爀䌀愀渀 礀漀甀 愀搀搀 愀 猀氀椀搀攀 愀昀琀攀爀 琀栀椀猀 ...Updated...

Post on 13-Sep-2020

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Transcript of 爀䌀愀渀 礀漀甀 愀搀搀 愀 猀氀椀搀攀 愀昀琀攀爀 琀栀椀猀 ...Updated...

Danielle Bohn, MPH, CWP

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MD – add your name + credentials. �Can you add a slide after this one with CHEW details to connect that be well is housed within CHEW. & CHEW mission

Mission & VisionM



The Center for Health Education and Wellness empowers all Volunteers to thrive by cultivating personal and community well-being. CHEW and Be Well aim to fulfill this mission by helping the UT community prioritize holistic wellness.


n A University of Tennessee campus that supports positive lifestyle choices. Go

als Increase employee

access to health and wellness related information

Increase employee opportunity for individual and group wellness activities

Increase support and networks for positive lifestyle change.

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Updated website: https://bewell.utk.edu/ Be Well has officially adopted SAHMSA’s 8 Dimensions of Wellness model

Work-Life Balance

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Small interactive activity: Think about everything that you do during the day from the moment you wake up until you get back into your bed at night to go to sleep. Building upon that, what are some of the activities that you do at home to prepare yourself for work? [Allow time for responses] An example: making meals/snacks Do you bring anything from work home with you? [Common answer is stress] Similarly, do you bring to work any problems that are happening at home, in your personal life? You have been able to identify that our work lives and home lives exist more as an integration with one another as opposed to the traditional light-switch model of work-life balance. We do not switch off our “life” when we come to work and we do not switch off “work” when we go home. So why does this matter?....

ACHA-NCHA 2017 Data

50% of employees felt overwhelmed by all that they had to do

53.4% of employees sit approx. 6.4-8 hours a day while at work

16.3% of employees were diagnosed and treated for anxiety, while 18.7% were diagnosed and

treated for depression

On average employees slept 6.69 hours per night

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Sample Size: 531 Respondents Majority were female respondents We will be launching this survey in the fall again with a larger sample size, so stay connected with Be Well on social media and through our newsletter for details. Something that all of these markers have in common is that they permeate through the fictitious wall we have created that separate work and life. Whether it is your job or personal life, or both that are contributing to the outcome we must acknowledge that everyone is coming into work and leaving work holistically. And while there are certain factors that are out of reach for employers, there are also a lot of things that employee wellness programs can do to cultivate a health promoting culture. So why do we care?

The “Why”



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Moving beyond traditional measures of ROI’s and insurance savings Over the years, research has shown that healthier employees: Show up to work - greater presenteeism. (Whitmer 2012) https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/pop.2012.0003?prevSearch=allfield%253A%2528Presenteeism%2529&searchHistoryKey=http%3A%2F%2Fonline.liebertpub.com%2Fdoi%2Fabs%2F10.1089%2Fpop.2012.0003%3FprevSearch%3Dallfield%253A%2528Presenteeism%2529&searchHistoryKey=& More productive - https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/08/170802134738.htm Happier at work -https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2015.00188/full

Topics for Today• Physical Activity

• Healthy Eating

• Stress Management

• Social Connectedness

Move Those Muscles

Physical activity

• Physical activity is any body movement that works your muscles and requires more energy than resting.


• For optimal health benefits participate in at least:• 150 minutes-300 minutes

of moderate-intensity activity/week

• OR 75 minutes-150 minutes of vigorous –intensity activity/week

• OR 10,000 steps/day• AND 2-3 days of

resistance training each week

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Present: For health benefits, it is recommended that we participate in at least 150 minutes of moderate-vigorous activity each week. This can be looked at in different ways. Moderate-vigorous refers to the intensity at which we are physically active. If we work at higher intensities (vigorous activity) then 75 minutes of activity per week is enough to still reap benefits. We will talk more about different intensities later on in the program. For now, we will focus on step per day. For health benefits, it is recommended that we take 10,000 steps per day. Ask: Does any one want to share an activity they participate in? (open response)

Be Well Programming

• Campus Walking Routes

• Employee Fitness Classes

• Walking Challenges

• Take Time, Take Care

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Campus walking routes https://bewell.utk.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/26/2019/08/Building-Route.pdf Take Time, Take Care: Wednesday, Sept. 25th /11am-3pm/Circle Park Yoga: Thursday, September 26th -5:15pm, Stokely Hall 119B/C


• Serves as a visual reminder of what healthy eating looks like

• Everything you eat matters!• Choose a variety of foods

from all 5 categories• Eat the right amount of

calories Choosemyplate.gov

Presentation Notes
Presenter: MyPlate was created to take the place of the food pyramid and serves as a visual heathy eating reminder. Remember everything you eat and drink matters! Focus on variety, amount, and nutritional value. When choosing foods look for low sodium, low saturated fat, and reduced added sugars. Starting with something as small as decreasing soda intake or choosing fruit as a snack can add up for a healthier change! Eating the correct amount of calories based on your age, sex, height, weight, and activity level is also important. Follow the link on the slide to find out how many you should be eating. Ask: Can someone give me an example of a meal following MyPlate guidelines?

