Canticle …That They Be Good Men” · During his free time, Mr. Chap-man loves martial arts and...

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Transcript of Canticle …That They Be Good Men” · During his free time, Mr. Chap-man loves martial arts and...

“Ut Viri Boni Sint… Canticle …That They Be Good Men”

Vol. XIII, No. 1 Saint David’s School Winter 2016

From the President’s Desk

This year, as your Student Council President,

through your actions and my leadership, I hope to better

our community. As I said in my election speech, I hope to

do this through existing charities and new ones. I also as-

pire to make student life at Saint David’s more enjoyable

by presenting to you, the student body, a handful of new


In past years, Saint David’s and my predecessors

have worked to build a school in Ethiopia. We are well into

our efforts there. Already, the school has been in operation

for well over a year. However, our work is not complete,

and we look forward to donating the proceeds of our annu-

al Walk-a-Thon and other spring events to the Kalina

School. The money from these activities will go to the

completion of a parent center for young residents, located

next to the existing school.

In addition to our efforts abroad, the 8th grade has

chosen to help a school a little closer to home, The New

York School for Deaf, NYSD, is located just a few miles

north of here in White Plains. They have been struggling

monetarily due to the government limiting their funding.

We are holding a winter indoor soccer tournament in which

all the eighth graders pay $20 for the privilege of playing.

All the proceeds will go to the NYSD to help with their

funding shortage.

Although we are doing a great deal for others, I

will also fight to give you the privileges you deserve. For

instance, during the past Halloween, a great many of stu-

dents were in the mood to dress up. This year, the Student

Council created a dress-up day for the entire Upper School.

We also are in the process of speaking to the Head Chef

about possibly receiving festive holiday snacks and lunches

as the year goes on. Dress-down days and free-seating

lunches are always on our radar, and we look forward to

adding some to the calendar. The seventh and eighth

grades really enjoy these privileges when they occur. I be-

lieve that I can be a good president and lead you in your

times of advancement. I look forward to answering any

proposals you have. James Karasyov

Pope Francis Visits NYC

Four hours for five seconds. That is how I spent

my Friday off. It might seem as if it was a waste of a free

day, but it was more than just waiting four hours to watch a

man drive by, and it wasn’t just any man. It was Pope Fran-

cis. The excitement and the hype makes it a better experi-

ence. Those few seconds when the procession went by was

a feeling that I will never forget.

One of eighty thousand, to be lucky enough to

catch a glimpse! And fortunate enough to even win the

ticket, in the lottery. If it weren’t for my father’s shoulders,

I wouldn’t have even seen him. As I was weaving through

the line on Central Park West, I was getting more bored,

yet anxious and excited!

When we finally got into the Park and through se-

curity, I was relieved, thinking the wait was over. But then

I realized that in a less than ten block section of the road in

Central Park, eighty thousand people were trying to do the

same thing, catch a glimpse of Pope Francis. My family

and I went searching for a good view, which was hard, be-

cause some people had been lined up all day.

We settled for a spot in the sixth row. What made

seeing the Pontiff much harder was that everyone wanted

to snap a picture. Phones, tablets, cameras, everything. We

waited, and I could sense that he was close. The Argentini-

ans behind me were going crazy, and then I heard the roar.

I somehow climbed up on my dad’s shoulders. Then I saw

it, the Pope Mobile. The best five seconds ever!

Peter Mastropasqua

Inside the Issue

Current events, New Teachers,

Sports, School News, Pop Culture, Photos

and more!


March 2016 Canticle Page 2

A New Beginning

At the end of last year, 2015.

