career path المسار الوظيفي

Post on 21-Jan-2018

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Transcript of career path المسار الوظيفي

المسار الوظيفيCareer Path

Dr. Walid El-Etriby

Dr. Walid El Etriby

وليد االتربي. د

الناس في تطوّير مهارات عملهم في ةاعدمسهيمهنتي.والتنمية البشريةالتسويق, مجاالت اإلدارة

العمل في الدراسات االكاديمية ون خالل ماكسبت خبراتي .سنة الماضية15صناعات وأسواق مختلفة طوال الوثقافات

ل تخصصي الرئيسي هو بدأ المشروعات الجديدة وريادة االعما.

Dr. Walid El Etriby

وليد االتربي. د

بكالريوس صيدلة جامعة االسكندرية

دبلومة ادارة اعمال من اسلسكا فرنسا

ESLSCA " Ecole Supérieure Libre des Sciences Commerciales Appliquées "

حديثة مستشار التسويق في جرافيتوبيا للتدريب والتصاميم ال

مدرب مستقل لعلوم التسويق واالدارة و التنمية البشرية

مدير لعدد من المشاريع الصغيرة

Dr. Walid El Etriby


البحث عن وظيفة

طريقة اختيار المرشحين

انواع الوظائف

الوظائف الدائمة

الفري النسر

ريادة االعمال

Dr. Walid El Etriby

البحث عن وظيفة

Dr. Walid El Etriby

البحث عن وظيفة

ارسال السيرة الذاتية لHR مجمعة للشركات او الEmails

Dr. Walid El Etriby

البحث عن وظيفة

زيارة الشركات مباشرة وتقديم السيرة الذاتية لمسئولى الHR

Dr. Walid El Etriby

البحث عن وظيفة

تصفح اعالنات التوظيف فى الجرائد والمجالت

Dr. Walid El Etriby

البحث عن وظيفة

زيارة معارض التوظيف

Dr. Walid El Etriby

البحث عن وظيفة

تصفح مواقع التوظيف للبحث عن وظائف

Dr. Walid El Etriby

البحث عن وظيفة

تصفح مواقع التواصل االجتماعى للبحث عن وظائف

Dr. Walid El Etriby

البحث عن وظيفة

انشاء شبكة عالقات قوية

Dr. Walid El Etriby

البحث عن وظيفة

بناء سمعة شخصية والترويج لنفسك

Dr. Walid El Etriby

طريقة اختيار المرشحين

Dr. Walid El Etriby

Select employees

Best match

Skill fit “history” resume

Company fit



Job fit “predictability” Assessment

Dr. Walid El Etriby

السيرة الذاتيةCurriculum vitae

Dr. Walid El Etriby

Curriculum vitae

The Curriculum Vitae is a Latin expression and translates to

ones course of life, more commonly known as a CV in the

modern world

In United States and Canada it is generally called a Resume

Dr. Walid El Etriby

Curriculum vitae

It need to capture a number of key areas including:

A Personal Profile Statement.

Roles , responsibilities and achievements quantifiable

wherever possible.

Skills and Abilities.

Educational qualifications and personal development.

Hobbies and Interests.

Dr. Walid El Etriby


Reverse Chronological CV

Functional CV

Dr. Walid El Etriby

The Reverse Chronological CV

Individuals employment history starting with the current

role and then working back in time.

The last 10 to 12 years should be covered.

Highlights work experience and/or employment gained

3-5 pages

Dr. Walid El Etriby

The Reverse Chronological CV


Will show career progression and highlight additional

responsibilities over a period of time.

It is easy to read and organise

Potential employers often ask for this version.

Dr. Walid El Etriby

The Reverse Chronological CV


Breaks in employment history are quickly identified.

The current or last position held, may not be the most

important role you have undertaken.

If similar roles within a relative short period of time, the

CV will be too long and diluted to employers.

Dr. Walid El Etriby

Functional CV

This type of CV is becoming more popular.

When individual is looking to change industrial


It presents career achievements over a period of

time which are not date sensitive.

It retain other key aspects of an individuals skills

and abilities.

2 pages

Dr. Walid El Etriby

Functional CV


Can show earlier career achievements if they are

considered more important.

Grouping achievements all together making these

readily available for the reader to pick up on.

