Calvary Crossroads September 2012

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September 2012 edition of the Calvary Crossroads monthly newsletter.

Transcript of Calvary Crossroads September 2012


REGULAR WORSHIP SCHEDULE Saturdays: 5:00 pm Sundays: 9:00 am Christian Ed.: 10:30 am

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OUR MISSION & VISION: To boldly proclaim the life-changing love of Jesus Christ through joyful wor-ship, faithful service, and continuous learning.


Pastor’s Page 3

Congregation News 4

Mission and Outreach 5


News 7

Ministry Opportunities 10

Children’s Ministry 11

Youth Ministry 12


Installation Pictures 9

VBS Pictures 8

Calendar 14

Birthdays, Anniversaries, Serving at Worship 15

Sat 1 No Saturday Worship service

Sun 2 Name Tag Weekend; Worship at 9:30 am

Mon 3 Labor Day; Church office closed

Thu 6 Quilters; MOM’s Bible Study Sat 8 Worship at 5 pm

Sun 9 Rally Day; Worship at 9 am; Christian Ed. Kick-off at 10:30 am; All-church picnic at 11:30 am; FIRM Fun Night

Mon 10 Serenity Inn Meal Program; Women’s Book Group

Tue 11 Women’s Ministry Bible Study; Deacon Meeting

Wed 12 Council Reports Due Thu 13 Calvary Knitting Group Sat 15 Preschool Bible class at 9 am;

3rd Grade Bible class at 10 am

Sun 16 Worship; Food Sunday; Bible Sunday; Bridge; Revolve

Mon 17 Connect Tue 18 Crossroads Deadline; Congre-

gation Council Meeting Fri 21 Guatemala Medical Missions

Fundraiser at Ausblick Hill

Mon 24 SVdP Meal Program; Confir-mation classes begin

Thu 27 Crossroads Assembly; Men’s Ministry Gathering

Fri 28 Veggie Tales Movie Night

Sun 30 Mother/Son Date Day

September Calendar Highlights Check the church calendar for complete listings.

The Calvary Crossroads is published monthly. All news articles should be submitted to the church office by the deadline listed on the church calendar. Electronic submissions are preferred (email: If you received this issue via email only and would

like to receive a printed copy in the mail, please contact the Calvary church office. Printed copies are available at church also.

September 2012 - Page 3


Reflections from Pastor Roser

Dear Friends,

As I write to you, we are preparing to transition from the liturgy, “Now the Feast and Celebration,” back to our normal Divine Service taken from the Lutheran Book of Worship, our servicebook. As we make this transition, it may be helpful for us to

intentionally consider what worship is, and what worship does.

Since everything that humans do is inherently sinful, because we are sinners, divine worship is not something that we do, but an experience into which we are drawn. As we gather for services, the Holy Spirit (whose indwelling presence we re-ceived in Baptism) joins us to Christ Jesus, as he worships his Father in true spiritual worship. It follows that the Divine Service is the gathering in which God (the Divine) serves us by speaking His Word into our ear holes (as Dr. Norman Na-gel is fond of saying), and pressing the true body of the Risen Christ given for us into the palms of our soiled hands and ten-derly pouring the blood of Christ spilled for our sins over our undeserving lips. Christian worship is always centered upon God, who lavishly covers us with the gifts that He delights in giving through Christ Jesus.

As you have experienced a season of upheaval and uncer-tainty, it is natural and predictable that there will be a lot of unnamed, and frequently unclarified, anxiety within our con-gregation. One of the more interesting ways that this anxiety manifests itself is in a myriad of competing and conflicting opinions and preferences regarding our worship. For every opinion and concern that is shared with me regarding our wor-ship, I have come to expect that within a week’s time – I will receive two additional and contradictory opinions. This cer-tainly does not present itself as a crisis, only the reminder that our congregation needs for her leaders to establish a baseline and consistency in how we do things. This, of course, needs to be undergirded by clear explanations as to why we are es-tablishing certain practices and drawing away from other pat-

terns. To that end, over the course of the next few months, I will be offering some reflections on the Divine Service.