Ms. Sara Peavy retired and left an open

spot for Head of Upper School. Mr. Eric

Chapman has stepped into the position

and has hit the ground running. So far,

he has done a great job of running the

Upper School. Mr. Chapman is a great

new addition to the Saint David’s com-


Before coming to Saint Da-

vid’s, Mr. Chapman worked as a dean at

Calhoun School. He came to Saint Da-

vid’s for an array of reasons, but the

main reason is Saint David’s “sense of

community.” Recently, to improve the

bond between the leading 8th graders,

he has set up one- on-one meetings with

each student. When asked who has

been the most help this year, he said,

“Dr. O’Halloran has been extremely

helpful for me and has had an open

door.” He is happy to be meeting new

people. Mr. Chapman said, “I never

really have worried about behavioral

issues because I trust my students. I

love being able to connect with my stu-

dents and being able to help them

learn.” During his free time, Mr. Chap-

man loves martial arts and spending

time with his wife and his son, Mal-

colm. He also loves watching and read-

ing science fiction because he feels,

“You know what might happen.” Mr. Chap-

man is looking forward to a great year at

Saint David’s and becoming an amazing new

addition to our community. Devin Kruse

Ms. LoTempio Ms. LoTempio is starting her

first year here at Saint David’s as a

kindergarten teacher. Ms. LoTempio

used to teach seventh and eighth grade

and says it’s a big difference teaching

kindergarten. She teaches on the first

floor alongside another kindergarten

teacher, teaching everything from

math to social studies. Before coming

to Saint David’s, Ms. LoTempio

worked at Harlem Village Academy.

This is her tenth year teach-

ing, and she is looking forward to

being at Saint David’s. Although she

used to teach English, her favorite

class to teach is history (social stud-

ies). Her hobbies include traveling,

reading, exercising, and visiting muse-

ums, her favorite being the Tenement


Her favorite things to do on

the weekends are to travel or to just

relax with her friends. Some of her

favorite books include The Book

Thief, To Kill A Mockingbird, and

Harry Potter. Her favorite movie is

Braveheart, and she likes to watch

football and play lacrosse. Ms.

LoTempio’s favorite meal is break-

fast, and she enjoys eating any type of


She learned about Saint Da-

vid’s through her friend Ms. Kaplan,

who currently works here. The thing

she likes the most about Saint David’s

so far is the fact that it feels like a

great community. We are looking for-

ward to having Ms. LoTempio at Saint

David’s for years to come!

Cyrus Farman-Farmaian

Ms. Annette Kanter

Ms. Kanter was cordially

welcomed to Saint David's School

this fall. She previously worked at

Avenues World School which is in

Chelsea, New York. She has been

working in the administration depart-

ment for twenty years.

Growing up, Ms. Kanter

loved reading and writing, and she

still enjoys it today. Therefore, her

strongest and favorite subject was

English. Also, in her spare time she

loves yoga and crochet. Her favorite

book and movie of all time is To Kill

a Mockingbird. Ms. Kanter loves

helping her two 19 and 21 year old

sons prepare for football as well as

watching football.

The new Admissions Assis-

tant is in love with all eggplant dish-

es, ranging from eggplant Parmesan

to eggplant with gazpacho. On the

weekends she enjoys spending time

with her family, friends, and time by

herself. Ms. Kanter heard about Saint

David’s through the independent

school admissions position and being

in the Carnegie Hill neighborhood.

The Admissions Assistant’s favorite

time of the day is 4:00 PM because

then she gets coffee and a little treat

for herself. In addition to the treat,

school, and her schedule, Ms. Kanter

loves the warm welcoming staff at

Saint David's School. I think that Ms.

Kanter is a perfect fit for Saint Da-

vid's School, and I hope she has a

long career here. Welcome to Saint

David's, Ms. Kanter!

Thomas Bolen

March 2016 Canticle Page 3

Ugrunaaluk Kuukpikensis

Recently, scientists found a new species of dino-

saur. The Ugrunaaluk Kuukpikensis lived 69 million years

ago above the Arctic Circle. This is the farthest north re-

searchers have ever found dinosaurs. The animal was said

to look like Godzilla, 25 - 30 feet long and 7 feet tall. This

creature was covered in hard scales to protect its body

from predators, although it was a herbivore. The jaw line

of the animal consisted of 1,000 teeth, perfect for crushing

fruits and plants. The Ugrunaaluk Kuukpikensis can be

categorized as a hadrosaur, a group of duck-billed dino-


The front legs of the dinosaur are much shorter

than the back legs but it can still walk on all fours. “These

animals were living in a very strange world. They proba-

bly had freezing and snow in the winter, and they had to

survive four months of complete darkness. Finding food

would be difficult. The plants are not growing at this time,

and they would have to live on low-quality forage: ferns,

twigs and bark,” said Patrick Druckenmiller. Pat Drucken-

miller is a vertebrate paleontologist with a research em-

phasis on Mesozoic marine reptiles (particularly plesio-

saurs and ichthyosaurs) and dinosaurs of Alaska.

