Carl Sagan

Post on 03-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Carl Sagan

Carl Sagan

A brief look into his lifeBY SHAWN LONGUEIRA


Introduction Sagan's Work Thoughts on ET Cosmic Contributions Voyager 1 Golden Record Pale Blue Dot





Brief Timeline of Sagan’s Work

1934- Birth

1955- Bachelors degree in physics at U. of Chicago

1956- Masters degree in physics at U. of Chicago

1960- Doctor of astronomy and astrophysics

1962- Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory

1968- Professor at Harvard University

1971- Professor at Cornell University

1996- Death

Some thoughts on Extra-Terrestrial Life

Sagan doubts that God exists

Life exists elsewhere in the universe..

Very advanced life forms

Searching for

Cosmic Contributions

Science Popular

Mars, the dusty planet

Habitable moons


Venus and the greenhouse effect

Debunking UFO's


The Planetary Society

Deflection Dilemma



Voyager 1 – The Interstellar Mission

The primary mission was to explore Jupiter and Saturn

The Voyager launched in 1977

The primary mission ended on November 20, 1980, after encounters with the Jovian system in 1979 and the Saturnian system in 1980. It was the first probe to provide detailed images of the two planets and their moons.

Golden Record

Each Voyager


Pale Blue dot

Feb 14, 1990 Voyager took the first ever

Picture from outside of our solar system.

As of now voyager is traveling at 38,610 MPH

distance from us 12,156,397 miles

At its consistent rate it is traveling at 325 million miles

a year.

They will continue to receive data from Voyager 1

till about 2025.


Shawn Longo