You probably have noticed that we have added a preparatory prayer in the worship bulletin. This prayer is offered as an aid to our members, as we prepare our hearts for worship, prior to the beginning of the service. Certainly, worshipers are invited to offer their own prayers, as well, during this time. Additionally, you may find it helpful to open your Bible and read through Psalms 95, 100, and 122.

Our Divine Service provides three opportunities for silent prayer and reflection: prior to the invocation (including the preludal selection), during the collection of offerings, and following the reception of communion. While conversation with our neighbor is discouraged during these times, conver-sation with God is appropriate and salutary. Just as it is im-portant for us to pray prior to our meals, going to bed, and before studying the Bible; we should also be encouraged to pray prior to hearing God’s Word in the service, and before and after receiving the Lord’s Supper.

In addition to the preparatory prayer supplied in each week-end’s bulletin, there are also helpful prayers found inside the servicebook (LBW). Praying for those worshipers seated around you, those persons who are leading us in worship, and for the congregation’s mission of sharing the good news of Christ Jesus with our community are always invited. The places in our worship which allow for silent prayer are indeed fitting opportunities for you to bring before the Lord those things which are of the highest concern to you. It is always the case that God is more eager to hear our prayers, than we are to pray. Let us confidently address our Father, who has reconciled us to Himself through His Son, Jesus Christ. In Christ Jesus, D.M. Roser, Pastor

Prayers Please check the weekly announcement bulletin for those people needing our urgent prayers. If you have any prayer requests, please call or email the church office. Please also continue to pray for the following Calvary family and friends: Shut-Ins: Betty Schraith, Paul & Marj Skarie, Lorene & Greg Fleckenstein, Lorraine Zembinski, Mickey Rash, Bill Rash Jr. (son of Mickey Rash). Ongoing prayer concerns: Jim Schultz; Lowell Sonderman; John Rupnick; Donna Trethewey; Donna Mueller; Don Heinz; Betty Meyer (mother of Brad Meyer); Bette Forbes (sister-in-law of Donna Schroeder); Dyana Solheim (former member of Calvary & friend of Donna Mueller); Chris Clemens (father of Jessie Brovold); Chuck Herbst (great-nephew of Judy DeBruine), Ruth Zarse (friend of Jeanette Ketelsen); Carol Kaebisch (friend of Donna Schroeder & Bette Forbes).

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It’s About Our Family Births We rejoice with Cindy & Rich Rooks on the birth of a grandson, Richard John, this past month.

New Member Received We welcome Jeremy Nowicki, husband of Nicole Nowicki, who was brought in as an adult member of Calvary by profession of faith.

Sympathy We offer sincere condolences to the family & friends of Phyllis Crowl who passed away on August 7th. Christian sympathies go out to Tom Funk and family on the death of Tom’s daughter, Susan Doherty, on August 12th.

Thank you Calvary... From Ann & Dirk Derse: Thank you so much for the support our mother, Shirley Derse, received over the years from Calvary, espe-cially from the visitation ladies. Calvary was an important part of Shirley’s life since the 1960s! Our gratitude also for assistance from brand new Pastor Roser and the church office staff during her last days and final arrangements. We appreciate the many church mem-bers, past and present, who came to the visitation and service, too.

Church Picnic Rally Sunday, September 9

Join us for the Annual All-Church Picnic on Rally Sunday following the Christian Education kick-off! As usual, grilling meat & beverages will be provided. Sign up to bring a salad, side, or dessert either on the glass doors leading into Fellowship Hall or by emailing Sue Rowe: All are invited!

At right: Jon Sayas and Andy Schatz show off Calvary’s new grill!

This Month Year to Date Year-to-Date Budget Annual Budget


Offerings Received $28,056.65 $224,510.15 $248,000.00 $494,500.00

Other Income $40.00 $780.00 $0.00 $0.00

Total Income $28,096.65 $225,290.15 $248,000.00 $494,500.00

Expenses: $35,459.76 $235,998.14 $283,216.31 $494,500.00

Operating Fund Net Income / (Loss) ($7,363.11) ($10,707.99) ($35,216.31) $0.00


Deposits Received-Building Fund $11,539.00 $31,537.50

Building Fund Balance $27,939.00


September 2012 - Page 5

Mission & Outreach MISSION & OUTREACH

September Mission of the Month Opportunity International

Mission of Opportunity International: Provide opportunities for people in chronic poverty to transform their lives.

