CakePHP workshop

Post on 14-Jan-2017

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Transcript of CakePHP workshop

CakePHP WorkshopBuild fast, grow solid.

Walther LalkCakePHP core team member

Croogo core team member

Lead Software Developer at

Troop Scouter at 9th Pretoria (Irene) Air Scouts


Development environmentVirtualBox with VagrantRecommended vagrant box is the FriendsOfCake vagrant box.

Download it by running $ git clone

Then start the vagrant box up with$ cd vagrant-chef$ vagrant up

$ vagrant ssh (For windows you’ll probably need to use Putty)

Add this to your hosts file192.168.13.37

Linux or OSX : /etc/hostsWindows: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

PHP built in serverEnsure you have PHP 5.5.9+ with the Intl and Mbstring and a database server running (with the corresponding PDO extension).

Supported:MySQL,PostgreSQL,SQLite,SQL Server

I will be using this with SQLite.

Following along at home

Installing CakePHPRun$ composer create-project cakephp/app app

Then $ cd app

If you are using the vagrant box, then visit

in your browser.Otherwise, wait for the next slide

PHP ServerRun $ bin/cake server

Visit http://localhost:8765/

Getting baked

Database configurationIf you’re using the Vagrant box, and have a green tick for database, then you’re good to go.

PHP Server users probably need to do some config. Recommend simply using SQLite (It’s the easiest to get going).

Open config/app.phpFind the Datasources, replace the default datasource with'default' => [ 'className' => 'Cake\Database\Connection', 'driver' => 'Cake\Database\Driver\Sqlite', 'database' => ROOT . DS . 'database.sqlite', 'encoding' => 'utf8', 'cacheMetadata' => true, 'quoteIdentifiers' => false,],

Bake a database$ bin/cake bake migration CreateMembers first_name:string last_name:string email:string created modified $ bin/cake bake migration CreateEvents title:string description:text start:datetime end:datetime created modified $ bin/cake bake migration CreateEventsMembers event_id:integer:primary member_id:integer:primary

Bake a databaseThe migration bake task can sometimes get confused with composite primary keys, and tries to make each primary key an autoincrement field. We need to fix that!

Open config/Migrations/…_CreateEventsMembers.php and remove the two ‘autoIncrement’ => true, lines.

If you are using SQLite, you need to open all the files in the config/Migrations, and change all instances of ‘default’ => null to be ‘default’ => ‘’

Seed that database$ bin/cake bake seed Members

Open config/Seeds/MembersSeed.php, and update the $data variable

$data = [ [ 'first_name' => 'Walther', 'last_name' => 'Lalk', 'email' => '', 'created' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'modified' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), ]];

Seed that database$ bin/cake bake seed Events

Open config/Seeds/EventsSeed.php, and update the $data variable

$data = [ [ 'title' => 'PHP South Africa 2016', 'description' => '', 'start' => '2016-09-28 08:00', 'end' => '2016-09-30 17:00', 'created' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'modified' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), ]];

Running migrations$ bin/cake migrations migrate$ bin/cake migrations seed

Bake your application$ bin/cake bake all Members$ bin/cake bake all Events

Visit /members in your browser, there should be 1 member. Add another one.

Now visit /events in your browser, there should be 1 event. Add another one.

Notice how both of them have a multi-select box for members or events? We’re going to remove that at a later stage and change how it works.

Anatomy of a CakePHP application



ValidationOpen src/Model/Table/EventsTable.php, find in the validationDefault method.

Change notEmpty() to be allowEmpty()

$validator ->requirePresence('description', 'create') ->notEmpty('description');

Application rulespublic function buildRules(RulesChecker $rules){ $rules->add( function (Event $event) { return $event->start <= $event->end; }, 'endAfterStart', [ 'errorField' => 'end', 'message' => 'The event cannot end before it has started' ] );

return parent::buildRules($rules);}

The art of knowing who’s there

Adding a password$ bin/cake bake migration AddPasswordToMembers password:string[60]$ bin/cake migrations migrate

Add to src/Model/Entity/MemberEntity.php

protected function _setPassword($password){ if (strlen($password) > 0) { return (new \Cake\Auth\DefaultPasswordHasher())->hash($password); }

return $this->password;}

Adding a passwordAdd to src/Templates/Members/add.ctp and src/Templates/Members/edit.ctpecho $this->Form->input('password', [ 'value' => '']);echo $this->Form->input('password_confirm', [ 'label' => 'Confirm password', ’type' => 'password', 'value' => '']);

Adding a passwordAdd validation to the password, and password confirmation fields.$validator ->requirePresence('password', 'create') ->notEmpty('password', 'You need to provide a password.', 'create') ->minLength('password', 6, 'Your password must be 6 characters or longer');

$condition = function ($context) { return !empty($context['data']['password']);};$validator ->requirePresence('password_confirm', $condition) ->notEmpty('password_confirm', 'Please confirm your password', $condition) ->add('password_confirm', 'mustMatch', [ 'rule' => function ($check, $context) { return $context['data']['password'] === $check; }, 'on' => $condition, 'message' => 'Password does not match' ]);

Adding a passwordEdit your existing members and give them passwords. They will be automatically hashed.

