Candidature Package - IFMSA Vice-President for Public Relations and Communication

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Transcript of Candidature Package - IFMSA Vice-President for Public Relations and Communication

Bursa, February 1st 2015

Dear IFMSA Family,

It is such an honour to present my candidature for Vice-President for Public Relations and Communication. It has been only six months that I have presented my candidature in Taiwan, and now I cannot believe how fast the time passed and I am ready to achieve more for this Federation.

Since my childhood I have been interested in computers, I was always amazed by how technologic devices work, and create our future. I remember creating a newspaper on my computer in 1999 for my school, and my interest in creating new things is the main reason that who am I today. My junior-high and high-school life was full of out-of-curriculum activities such as writing articles for the school magazine, designing them, being the editor of the magazine, editing and shooting several videos for the school activities, attending game programming camps held by the most prestigious Computer Engineering School in Turkey... I have gained many experiences and learned lessons from them.

I remember the first day of my medical education back in 2010. I have heard about my NMO before starting to medical school, and I wanted to work with them. I have started my work as a LORA Assistant, and with that I have had the chance to learn how to organize events, work with people and fundraise. A couple of months later, I attended my first National General Assembly and I was amazed. I knew that I should get involved more, and be more active, because I was starting to fall in love with my NMO.

During my first NGA, I learnt about New Technologies Support Division and I have decided to start this division inside my Local Committee. I have created several social media accounts for my local committee, and managed them, as well as I created several booklets, flyers and posters for our LC.

One year later, our national NTSDD resigned, and the EB was looking for an interim-NTSDD. I applied and got appointed in May. It was the beginning of my national work. While serving as an NTSDD for my NMO, I have started working with our website, which was a train wreck at the time. We have created a website that stores our documents, project databases, reports, as well as LC data in three months.

Because of my NMO’s work flow, I was also in charge of all our social media accounts. I have started researching to find all our accounts that exist, and I started working on strategies to run them perfectly. We created social media calendars to plan and monitor our social media activity, and we created many graphics using our Policy Statements to improve our impact. During our national symposium I was in charge of the social media integrations for the event. With using Twitter and all other social media platforms, we managed to become one of the Trending Topics on Twitter.

In October, I got elected again as the National NTSDD. Using the experience that I have gained during my first year, I had a more powerful and effective term. I got involved in bylaws more and I have proposed many bylaw changes regarding my work areas and TurkMSIC generally. Also I took place in writing several policy statements and I was the main author for two of them. In our latest National General Assembly, I have tabled a motion to form a Task Force on Constitution and Bylaws Improvement as well, and right now I am sharing my experience and leadership with our Task Force to improve our NMO dynamics.

Besides all the work that I have mentioned above, right now I am the president of my Local Committee as well, and I am helping our volunteers and my friends with my experience and ethics with the work that they are integrating to their lives every day.

It would be a shame not to mention my role in the IFMSA MM2015 Turkey General Assembly Organizing Committee. Currently I am working as the Registrations & Visa Coordinator and I am one of the five founding OC members since last year. Besides managing registrations and handling very stressful situations, I helped our OC with my planning skills to improve our work with taking minutes, organizing our communication channels and data storage.

In January 2013, I was elected in IFMSA NTSD Team and I have had the chance to get to know IFMSA more. While helping the NTSDD with his tasks, I was learning about IFMSA day by day. Attending my first IFMSA GA was an eye-opening experience for me. I knew it by my heart that IFMSA is where I belong and I was happy to find myself another home.

And now, I am serving as the IFMSA New Technologies Support Division Director for 4 months. We have been working powerfully in every aspect that IFMSA needs

with our Team of Officials, and I am glad that I had the chance to do that. You can refer to my mid-term report to get more information regarding my work.

As a person who has worked in every level in IFMSA –local, national and international- I believe that I have experience on almost every aspect of IFMSA. I know how things work on different levels, and what we need to do to maintain them. Not just maintaining them, but also improving them for the best of the Federation.

Being the last NTSDD for this Federation has a huge responsibility on me; and I am aware of that the new EB will have a bigger responsibility, not just maintaining the reform process smoothly but also being the first ones to create their ways of working in the Federation.

As one of our Strategic Plan’s main aspects, I believe that Vice-President for Public Relations and Communication is a position that should work primarily on Impact. I am planning to make sure that International Medical Students’ voice is heard properly through press and media channels. And I believe that my communication skills can play a major role in the requirements of this position. Powerful communication is what makes our Federation functional and I will make sure that it stays this way.

