly the same pattern twice but have the spotter

change sides for the second time around.

Note. The Pilot and Navigator must avoid the urge to act in some sort of spotter role. Their duties in a search are too critical to let slip.



Find a quiet spot with a large flat surface and begin your map preparation.

Identify your search tasking on the map. Note that if the tasking is referenced to the missing aircraft’s intended track you will have to plot the track and a reference mileage on your map.



Pre-Flight DutiesMAP PREPARATION (cont’d)

Plot your search and record the tracks and distances on your navigation log.

Plot the transit route out and a nominal route back from your proposed BINGO position.

Make a note of the CALLSIGNs of the search assets on all sides of your search area.


Pre-Flight DutiesMAP PREPARATION (cont’d)

Review the map and highlight landmarks, ground elevations and obstacles.

Plan your departure procedure and fix. This will assist you in getting started in the right direction. For example: “On departure I am going to have the pilot set course 2650 over the bend in the river.”


Pre-Flight DutiesNAVIGATION LOG Fill out all the general information on the


Ensure that you have inserted all the necessary tracks, distances, fuel figures and airspeeds into your log.

Using the E6B or another Flight Calculator, calculate the required headings, ground speeds and fuel consumptions and BINGO time and note them in your log.


Pre-Flight Duties


Pre-Flight Duties


Pre-Flight DutiesNAVIGATION LOG ( cont’d)

It is not necessary to complete a line for each and every leg of your search, especially where the legs are short or repetitive (CLA, Expanding Square or Sector Search).

As long as you have sufficient information to fly the search and calculate your BINGO you have achieved the aim.



If you are going to program the GPS, now is the time to do it. If the pilot is going to do it, he will need some basic navigation information to proceed such as:– The lat/long of the Commence Search Point;– The bearing and distance of the first leg; and,– the proposed end search point.


Pre-Flight DutiesBINGO TIME

BINGO TIME is a function of:– Your ENDURANCE (the total time you can remain

airborne), – The RESERVE FUEL you must have when you

land, – The time it will take you to fly back to base from the

furthest point of your search (BINGO LEG); and,– Your START TIME.


Pre-Flight DutiesBINGO TIME (Cont’d)

Bingo Time is the latest time you can leave an area and still have your reserve fuel when you land.

As your flight proceeds, the actual return leg may change. For example you established a BINGO leg of 42 minutes from some 60 miles away from base but you are currently orbiting an ELT location only 18 minutes from base.


Pre-Flight DutiesBINGO TIME (cont’d)

You can recalculate your BINGO time based on this amended return leg (BINGO leg).

Lets review the next two slides.


Pre-Flight Duties Fuel Calculations (hrs/min)

Fuel Consumption (GPH) 8.0 From aircraft charts

Total Fuel (Hrs:mm) 4.0 Total fuel in hours / fuel consumption

Minus Reserves (Hrs:mm) 0.5 Assuming 30 minute reserves (0.5)

Minus Fuel to Land 0.7 Time to return home at cruise consumption

Total time available 2.8 Total fuel in hours minus fuel used to return home and reserves

leaver time we can fly from start actually Take-off)

Plus Engine Start Time 13.5 13:30 Add this to the time we take off and we have BINGO time .

BINGO Time 16.3 16:18 assuming we depart the search from our planned position

NOTE: If contact investigations or a new tasking alters the time (& fuel) to land, this will alter our BINGO time

Example: We estimated 42 minutes to return home to land but our new tasking puts us within 18 minutes of landing

Our BINGO time can be increased by 0.4 hrs or 24 minutes. See the next slide.


Pre-Flight Duties Fuel Calculations (hrs/min)

Fuel Consumption (GPH) 8.0

Total Fuel (Hrs:mm) 4.0

Minus Reserves (Hrs:mm) 0.5

Minus Fuel to Land 0.3

Total time available 3.2

Plus Engine Start Time 13.5 13:30 .

BINGO Time 16.7 16:42


Pre-Flight Duties Once you have completed the map and the

Navigation Log, it is time to get together with the pilot once again to confirm your preparations and compare your plot with the GPS plot.

