Canada in a Changing World

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Transcript of Canada in a Changing World

Canada in a Changing World©Ruth Writer

Post 1982





Political: Trials of Nationhood

Conservative rise to powerQuebec SovereigntyImpact of Western Politicians

Conservatives take Power Trudeau retired in 1984 [died in 2000]

Legacy Constitution in 1982 plus Charter of Rights… War Measures Act More crown corporations—Petro Canada Deficit of $30 billion; debt of $150 billion; jobless rate 11%

Even with these stats and critics—seen as popular Liberals selected John Turner as leader [June 1984] Election in September 1984 Progressive Conservatives won with Brian Mulroney

Lawyer, businessman from QC Conservative wins internationally [Reagan]

Quebec Sovereignty

QC reluctant to sign Constitution in 1982 Yet QC still bound by agreement Rene Levesque retired in 1985 then PQ lost election Bourassa and Liberals in power 1985-94 Left door open for discussions on Constitution signing

Meech Lake Accord—1985-1990

Prime Minister Mulroney’s first attempt to have QC sign Liberal Premier in QC [Bourassa] Conditions for signing

Statement of Quebec as “distinct society” Increased provincial powers

Provinces greater role in Supreme Court Notwithstanding—yet compensation

All provinces required to approve accord by 1990 June 1990—deadline for signing passed

Elijah Harper—First Nations MP in Manitoba

Clyde Wells—Premier of NFL refused to allow vote

Charlottetown Accord—August ‘92

More involved—federal, provincial, territories, Natives Canada Clause—define nature of Canadian character

Egalitarianism Diversity Recognize QC as distinct society Aboriginal self government

Exclusive provincial rights over: Natural resources including forests Cultural policy except CBC and NFB

Supreme Court revamped to reflect QC status with 3 members Senate Reform—triple E [elected, equal, effective]

Canada voted—54.3% NO….45.7% YES

Blue=Yes Red=No

Distrust of Progressive Conservatives and Mulroney Political difficulties

Westerners felt too much time on Quebec Quebecois complained not enough done

Economy problematic Concern about Mulroney’s economic plans—FTA, NAFTA Recession hit 1990 GST passed in 1991 [7% on all except food and rent]

Mulroney retired with $40 billion deficit in June 1993 Kim Campbell--1993

first female Prime Minister

Election of 1993 Conservatives—PM Kim Campbell [2 loss of 154 seats]

Mulroney baggage Liberals—Jean Chretien [177 a gain of 96]

Lawyer from QC Served as Minister of Justice, Finance, and Indian Affairs [Trudeau]

Bloc Quebecois—Lucien Bouchard [54 gain of 44] Reform Party—Preston Manning [52 gain of 51] New Democratic Party—Audrey McLaughlin [4 loss of 35]

Chretien in power from 1993-2003 [won in ‘97 and ‘00]www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com

Parti Quebecois power QC ‘94

Jacques Parizeau Premier post Charlottetown defeat Lucien Bouchard represented Bloc Quebecois in Ottawa Separatist spirit alive—AGAIN Suggested another referendum like 1980—October 1995 Rest of Canada—discouraged by attempt to separate Parizeau disliked by both sides—in fighting Bouchard took command of campaign Bouchard fighter—flesh eating disease—symbolic October vote

QC voted 49.6% Oui--50.4% Non

Role of Western politics Western Canada distrust of Progressive Conservatives

Role of national government over resources Reform party began in 1987 as protest populist party Moved to right—socially conservative Leader—Preston Manning—son of Social Credit leader Seen by many as extremist—race, sex, sexual preference Loyal opposition in 1997 election Discussions of Alliance Party 2000 Name to have been the Conservative Reform Alliance Party

CRAP Caught the error in time—Conservative Party it was

Election of 2004 Paul Martin—Liberal took over in Nov. 2003—135 seats Stephen Harper—Conservative—99—Loyal Opposition

Calgary riding Gilles Duceppe—Bloc Quebecois—54 Jack Layton—New Democratic Party—19

Minority Government formed: Liberals had 38% of seatsIf NDP joined Liberals still only 154 with 154 in opposition

House of Commons upon 2004

To form government party must hold 155 seats of 308

Elections of 2006, 2008, 2011 Stephen Harper—Conservative [124, 143, 166 majority]

won bigger margins each time—2011 first majority since ’00 Paul Martin—Liberal [103, 77, 34--Ignatieff lost riding] Bloc Quebecois [51, 49, 4] NDP [29, 37, 103 Jack Layton died shortly after election] Green [1, 0, 1]