I believe that after all those years; it is now my turn to give back to our Federation. IFMSA is a huge family with many friends from all over the world. With our diversity and culture, we are improving ourselves and becoming a world citizen day by day, and I am really grateful for everything that we have achieved.

I would also like to point out that next year I will have a very light school schedule, with only 8 hours of class per week, which allows me to focus on IFMSA easily, and improve our work flow in the beginning of the term properly.

I hope that you have enjoyed reading my candidature. Please do not hesitate on approaching me regarding anything, or e-mailing me about things you would like to ask.

Sincerely yours,

Mustafa Ozan Alpay


If elected as Vice-President for Public Relations and Communication, I am planning to achieve many things for our Federation, and I am more than glad to explain them below. Please keep in mind that it is a preliminary plan of action, and I would be honoured to hear improvements, feedbacks and suggestions.

Promotion & Social Media Strategies

With the tremendous efforts of current and previous VPE’s, we have our own promotion and social media strategies. But it is crucial to keep them updated, as well as adapted to our needs. As a volunteer who has been managing several social media platforms professionally for over 3 years, I believe I can work on our strategies to keep them up to date with the current trends, and express our point of view just as the way we want.

Core action points

Creating a social media calendar to program our updates, and avoid spamming our followers

Creating social media-wise content with keeping it short, simple, easy to understand and integrating; to reach more integrations

Creating social media materials using IFMSA Policy Statements, Publications and previous works, to remind what we achieved in the past

Follow up on current social media accounts and delete unnecessary and duplicate ones

Testing the outcomes Visibility Strategy and improving it Creating interesting and promotional videos that integrate people more

Public Relations & Media Management, Press Relations

Public Relations is the most needed but the most neglected part of IFMSA. As a federation that serves over a million medical students worldwide, we achieve many good things but we keep missing the opportunities to share them.

“There is something worse than bad publicity, and that is no publicity.” -- Marvin L. Lubenow

Core action points

Creating Press Releases before and after events, and sending them to media to gather more interest in our work

Contacting international Press and achieving more impact Creating an archiving mechanism to archive all our outgoing and incoming

press communications and access them easily Creating a list of press contacts (journalists, reporters, columnists and more)

with their areas of interests, to contact them regarding their interests easily Creating content-wise press releases and news articles (adapted for

television, radio and written press) and targeting them to our audiences Collecting all news articles and video/audio recordings regarding IFMSA and

making them available on our website, also storing them in the Secretariat, and continuing press follow-up

Inviting press to our events and give them press-releases during the event Investigating previous work on the area, especially Press contacts from past

terms and evaluating the outcomes of them Helping NMO’s with improving their press and public relations, and promoting

their work national and locally – Our Website

Last year during my NTSDD Candidature, I have mentioned that I want to finalize the process of and transfer all the data from Right now, with the SWG on we are working on the proposal for our new website and I believe we can start the term 2015-2016 fresh. Having a new website is not going to open magical doors for us, but managing it wisely and strategically will. I have been managing websites for over 10 years, and I have been working professionally on websites for over 5 years.

Core action points

Updating outdated information on the website monthly Migrating the blog to the website and separating official news articles from

blog-like posts, and moving them to respective sections Adding our news archives on the website to improve our visibility and

institutional memory To integrate more users to the website with strategic usage of social media

Creating sections on the website to share our work with pictures, videos and articles that can raise interest, to improve our visibility

Creating a smart tags system on the website to match news and activities together, with that we can lead our visitors to similar activities and they can learn more about us

Analyzing the need of a Mobile IFMSA App and the potential uses; and developing if needed

Promotional Material & IFMSA Merchandise

IFMSA Merchandise is not only a great way to show our affection to our federation; but also has a great impact on people. It is not surprising that an IFMSA Alumni at the hospital sees you are wearing your IFMSA t-shirt and starts talking with you about IFMSA.

Core action points

Analysing the outcomes of current work plan and working on it for improvement

Un-hibernate the platform to sell the merchandise material online, through centrally by IFMSA or through NMO’s (to be determined with the results of current initiatives)

Creating merchandise with the NMO’s needs and expectations

Publications, MSI, Newsletters and Corporate Identity

As a result of the leadership structure reform, we are not going to have a Publications Director for the upcoming term. And I am aware of the responsibilities, and expectations from the position. I will work smart to make the transition smooth.