Healthy Lifestyle Program


Topic Behavior Skill ActivityWeek 1 Welcome & Move Those Muscles Self-monitoring & goal setting Activities We Enjoy & Why

Week 2 Healthy Eating Self-monitoring & goal setting My Plate: Create a Menu Ordering Healthy Options

Week 3 Energy Balance

Week 4 Being Active – A Way of Life Problem solving Overcoming Barriers

Week 5 Managing Stress Cognitive Restructuring Mindful Minute

Week 6 Take Charge in Lifestyle Change, & Staying Motivated

Relapse preventionStimulus control

Action Plan for SlipsChanging Problem Cues

A 6-week lunch and learn program aimed to help employees create healthier lifestyles through physical activity, proper nutrition and healthy habits.

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An evidence-based 6-week program adapted from the CDC’s Diabetes Prevention Program. In the lunch and learn style sessions, participants will learn about the current recommendations for areas of health and wellness. Participants will set and work to achieve individual goals based on their current levels of engagement. Over the course of the program, participants will learn skill sets that will help them meet their goals and the adopt a healthy lifestyle as part of their daily routines.

Nutrition Labels 101

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Presenter: Reading a nutrition label is another important skill that takes practice. How many times have to flipped over a box in the grocery store wondering what all those numbers meant? Here is a great break down of a label from MyPlate that explains what to look for when checking out a label. Start with the serving size. The nutrients listed will be for 1 servings, not the whole container. Notice how much that serving size is and how many are in the container. Next, take note of how many calories are in one serving and how much of those calories come from fat. The label will then show a break down of total fat grams, saturated 5 grams, and if there are trans-fats, the grams of trans-fat in the product. These are nutrients to try to limit. For a guide, about 5 grams of total fat is one serving of fat. Other items to limit include sodium and cholesterol. Next, the product will show carbohydrates, the total grams, amount of fiber, and sugars. The sugars listed are generally added sugars. Use the percent daily value as a quick guide. Try to increase items like fiber and vitamins when looking for foods. Any vitamins in the product will be listed along with their percent of daily value. The footnote depicts these daily values.

Be Well Programming

• Healthy Cooking Classes

• Healthy Gardening Classes

• Grow With Be Well Gardening Program

Stress Management• “Stress is the body's reaction to any change that requires

an adjustment or response. The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental, and emotional responses” – Cleveland Clinic

• May be good or bad• Eustress: excitement• Distress: anxiety

• “Fight or Flight” response

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There are many definitions for stress. Here are a few and what we will refer to when we discuss stress today. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines stress as “a state of mental tension and worry..” or in the more physical sense a “physical force or pressure.” We have all probably felt stress and this metaphorical pressure but maybe we weren’t quite able to define it. Basically, stress is your body’s way of dealing with a demand. This demand may be good or bad. Exciting or nerve racking. This is the difference between eustress (good stress) and distress (bad stress).


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Paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment. Please give yourself the next three minutes to be fully present as we go through a guided meditation that you can do at your desk anytime you need a moment to yourself. https://play.acast.com/s/themindfulpodcast/3-minute-body-scan-meditation

Social Connectedness• Social connection is widely viewed as a fundamental

human need

• Critical to physical health, cognitive functioning, and influence risk for premature mortality

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Having high quality connections with your coworkers no only increases workplace cohesion, but additionally improves health, productivity, and happiness (Holt-Lunstad, 2018). https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0890117118776735a So what does this look like?...

Social Connectedness Cont.• Requires trust and vulnerability


• Describe the last pet you owned

• What was your high school like?

• Who is your favorite actor?

• What is your greatest accomplishment, and why?

• When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?

• Is there something you’ve always dreamed of doing? Why haven’t you done it?

Adapted from The Culture Code, Daniel Coyle

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Activity: Half of the room will be A and the other half will be B Partner up You will have a minute to go through all 3 questions with your partner Debrief: How was it? Compare A’s to B’s Explain how B’s would complete a task more cooperatively than A’s because of the trust they developed by being vulnerable. So I encourage you all to be vulnerable with your colleagues and focus on developing high-quality connections with the individuals that you work with.

Creating a Culture of Wellness

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How to make these things practical, not only for yourself, but for your office: Invite your coworkers to walk with you on lunch – Campus walking routes Schedule a healthy potluck lunch with your team and eat together Begin each staff meeting with a 5 minute mindfulness session Seek out three, thirty second high quality connections per day

Your Wellness Resources

Partners for Health Wellness Program

Employee Assistance Program

Be Well

Partners for Health

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Employee Assistance Program

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Be WellUpcoming Events!

• Take Time, Take Care: Sept. 25th/11am-3pm

• UT Benefits Fair: Sept. 26th / 10am-1:30pm

• Employee Fitness (Yoga): Sept. 26th / 5:15pm-6:15pm

• Healthy Cooking Classes: Sept. 28, Oct. 1st

Stay Connected

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Attend Be Well events!

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Follow Be Well on Facebook and Twitter Subscribe to monthly newsletters by emailing bewell@utk.edu


Email: bewell@utk.edu