This dinosaur is in the news because it is a newly

found species of dinosaurs above the Arctic Circle. This

means the weather conditions were very harsh, making the

dinosaur a herbivore. How could the animal survive the

winters? Scientists should figure out why the Ugrunaaluk

Kuukpikensis had hard scales; because why would a her-

bivore need protection if it didn't compete against any oth-

er animals? Thomas Bolen

Canticle Staff Box

Editors - Colin Craig and Peter DeLuca


Thomas Bolen Jack Kelly

James Curry Devin Kruse

Stefano de Rossi Peter Mastropasqua

Ben Doolan Alex Norton

Cyrus Farman-Farmaian Caspar Schliemann

Laird Fitzgerald Julian Solomone

Tim Flaherty Nick von Perfall

Phillip Fuhrman Nick Worsoe

Faculty Advisors

Mr. Ryan and Mr. Dearie

Syrian Crisis

For much of the past month, many Southern Euro-

pean countries have had thousands of Syrians risking life

and limb in order to escape the civil war in Syria. Since

2011, nearly all of Syria has became a total war zone. Ba-

shar al-Assad is the current leader of Syria and has been for

the past fifteen years.

With the government increasing their brutality

against citizens, refugees have been going to extreme

measures in order to

escape their war-

ridden homeland. In

the middle of this cri-

sis lies Hungary, which

has been utterly ruth-

less against the des-

perate refugees trying

to find a place they

can call home. In

nearby Germany and

Austria, thousands of

refugees have been

given a warm wel-

come. The United

Nations have not been a help either. In various meetings,

Russia leader Vladimir Putin has made it seem more appar-

ent that he is out to get the US, rather than stop the inhu-

mane atrocity that is happening in Syria. (author’s opinion)

The world must do as much as they can in order to assist

the immigrants that are currently experiencing the harshest

of conditions. Nick Worsoe

March 2016 Canticle Page 4

The Unknown Crisis in Eritrea

The Syrian Refugee Crisis has occupied the minds

of almost every European politician for the past few months.

However, in a small country in Africa there is another large

refugee crisis that most people don’t know about. The coun-

try in question is called Eritrea. The Eritrean People’s Liber-

ation Front, or EPLF controls the country with an iron fist.

Almost all rights and freedoms are restricted, and there has

not been a national election since the country’s independ-

ence almost fifty years ago.

The Eritrean government has been accused by the

U.N. of extrajudicial executions, torture, indefinitely pro-

longed national service and forced labor, and sexual harass-

ment. Furthermore, the government's relationship with Ethi-

opia is extremely fragile, and the two countries are in con-

stant threat of war. Eritrea is commonly known as the North

Korea of Africa. Now with a country as oppressive as this

no wonder people want to leave. But leaving is a very dan-

gerous endeavor. Leaving is considered a capital crime and

“hunters” are dispatched to bring back refugees to face tor-

ture, interrogation, and death at the hands of their cruel gov-


Despite the consequences, thousands of people still

make the dangerous journey, traveling hundreds of miles to

a better life in Europe. 37,000 people in 2014 alone have

made the journey across the Mediterranean Sea in rickety

boats and rafts. Even though the Eritreans undertake the

same amount of peril or even more, they do not get a frac-

tion of the media attention as the Syrian crisis. In fact, many

people do not know about this horrible crisis mainly be-

cause we are far away from the problem.

