Carbon emission blog

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Carbon emission blog

Carbon emission v/s Green House Gas

B.Prasad, chartered Engineer


What is carbon emission

Greenhouse Gas (abbreviated GHG) is a gas in an atmosphere that absorbs and emits radiation within the thermal infrared range. This process is the fundamental cause of the greenhouse effect.

Sulphur oxide(SOx) Carbon dioxide (CO2) Methane (CH4) Nitrous oxide (NOx) Ozone (O3) CFCs (Chloro Fluro Carbon)

contributor to carbon emission?

Movement of Pollutants

Greenhouse effect

Co2 and Temperature Rise

Environmental impacts

annual temperatures are expected to increase.

Snow, sea ice and glacier coverage will decrease.

increases coastal flooding. Heat waves are likely to increase in

frequency and severity, resulting in higher risks of forest fires.

Many wildlife species will have difficulty adapting to a warmer climate.

Human health impacts

Dehydration and heat stroke

Greater risk of respiratory and cardiovascular problems

The risk of water , food and rodent-borne diseases may increase.

Economic impacts

Damage to infrastructure (e.g., roads and bridges)

Agriculture, forestry, tourism and recreation may be affected by changing weather patterns.

Human health impacts are expected to place additional economic stress

Countries contributing carbon print

Per capita emission

Solar PV installed at Hospital

Capacity- 35 KWAverage- 40% of 35 KW= 14 KWAvg. Annual Power availability @ 8 hrs/day

Throughout energy produced = Average load X Average hrs per day X

days in a year = 14 KW X 8 hrs X 365 days = 40880 KWH (unit)/annum

CO2 emission saved

CO2 emission = 6.89551 × 10-4 metric tons CO2 / kWh


= 0.69 Kg CO2/ KWh  CO2 emission saved per Annum = Energy prod. Per annum X Kg CO2/ KWh

= 40880 KW/annum X 0.69 Kg CO2/ KWh = 28207.2 Kg CO2 emission saved/


CO2 emission saved --2

CO2 emission = 6.89 × 10-4 metric tons CO2 / kWh


= 0.69 Kg CO2/ KWh or Unit  example: load 3 MW = 3000KW, Power Cut

Time:30 minute per month Load in KWH =3000KWx0.5H = 1500 KWH OR Unit Carbon emission per month = 1500UX 0.69 Kg

CO2 = 1035Kg CO2 emission saved Carbon emission saving ANNUALLY =1035

X12= 12420 KG =12.4 ton

Carbon emission from household

= 1190 kg Per Annum per family







(MTCO2e per metric ton of crude processed

MTCO2e per metric ton of crude pro-cessed CO2 emission

Carbon emission (MTCO2e ) per metric ton of crude processed

Source: sustainability report 2011-2012

Saving of power is saving of carbon emission

Every unit of electricity or gas that we use results in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to the atmosphere. If we reduce our electricity then we save money and reduce the CO2 emissions and we should be responsible for that.