The next task is to brief the crew on the search object and the search mission.

Finally, check the aircraft to ensure that it is ready for flight from the Navigator’s point of view


Pre-Flight Duties If you are to do the flight plan have the Aircraft

Commander look it over and sign it before filing.

File the flight plan in a timely manner, at least 1/2 hour before take-off.

File with Flight Service at 1-800-INFOFSS (463-6377)

Update your ETA, with Flight Service, if it changes by more than 10 minutes.



Is the GPS installed correctly?

Is the homer installed correctly and checked?

Are your maps, rulers, and other navigation tools secure and at hand?

Do you have a place where you can make notes throughout the trip?


Start-up & DepartureAIRCRAFT PREPARATION (cont’d) Has the crew completed its Safety Briefing?

– Location and operation of the ELT.– Emergency shut-down of the aircraft after a forced landing.– Operation of the radio after a forced landing.– Location and operation of the Fire Extinguisher.– Location of the First Aid Kit.– Operation of the seat, seat belts and doors.– Emergency evacuation procedures.– Brace position.– Any other items



Ensure the GPS and any other navigation facilities are on, checked and set for the departure.

Conduct communications checks with the pilot and the spotters.


CASARA NavigatorDuties and Responsibilities

During Flight


Start-up & DepartureLETS GO FLYING!!!!

Now your record keeping begins. It is your responsibility to record:– Engine on;– Time up;– On scene time;– Off scene time;– Time down; and, – Engine off.


Start-up & DepartureLETS GO FLYING!!!!

On departure, give the pilot his set heading instructions.

Give the “Time Off” and “Estimated time on scene” to the designated agency directly or through the pilot as decided.


Flight DutiesTRANSIT

Provide guidance to the pilot.

Give spotting references to the left and right spotter (if transiting at search altitude).

Even if you are using GPS for the most accurate track flying, conduct a following plot on your map by marking your route as you fly.


Flight DutiesTRANSIT (cont’d) Remember to identify landmarks for the pilot as far

out as possible and also remember that because of drift he may be tracking to the fix while the nose of the aircraft is not pointing at it.

When trying to orient yourself without GPS examine the features on the ground and locate them on the map.

If using GPS cross referencing Lat & Long is the quickest way to orient yourself.


Flight DutiesTRANSIT (cont’d)

By always keeping your landmarks as far out as possible, and marking your route as you proceed, the above should not be necessary.

If you have a chore to do that takes you away from your navigating, have the pilot orbit a fix until you are free to continue.


Flight DutiesON SCENE Warn the pilot and spotters that you are approaching

“On Scene” to allow the pilot to slow down and the spotters to prepare.

. Plan the descent to search altitude prior to

COMMENCE SEARCH POINT if you are authorized to operate outside your boundaries or if you are in contact with the asset in that area.

Otherwise, plan to descend inside the boundary in a turn over the CSP.


Flight DutiesON SCENE (Cont’d) Make the “On Scene” radio call early to avoid an

addition to your workload just as you start the search.

Provide the spotters with a spotting distance reference if this has not been done earlier.

An acceptable track error during a search is not published but is considered to be 0.1 nm.

. If you have trouble maintaining an accurate track on

a leg refly that leg. It may be the only time an asset is in the area for days.


Flight DutiesON SCENE (Cont’d) Continue to provide landmarks, follow on your map

and do the necessary communications checks BUT DO NOT GET INVOLVED IN SPOTTING.

Provide for an orbit approximately every 30 minutes to give the spotters a chance to rest their eyes.

Do look for feedback from the spotters on spotting

conditions for pilot guidance (too fast?) and for your debriefing.

Remember that one of your duties to assist the pilot with his “Lookout” for other traffic.


CASARA NavigatorDuties and Responsibilities

Crash Located


Flight DutiesELT SIGNAL When an ELT signal is received

– Note the time, position, bearing, heading and altitude.

– Inform the Searchmaster and commence localizing.

– Get Searchmaster’s permission to prosecute outside your assigned area.