Syria is constantly in our minds because of its close

ties to the USA, however. Eritrea is far from our minds be-

cause it is very far away. It is horrible that not many people

know about this because of its size or distance from us. Eve-

ryone in the world has a duty to help everyone whether it’s

one million people or ten thousand people.

Caspar Schliemann

Syrian Refugee Crisis Canticle First Hand Account

This past Memorial Day weekend I went to Lon-

don and was fortunate enough on Sunday to take the Euro-

star, a high speed train, to Paris. In order to do this, I

passed under the English Channel between England and

France. In current news, refugees from Eastern Europe

and Syria have tried to break into the service tunnel, one

of the three tunnels, to walk to freedom in England.

When I came out of the tunnel on the French side,

our train stopped and waited to see if there were any peo-

ple on the tracks. This gave me time to view the scenery.

The first thing I saw was lines of tactical vehicles, much

like Jeeps, and lines of armed guards.

There were rows of old eight foot tall, green fenc-

ing with curved in tops. And behind that was new, white,

ten foot tall fencing. On one of the rows I could see where

refugees had knocked it down, and the guards had reas-

sembled it in a makeshift fashion.

Eventually, when the Eurostar started to move at

a slow pace again, I could see numerous people dressed in

warm clothing walking on the sides of the track with po-

lice escorts. The police had also cut down all the trees and

tall grass, so they could see if anyone was close to the


This trip taught me about current events happen-

ing in the world. On one hand, I could understand the

frustration of the French and English security forces that

are trying to enforce their country's laws.

On the other hand, I witnessed the tragedy of the

situation and saw the afflicted mothers, fathers, and chil-

dren, and I could not help but empathize with their plight.

These were scenes I will not soon forget.

Laird Fitzgerald

( This is a photo I took on the trip )

March 2016 Canticle Page 5

Halloween Hi Jinx

March 2016 Canticle Page 6

Built for Speed

Every year, over 3,000 spectators gather to watch

250 of the world’s best downhill skateboarders/street

lugers battle to win on the iconic Maryhill Loops Road in

Washington State, while enjoying food, entertainment

and action sports exhibits. The Maryhill Festival of

Speed, started on June 1, 2006, is held annually, and was

recently held on June 24-28, 2015. Built in 1911, the

first asphalt road in the state, the road is famous for its

low grades and hairpin curves.

Downhill skateboarding, also known as long-

boarding, is a dangerous and adrenaline-pushing sport

that requires balance and bravery. The boards that the

riders ride normally range from 36 to 44 inches and don’t

have curved up tips, like a traditional skateboard

does. Another feature that these boards have is deep con-

cave in the middle, so the rider can lock his foot in

place. To slow down or turn sharp corners, the rider can

do a number of slides.

A slide is basically when you kick out the back

two wheels so that the board is horizontal to the road.

The wheels slide on the road, and the rider brushes off a

remarkable amount of speed. Sliding is an important

aspect of downhill skateboard races because it can be

used to slow down when turning and it also looks really


The equipment used, besides the board are leath-

er suits, downhill helmets, slide gloves, and flat bot-

tomed shoes. The leather suits protect the rider from se-

rious road rash when they fall and usually have their

sponsor’s names stitched on. The helmet covers their

entire head and has a visor to keep the wind out. Slide

gloves are like hard cloth or leather gloves, that have a

velcro attached slide puck on the palm.

The slide gloves are metal, hard plastic, or rock

pucks that slide against pavement, so that the rider can do

a hands-down slide, which is when they do a slide, and

have their gloves skimming along the pavement.

Throughout the five-day event, 208 of the 214

professional long boarders packed their bags and headed

home, leaving the final six.

On the fifth day, the finalists, Zak Maytum, Alex

Charleson, Kevin Reimer, Spencer Smith, Patrick Switz-

er, and Brendan Davidson, lined up at the starting line,

and after the gun shot, proceeded to speed down Maryhill

Loops Road with speeds up to 65 miles per hour! For the

majority of the race, Maytum held first place, while

Charelson and Reimer intermittently took the lead, but

ended up finishing in second and third place respectively.

