Calcination, An Alchemist's Poem

Post on 16-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Calcination, An Alchemist's Poem

Saturn the ancient one, The Old Man with the scythe and crutch

Stubborn, passive-aggressive, materialistic as such

Crystallization, frustration, thoughts that scramble all you know

Between the rays, a journey, a skull and a crow

Death of the profane, am I going insane,

Self perpetuated delusions race through my brain

Surrender our materiality, light up your soul,

The first step canʼt be made unless you take control

Images turn to salt, as they enter man, from above

All the fires burning bright, from the alchemist with love

Ashes to ashes and dust to dust

Burn away dross, enlightenment a must

Death of the profane, am I going insane,

Self perpetuated delusions race through my brain

Surrender our materiality, light up your soul,

The first step canʼt be made unless you take control

Take me now down the spiral staircase into the depths of the subconscious, the electronic belt, the astral plane and the unconscious, take me there, with covering cherubim guide my feet, guide my heart and mind.

Repeat chorus