Carvalho Et Al. 2009 the Cerrado Into-pieces

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  • 7/27/2019 Carvalho Et Al. 2009 the Cerrado Into-pieces


    The Cerrado into-pieces: Habitat fragmentation as a function of landscapeuse in the savannas of central Brazil

    Fbio M.V. Carvalho a, Paulo De Marco Jnior a,*, Laerte G. Ferreira b

    a Laboratrio de Ecologia Terica e Sntese, Departamento de Biologia Geral, Instituto de Cincias Biolgicas, Universidade Federal de Gois, Brazilb Laboratrio de Processamento de Imagens e Geoprocessamento, Instituto de Estudos Scio-Ambientais, Universidade Federal de Gois, Brazil

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:Received 2 July 2008

    Received in revised form 23 January 2009

    Accepted 29 January 2009

    Available online 6 March 2009


    Biodiversity conservation

    Landscape structure

    Fragmentation indices

    Land-use patterns

    a b s t r a c t

    Habitat fragmentation and land conversion by humans for agricultural purposes are constant threats toconservation of biodiversity in the Cerrado biome. These landscapes dominated by agricultural activities

    became dynamic mosaics, which are formed by different land uses. Thus, understanding how the prop-

    erties of these mosaics affect species persistence is one urgent necessity. In this study, the landscape

    structure of the Cerrado in Gois State, Central Brazil, was quantified by the use of fragmentation indices,

    analysed at the class level. The objective of this study was to assess if land use for crop production or for

    pasture produces different fragmentation patterns, which can result in different pressures for the Cerrado

    biodiversity. The study showed that landscapes dominated by crops are more fragmented than land-

    scapes dominated by pastures. These crop-dominated landscapes also presented a smaller number of

    fragments that could maintain populations of threatened mammal species in Cerrado. Regions with more

    preserved natural areas are in the northeast of Gois, where there are rough relief and soil unsuitable for

    agriculture. Our results indicate that croplands generate a landscape structure more damaging for the

    conservation of biodiversity in the Cerrado biome. Otherwise, they support the importance to preserve

    natural remnants, even in areas occupied by agriculture, mainly due to its potential to maintain ecosys-

    tem services, and suggest that landscapes dominated by pastures should have more current value for

    conservation, since they showed larger fragments. 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    Landscapes dominated by agriculture and pastures usually are

    mosaics that include other land uses, such as urban areas, roads,

    water courses and patches of natural vegetation (Bennett et al.,

    2006). These mosaics offer a variety of habitat types for animal

    and plant species, that can be restricted to the natural elements

    of the landscape or be capable to use the human-altered areas.

    These landscapes are dynamic units that change their structure

    continuously, suffering habitat loss and fragmentation, but also

    recovering marginal areas. The effects of these changes on natural

    communities seem predictable, since we have information about

    the life history and dispersal capability of the organisms under

    consideration, as well as on the spatial structure parameters re-

    lated to the modifications occurring in the landscape (Burel et al.,


    Habitat fragmentation is often defined as a process in which an

    extension of the habitat is transformed into a number of small

    patches, with smaller total area, and isolated from each other by

    a matrix different from the original habitat. The above definition

    obviously merge the effects of habitat loss (amount of area remain-

    ing) and habitat fragmentation per se(amount of habitat sub-divi-

    sion and isolation), which may hind the interpretation of its effects

    on natural communities (Fahrig, 2003). Some studies suggest that

    habitat loss has stronger negative effects on biodiversity, compar-

    atively to isolation, whose effects, besides weaker, can be either

    negative or positive (Fahrig, 2003).

    This definition implies in four effects regarding habitat patterns,

    which form the basis of most of the quantitative fragmentation

    measures: (a) reduction in habitat amount; (b) increase in number

    of patches; (c) reduction in patch size; and (d) increase of isolation

    between patches (Fahrig, 2003). The fragmentation, however, is

    not a random process, and it occurs preferably in areas where agri-

    culture activities become more profitable (Baldi et al., 2006). It is

    expected that each economic activity that competes with native

    vegetation for space (including different agriculture commodities,

    cattle raising, mining and urban settlements) is subject to optimal

    topographic and landscape characteristics to its development

    (Gautam et al., 2003; Grau et al., 2005; Baldi et al., 2006). Likewise,

    such human activities also demand different modifications in the

    landscape (e.g. different needs for roads, different forms of spatial

    structure of habitat remnants), which may be associated to differ-

    ent fragmentation patterns (Torbick et al., 2006).

    0006-3207/$ - see front matter 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2009.01.031

    * Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 62 35211480.

    E-mail address: De Marco).