None of the other finalists ever passed May-

tum. Maytum won $3,000, Charelson won $1,500, and

Reimer won $1,000.

While long boarders in New York City don’t ride

around in leathers and expensive helmets, you can find

an equal amount of skill in NYC as you can find at

Maryhill. I, myself, being a long boarder and a skate-

boarder, skate in Central Park almost every day. The

people whom I've met there are as good or maybe even

better than the pros at Maryhill, and they’ve taught me

quite a bit about it. In fact, I have even met a former

Maryhill competitor. While I don’t yet complete the re-

quirements to compete at Maryhill, I still practice so

when I become of age, I can travel to Washington and

compete, and hopefully win. Downhill skateboarding is

not a sport for everyone, but it is exhilarating and great

fun! James Curry

March 2016 Canticle Page 7

The Puck Stops Here! The Saint David’s Hockey program has long been

a tradition here at the school. The Hockey program con-

tains multiple teams playing at different levels, starting

with practice teams from kindergarten to first grade, then

moving to the mighty mites, age 8. Following is the mites,

age 9, after that

squirts, ages 10-11,

and lastly, the ban-

tams, ages 12-14.

Now, at the school, we

have a group of five

eighth graders, who

have lived through the

program and are cur-

rently living out their

last years as bantams.

This group consists of

Colin Craig, Devin

Kruse, Wills Dietrich, Joe Bednar, and Alex Norton.

These players are the backbone of the program,

often times assisting coaches and helping fellow team-

mates. They have witnessed the way the program has

shaped players first hand, and when recalling the experi-

ence, all agree it was worth it. Now their team may have

never won the championship or made it to the finals, but all

the players say that the program changed them as people.

“The program made me feel whole and inspired

my love for hockey,” says Colin Craig, reminiscing about

his early years. Devin Kruse, when questioned about the

matter, said “Because of my birthday, I was always forced

to play with the older boys, and I really feel as if that

helped me overcome challenges and changed me as a per-

son.” The Hockey program here at Saint David’s is one of

the best, and it has certainly left its mark on those of us

who participated in this fine program.

Alexander Norton

New York City Football Club

NYC FC Gives NYC Some Kick!

This year in the 2015 MLS season there have been

two new teams: Orlando City, and New York City Foot-

ball Club. The first main goal for this team was to play in

the five boroughs as opposed to the New York Red Bulls,

who play in New Jersey. The fans feel closer figuratively,

and physically. They currently play their home games at

Yankee Stadium, which for the city, is much closer. And

the hype in the stadium is much better at Yankee Stadium

than Red Bull Arena. Before the season, the big names on

NYCFC were David Villa and Frank Lampard. Then

Lampard was “lent” out to their partner, Manchester City,

for the season, expecting him to come back at the begin-

ning of the MLS season. But after Lampard started play-

ing well off the bench for City, and after some minor con-

troversy, Lampard ended up staying for the whole Premier

League Season, which ends in

late May. The MLS season

starts in early March, but

even without Lampard,

NYCFC has gotten off to a

good start. David Villa scored

the first goal ever at Yankee

Stadium. Right now they

have the third most average

attendance this year. But as

the season progressed they struggled. Then they got one

more huge signing, Andrea Pirlo, the Italian legend. Then

Lampard came back and Villa, Lampard, and Pirlo were

finally all playing together in late August. This is an aus-

picious start to what can be a very successful club. Wel-

come home, soccer!

Peter Mastropasqua

Thanksgiving Drive Numbers

250 Boxes - A New Record-Over 7500 Grocery Items

100 Pounds of Bacon

100 Pounds of Sausage

100 Turkeys

$750 Donations

Thank you, and congratulations to the student body.

March 2016 Canticle Page 8

An Extinguished Flame? It’s the bottom of the 9th, 2 outs. The Yankees are

playing the Red Sox in the American League 1999 champi-

onships. Millions of eyes across the country are glued to

their television sets. This is one of the greatest, most antici-

pated rivalries in all of sports. In the past couple of years,

the fire in this rivalry has died down. This could be due to a

variety of reasons, but it certainly is not what it used to be.