Core action points

Creating a powerful publication team, to achieve the highest-quality and appealing publications

Sending monthly newsletters to our members, and improving integration with our users

Sending bi-monthly newsletters to our external partners

Analysing various Corporate Identity Manual examples to find what we are missing with our Corporate Identity, and implementing them

Annual Report

Corporate firms publish their annual reports in order to inform their investors and with that they keep public informed. As IFMSA, unfortunately we stopped producing them since 2008. Even though it is required by the bylaws, we keep missing this massive chance to reflect our activities and our spirit. In the past few years there have been various efforts to prepare it but unfortunately it could not finalized.

Core action points

Starting working on the annual report from the beginning of the term Creating a high-quality annual report and sending it to the valuable press

contacts that we are going to achieve during the term; with that we can improve our media-wise recognition and impact

Sending the report to our external partners, stakeholders, sponsors and our members to keep them informed and updated

Adaptation of New Leadership Model

With the implementation of the New Leadership Model, we are facing a series of change. The EB-elect have been having handover and preparing themselves for the term for the past few years. But this year it is not going to be a classical handover period. We have to work with various officials and create a way of working with integrating different officials’ tasks.

I am confident that I can lead the change in my position perfectly, and manage everything that this position requires.

Core action points

Being available for all times Supporting Team of Officials individually and as a team Implementing the work flow of the position to create a good example for the

next Vice-President for Public Relations and Communication

Improving NMO Management Sessions and integrating more people, and raising attention

Assisting NMO’s to improve their Social Media existence, Public Relations, and Publications

These are only the main points of my Plan of Action. I would welcome any opportunity to talk to you regarding anything. Please do not hesitate to contact me any time via e-mail or in person during the GA.

Sincerely yours,

Mustafa Ozan Alpay

Mustafa Ozan ALPAY Sakarya mah. Universite cad. No:33 D:10 Gorukle, Nilufer/BURSA, TURKEY

+90 546 269 0935 Positions Held in IFMSA IFMSA New Technologies Support Division Director (Oct 2014 – Oct 2015) IFMSA March Meeting 2015 Turkey Registrations & Visa Coordinator (Feb 2014 – Mar 2015) IFMSA e-Health SWT (May 2014 – … ) IFMSA New Technologies Support Division Team Member (Jan 2013 – Oct 2013)

Positions Held in TurkMSIC TurkMSIC Constitution and Bylaws Improvement Task Force Coordinator (Oct 2014 – ...) TurkMSIC New Technologies Support Division Director (May 2012 – Oct 2014) TurkMSIC Uludag Local Committee President (Nov 2014 – ...) TurkMSIC Uludag Local Committee Secretary General (Feb 2012 – Oct 2012) TurkMSIC Uludag Local Committee Treasurer (May 2011 – May 2012) TurkMSIC Uludag Local Committee New Technologies Support Division Director (Apr 2011 – Oct

2012) TurkMSIC Uludag Local Committee LORA Assistant (Nov 2010 – Dec 2011) SCORA 2011 Manual Turkish Translation Team IFMSA Meetings IFMSA 64th March Meeting, Antalya, Turkey (2-8 Mar 2015) IFMSA Team of Officials Meeting III, Istanbul, Turkey (26 Feb-2 Mar 2015) IFMSA Team of Officials Meeting II, Zagreb, Croatia (26-30 Dec 2014) IFMSA Team of Officials Meeting I, Kenitra, Morocco (1-6 Oct 2014) IFMSA 63rd August Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan (5-11 Aug 2014)

IFMSA NTSDD Support Person and NTSDD elect IFMSA Research Integrity featuring Information and Communication Technologies PreGA, Taipei,

Taiwan (1-5 Aug 2014) PreGA Co-coordinator

IFMSA 63rd March Meeting, Hammamet, Tunisia (3-9 Mar 2014) IFMSA Health 2.0: Modern Information and Communication Technologies for Health PreGA,

Hammamet, Tunisia (28 Feb-3 Mar 2014) IFMSA 62nd March Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (9-15 Mar 2013) TurkMSIC Meetings TurkMSIC 63rd October General Assembly, Denizli, Turkey (11-13 Oct 2014)

Constitution Credential Committee Member TurkMSIC 62nd April General Assembly, Adana, Turkey (5-7 Apr 2014)

