Carlos iii and_the_enlightenment.2003

Post on 06-May-2015

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Life and political performance of our best Spanish enlightened king and his ministers.

Transcript of Carlos iii and_the_enlightenment.2003

IES FRAY PEDRO DE URBINA. Sara Fernández / Paula Santamaría. 4º ESO, 2013-14





Son of Philip V and Isabel of Farnesio.

In his chilhood he became interested in hunting and fishing.

In Naples he got married with María Amalia and they had 13 children.

He returned to Spain because his stepbrother Ferdinand VI died without heir.

On 9th December of 1759, he became king of Spain.

He was an absolute monarch.

During his reign he was helped by politicians: Wall, Grimaldi, Esquilache, Campomanes, Floridablanca o Aranda.

He wasn't very learned but he was interested in culture and he wanted to help the peasants.

His son, Charles IV, will be king of Spain and he was worried because his son wasn´t prepared.

When his wife died he suffered a depression.After the death of his son Gabriel he died five years


It was a intellectual movement in the 18th century that wanted to use reason, science and education to reform society.

They criticized the traditional structures so they wanted to reform the Ancien Régime.

He was a Spanish politician in the enlightenment.

He was public prosecutor (fiscal) in the Council of Castile where he met Campomanes.

He was ambassador in Rome, so he had to solved the problems between Charles III and the Papacy. The king gave him the title of count of Floridablanca.

WITH CHARLES III:- He supported the American colonies in the

War of Independence against England.- He recovered Menorca and Florida, but he

didn´t recover Gibraltar. - After the death of Charles III and with the

French Revolution, he imposed new laws to protect the country against the revolution.

He was a Spanish politician in the enlightenment.

After a lot of works Charles III appointed him minister of Treasury.

He applied some measures to reform the Spanish economy.

He wanted to give the free lands of the Church to the farmers.

He released the taxes on trade and agriculture, so they grew.

With Olavide and Aranda (ministers) he organized the repopulation of Sierra Morena.

He was appointed president of the Royal Council of Castile.

In the Spanish Cortes he suggested a law that prohibited women to reign.