Opportunity International provides financial products and strategies to over two million people working their way out of poverty in the developing world. Clients in more than 20 countries can use these services to ex-pand a business, provide for their families, create jobs for their neighbors and build a safety net for the future. Learn more about Opportunity’s innovative solutions to eradicate global poverty.

Products: Opportunity offers a variety of products, including loans, savings, microinsurance and training, to meet the di-verse needs of our clients.

Strategies: Through dynamic strategies, such as local staffing, bank building, tech-nological innovations, rural outreach and Trust Groups, Opportunity increases its outreach and effectiveness in empowering those living in poverty around the world.

Sunday, September 16th is Opportunity International Sunday at Calvary and a rep-resentative will provide more information

during worship announcements and the adult education hour.

Your financial contributions to Calvary’s Mission of the Month during September go to support this worthwhile pro-gram. Use your weekly offering envelopes or a white pew envelope to contribute and note “Mission of the Month” on your check and/or envelope.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to Calvary’s Cupboard last month. Items collected are taken to the Waukesha Food Pantry. The next Food Sunday is Peanut Butter & Jelly Sunday, with collection September 15th and 16th, 2012. Other items of need are canned meats, fruits or vegetables, soups, pasta, and cereals. If you prefer to make a monetary contribution, please mark your envelope or check with the notation “Food Pantry”.

Opportunity International Weekend September 15 & 16

Representatives of Opportunity International will be at Cal-vary on September 16th to share information about this amaz-ing program and to answer questions about Opportunity Inter-national’s programs and levels of giving.

Watch for the special Opportunity International webpage on the Calvary website (coming soon). The page will include information, videos, links for more information and a link to give online.

Partners in Medical Missions 3rd Annual Fund Raiser

5:30 pm Fri 21 September 2012 at the Lodge at Ausblick Ski Hill in Lisbon, WI

The evening includes Dinner, Live Band, Dancing, Wine Pull, Wine Tasting, Silent Auction, & Fun Events.

Tickets on sale in the Narthex. We are also looking for donations

for the silent auction. Bring your friends. Casual.

Tickets $35 Table of 8 + 2 bottles wine is $280.

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Dear Friends, The issue of religious freedom is one that has pulled together a variety of Christian leaders to discuss the essential nature of such freedom and the necessity of speaking out to defend and pro-mote this fundamental right. While it is important for Christians to know and understand the nature of those freedoms guaran-teed by government, it is even more important for us to study the teaching of the Scriptures, to especially review the teachings of Jesus and Paul in the New Testament regarding the relationship between Church and state. If you research this topic you will discover that Christians were thrust into this issue of discerning the proper divide be-tween Church and state as a result of surviving the demands of both the politics and religious beliefs of Rome. Both the comments of Jesus and Paul deal with the reality of Rome. As the Church began to grow, so did Roman persecution. It was during that period of the late second and third centuries that the leading Christian theologian Tertullian advanced ar-guments that broke new ground in the struggle against Rome. Tertullian argued that it is a “fundamental human right, a privilege of nature, that every man should worship according to his own convictions” (Ad Scapulam 2).He was the first to coin the phrase “freedom of religion”(libertas religionis), as a way of promoting religious toleration. His understanding of religious freedom meant that the state could neither persecute nor coerce. Those who dissent from the state’s understanding of religion should be permitted to worship when, where, and who they wished. This religious freedom should not be a matter decided by the culture, nor a matter of the political will of the people, but an individual right. His focus on the individual conscience was unique but consis-tent with the reality of Christian faith among those who came to faith in Jesus giving up the past religious beliefs of their families and instead worshiping a God that transcended all national and previous religious boundaries. Christian faith was for all nations and all cultures. Tertullian offered a theological rationale for religious freedom in his Apology. He asserts that the basis for religious freedom is found in the nature of the relationship that God seeks. He writes:

“Look to it, whether this may also form part of the accusation of irreligion — to do away with one’s freedom of religion (libertas religionis), to forbid a man choice of deity ... so that I may not worship whom I would, but am forced to worship whom I would not. No one, not even a man, will wish to receive reluctant worship”(Apology 24). Tertullian is insisting that authentic faith and devotion to God must be voluntary, not coerced.

