California By Maddie Good. Location Absolute location CA,36.1700,-119.7462 Relative Location South...

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Transcript of California By Maddie Good. Location Absolute location CA,36.1700,-119.7462 Relative Location South...


By Maddie Good


Absolute locationCA,36.1700,-


Relative LocationSouth of organ, east

of Nevada, west of the Pacific Ocean California: At-A-Glance." World Geography and

Culture Online. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 19 Jan. 2011.

Relative Location

Place- Physical Characteristics

Bodies of Water The main rivers in California are

the Sacramento, the San Joaquin, the Feather, the Yuba, and the American. There are dozens of lakes including lake Tahoe, Goose, and Mono.

Landforms Most of California consists of two

parallel mountain systems-the Sierra Nevada and the Coast Ranges. The remainder of the state is largely desert and semi desert, with some, low mountain ranges.

Facts On File, Inc. "California: Geography Overview." World

Geography and Culture Online. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 20 Jan. 2011

California’s rivers

Place- Physical Characteristics

Climate The climate is often sunny, mild,

and dry.

Natural vegetation Forests, cover about two-fifths of

the land. The major forest regions are the Sierra Nevada and the northern Coast Ranges. In the Sierras, pine and fir are common; giant sequoia is also found there. In the Coast areas, redwood, pine, and fir are found.

Facts On File, Inc. "California: Geography Overview." World Geography and Culture Online. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 20 Jan. 2011.

One of California’s forests

Place- Human Characteristics


Ethnic Groups California is home to many

different ethnic groups, with Hispanic-American districts, the Asian-American districts of Little Tokyo, Chinatown, and Korea town, and a large African-American community.

LanguageMost people speak English

California: At-A-Glance." World Geography and Culture Online. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 19 Jan.


Customs California is famous for its

television and film studios, and has many theater companies, a symphony orchestra, and a major opera company. There is also a significant recording industry.

Government The state legislature consists of a senate of 40 members elected for four years, and an assembly of 80 members elected for two years. Officials in the executive branch are elected for four-year terms. They include the governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, controller, treasurer, attorney general, insurance commissioner, and superintendent of public instruction. California is represented in Congress by 2 senators and 53 representatives.

Region- Functional

Metropolitan citiesLos Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco.

Major rivers drainage The Colorado River Aqueduct at the Arizona border carries water

from that river across the southern California desert and mountains to serve the metropolitan areas.

"California." Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition.Encyclopedia Britannica, 2011. Web. 24  Jan.  2011.

Region- Perceptual

How people view them selves There are many immigrants from the Philippines,

China (including Hong Kong and Taiwan), Vietnam, and El Salvador, Mexicans, and other Hispanics

California." Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition.Encyclopedia Britannica, 2011. Web. 24  Jan.  2011.

Region- Formal Climate regions

Summer temperatures in the low-lying Colorado Desert soar as high as 130° F. Annual rainfall in this desert averages three to four inches The average annual temperature is about 65° F in Los Angeles and 57° F in San Francisco. Annual precipitation averages about 14 inches in Los Angeles and 21 inches in San Francisco.

Vegetation California produces more than

half of the country's vegetables and fruits

Land AreaTotal: 163,696 sq. 155,959 sq. mi.water: 7,736 sq. mi. One of California’s

Fruit Farm

Human Environmental Interaction

What people have done to change the

land California produces about four-

fifths of its energy in state. About one tenth of California's electricity comes from renewable resources including wind and solar power. There are many wind farms in California.

California." Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition.Encyclopedia Britannica, 2011. Web. 24  Jan.  2011.

Wind Farm

Movement- Movement of People

Ethnic groups who settled there

A navigator from Spain Juan Rodriquez became the first to sight the region that is present day California in 1542. The territory was neglected by Spain for more than two centuries until 1769 because of reports of the regions poverty.

California." Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition.Encyclopedia Britannica, 2011. Web. 24  Jan.  2011.

Movement-Movement of goods

Foods California has many different

types of food because so many people have immigrated there from other countries.

Manufactured Goods Some of the state's main

manufactures include computers and electronics, chemicals, fabricated metals, and transportation equipment.Construction also has become a major industry.

California." Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition.Encyclopedia Britannica, 2011. Web. 24  Jan.  2011.

Movement-Movement of ideas

Borrowed and Shared Ideas

California has borrowed many Chinese traditions because of the Chinese immigrant population. There is even a place called China town and it is home to many Chinese citizens.

California." Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition.Encyclopedia Britannica, 2011. Web. 24  Jan.  2011.

China town

Interesting Facts• Nicknames - the Golden State• State Motto- Eureka! • State bird - California Quail• State tree – California Redwood• State flower – Golden Poppy• Admitted to Union - September 9, 1850, as the 31st

state• There are 53 representatives in California• More turkeys are raised in California than any other

state. • The first McDonald’s restaurant was opened in San

Bernardino. • There’s enough water in Lake Tahoe to cover the

whole state of California in 14.5 inches (37 cm) of water.

Golden Poppy

License Plate