    Biological Conservation 142 (2009) 13921403

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    Biological Conservation

    j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / b i o c o n

  • 7/27/2019 Carvalho Et Al. 2009 the Cerrado Into-pieces


    At present, there is a growing amount of evidence that supports

    the importance of agriculture-dominated landscapes for conserva-

    tion of a set of biodiversity elements (Potts et al., 2006; Vander-

    meer and Perfecto, 2007). These areas can maintain a vegetation

    structure with more permeability in the matrix among fragments;

    thus, the individuals can move more easily, what contributes for

    the processes of recolonisation and maintenance of genetic diver-

    sity. A landscape mosaic approach consider these landscapes as aspatially complex and heterogeneous structure, formed by differ-

    ent types of patches and where the matrix contains different types

    of habitats, more or less favourable to the species of the natural

    habitat considered (Metzger, 1999). Therefore, the matrix of these

    areas should not be seen simply as a hostile environment, but as an

    area that could be managed to contribute to the conservation of

    biodiversity even in areas where most of the natural habitat has al-

    ready been converted (Vandermeer and Perfecto, 2007).

    We consider that habitat fragmentation, more specifically area

    and isolation, should be used as surrogates for the probability of

    persistence of many threatened species. Many studies demon-

    strated that population size is one of the most efficient predictors

    of extinction risk (OGrady et al., 2004; Fagan and Holmes, 2006),

    especially for large species (Cardillo et al., 2005). This suggests that

    the area available for colonisation may be a good predictor for spe-

    cies persistence, since large and connected areas will probably

    maintain large populations. We assume that probability of persis-

    tence is a function of the maximum attainable abundance in a frag-

    ment and this vary among species due to their bionomic

    characteristics, as habitat and diet specialization or body size (Da-

    muth, 1981; Promislow and Harvey, 1990; Kelt and Van Vuren,

    1999; Jetz et al., 2004; Fernandez and Vrba, 2005). In mammals,

    especially those with territorial behaviour, a crude estimate for this

    maximum abundance could be made using the mean home range

    of individuals or groups (in social species) for a focal species and

    this was used for many conservation purposes (Kirk and Bathe,

    1994; MacDonald and Rushton, 2003; Jetz et al., 2004). Thus, the

    distribution of fragment areas is expected to be a useful surrogate

    for the probability of persistence in a given landscape. Consideringthe lack of distributional information of many threatened species,

    especially in tropical areas of the world (Nelson et al., 1990; Kuper

    et al., 2006; Tobler et al., 2007), the fragmentation pattern is a cost-

    effective surrogate for species persistence and may be useful to

    evaluate the differences among land-use strategies in respect to

    biodiversity conservation.

    The Cerrado biome is located in central Brazil, and has an area

    of about 2 million km2, which corresponds to approximately 25%

    of the Brazilian territory (IBGE, 2004). The Cerrado is formed by

    different vegetation physiognomies, from savanna-like formations

    to forest forms, like gallery forests (Eiten, 1982; Redford and

    Fonseca, 1986). The Cerrado biome presents a high species rich-

    ness and high endemism of plants and vertebrates (Myers et al.,

    2000; Colli et al., 2002; Klink and Machado, 2005) and is undera rapid process of conversion to soya and maize plantation, exten-

    sive cattle raising (Klink and Moreira, 2002; Klink and Machado,

    2005), and an imminent expansion of sugar cane plantations. Cur-

    rently, about of 39% of its total area is under non-Cerrado land

    cover (Sano et al., 2008), althoughMachado et al. (2004)consider

    a worst scenario with approximately 55% of Cerrado converted to

    other land cover classes. This difference is probably related to

    divergences in the identification of native pastures and natural

    or altered areas. Moreover, only 2% of Cerrado area is inside pro-

    tected areas (Klink and Machado, 2005). Due to its high ende-

    mism and strong human pressure, the Cerrado is considered

    one of the hotspots for the conservation of biodiversity in the

    world (Myers et al., 2000).

    In face of the rapid land use changes that resulted from agricul-ture development and human population growth (Tilman et al.,

    2001), it is urgent to understand how the properties of the land

    use mosaics influence the persistence of animal and plant popula-

    tions and the maintenance of ecological processes. A recent analy-

    sis of the Cerrado areas on Mato Grosso and Bahia in Brazil showed

    that there is a relation between slope, land tenure and vegetation

    dynamics with the fragmentation pattern (Brannstrom et al.,

    2008), but the core area of Cerrado of Gois was not analysed. Thus,

    it is fundamental to provide a predictive view of the relations be-tween human activities and the parameters that describe habitat