Breaks in employment are not brought to the readers


Dr. Walid El Etriby

Functional CV


If a prospective employer is looking for a full CV, this may

not be considered the desired document.

Career paths & positions are not recognised

Gaps in employment are more evident .

Dr. Walid El Etriby

انواع الوظائف

Dr. Walid El Etriby


الوظائف الدائمة Fulltime Jobs

العمل الحر


رواد األعمال Entrepreneurs

Dr. Walid El Etriby

الوظائف الدائمة

Dr. Walid El Etriby

ما هي المهارات المطلوبة للحصول على عمل دائم ؟

Dr. Walid El Etriby

Soft skills and career success

Dr. Walid El Etriby

The Opportunity !!!

Dr. Walid El Etriby

Components of soft skills

Dr. Walid El Etriby

Soft skills categories “7”

1. Communication Skills

2. Leadership

3. Influencing

4. Interpersonal Skills

5. Personal Skills

6. Creativity

7. Professional Skills

Dr. Walid El Etriby

The Actual Skills ?1. Verbal


2. Body Language

3. Physical Communication

4. Writing

5. Storytelling

6. Visual Communication

7. Humour

8. Quick-wittedness

9. Listening

10. Presentation Skills

11. Public Speaking

12. Interviewing

13. Team Building

14. Strategic Planning

15. Coaching

16. Mentoring

17. Delegation

18. Dispute Resolution

19. Diplomacy

20. Giving Feedback

21. Managing Difficult Conversations

22. Decision Making

23. Performance Management

24. Supervising

25. Managing

26. Manager Management

27. Talent Management

28. Managing Remote Teams

29. Managing Virtual Teams

30. Crisis Management

Dr. Walid El Etriby

The Actual Skills ?31. Facilitation

32. Selling

33. Inspiring

34. Persuasion

35. Negotiation

36. Motivating

37. Collaborating

38. Networking

39. Interpersonal Relationships

40. Dealing with Difficult People

41. Conflict Resolution

42. Personal Branding

43. Office Politics

44. Emotional Intelligence

45. Self Awareness

46. Emotion Management

47. Stress Management

48. Tolerance of Change and Uncertainty

49. Taking Criticism

50. Self Confidence

51. Adaptability

52. Resilience

53. Assertiveness

54. Competitiveness

55. Self Leadership

56. Self Assessment

57. Work-Life Balance

58. Friendliness

59. Enthusiasm

60. Empathy

Dr. Walid El Etriby

The Actual Skills ?

61. Problem Solving

62. Critical Thinking

63. Innovation

64. Troubleshooting

65. Design Sense

66. Artistic Sense

67. Organization

68. Planning

69. Scheduling

70. Time Management

71. Meeting


72. Technology Savvy

73. Technology Trend


74. Business Trend


75. Research

76. Business Etiquette

77. Business Ethics

78. Diversity Awareness

Dr. Walid El Etriby


Soft skills ?

Dr. Walid El Etriby

Soft Skills and career success

A person's soft skill is an important part of

their individual contribution to the success

of an organization and his own success

Dr. Walid El Etriby

Dr. Walid El Etriby

Soft skills used to manage ?

The people you are working with you.

self management skills.

Dr. Walid El Etriby

Soft skills used to manage ?

The people you are interacting and everyone else in the world

People skills

Dr. Walid El Etriby

Dr. Walid El Etriby

How Soft Skills Helps you?

Soft skills can be helpful through the ways in which you work

in key areas of your profession

Dr. Walid El Etriby

How Soft Skills Helps you? As an Effective Communicator

Your soft skill as a designer lies in the ability in communicating the thought

process clearly to clients across the spectrum so that the task at hand gets

completed successfully.

Dr. Walid El Etriby

How Soft Skills Helps you?

Development of Lateral Thinking

Lateral thinking is key soft skill which helps you take critical decisions at

challenging times

Dr. Walid El Etriby

How Soft Skills Helps you?

Become an Influencer

A distinct advantage of having strong soft skills is that you become a key

influencer in the organization is a short span of time.

Dr. Walid El Etriby

How Soft Skills Helps you?

Emergence as a Strong Leader

Your juniors look upon you in every walk of their life and by displaying true

leadership skills; you help them achieve success both on personal and

professional fronts.