“The injustice of forcing men of free will to offer sacrifice against their will is readily apparent, for ... a willing mind is required for discharging one’s religious obligations. It certainly would be

considered absurd were one man compelled by another to honor gods whom he ought to honor of his own accord and for his own sake” (Apology 28).

Tertullian pressed his argument even farther by insisting that the emperor’s power is limited by God and subject to God’s higher authority:

“I do subordinate [Caesar] to God; I do not make him His equal. I will not call the emperor God. ... If he is a man, it is to his interest as a man to yield precedence to God” (Apology 33).

It is nothing short of an intrusion by the state and the usurping of God’s authority when it attempts to either direct or coerce an individual’s religious decisions.

Perhaps Tertullian’s most powerful and insightful protest against religious intolerance is found in his letter to Scapula, the proconsul of Africa. In addition to asserting that the free-dom to worship is a fundamental human right he wrote:

“One man’s religion neither harms nor helps another man. It is assuredly no part of religion to compel religion — to which free-will and not force should lead us.... You will render no real service to your gods by compelling us to sacrifice. For they can have no desire of offerings from the unwilling, unless they are animated by a spirit of contention, which is a thing altogether undivine” (AdScapulam 2).

Tertullian does not attempt to make his case on the basis of the practical, that coercing people into religious practice is ineffective. Instead, he argues that it is wrong because it is contrary to God and the nature of faith. If God does not co-erce or force people to believe, then neither should the state.

(Continued on page 7)

Support for religious freedom has deep roots among Christians: A Message from Bishop Bradosky Bloomberg

September 2012 - Page 7

Support for religious freedom... by Bishop Bradosky (continued) As Tertullian made his case against his Roman persecutors, its immediate effect was limited, but he provided the founda-tion for other Christians who followed.

The framers of our country’s documents in providing for reli-gious freedom did so on the basis of a very rich and ancient heritage. It is one that is important for us to study and treas-ure. Even more important is the fact that no one else will make the case for us if we don’t.

With you serving Christ,

Bishop John F. Bradosky North American Lutheran Church

Reprinted from the July 2012 issue of the NALC Newsletter

His premise is theological, an understanding of the nature and will of God — that the faith God expects and deserves cannot be offered without such freedom.

It is also fascinating that he broadens his argument to not only speak about Christians or God as worshiped by Chris-tians but to characteristics that apply to any or all deities.

He is making the case that this tolerance should be available to all people. His arguments had broad appeal. Yet in pursu-ing this religious freedom, he did not suggest that he was any less committed to his belief in the One True God.

He was able to promote a faith that was both exclusive and yet tolerant of those who disagree. No matter how exclusive Christian faith is, it cannot be promoted by forcing others to accept it.

(Continued from page 6)


NALC News submitted by Rich Bloomberg The NALC Convocation was held on August 16th and 17th in Golden Valley, MN. Some of the significant actions in-cluded: • Calvary was designated as a charter church of the NALC

and will be recorded in history with that honor. • The 2013 budget was presented and approved. It reflects

the lean and efficient function of the national body. Ad-ditional personnel will be added only to cover the activi-ties of new congregations joining the NALC.

• Additional progress is being achieved to establish the Canadian NALC body.

• The approval to join the Lutheran World Federation nar-rowly passed with 67% of voting members. Some of the concerns included the amount of influence the NALC would actually have, being identified with a liberal theo-logical body, and what meaningful accomplishments do they achieve. The convocation also wanted more informa-tion about the body. It was decided that such information will be gathered and given to congregations to review before they vote.

For more information visit or

Rev. Dr. Gemechis Buba at Calvary On Installation Sunday, August 12th, Rev. Gemechis Buba was at Calvary. Dr. Buba gave the sermon, installed Pastor Roser, and shared information about the Ethiopian Church. Calvary was also blessed to be able to celebrate with Dr. Buba on his birthday!

Dr. Buba is the Assistant to the Bishop for Missions (Missions Director) in the NALC. The Missions Director leads efforts on behalf of the NALC in coordinating local, regional and interna-tional mission activity within the church and support for other related activities.