    fragmentation that are directly related to biodiversity conserva-

    tion. In this study we analyse the landscape structure in Gois,

    the only Brazilian state thoroughly within the Cerrado biome, test-

    ing if landscapes dominated by pastures or by crops differ in their

    fragmentation patterns, and how they could be predictable from

    other environmental variables. Additionally, we highlight the con-

    servation value of the Cerrado remnants evaluating the potential

    occurrence of some threatened mammal species based on some

    simple assumptions about their expected densities based on home

    range estimates. Under this approach we compare the potential

    occurrence of jaguar (Panthera onca), pampas cat (Leopardus colo-

    colo), bush dog (Speothos venaticus), giant anteater (Myrmecophaga

    tridactyla), giant armadillo (Priodontes maximus) and maned wolf

    (Chrysocyon brachyurus) in relation to land use patterns, hoping

    to determine how future economic pressures to convert the Cerra-

    do could affect these species. All these species are considered

    threatened based on IUCN criteria in the Brazilian Red List (IBAMA,


    2. Materials and methods

    2.1. Environmental information

    Terrain slope data was obtained from Hydro-1 K digital eleva-

    tion model (

    dro/index.html), processed at the resolution of 0.041 decimal

    degrees. Land cover information, regarding the distribution of both

    native and converted Cerrado classes, was based on interpretationof 2001 and 2002 Landsat ETM+ satellite images (Sano et al., 2008)

    interpreted through a semi-automated data analysis strategy; i.e.

    each 1 1.5 subscene was segmented (divided into groups of

    adjacent and spectrally uniform pixels). The polygons generated

    were then converted into shapefile format and visually interpreted

    onthe computer screen by overlaying them on the corresponding

    RGB ETM+ colour composites of bands 3, 4, and 5. The following

    land cover classes were considered in this study: natural vegeta-

    tion grasslands, shrublands, forestlands, and secondary growths

    (capoeira); anthropic classes croplands, pasturelands, reforesta-

    tions, urban areas, and mining areas. The overall accuracy, ana-

    lysed in terms of two classes natural vegetation versus non-

    Cerrado land cover was about 90%.

    It is important to emphasize that the images used for mappingthe land cover classes were selected based on their radiometric

    quality and absence of cloud cover (less than 10%). Thus, most

    images were from the dry season months of 2002 (Sano et al.,

    2007, 2008). Due to partial cloud cover, some scenes needed to

    be replaced by 2001 acquisitions. If this was the case, the over-

    passes selected were also from the dry season months. Thus, the

    conspicuous seasonality/phenology of the Cerrado biome did not

    have a significant impact on the discrimination of the land cover


    The land cover mapping of the state of Gois (Fig. 1) was a major

    effort (within the context of the project Identification of Priority

    Areas for Biodiversity Conservation in Gois State), which con-

    sisted in the interpretation of 23 Landsat scenes, extensive field

    work, and ancillary data (e.g. Radambrasil maps, agricultural cen-sus data and terrain features). Certainly, this map will need to be

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    updated soon, which has not been done yet. Nevertheless, the sys-

    tematic deforestation assessments in the Cerrado region, based on

    moderate resolution imagery, indicates that about 1105 km2 of

    new conversions took place in Gois from 2003 to 2007, less than

    0.9% of the total remnant vegetation in the state; i.e. we can as-

    sume that the major land cover spatial distribution patterns de-

    tected from the 2002 Landsat imagery are still significantly the


    2.2. Potential occurrence of threatened mammals

    We assume that area is one of the most important factors deter-

    mining the population size of mammals in the fragments. Habitat

    quality may also be an important issue (Laidlaw, 2000), but we as-

    sume that large areas present, in general, the most undisturbed

    habitats at least due to lower edge effects (Dijak and Thompson,

    2000; Parks et al., 2002; Pardini et al., 2005). Following this, we

    consider that many fragments had an area that could not maintain

    a minimum number of individuals, especially for large mammals

    that require more area to maintain a territory. The lower area

    threshold for occurrence is obviously different among species,

    but it is expected to be at least well correlated to individual or

    group (for social species) home range estimates.We use the minimum area to maintain 10 non-overlapping

    home ranges as a surrogate model for the potential occurrence of

    selected mammal species in the fragments. This arbitrary number

    was chosen only to exclude fragments that probably do not main-

    tain persistent populations. We do not intent here to present pre-

    cise viability estimates, but by using home range surrogates for

    species presence, we devise a simple method to evaluate the con-

    servation value of the fragments, even for species with poor life-

    history information that preclude the use of more detailed viability


    We selected all the six terrestrial mammal species present in

    Brazilian Red List (IBAMA, 2003) that occur in the Cerrado, exclud-

    ing only the rodents for which there is limited information about

    their home range. The home range estimates and their sources

    for the species analysed are presented inTable 1. In all cases we

    use the maximum home range estimate available from different

    studies as a conservative procedure.