Dr. Walid El Etriby

العمل الحر Freelancers

Dr. Walid El Etriby

الكنز الرقمي

Dr. Walid El Etriby

رحلة البحث عن الكنز

مفاتيح الكنز“الثورة الرقمية”

الخريطة “الجديد في نوعية االسواق وسلوك المستهلكين“

عالم“Freelancing” الكنز “ فري النسينج”

القبطان “ أمثلة نجاح”

Dr. Walid El Etriby

الثورة الرقمية

Dr. Walid El Etriby

الثورة الرقمية

:التطبيقات في كل من

وسائل التواصل االجتماعي

تف النقالواتطبيقات اله

العمل عن طريق االنترنت

Dr. Walid El Etriby

الجديد في نوعية االسواق

وسلوك المستهلكين

Dr. Walid El Etriby

األسواق والمستهلكين


تمكين المستهلك

Dr. Walid El Etriby

األسواق والمستهلكين

التسويق الرقمي

Dr. Walid El Etriby

األسواق والمستهلكين

التسويق السلوكي

Dr. Walid El Etriby

األسواق والمستهلكين


Dr. Walid El Etriby

أسباب التعهيد

التركيز على االساسيات

تحسين النوعية

زيادة االستخدام

دفع االبتكارالحفاظ

على رأس المال

تخفيض التكاليف

توفير الوقت

Dr. Walid El Etriby

عالم الفري النس

Dr. Walid El Etriby

لماذا يعتبر كنزا؟

يمكن الي شخص تعلم االدوات المطلوبة

ازدياد االحتياج لهاذا النوع من الوظائف

تفعةكل االحصائيات تأكد اننا نتمتع بامكانيات ابداعية مر

انخفاض قيمة الجنية منحتنا ميزة تنافسية عالية.

Dr. Walid El Etriby

Dr. Walid El Etriby

Dr. Walid El Etriby

Dr. Walid El Etriby

أمثلة للنجاح

Dr. Walid El Etriby


Dr. Walid El Etriby

Dr. Walid El Etriby

Dr. Walid El Etriby

ريادة األعمالEntrepreneurship

Dr. Walid El Etriby


Entrepreneurship ?Dr. Walid El Etriby

Dr. Walid El Etriby

Dr. Walid El Etriby


defined as the process of designing, launching

and running a new business.

Typically begins as a small business, such as a

startup company

Offering a product, process or service for sale or


The people who create these businesses are

called entrepreneurs.

Dr. Walid El Etriby

Why not to be an Entrepreneur?

•Lack of experience

Dr. Walid El Etriby

What do we need to be an

Entrepreneur ?

Dr. Walid El Etriby

1. The IDEA ?!Dr. Walid El Etriby

Innovation & added value Dr. Walid El Etriby

Innovation vs. invention

what are the

differences ?

Dr. Walid El Etriby

Added value

Dr. Walid El Etriby

2. Recourses Dr. Walid El Etriby

The three key resources , the 3Ms:

Men/women (the human resources);

Money (budgets);

Minutes (time).

The 3Ms

Dr. Walid El Etriby

3. Business plan / model

Dr. Walid El Etriby

How we start-up the business?

Dr. Walid El Etriby

Business Model

Dr. Walid El Etriby

Dr. Walid El Etriby

“A business model describes

the rationale of how an organization

creates, delivers, and captures


business model

Dr. Walid El Etriby

It is consist of 9 building blocks .

business model

Dr. Walid El Etriby



















An organization serves one or several Customer


2.Value Propositions

It seeks to solve customer problems and satisfy

customer needs with value propositions.


Value propositions are delivered to customers

through communication, distribution, and sales


4.Customer Relationships

Customer relationships are established and

maintained with each Customer Segment.

5.Revenue Streams

Revenue streams result from value propositions

successfully offered to customers.

6.Key Resources

Key resources are the assets required to offer

and deliver the previously described elements . .


7.Key Activities

The activities do you need to perform well and

which is most crucial.

8.Key Partnerships

Some activities are outsourced and some

resources are acquired outside the enterprise

9.Cost Structure

The business model elements result in the cost


Thank You

شكرا لكم

Dr. Walid El Etriby

Contacts “walid.eletriby”



Dr. Walid El Etriby