The Yankees could be considered the greatest team

in baseball because of its 27 World Series wins. This team

has also been the home to some of the greatest players that

ever stepped on the field. Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Mickey

Mantle, Whitey Ford, Joe DiMaggio, Derek Jeter. I could

go and on naming all the greats. Unfortunately, even the

greatest of us eventually get old and retire. There is almost

nobody left on the team from the amazing 96, 98, 99, and

2001 performances.

Mariano Rivera, Derek Jeter and Andy Petite are

all names of the past. The same could be said for some of

the Red Sox players. For example, their star pitcher, the

Yankees’ worst nightmare, was Pedro Martinez. He and

others of the Red Sox made it nearly impossible for the

Yankees to get the bat on the ball, causing close games and

a more intense rivalry.

Without the star players on either team, the seasons

of these two teams have become unpredictable. This year,

after a disappointing 2014 season where they didn't even

make the playoffs, the Yankees strung together a solid team

in 2015 without their captain, Derek Jeter, and without

their All-Star first baseman, Mark Teixeira. On the contra-

ry, since 2003, the Red Sox have won 3 World Series

Championships, due to some great pitchers and a great

manager. Surprisingly, over the last two years, the Red Sox

have been in last or second to last place for most of the sea-

son! The rivalry between the Boston Red Sox and the New

York Yankees has dissipated over the last couple of years

because both teams are extremely unpredictable each year,

due to the lack of the star players who have retired on each

team. Devin Kruse

Have Dogs Become

Too Reliant on Their

Owners? I read an article written by James Gorman in The

New York Times called “Why is That Dog Looking at

Me?” and learned about dogs and wolves and how dogs

have become too reliant on humans. This article ex-

plained why dogs always look up at you for help. To fig-

ure out why, Dr. Udall used some ideas from other tests

and came up with one that she hoped would give her an

answer. She had a Tupperware bowl with a lid on it to

which was attached a rope for the dog's snout. This made

it possible for the dogs to open it but it would be difficult

for them. Inside the bowl she put a treat for the dog to

get. The wolf persisted and opened it while the dog tried,

gave up and then stared at the humans to get them to

open it. Another Doctor, Dr. Milosky, discovered that,

over time, dogs who live with humans have evolved to

being more reliant on their owners.

On the other hand, since people don't typically

own wolves, dogs are more dependent. Dr. Wynne who

works at Arizona State University says, “I will go so far

as to say that we teach our dogs to be stupid.” Even

though dogs seem intelligent, they are not as smart as we

think. This matters because people need to know that we

should let our dogs do things on their own sometimes

and let them be more like their past relatives than to give

them everything they need. Also it gives us a glance at

what the future might look like for present day house


The next research the scientists should do is on

house cats and compare them to lion cubs and see if they

have changed as much as dogs, or if they have become

smarter. One question I still have is, how do you think a

house dog let into the wild would react and what

knowledge would they have of the outdoors to sur-

vive? Overall, this article was extremely interesting and

informed me quite a bit about dogs.

Laird Fitzgerald

March 2016 Canticle Page 9

Heisman Watch

The Heisman Trophy. Besides winning the NCAA

National Football Championship, probably this is the most

prestigious award to win as a player. Many big names have

won this award like: Robert Griffin III, Mark Ingram, and

Cam Newton. In the past five years the only football play-

ers to win this award were quarterbacks. What is so

astounding about this year’s pool of players is that, five

running backs have made their way into the top five candi-

dates for the Heisman Trophy. Could 2015 - 2016 be the

Year of the Running Back?

Leonard Fournette: This season Leonard Four-

nette has 1,352 rushing yards and 15 rushing touchdowns.

Fournette is a running back attending LSU. He has had an

incredible season so far. Because the star running back is

having such a great year, so is LSU. Their current record is

7-0. With Leonard’s speed, there comes a downfall — his

size. He is only 6’1 and getting tackled by an NFL player will

leave some marks. I could see Leonard Fournette going to

the Houston Texans after recently losing Arian Foster.