    2.3. Data analysis

    Our basic unit of analysis was a 0.5 latitude 0.5 longitude

    cell in a grid that covers the entire Gois State. The more frequent

    landscape units (pastures, croplands or cerrado) that represented

    twice the proportion of the other units were considered dominantin each cell. In cases where this criterion did not hold, the cell was

    classified according to the prevalent landscape units as cerrado

    pasture (cp), cerradocropland (ccr), croplandpasture (crp)

    and cerradocroplandpasture (ccrp). For each cell, common

    metrics of fragmentation structure (Gustafson, 1998; Metzger,

    2003) were calculated using the software FRAGSTATS 3.3 (McGari-

    gal and Marks, 1995). These metrics can be structural, when they

    measure the spatial configuration of a landscape without an expli-

    cit reference to some ecological process, or functional, when they

    consider landscape patterns relevant to the functioning of a given

    organism or process of interest. The metrics can be defined at three

    levels of analysis: patch, class, and landscape (McGarigal and

    Marks, 1995). In this study, we used only structural class metrics,

    which are associated to all patches of a given type of habitat (class)present in the landscape and measure the quantity and the spatial

    configuration of each type of patch, providing a measure of


    Table 2 shows abbreviations of the metrics formulae used in

    this study, while the indices are described in Table 3. The choice

    of indices should consider that some of them can be highly corre-

    lated (McGarigal and Marks, 1995; Hargis et al., 1998), so that their

    use can yield redundant results. Therefore, the selection of a few

    independent metrics may be more appropriate and sufficient to

    identify landscape patterns (Riitters et al., 1995).

    The relationship between landscape metrics and the dominant

    land cover type in each landscape was performed by analysis of

    variance (ANOVA), according to Zar (1999). In case of significant

    difference, it was used a Tukey a posteriori test, to determine which

    comparison presents statistical difference. The statistical depen-

    Fig. 1. Maps of Gois State,central Brazil: (a)land useand (b)slope (percent rise) andrivers. Percent riseof slope equals100 when slope in degrees equals45 and, as theslope

    angle approaches 90, percent rise increases without limit. Higher values of percent rise indicate more sloping terrain.

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    dence of fragmentation metrics at each land cover type to the pro-

    portion of remnant habitat, under a habitat loss/habitat fragmenta-

    tion framework (Andrn, 1994), was tested using linear regressionanalysis according toZar (1999).

    3. Results

    Landscapes dominated by natural vegetation are located mainly

    in the Northeastern Gois in areas that present rougher and sloping

    terrains. Landscapes dominated by crops occurred mainly in the

    south and southwestern parts of the state (Fig. 2). Landscapes

    dominated by pastures are spread across all of the central and wes-

    tern areas of Gois, particularly in the Araguaia basin towards the

    limits of the legal Amazon (Fig. 2).

    Analysing the class level metrics, number of patches (NP) was

    larger in landscapes dominated by crops than by pastures, and

    these differences are not explained by chance (Fig. 3a). This index

    was also larger in areas dominated by the mosaic croplandpasture

    than in areas dominated by Cerrado. In relation to the percentage

    of landscape index (PLAND), pasture areas showed larger values

    than crop-dominated areas (Fig. 3b). As expected, Cerrado-domi-nated landscapes showed larger values for PLAND (Fig. 3b) and

    smaller values to edge density (ED). Significant difference was ob-

    served in ED values only between Cerrado and pasture (Fig. 3c).

    There was no significant difference for the patch area coefficient

    of variation (AREA_CV) among any of the landscapes (Fig. 3d).

    The shape indices, SHAPE_AM e SHAPE_SD, were significantly lar-

    ger in pasture areas than in cropland areas (Fig. 4a and b), indicat-

    ing that fragments in pasture-dominated landscapes are more

    irregular than fragments of the crop-dominated landscapes. The

    shape index corrects the problem of dependence of patch area that

    occurs in perimeter-area ratio, and so it is a simple measure and

    one of the most used shape index. Radius of gyration area-

    weighted mean (GYRATE_AM) was larger in landscapes dominated

    by Cerrado, and also in areas of pasture, when compared to areas of

    crops (Fig. 4c). The mean Euclidean nearest neighbour distance

    Table 1

    Home range sizes of selected threatened mammal species in Cerrado for occurrence modelling.

    Species Maximum home range (ha) Source

    Jaguar (Panthera onca) 110,100 Silveira (2004)

    Pampas cat (Leopardus colocolo) 2770 Oliveira et al. (2008)

    Bush dog (Speothos venaticus) 10,000 DeMatteo and Loiselle (2008)

    Giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) 4276 Miranda (2004)

    Giant armadillo (Priodontes maximus) 1005 Silveira et al. (accepted for publication)

    Maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) 11,500 Cheida et al. (2006)

    Table 2

    Variables and abbreviations used in the formulae of fragmentation metrics computed in this study.

    Variables Meaning

    aij Area (m2) of the patchij.i refers to patch type (class) and j, to the number of patches in the landscape

    A Total area of the landscape (m2).

    ni Number of patches of the habitat type (class)i in the landscape

    eik Total length of edge (m) in the landscape between patch typesi and k

    hijr Distance between the cellijr(located inside the patchij) and the centroid of patch ij, based on cell centre-to-cell centre distance

    z Number of cells in the patchij

    hij Distance (m) of the patchij to the nearest patch of the same habitat type, based on edge-to-edge distance and computed from cell centre to cell centre

    pij The perimeter of the patchij, measured in number of cell surfaces

    xij Represents the metrics which has been calculated in the formulae of mean, area-weighted mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation

    Table 3

    Fragmentation metrics used in this study.