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September 2012 - Page 9


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Bible Presentations Calvary Lutheran Church has a long and joyful tradition of presenting Bibles to all 3rd grade students. We are excited to add the presentation of a Hands On Bible to the pre-school students starting their journey in Christian Education (3 and 4 year olds). This presentation takes place in the fall of the year, so students can use their Bible during Sun-day School, as well as at other times like family devotions or reading at bedtime.

It is exciting to see the eagerness of the faces on the students as the Word of God is handed to these children. This year, the presentation of Bibles has been scheduled for Sunday, September 16, at the 9:00 a.m. worship service.

Another special part of the presentation is the opportunity for us to meet with students and parents in preparation and response to the gift of God’s Word. The gathering will be held on Saturday, September 15th, for the Preschoolers from 9:00 to 10:00, and for the 3rd graders from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. This will be a time to learn more about the Bi-ble, how to use the Bible, and have some fun together. I strongly encourage all students and parents to take part in this informative and fun time together.

Women’s Ministry Bible Study Beth Moore Book of James Mercy Triumphs

“Join Beth Moore as she explores such concepts as joy, hardship, faith, wisdom, single-mindedness, the tongue, humility, prayer, and more.”

• For all Calvary women and friends • 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month • 12:30 to 2:30 pm • Media Room • September 11 through January 8 • DVD with optional workbook • Workbook cost of $15 – payable at first meeting • Sign up in the narthex • Come when you’re able, borrow DVD’s for sessions you’ve missed

Correction from August Crossroads.

Ministry of Mothers (a.k.a. MOM)

Do you have young kids? Are your kids in college? Do your kids have kids? Mothers of all ages and seasons are invited and welcome!!! Once again the MOM, will be meeting on Thursday evenings during the school year. The topics range from mar-riage to parenting to personal growth.

MOM will be meeting monthly, on the first Thursday of the month, beginning on September 6. The group meets in the media room at church from 6:30 to 8:00pm. So, leave the kids at home and take some time to relax, refuel, and reenergize yourself!

For more information or questions, contact Megan Sayas or Angie Schatz.

September 2012 - Page 11


Christian Education a.k.a. Sunday School

The 2012 – 2013 school year will be a fantastic opportunity for your child to develop their relationship with God and with other students in Cal-vary’s Sunday School program.

It is our goal at Calvary to encourage our children’s faith, but also to en-

courage parents, grandparents, guardians, and other adults in our children’s lives to be role models in faith. On Rally Sun-day you will hear more about opportunities to be that role model.

This year the Sunday School program will be 45 minutes in length each week. The first 15 minutes will begin in the sanctuary for all participants. We will sing some songs and introduce the lesson of the week. Then classes will be dis-missed to their individual rooms.

As you prepare your children for this exciting time, please also consider the many special gifts God has placed in your life. If one (or more) of those gifts could be shared in our Sunday School program (e.g.. musical talents, teaching a class, team teaching, or being a substitute), please let Angie Schatz know. Everyone has something to share!

Registration is open NOW. Forms are available on the YOUth bulletin board in the Sunday School Hallway and in the Narthex. Please know, you do NOT have to be a member to register your child! All are welcome to come and learn, pray and play!

Please feel free to contact Angie with any questions, thanks-givings or concerns regarding this ministry. The staff & lead-ership are always open for conversation on how to minister better to the children, youth and families of our community.

VeggieTales Live in Concert Friday, November 2 at 7:00pm

Veggie Tales will be at Fox Brook Church, in Waukesha!

“Something has gone haywire at the Silly Song Ware-house – and one of the beloved VeggieTales songs is missing!! Join Bob, Larry, Junior and the whole gang as they attempt to solve the mystery of the Silly Song Bandit while learning valuable Biblical truths along the way through singing and dancing! Featuring top Veggie fan favorites including "The Hairbrush Song," "Cheeseburger," "The Pirates Who Don't Do Any-thing," and inspiring songs like.. "Little Guys Can Do Big Things" and "God is Bigger than the Boogey-man," this high energy show will delight children and remind them that God made them special and loves them very much – no matter what!”

That’s right, the VeggieTales are coming to town, Live in Concert! If you are interested in joining the Calvary group in this fun-filled, laugh-yourself-silly night of good Christian fun, sign up in the church narthex by Sunday, September 30.