– Mark your map where you left the search track.– Mark your map with the track flown during the

homing on your map. (Even without a “positive” On Top, two homing attempts from 900 offset locations will provide a fairly close localization).


Flight DutiesELT SIGNAL (cont’d)

Mark all “On-Tops” on the map and the GPS.

Once you have localized the ELT,– Inform the SM via a NOCL and,– If you are not visual with the site, conduct a close

in Expanding Square or a Sector Search (3NM).


Flight DutiesSEARCH OBJECT LOCATED Whenever a Spotter calls the aircraft around

on a sighting, you should pick out a landmark so that you can return “on track” without ruining the integrity of the search and mark your map where you left the search track.

While turning to gain sight of the object spotted, back up the pilot by noting his speed, altitude and bank angle.

Scan for obstacles and traffic.


Flight DutiesSEARCH OBJECT LOCATED (cont’d) Mark any “On Tops” on your map and the GPS with a

brief description of the object on the map or in your notes. You would hate to lose track of the sighting location.

When it is decided that this is a valid sighting, have the pilot orbit the area with the target in sight while you draft up the NOCL Message.

Remember that “ALPHA – Positive” only applies if you can CONFIRM that this is the search object.


Flight DutiesSEARCH OBJECT LOCATED (cont’d) “ALPHA – Negative” says that “We believe that we

have the target but we can’t POSITIVELY confirm the identity of the target”.

Double check all the information to be transmitted especially the POSITION.

Check your BINGO time referenced your current position and give the length of time you can remain on scene.


Flight DutiesSEARCH OBJECT LOCATED (cont’d)

Remain on scene until Bingo Time or until you are released, whichever comes first.


Flight DutiesOFF SCENE – TRANSIT HOME Once you are Off Scene and headed home the

aircraft can climb to the transit altitude while inside your search boundary if required and increase speed to NORMAL CRUISE .

Call in with the time you were“Off Scene” and an ETA to base.

Continue to Aviate (lookout), navigate, and communicate until you are on the ground. The airspace will probably be busy.


Flight DutiesOFF SCENE – TRANSIT HOME (cont’d)

You can confirm details of the mission with the crew for your debrief.

On landing, record your “Land-on” time and “Engine Off” time.



Before you leave the aircraft make sure you have all your documentation for the debrief.

Ensure that the aircraft is cleaned up, fuel has been checked, the aircraft secured and ready for the next tasking or the next crew.


CASARA NavigatorDuties and Responsibilities



Flight DutiesPOST - FLIGHT Take time to clean up your log, notes and your map

to ensure the flight is able to be reproduced accurately and completely.

Debrief as a crew as someone may recall something the others missed.

Complete the AIR TASKING DEBRIEFING FORM, submit your map, Nav Log, NOCL and any notes.



Flight DutiesPOST – FLIGHT (cont’d)

Complete any training records.

Ensure that your navigation gear and the navigation bag has been restocked and you are ready for another tasking

Remain in touch in the event that the SM wishes to review some of your information.


CASARA NavigatorDuties and Responsibilities




In the event of an emergency remember to AVIATE, NAVIGATE and COMMUNICATE in that order.

AVIATE– Give the Pilot a safe track back to base and any

references he requires to maintain this track if he requires it.

– The pilot will be busy so assist him without getting in his way.

– Brief the spotters if you have enough information.


Flight DutiesEMERGENCIES (cont’d) NAVIGATE

– Continue to navigate the aircraft as directed by the pilot keeping a good lookout for obstacles and other traffic.

COMMUNICATE– With the pilot’s authorization:– Make the necessary MAYDAY, PAN or other

calls to inform ATC and any other agencies of your situation.

– Switch transponder to Code “7700” if appropriate.




– Cessna 172– 4424 north 6534 west– Heading 180 degrees magnetic at ninty knots.– At 2500 feet– We have a very rough running engine.– Attempting to make Yarmouth Airport”.


Flight DutiesEMERGENCIES (cont’d)

Ensure your personal security– Stow all loose articles.– Tighten your harness– Ensure you feet are clear of the rudder pedals.– Review the emergency evacuation plan.– Review the “Brace” position.




CASARA Navigator’s Course