    Index How to compute Meaning

    Number of patches (NP) NP = ni The number of patches (fragments) of the same habitat type

    Percentage of landscape





    A 100 The sum of areas (m2) of all patches of the same habitat type, divided by the total area of the

    landscape (m2), multiplied by 100 to convert to percentage

    Edge density (ED) ED


    eikA 10000 Thesum of all edge lengths (m)that involve thepatches of thehabitat type considered, divided

    by the total area of the landscape (m2), multiplied by 10,000 to convert to hectares

    Patch area coefficient of

    variation (AREA_CV)

    AREAaij 110000

    ; CV SDMN100 AREA is the area of the patch (m

    2), divided by 10,000 to convert to hectares. CV is the

    coefficient of variation

    Shape index area-weighted

    mean (SHAPE_AM)

    SHAPE pij

    minpij; AM

    Pnj1 xij



    The area-weighted mean of the shape index

    Shape index standard

    deviation (SHAPE_SD)

    SHAPE pij

    minpij; SD

    ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiPnj1 xij



    vuut The standard deviation of the shape index. Represents a measure of variation of the patch

    shapes in the landscape in relation to a mean shape

    Radius of gyration area-

    weighted mean




    ; AMPn

    j1 xijaijPnj1


    Radius of gyration is the mean distance (m) between each patch cell and the centroid of the

    patch. Larger values indicate larger patches. It represents a measure of landscape connectivity.

    Area-weighted mean is the sum of values of radius of gyration of all patches of the same

    habitat type, multiplied by the proportional abundance of the patch (i.e., patch area (m2)

    divided by the sum of patch areas)

    Mean Euclidean nearest

    neighbour distance


    ENNhij; MN



    niThe distance (m) to the nearest patch of same type of habitat, based on the edge-to-edge

    distance. Mean is the sum of the values of the distance between all patches of same habitat

    type, divided by the number of patches of this habitat type

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    (ENN_MN) showed no significant differences among any of the

    landscapes (Fig. 4d).

    The landscape remnant vegetation varied according to the slope

    (Fig. 5a). The positive relation between these variables can not be

    explained by chance only (R2 = 0.185; p< 0.001). The mean slope

    for landscapes dominated by natural vegetation was larger and sta-

    tistically different from mean values found in pasture and cropland

    areas (inference by confidence interval, Fig. 5b). This was also the

    case in pasture-dominated landscapes when compared to cropland

    areas (Fig. 5b). These results show that preserved areas tend to be

    associated to more rugged terrains, while crop-dominated areas

    are mostly located in flat regions.

    The analysis of the landscape metrics with respect to total hab-

    itat remaining allows clarifying the inter-relationship betweenhabitat loss and habitat fragmentation in each land cover type.

    There is a clear distinction between cropland fragmentation and

    the other land cover units (Fig. 6). All but the mosaic of cropland

    and cattle raising landscapes present significant negative relations

    between NP and the proportion of natural vegetation remaining.

    However, cropland showed the largest effect, with an increase of

    nearly five fragments for the loss of each 1% of total habitat, sup-

    porting the conclusion of its higher fragmentation level. It is also

    noted that croplands present lower values of total natural vegeta-

    tion remaining.

    The results of edge density also support the inter-relationship

    between habitat loss and habitat fragmentation, but showed a

    more complex relation to land cover categories. In cases that in-

    cluded crops (cropland itself and mosaic croplandpasture) therewas a strong positive relation between edge density and total hab-

    itat remaining. A positive relation is also observed for pasture

    (Fig. 7). The general relation of these variables, regardless of land

    cover categories, seems mostly non-linear, with positive relations

    occurring for lower values of remaining habitat and negative or

    no relation at all observed at higher levels of habitat conservation.

    The analysis of fragment sizes in each landscape in relation to

    the home range sizes of mammals showed that landscapes domi-

    nated by cerrado, and landscapes classified in any intermediate

    category which include cerrado had the highest conservation value

    for the selected species. Landscapes dominated by crops showed

    the smaller number of fragments to maintain these species

    (Fig. 8).S. venaticus,P. onca andC. brachyurus are the three species

    with greater home ranges, and fragments with sizes ten times

    greater than these home ranges were observed only in landscapesdominated by cerrado and by pasture. For L. colocolo,M. tridactyla

    and P. maximus, landscapes with intermediate categories which in-

    clude cropland and cerrado (as ccr and ccrp) presented a num-

    ber of fragments greater than the other categories, even when

    compared with landscapes dominated by cerrado (Fig. 8).