Tickets are $12 per person. Please make checks out to Calvary Lu-theran Church, and note the VT concert. Tickets will be ordered for those paid for by September 30. Tickets will be given out to families in the weeks prior to the concert, and we will meet at Fox Brook Church in Waukesha.

CALVARY CONTACT INFORMATION CHURCH COUNCIL Jay Citraro 262-783-5427 Rich Bloomberg 262-784-0911 Larry Bonier 262-784-1827 Ron Foster 262-782-3222 Chuck Giuliani 262-786-4367 Gordon Gunnlaugsson 262-369-3910 Nick Huettl 608-712-0207 Audrey McGarvie 262-439-8898 Brad Meyer 262-352-6780 Tom Schramek 262-790-0162 Mary Ellen Thiede 262-797-8429 Sue Vollmar 262-780-5015

BOARD OF DEACONS RoJean Holler 262-780-6250 Bill Jordan 262-786-2829 Judy Kestly 262-782-5286 Peggy Langelin 262-792-9335 Scott Langelin 262-792-9335 Leah Morris 262-337-2141 Kim Nyka 262-349-2442 Jonni Roush 262-783-5361 Barb Snyder 262-782-6929 Lee Tyne 262-293-3128 Erik Zipp 414-530-9461

STAFF Rev. Dennis Roser (Senior Pastor) Holly Novotny (Office Manager) Kris Molitor (Financial Secretary) Kim Steiner (Dir. of Communications) Angie Schatz (Youth & Family Ministry Dir.)

MINISTRY EMAILS Council: Deacons: Personnel:

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All YOUth Bowling Party Saturday, September 29 4:00 – 6:00 at AMF Bowlero Come for an afternoon of bowling and pizza! We will meet at AMF Bowlero, just east of 124th St. and Burleigh around 3:45 pm. We will have two hours of unlimited bowling. The cost is $10 per person, and includes shoe rental, bowling, pizza and soda. Sign up now on the YOUth bulletin board, in the Sunday School hallway.

Mark your Calendars for these Up Coming Events: October 20th Basses Corn Maze 9:30 – Noon November 10th Youth Bakery Fundraiser 9:30 – Noon November 21st Pie Social 6:30 – 8:30 pm December 15th Caroling for Cans 3:00 – 5:00 pm

Bridge (3rd – 5th grade) Sunday, September 16 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. We begin right after the Sunday school hour ends. As this time is over the lunch hour, you are encouraged to bring $2.00 for a pizza lunch, or feel free to “brown bag it.” Bridge will be meeting on a monthly basis on the third Sunday of each month. Connect (6th - 8th grade) Monday, September 17 5:30-7:00 pm. Yup, we’re meeting right before Confirmation class. As this time is over the dinner hour, you are en-couraged to bring $2.00 for a pizza supper, or feel free to “brown bag it.” Connect will be meeting on a monthly basis on the third Monday of each month. Also remember there is a Christian Education Class for all middle school students each Sunday morning from 10:30 to 11:15 am. Confirmation Here at Calvary, our Confirmation program is both Christian Education and fellowship for our middle school students. It is in-tended to provide students with the foundation of our Christian faith, as well as give opportunities for Christian fellowship and fun.

Schedule: • Confirmation classes will be held weekly on Monday nights from 7:00-8:00 pm at Calvary. Students in grades 6th,

7th, 8th and 9th grade will be included in one large class, led by Pastor Roser. • Classes will begin on Monday, September 24th and end on Monday, May 13th. Please note class will not be held on

the following dates: Dec. 24, Dec. 31, and April 1.

9th Grade Students: • You are expected to attend Confirmation classes for the first month, as you prepare for your Confirmation at the end

of October. Once confirmed, you will no longer need to attend class. (You are always welcome to drop in! ☺ ) • Confirmation Sunday is Reformation Sunday, October 28, 2012 at the 9:00 am service. All 9th Grade Confir-

mands are required to attend the Confirmation Rehearsal on Sunday, October 14 from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. At rehearsal, we will be taking group and individual photos, as well as discussing what will be happening on this spe-cial day. Lunch will be provided. Please bring a baby picture with you.