Trevone Boykin: This season Trevone Boykin has

2,927 passing yards, 28 touchdowns, and a QBR of 89.1.

Boykin has made a name for himself at TCU, and the

Horned Frogs undefeated this year. Boykin is having a jaw

dropping season at TCU; he has committed only 5 inter-

ceptions. I think that Trevone Boykin may bring his talents

to the Big Apple and play for the New York Jets. The Jets

seem to always find themselves in the rebuilding process.

Boykin may be the final piece for the Jets. Trevone Boykin

is going to be a Heisman finalist without a doubt.

Ezekiel Elliott: One of the biggest names in col-

lege sports right now is Ezekiel Elliott. Elliott has 1,130

rushing yards and 13 rushing touchdowns. Elliott, in his

junior year at the Ohio State University, has pushed the

Buckeyes to an undefeated season so far. The Buckeyes

have sky-rocketed this season, but quarterback J.T Barrett

was arrested. On top of his arrest the Ohio State University

took his scholarship away, and had to lean more on Elliott.

Ezekiel might end up on the Oakland Raiders. I think that

he would be a perfect fit with quarterback Devin Carr and

wide receiver Amari Cooper. Ezekiel Elliott will win the

Heisman Trophy this year! Thomas Bolen

Editors’ Note: Thomas’ article was prepared well

before the final vote. He had the eventual Heisman

winner, Derrick Henry, fourth in his estimation.

March 2016 Canticle Page 10

NBA Rookies and Phenoms! With the 2015-2016 NBA season, players and fans

are all very excited. This

year’s NBA draft was

filled with talent. All the

new players are compet-

ing for one title, the

Rookie of the Year

Award. But basketball

isn’t a one man show, it's

a team sport. In this arti-

cle I’ll be telling you who

will contribute the most to

his teams.

1. Stanley Johnson #3:

Stanley Johnson, Sr.

will be playing a ma-

jor role this year for

the Detroit Pistons.

Entering the NBA as a

6’7 245 pound small

forward, Johnson is

ready to play. He

played for the Arizona

Wildcats in college

and the previous

Wildcats star player was Aaron Gordon. Johnson filled

his shoes perfectly when he left the Cats. I predict that

Stanley Johnson will be a top contender for the Rookie

of the Year award, and he will not go unnoticed.

2. Emmanuel Mudiay #0: This year the Denver Nuggets

will make a name for themselves with the help of Em-

manuel Mudiay. Being one of the most adaptable point

guards in the draft, Mudiay has made his way into the

starting lineup. Mudiay being 6’5 and 190 pounds is

not the biggest

guy on the court,

but he fears no-

body. Mudiay

was heading to

SMU when he

decided not to go

to college and

instead play bas-

ketball in China.


Mudiay was pick

number 7 in the draft and is playing better than ever.

Mudiay is headed toward a long NBA career.

3. Jahlil Okafor #8: After winning the 2015 NCAA

Men's Division I Basketball Tournament against Wis-

consin, Jahlil Okafor proved he was ready to join the

NBA. At Duke, Jahlil was named the USBWA Nation-

al Freshman of the

Year and ACC

Player of the Year.

He was also a unan-

imous 2015 NCAA

Men's Basketball

All-American first-

team selection. The

6’11 275 pound

center was pick

number 3 in the

NBA draft by Philadelphia 76ers. Jahlil is a very sound

basketball player and will do very well in the NBA.

4. Karl Anthony Towns #32: After only one year at

Kentucky, Karl Anthony Towns was the number one

pick in the NBA draft. Coming in at 7 feet tall and 224

pounds, Towns is no shrimp. He can play both offense

and defense, I think he is a perfect fit for the Minnesota

Timberwolves. As a freshman at St. Joseph High

School, Towns led

the basketball team

to a state champion-

ship in 2012, earn-

ing himself the top

position in the

ESPN 25 national

ranking of high

school players. In

2014 Karl Anthony

Towns earned the

Gatorade Player of the Year award. Towns will have

no trouble fitting in with the NBA.