    4. Discussion

    4.1. Cerrado fragmentation: causes of differences

    Land occupation for crops, especially in the southern region of

    Gois, occurred initially in areas with better soil fertility. Neverthe-

    less, as agricultural technology developed, topography became the

    most important feature limiting agriculture. About 95% of areas

    with agricultural activities in Gois are located in regions with at

    Fig. 2. Grid of Gois State, with 0.5 latitude 0.5 longitude landscape resolution, classified according to dominant cover. c: cerrado; ccr: cerradocropland; ccrp:

    cerradocroplandpasture; cp: cerradopasture; cr: cropland;.crp: croplandpasture; p: pasture; uac: urban areacerrado.

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    most 4of slope (Miziara and Ferreira, 2006). If crops were devel-

    oped primarily in more flat areas, sloping areas are preferably leftas part of the set-aside provision of Brazils 1965 Forest Code, that

    requires rural landowners in the Cerrado to keep one-fifth of their

    lands as Legal Reserve. If this is correct, then fragments of Cerrado

    remnant vegetation should be a non-random sample of topography

    of the region, and have been located mainly in areas with greater

    slopes. This hypothesis was confirmed by the positive relation be-

    tween cerrado-dominated landscapes and slope.Brannstrom et al.

    (2008) also found that observed differences in the fragmentation

    pattern could be due to topography, land tenure and vegetation

    dynamics. In both areas, Cerrado remnants occur in pixels with

    higher slopes than for agro-pastoral areas.

    The distribution pattern of many important elements of biodi-

    versity, from which we emphasize plants and birds, are strongly af-

    fected by topography and altitude. For example, some groups ofbirds tend to occur preferably in ravines with steeper slope ( Ribon

    et al., 2003), and some group of palms tend to occur in flat areas

    (Kahn et al., 1988). Therefore, a topography-biased fragmentation

    in Cerrado leads to a biased sample of biodiversity.

    There was no difference in edge density between crop and pas-

    turedominated landscapes. However, crop areas had a large num-

    ber of patches than pasture areas, in a same total habitat area. This

    result suggests that pasture-dominated landscapes should have

    more irregular patches, which have more edge than patches of

    more simpler shapes, and this was confirmed by the differences

    observed in the shape metrics. Many cropland areas are related

    to soya and sugarcane, which are intensely mechanized cultures

    (Ratter et al., 1997; Fearnside, 2001). It is possible that in these

    more mechanized systems, fragments edges can be more regularand reflect the intensive land use in the region.

    A feature that differentiates crops from pasture is that the for-

    mer needs a greater infrastructure to distribute the production.Historically, agricultural areas in Gois increased following the

    consolidation of transport infrastructure. Thus, croplands tend to

    be located around roads of great circulation (Miziara and Ferreira,

    2006). On the other hand, the denser road network found in the

    more prominent crop regions induces a more severe fragmenta-

    tion, which, as demonstrated by Goosem (1997), may have a great-

    er impact on biodiversity.

    Colonisation and development of agricultural technology in

    Gois occurred primarily in southern regions, closer to centres of

    economic growth of the country, and followed a direction towards

    Amazonia (Miziara and Ferreira, 2006). Thus, the northeast of Goi-

    s suffers a low colonisation pressure due to its geographic position,

    but also due to other constraints such as elevation, slope, and

    nutrient-poor soils (Sano et al., 2006), which inhibit agriculturalactivities. Considering both the current level of preservation and

    the smaller risks they face due to the colonisation axis, the north-

    eastern areas should be considered as priority areas for the preser-

    vation of biodiversity and for the establishment of strategies for

    creation of conservation units. However, a clear warning must be

    considered that this region had a biased representation of the over-

    all Cerrado flora and fauna, and, at least, deserves better biodiver-

    sity inventories to evaluate its representativeness.

    4.2. Consequences of fragmentation for biodiversity conservation in

    landscapes dominated by human activities

    Fragmentation has two immediate consequences (Saunders

    et al., 1991; Fahrig, 2003): reduction of habitat area and isolationof remnant habitat patches. Isolation has an effect on population

    dominant cover















    F6,109=23.340, p

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    viability, as it causes a discontinuity in species distribution pat-

    terns, affecting the dynamics and genetic structure of population

    in the fragments (Sih et al., 2000).

    Fragmentation produces a matrix of habitat different from the

    original habitat around the fragments; this matrix, however, is

    not necessarily a hostile habitat for all species. The habitat type

    of the matrix that surrounds the fragments can facilitate or prevent

    movements of individuals among the patches (Gascon et al., 1999;

    Joly et al., 2001; Jules and Shahani, 2003; Antongiovanni and Metz-

    ger, 2005). Thus, the matrix acts as a filter for dispersal, not as an

    impeditive barrier (Ricketts, 2001; Perfecto and Vandermeer,2002; Pardini, 2004). The capacity of movements of individuals

    among fragments also depends on the characteristics of the spe-

    cies, as well as the time of isolation, the distance between adjacent

    fragments and the degree of connectivity between them (Saunders

    et al., 1991; Fahrig and Merriam, 1994; Banks et al., 2005; Ewers

    and Didham, 2006). So, population persistence into the fragments

    also depends upon the type of matrix in which these fragments

    are embedded. The observed differences in pasture and cropland-

    dominated landscapes can, therefore, strongly affect the species

    that live in remnant fragments.