Revolve (9th – 12th Grade) Sunday, September 16 5:30 – 7:00 pm Join in the fun! We will hang out, catch up, play and pray together! Revolve will be meeting on a monthly basis on the third Sunday of each month. Remember: There is a program for the high school students on Sunday mornings during the edu-cation hour from 10:30 – 11:15. We too start in the Sanctuary and then head off to the youth room!

Hey YOUth! All of our youth events are open to ALL youth of that age! Feel free to invite friends, rela-tives, neighbors, grandkids, etc. More Kids = More Fun!!!

September 2012 - Page 13


FIRM Family Night – Play and Pray Together Sunday, September 9 6:00 – 7:00 pm This is a great new opportunity for the families at Calvary. FIRM night is just that; a night to learn how (as a family) to FIRM-up your faith and your faith journey in your home. We will be having FIRM Family Night on the first Sunday of each month from 6-7 pm. During this hour, families will have time to both pray and play together! Pastor Roser will spend time sharing some awesome re-sources and fun ways to worship in your home on a daily basis. Angie will be leading the group in some spiritual and silly games and activities. No need to get a sitter, all ages are welcome. As we know this is a school night, we will be keeping strict to the one hour time slot. We hope to see you there! Incredible Vegetables Movie Screening Friday, September 28 6:30 to 8:00 pm It was a bright and sunny day in Bumblyburg…until Dr. Flurry came to town. This chillin’ villain wants to freeze the entire city…in fear! This job is too big for LarryBoy to handle alone, so he turns to the “League of Incredible Vegetables” for help! Will they remember to turn to the One who is bigger than all their fears before the whole town ends up on ice? Come to SUPER night at Calvary for the screening of the newest VeggieTale movie, “The League of Incredible Vegetables!” We will watch the movie, have a snack, do a craft, and talk about how God helps us handle fear! This event is for the whole family! Come in your PJ’s or dressed as a favorite super-hero! Mother / Son Luncheon Sunday, September 30 11:30 am to 1:30pm Sons and their date, are invited to Calvary for a special afternoon! It will include an amazing art projects for the boys to complete with their grown-up, and a delicious Italian lunch followed by dessert. The cost is $15 per couple. Sign-up in the Narthex. **Aunts, Step-parents, Grandmas, Dads or another adult substitute are welcome! Trunk or Treat Sunday, October 21 11:30 am to 12:30 pm Mark your calendar for this great activity! Bring your kids! Bring your grandkids! Bring your friends! Bring your neighbors! Bring everyone to this fun-filled afternoon! Sign up sheets will be posted in the Narthex for both trunkers and treaters!

Here is the plan for our Trick or Treat’ers: 11:15 Get ready in fellowship hall! Put on your costume and munch a snack. 11:30 Decorate treat bags, provided by Family Ministry 11:45 – 12:30 Trick or Treating in the East parking lot of church. 12:15 – 12:30 Decorate Pumpkins (provided by our Spook-tacular Deacons), & enjoy a Halloween

treat in fellowship hall. Don’t have trick or treaters? Join in the fun by opening your trunk and passing out treats! 11:15 Relocate and park cars for event 11:30 Set-up your trunk! Feel free to bring your carved pumpkins, friendly Halloween decorations,

etc. to set the mood! Don’t forget a lawn chair so you have somewhere to sit! 11:45 – 12:30 Pass out treats to our great kiddos!

F.I.R.M. Families In Real Ministry (FIRM) is a group open to the entire congregation, friends, neighbors, and the commu-nity. This group has events and activities centered around growing the faith of your family through service projects, games, education, and more! Mark your calendar and STAND FIRM with these great upcoming events!!!