5. D’Angelo Russell #1: While attending the Ohio State

University, D’Angelo Russell became very well

known. D’Angelo Russell is a basketball phenome, he

was without a doubt

the best playmaker in

the draft. Russell made

a name for himself in

the passing aspect of

basketball, he can

identify an object

in .241 seconds. He

was drafted by the Los

Angeles Lakers at pick

number 2. A healthy

Kobe Bryant and

D’Angelo Russell is a

killer duo. If Bryant plays the role of a mentor to

Russell, he’ll be unstoppable. I think that D’Angelo

Russell will be the Rookie of the Year.

Thomas Bolen

(With apologies to Krystaps Porzingis!)

SoHo / No Longer Ho-hum All the way downtown, below numbered streets,

SoHo ,“South of Houston Street,” is well known for its hip

art galleries and trendy shops, a whole different world of

culture and activities that many of us are oblivious to. For

example, there is an amazing longboard shop (Longboard

Loft) that sells all sorts of cool longboards with over 300

to choose from! Apart from unique stores, some of which

have become tourist

destinations for peo-

ple seeking fashiona-

ble clothing, there

are also great family

owned restaurants

with amazing food.

A Casa Fox is one of

my favorites, where

they serve empana-

das and other unbe-

lievable Spanish

themed dishes.

Not only is this

hotspot good, but it

also gives you your “bang for your buck.”

Another great activity down in SoHo is the high-

line, that begins in Chelsea, near Chelsea Piers Sports Cen-

ter. This fascinating walkway was railway years ago, but

was transformed into a long park in which people can en-

joy the sights of SoHo from a unique perspective. This

wonder began construction in 2006 and was officially

opened to the public in 2014. On its way down into SoHo,

the highline passes

through the Avenues

School, where many

of us eighth graders

took the SSAT. SoHo

has a very cultural

feel, with the cobble-

stone streets, lofty

houses, and family

owned businesses.

Apart from food and

entertainment, and

exquisite architecture,

and home to some of the most expensive real estate in the

country, SoHo boasts with the greatest collection of cast-

iron architecture in the world. These great buildings are no

longer made, being replaced by a modern type steel de-

sign. Overall, SoHo is a very popular cultural hotspot

which is home to numerous unique businesses and build-

ings. Colin Craig

March 2016 Canticle Page 11

Trump Fever As primaries this year are drawing to a close and

we enter 2016, we Americans are bracing ourselves for the

election to come. As the debates have been heating up, one

name has been on the tip of everyone’s tongue. Donald


What is the ob-

session with this

billionaire turned

celebrity and now

apparently politi-

cian? I can narrow

it down to one as-

pect; the need for a

drastic change.

Most of our past

presidents have

been career politi-

cians. This means

that since the time

they were elected,

they have worked

on Capitol Hill.

This seemed to

work in the past,

however, now peo-

ple are becoming

increasingly un-

happy with these career men. Many people feel that they

can be bought easily and do things for profit and votes

when they are supposed to be doing their job for the great-

er good of the country and not their own selfish gains. It is

thought that once one spends a prolonged period on the Hill

that they sometimes become corrupt politicians. Our past

two presidents, Barack Obama and George Bush, have

been lifetime politicians. A fair amount of Americans were

not satisfied by either of these administrations and are

seeking a drastic change in leadership.

Businessmen and non-career-politicians are becoming

increasingly popular among the public. In fact, business-

man Mitt Romney was the runner-up for the 2012 election.

This just goes to show that non career politicians are be-

coming favored. This is where Donald Trump comes in.

Trump is a self-made man with a net worth of 4 billion dol-

lars. He made most of his fortune in real estate, creating

such luxury buildings as Trump Tower. He is the embodi-

ment of the American Dream, a man who built his life on

his own and was able to find success. As the election grows

nearer every day, Americans cannot help but wonder who

will lead this country into the bright future.

Peter De Luca

...And from the Desks of the Editors