May 2, 2011, resulted in Conservative majority

Results of 2015 Federal Election

Change of Leadership in Canada

Economy—Going with the Flow

Conservatives—Mulroney/Reagan Free Trade Agreement result of Shamrock Summit 1985 Took effect 1989 Canadian exports to U.S.80%; 70% of imports from U.S. One third of Canadian workers’ jobs defined by USA trade 3000 pages—read it --harkened to 1911 reciprocity issue Virtually all trade barriers dismantled by 2000

Agriculture exception Resources Culture


Canada United States Mexico;

GST—Goods and Services Tax Conservative plan under Mulroney--1991 Federal sales tax—7%

Replaced a hidden 13.5% tax [MST] Now 5% as of 2008 Except on sensitive essentials

Food Rent Medical Financial services

On top of provincial taxes—even higher i.e. 8% [HST] Total is likely 13% sales tax

Economic “clubs”

GATT since 1940s G7 Nation—since mid 1980s G8 G20

Diplomacy: Canada’s role asMiddle Power

Canada as one of greatest democracies and economic leader

Canada joined OAS in 1980 Commonwealth Nation—one of 54 countries La Francophonie—organization of French speaking nations Somalia—1990s Iran hostage crisis—major film--ARGO Gulf War—1991—Canada sent ships and planes Spanish fishing trawler—1995—shots fired

September 11, 2001


War on in Iraq War in Afghanistan[see separate power point on 9/11: Halifax Explosion and September 11]

Canada’s Cultural Complexity

Women Natives Immigrants Cultural self-identification

Women Gained suffrage in 1917 Feminism of the 1960s and beyond—Royal Commission Expansion of rights

Workplace—equal pay for equal value--1977 Abortion—legalized in 1969; 1988 decision upheld Politics—Kim Campbell; minority groups and feminism Violence

Domestic Ecole Polytechnique Massacre—1989—Marc Lepine killed 14

December 6—day of remembrance More stringent gun laws passed

Natives Trudeau’s “just society Native peoples should have equal rights

Reserves to be phased out in Canada Natives reacted negatively First Nations Assembly formed 1982

Different perspective Ovide Mercredi Took part in Charlottetown Accord

Land claims BC James Bay—Hydro plan Oka, QC, 1990 Hunting, fishing rights

Social and Economic Issues

Poverty High jobless rate High birth rate Alcoholism Drug addiction Suicide rates

Nunavut—April 1, 1999

Self government for Inuit Nunavut—OUR LAND 20% of landmass of Canada Inuit account for 85% of population [25,000] Self rule over ancestral homeland Land claims Mineral rights Rest of NWT remain NWT


Pattern of immigration changed post WWII Point system since 1960s—education, age, jobs, language 1980s—Caribbean, India, Indochina, Philippines 1990s—Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Hong Kong Ministry of Multiculturalism—1980s 200,000 per year 16% were board outside of Canada in 2000 17% allophone by 1990s Some violence and conflict between ethnic groups

Self Identity

Canadian Content rule result of Massey Commission Literature

Governor General Awards Notables—Robertson Davies, Margaret Atwood, Michael

Ondaatje, Farley Mowat, Mordecai Richler, Bernice Morgan, Roch Carrier,

Music Juno Awards Notables—Glenn Gould, Oscar Peterson, Gordon Lightfoot, Bryan

Adams, Celine Dion, Alanis Morissette, Shania Twain, Justin Bieber, Nelly Furtado, Nickleback, Michael Buble, Diana Krall,

Media Genie Awards Notables—Jim Carrey, Donald Sutherland, Wm. Shatner, Michael J.

Fox, Dan Aykroyd, John Candy, Peter Jennings, David Cronenberg, Atom Egoyan, David Suzuki

Sports and Games

Lacrosse Hockey Basketball Baseball Football Skiing, curling, snowmobiles and winter sports Brokaw explains Canada to Americans--2010

What holds for Canada’s future?


“According to the Government: An Overview of Canada-U.S. Relations and Trade,” From Government of Canada and United States Government websites as cited 05/03/2012.

The 1989 Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement Morton, Desmond. “ Strains of Affluence,” Brown, Craig, editor. The Illustrated History of Canada. Toronto:

Key Porter Books, 2007. [pages 544-592]

Thompson, Wayne. The World Today Series: Canada 2015. Lanham, MD: Stryker Post Publications, 2015. Canada - United States Free Trade Agreement PREAMBLE Brokaw explains Canada to Americans—2010 Rick Mercer