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September 2012 - Page 15


SEPT. BIRTHDAYS: (DATE) Sanders, Jenna 1 Becker, Reginald 2 Brovold, Fynnigan 2 Leonard, Kian 2 Doepke Warnes, Lillian 3 Duch, Aaron 4 Duch, Jeanne 4 Faust, Catherine 4 Gunnlaugsson, Grace 4 Leonard, Emma 4 Baumgartner, Anna 5 Kedrow, Edith 5 Juno, Elton 7 Louison, Duane 7 Norderhaug, Linda 7

(DATE) Sadowsky, Sue 7 Wenzel, Mary 7 Thompson, Dennis 8 Meyst, Karla 9 Taufner, Jane 9 Young, Ruth 10 Brovold, Timothy 11 Harwood, Brookley 11 Hubbard, Brian 12 Meyer, Addison 12 Nortman, Bradley 12 Seter, Helga 12 Moths, Terry 13 Marshall, Ed 14 Shea, Dan 14

(DATE) Zipp, Erica 14 Rooks, Richard 15 Sonderman, Lowell 15 Foster, Ronald 16 Gall, Cable 16 Wegner, Carole 16 Taufner, Hugh 17 Zipp, Mallory 18 Huettl, Meredith 19 Jennaro, Jennifer 19 Lindner, Maya 19 Meyer, Bradley 19 Richter, Andrew 19 Springer, Jared 19 Bloomberg, Richard 20

(DATE) Jazgar, Ann 20 Schultz, Marilyn 21 Hagfors, Larry 22 Heinz, Marion 23 Schuelke, Peter 23 Doepke-Warnes, Kari 25 Kroepfl, Keira 25 Anderson, Donald 26 Sutherland, Bruce 26 Anderson, Wilhelm 27 Rowe, Justin 27 Andersson, Robert 28 Fuller, Marjorie 28 Falkner, Verna 29 Morris, Leah 29

SEPT.ANNIVERSARIES: (Date # of Years) Brovold, Timothy and Jessie 1 5 Heinz, Donald and Marion 3 24 Ramthun, Edward and Eleonora 3 52 Reinemann, Winfield and Jean 3 52 Huettl, Nicholas and Alecia 4 7 Knuth, Jason and Ashley 6 4 Polizzi, Donna and (Joe) 6 53 Foster, Mitchell and (Beth) 7 21 Kramer, John and Barbara 9 34

(Date # of Years) Randar, Haakon and Dorothy 11 58 Matthes, Julie and Fred 12 31 Schuelke, David and Carolyn 12 20 Leonard, Kimberly and (Shane) 16 17 Sonderman, Lowell and Doris 22 56 Schatz, Andrew and Angela 23 12 Lau, John and Mary 27 43 Marshall, Herbert (H.Edw) and Kay 29 56

Birthdays & Anniversaries

Serving at


September 2: Sun.-9:30a Labor Day Weekend– One service only; Name Tag Weekend

September 8/9: Sat. 5p; Sun.-9:00a Rally Sunday; Church Picnic

September 15/16: Sat. 5p; Sun.-9:00a Food Sunday; Bible Sun-day

September 22/23: Sat. 5p; Sun.-9:00a

September 29/30: Sat. 5p; Sun.-9:00a


Adam Kershek, Michael Anderson

Regan Andrus, Daniel Berger

Elise & Mary Baumgartner Sara Kalupa, Emma Leonard

Madi Rian, Laura Steiner


Jan Chesner, Martha Altmin

Jan Tschetter, RoJean Holler

Bill & Shirley Jordan Tom & Sue Sadowsky

Ruth Young, Gail Kegel


Dawn Roser Rich Bloomberg Larry Bonier Kevin Wahlgren Lee Tyne

FLOWERS Vollmar Corcoran Wolff Schatz, Rowe Lau GREETERS

(Sun) Long, Olson (Sat) Riemer, Chesner (Sun) Gunnlaugsson, Becker

(Sat) Anderson, Cox, Ketelsen, Roush (Sun) Grospitz, Rooney

(Sat) Romo, Mertins (Sun) Weisbrodt, Foster

(Sat) Anderson, Cox, Ketelsen (Sun) Becker, Corcoran

LECTORS Larry Bonier Chet Elliott Tina Baumgartner Tom Thiede Andrew Bednall


Ed Ramthun Marianne Citraro Kevin Wahlgren Jonni Roush Peggy Langelin

NURSERY Tina Baumgartner Erica Zipp Angie Schatz


Brookfield, Wisconsin 53005

September 2012 Calvary Crossroads

1750 N. Calhoun Rd., Brookfield, WI 53005 Phone: 262-786-4010 E-mail:

Starry Nights

Calvary members enjoyed a night of music “under the stars” at the Sharon Lynne Wilson Center this summer.