    Fragments with size greater than ten times the home ranges of

    S. venaticus, P. onca and C. brachyurus are rare, even in landscapesdominated by the original vegetation. The results for all species

    c c-p p cr-p cr c-cr c-cr-p

    dominant cover















    F6,109=4.3538, p

  • 7/27/2019 Carvalho Et Al. 2009 the Cerrado Into-pieces


    analysed also suggest that landscapes dominated by crops are

    more damaging to the survival of mammal species. However, evenin these landscapes it is still possible to find fragments of natural

    vegetation within the criterion analysed. Thus, this analysis shows

    that fragments capable to support populations of the species are

    still present, but they need a planned action to restore their conser-

    vation value for biodiversity.

    Reduction of habitat area due to fragmentation can lead to a de-

    crease in species richness and population size, increasing extinc-

    tion probabilities especially for larger species (Wilcox and

    Murphy, 1985; Saunders et al., 1991; Fahrig and Merriam, 1994;

    Tilman et al., 1994; Brooks et al., 2002). Our analysis showed that

    this could be true for S. venaticus,P. oncaandC. brachyurusmainly

    in crop-dominated areas. The fragmentation pattern observed sug-

    gests that, compared to crops, pasture areas could favour conserva-

    tion of larger species, and also allows higher species richness infragments. However, fragments in pasture areas are also more

    irregular, what can cause an increase of edges and loss of core area.

    A fragment of irregular shape may suffer more edge effects relatedto abiotic alterations, due to the increase in wind and light, the de-

    crease in soil moisture, and changes in nutrient flow (Saunders

    et al., 1991; Murcia, 1995). These changes affect the biotic commu-

    nity, and can lead to tree falls and the loss and substitution of spe-

    cies (fragment edges can be invaded by species from the matrix, or

    species typical from edges). Extension of edge effects is variable,

    and smaller and more irregular fragments are more affected, as

    these effects can reach almost all of the fragment area (Murcia,

    1995; Parker et al., 2005). Invasive plants, traditionally related to

    edge effects (e.g. introduction of molassa [Melinis minutiflora]),

    are also considered one of the major threats of Cerrado, especially

    due to its relation to fire frequency and intensity (Klink and Mach-

    ado, 2005). The Cerrado, however, is formed by a set of different

    phyto-physiognomies, including several forms of open vegetation,which receive the natural influence of other systems around. It is



    0 20 40 60 80 1000










    0 20 40 60 80 1000











    0 20 40 60 80 1000










    0 20 40 60 80 1000












    0 20 40 60 80 1000









    0 20 40 60 80 100













    e f



    Fig. 6. Relation between percentage of remnant vegetation in the landscape and number of patches, for the categories: cerrado (c), cropland (cr), croplandpasture (crp),

    pasture (p)and cerradopasture (cp). Regression line equations: c: NP = 99.9211.107 PLAND;cr: NP = 260.1315.221 PLAND; crp: NP= 113.867 + 0.306 PLAND; p:

    NP= 93.147 0.843 PLAND; cp: NP = 108.662 1.192 PLAND; total: NP = 143.5992 1.8192 PLAND.

    F.M.V. Carvalho et al. / Biological Conservation 142 (2009) 13921403 1399

  • 7/27/2019 Carvalho Et Al. 2009 the Cerrado Into-pieces


    possible that vegetation and fauna of these systems have a long

    evolutionary history with this kind of alterations and classical edge

    effect does not apply here. Finally, we can conservatively considerthat fragment size is a more important feature than shape for pres-

    ervation of species in this system.

    It is important to note that studies of fragmentation patterns

    using quantitative metrics can lead to different results if different

    scales are used (Tischendorf, 2001; Saura, 2002; Millington et al.,

    2003; Buyantuyev and Wu, 2007). Some macroecological studies

    of vertebrate species richness patterns in the Cerrado biome use

    cells of 1longitude 1 latitude, mainly due to scarce information

    on biodiversity distribution and the availability of some general

    distribution maps at a large scale (Diniz-Filho and SantAna,

    1998; Diniz-Filho et al., 2006, 2007). This macroecological or con-

    servation biogeography approach (Whittaker et al., 2005) can pro-

    vide overall guidelines for conservation and define the focus for

    more local and effective conservation efforts. Thus, these studies

    can be considered as a starting point for more detailed strategies

    at a local scale. In the present study, we used a slightly lower scale

    (0.5latitude 0.5 longitude) to balance between the analysis of

    the conservation perspective of a large area and the use the frag-mentation pattern as a surrogate for biodiversity. The set of met-

    rics used here was appropriate to assess fragmentation patterns

    in Cerrado and highlighted important differences in land use for

    croplands and for pasture in Gois, which can have important con-

    sequences for Cerrado biodiversity.