Financial Committee Member

TurkMSIC 2013-2014 Team of Officials Meeting II, Istanbul, Turkey (15-16 Feb 2014) TurkMSIC 3rd Symposium: Violence against Healthcare Workers, Istanbul, Turkey (8-10 Feb 2014)

Trainings Given: Social Media TurkMSIC 4th Presidents’ Camp, Ankara, Turkey (4-5 Jan 2014) TurkMSIC 62nd October General Assembly, Kayseri, Turkey (26-28 Oct 2013)

Plenary Vice Chairperson TurkMSIC 2012-2013 Team of Officials Meeting III, Izmir, Turkey (13-14 Aug 2013) TurkMSIC 61st April General Assembly, Bursa, Turkey (6-8 Apr 2013)

Trainings Given: Social Media & Collaborative Technologies Plenary Vice Chairperson

TurkMSIC 2nd Symposium: Health Economics, Antalya, Turkey (22-24 Feb 2013) TurkMSIC 2012-2013 Team of Officials Meeting II, Ankara, Turkey (16-17 Feb 2013) TurkMSIC 2012-2013 Team of Officials Meeting I, Istanbul, Turkey (3-4 Nov 2012) TurkMSIC 61st October General Assembly, Eskisehir, Turkey (6-8 Oct 2012)

LC Management Sessions Coordinator TurkMSIC 2011-2012 Team of Officials Meeting IV, Ankara, Turkey (14-15 Jul 2012) TurkMSIC 60th April General Assembly, Istanbul, Turkey (21-23 Apr 2012) TurkMSIC 60th October General Assembly, Kocaeli, Turkey (15-17 Oct 2011) TurkMSIC 59th April General Assembly, Zonguldak, Turkey (23-25 Apr 2011) Other Meetings 13th Uludag University Scientific Researches Club Convention: Transplantation, Bursa, Turkey (9-11

Mar 2012) 1st Uludag University Scientific Researches Club Workshop: Scientific Researches, Bursa, Turkey (26

Oct 2010) 1st METU Computer Games Programming Camp, Ankara, Turkey (5-12 Jul 2008)

Held by Middle East Technical University IEEE Lectures: Game Design, Data Structure, Artificial Intelligence, Graphics, Physics, Project

Management Skills Turkish: Native English: Fluent Spanish: Beginner French: Beginner Japanese: Beginner Professional Guitar Player SCUBA Diving Licence (CMAS 1*) Driving Licence

Microsoft Windows 7, Office 2013 Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Red Hat

Enterprise, Fedora) Adobe Photoshop CS5, Dreamweaver CS5,

Flash CS6, InDesign CS6, Acrobat X, Audition 3.0

Sony Vegas Pro 9 PHP, SQL, HTML, JavaScript, CSS Drupal, Joomla, WordPress, eZ Publish Torque Game Engine

IFMSA Exchanges Hospital Universitari Arnau de Vilanova, Catalonia, Department of General Surgery (July 2013) Education Uludag University School of Medicine, Bursa, TURKEY 2010 - ... Aydin Science High School, Aydin, TURKEY 2006 - 2010 Hereby I, Murat AKSOY, President of TurkMSIC, declare that Mustafa Ozan ALPAY has indeed fulfilled all the positions within TurkMSIC as mentioned above.


To whom it may concern,

As President for Turkish Medical Students’ International Committee (TurkMSIC), I hereby confirm that Mustafa Ozan ALPAY, candidate for the position of IFMSA Vice-President for Public Relations and Communication 2015-16, has worked within the following positions:

• TurkMSIC Constitution and Bylaws Improvement Task Force Coordinator (Oct 2014 – ...)

• TurkMSIC New Technologies Support Division Director (May 2012 – Oct 2014)

• TurkMSIC Uludag Local Committee President (Nov 2014 – ...) • TurkMSIC Uludag Local Committee Secretary General (Feb 2012 – Oct

2012) • TurkMSIC Uludag Local Committee Treasurer (May 2011 – May 2012) • TurkMSIC Uludag Local Committee New Technologies Support Division

Director (Apr 2011 – Oct 2012) • TurkMSIC Uludag Local Committee LORA Assistant (Nov 2010 – Dec 2011) • SCORA 2011 Manual Turkish Translation Team

For any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,


Turkish Medical Students’ International Committee (TurkMSIC) President