    Fragmentation of the Cerrado biome is an ongoing process. In

    particular, the conversion of more traditional land uses to biofuel

    production is imminent. Biofuels, like biodiesel or ethanol, are

    alternatives to petroleum as energy source, presenting a market

    in expansion and a large pressure for the establishment of new

    areas for production of its raw material, mainly soya, castor beans

    and other oil-bearing plants, and specially sugarcane in Brazilian

    Cerrado (Koh, 2007; Koh and Ghazoul, 2008; Fargione et al.,

    2008). This increase represents a great potential to habitat and

    biodiversity losses, increasing pressure on preserved natural



    0 20 40 60 80 100-1











    0 20 40 60 80 100-1












    0 20 40 60 80 100-1












    0 20 40 60 80 100-1












    0 20 40 60 80 100-1









    0 20 40 60 80 100













    e f



    Fig. 7. Relation between percentage of remnant vegetation in the landscape and edge density, for the categories: cerrado (c), cropland (cr), croplandpasture (crp), pasture

    (p) and cerradopasture (cp). Regression line equations: c: ED = 5.932 0.0342 PLAND; cr: ED= 2.581 + 0.12PLAND; crp: ED= 1.627+ 0.133 PLAND; p:

    ED= 3.211 + 0.044 PLAND; cp: ED = 5.519 0.015 PLAND; total: ED = 1.73+ 0.156 PLAND 0.0017 PLAND^2.

    1400 F.M.V. Carvalho et al. / Biological Conservation 142 (2009) 13921403

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    areas, with unpredictable consequences (Koh, 2007). Current

    expectations are that sugarcane will occupy sites previously occu-

    pied by pastures, and may increase the fragmentation of thoseareas, if it follows the general patterns presented by croplands

    in this study.

    Ecosystem services are processes and conditions by which eco-

    systems provide benefits for humans (Costanza et al., 1997). These

    services include climate regulation, water and food supply, control

    of drought and flood, maintenance of biodiversity and recreation

    (Prato, 2007; Li et al., 2007). Landscape changes caused by human

    activities may disrupt those services through habitat loss and

    extinction of species and ecological interactions. The general pat-

    tern of distribution of habitat remnants and the size of those

    patches support the view that in areas dominated by cropland

    activities, the purpose of fragment conservation is mainly related

    to their potential for maintenance of ecosystem services. Other-

    wise, landscapes dominated by pastures and those that maintainoriginal vegetation (e.g. the northeastern area of Gois) should be

    considered the areas with higher direct biodiversity conservation

    value. Thus, these different approaches represent a concentration

    of conservation efforts on ecological interactions that could affectproduction (e.g. insect pollination) in cropland-dominated areas,

    and establishment conservation units or biodiversity corridors in

    pasture-dominated areas.

    5. Conclusion

    This study showed that landscapes dominated by crops are

    more fragmented than those dominated by pasture. Concerning

    biodiversity conservation, land use for cropland activities produce

    higher fragmentation levels than pasture activities. Remnant vege-

    tation area is similar in both landscapes. Nevertheless, the frag-

    ments of pasture areas were more irregular. The distribution of

    land use types are strongly affected by topography, leading to abiased distribution of remnant fragments in relation to slope. Gen-

    c c-p p cr-p cr c-cr c-cr-p

    dominant cover












    c c-p p cr-p cr c-cr c-cr-p

    dominant cover












    c c-p p cr-p cr c-cr c-cr-p

    dominant cover













    c c-p p cr-p cr c-cr c-cr-p

    dominant cover













    c c-p p cr-p cr c-cr c-cr-p

    dominant cover











    c c-p p cr-p cr c-cr c-cr-p

    dominant cover













    e f



    Fig. 8. Numberof fragmentswith area greater than 10 times thehome range of mammalspecies in landscapes of Gois State. (a)Bush dog, Speothos venaticus; (b)pampas cat,

    Leopardus colocolo; (c) jaguar,Panthera onca; (d) giant anteater, Myrmecophaga tridactyla; (e) giant armadillo,Priodontes maximusand (f) maned-wolf, Chrysocyon brachyurus.

    F.M.V. Carvalho et al. / Biological Conservation 142 (2009) 13921403 1401

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    eral landscape patterns support the need of different approaches

    for crop and pasture-dominated systems.


    We thank three anonymous reviewers for very useful critiques

    and comments of the manuscript. This work was partially funded

    by the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology ResearchCouncil (MCT CNPq) through Grants given to PDM and LGF.


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    F.M.V. Carvalho et al. / Biological Conservation 142 (2009) 13921403 1403