Creating the login actionOpen src/Controller/MembersController.phppublic function login(){ if ($this->request->is('post')) { $member = $this->Auth->identify(); if ($member) { $this->Auth->setUser($member);

return $this->redirect($this->Auth->redirectUrl()); } else { $this->Flash->error(__('Email address or password is incorrect'), [ 'key' => 'auth' ]); } }}

public function logout(){ return $this->redirect($this->Auth->logout());}

Creating the login templateCreate src/Templates/Members/login.ctp

<div class="login form large-12 columns content"> <?php echo $this->Form->create(); echo $this->Form->input('email'); echo $this->Form->input('password'); echo $this->Form->button('Login'); echo $this->Form->end(); ?></div>

Enabling AuthenticationOpen src/Controller/AppController.php, and add to the initialize method.$this->loadComponent('Auth', [ 'loginAction' => [ 'controller' => 'Members', 'action' => 'login', ], 'authenticate' => [ 'Form' => [ 'fields' => ['username' => 'email', 'password' => 'password'], 'userModel' => 'Members' ] ]]);

Try to visit /members now

Event securityWe are adding a organiser to our events. Only the organiser is allowed to change the event.

$ bin/cake bake migration AddOrganiserToEvents organiser_id:integer$ bin/cake migrations migrate

$this->belongsTo('Organiser', [ 'foreignKey' => 'organiser_id', 'className' => 'Members']);

Open src/Model/Table/EventsTable.php, and add to the initialize method.

Open src/Model/Table/MembersTable.php, and add to the initialize method.$this->hasMany('OrganisingEvents', [ 'foreignKey' => 'organiser_id', 'className' => 'Events']);

Event securityEnforce foreign key constraints at an application level by adding the following to the buildRules method in the EventsTable class.$rules->existsIn('organiser_id', 'Organiser', 'That member does not exist in the database.');

Who’s the organiser?The member creating the event should be able to choose who the event organiser is.

In src/Templates/Events/add.ctpecho $this->Form->input('organiser_id', [ 'empty' => '-- Select organiser --', 'options' => $members, 'default' => $this->request->session()->read('')]);

In src/Templates/Events/edit.ctpecho $this->Form->input('organiser_id', [ 'empty' => '-- Select organiser --', 'options' => $members,]);

Who’s that?Who is organiser 1?

protected $_virtual = [ 'full_name'];

protected function _getFullName(){ return sprintf('%s %s (%s)', $this->first_name, $this->last_name, $this->email);}

Add to the Member entity class

In the MembersTable class, change the displayField to ‘full_name’


Event securityTo enforce that an event can only be modified by it’s organiser, open src/Controller/EventsController.php and add to the edit method, just after the get() call.if ($event->organiser_id !== $this->Auth->user('id')) { throw new ForbiddenException();}

Member securityTo prevent a member from editing another member’s profile, simply addif ($id !== $this->Auth->user('id')) { throw new ForbiddenException();}

To the edit method in the MembersController.

Allow registrationsAllow new members to register by adding a beforeFilter method to the MembersController.public function beforeFilter(\Cake\Event\Event $event){ $this->Auth->allow('add');

return parent::beforeFilter($event);}

Add make a pretty URL for registration and login. Add to config/routes.php$routes->connect('/register', ['controller' => 'Members', 'action' => 'add']);$routes->connect('/login', ['controller' => 'Members', 'action' => 'login']);

I’m going

Belongs to manyCreate a join table object$ bin/cake bake model EventsMembers

Change'joinTable' => 'events_members'

to'through' => 'EventsMembers','saveStrategy' => \Cake\ORM\Association\BelongsToMany::SAVE_APPEND

in the Members and Events table objects.

Event attendanceAdd a field to capture the type of event attendance

$ bin/cake bake migration AddTypeToEventsMembers type:string[10]$ bin/cake migrations migrate

Add to EventsMember entityconst TYPE_GOING = 'going';const TYPE_INTERESTED = 'interested';const TYPE_NOT_GOING = 'notGoing';

Event attendanceIn EventsTable, addpublic function linkMember(\App\Model\Entity\Event $event, $memberId, $type){ $member = $this->Members->get($memberId); //Add the join data $member->_joinData = new \App\Model\Entity\EventsMember([ 'type' => $type ]);

return $this->association('Members')->link($event, [$member]);}

Event attendanceIn EventsController, addpublic function linkActiveMember($eventId, $type){ $event = $this->Events->get($eventId); if ($this->Events->linkMember($event, $this->Auth->user('id'), $type)) { $this->Flash->success('Registered!'); } else { $this->Flash->error('Something went wrong.'); }

return $this->redirect($this->referer());}

Event attendanceIn the Event entitypublic function memberStatus($memberId, $type){ if (!$this->has('members')) { return false; }

$member = collection($this->members) ->firstMatch(['id' => $memberId]);

if (!$member) { return false; }

return $member->_joinData->type === $type;}

Event attendanceIn src/Template/Events/index.ctp, in the actions table cell<br><?phpif (!$event->memberStatus($this->request->session() ->read(''), \App\Model\Entity\EventsMember::TYPE_GOING)) { echo $this->Html->link(__('Going'), [ 'action' => 'linkActiveMember', $event->id, \App\Model\Entity\EventsMember::TYPE_GOING ]);}if (!$event->memberStatus($this->request->session() ->read(''), \App\Model\Entity\EventsMember::TYPE_INTERESTED)) { echo $this->Html->link(__('Interested'), [ 'action' => 'linkActiveMember', $event->id, \App\Model\Entity\EventsMember::TYPE_INTERESTED ]);}if (!$event->memberStatus($this->request->session() ->read(''), \App\Model\Entity\EventsMember::TYPE_NOT_GOING)) { echo $this->Html->link(__('Not going'), [ 'action' => 'linkActiveMember', $event->id, \App\Model\Entity\EventsMember::TYPE_NOT_GOING ]);}?>

Event attendanceOpen src/Templates/Events/add.ctp and src/Templates/Events/edit.ctp and removeecho $this->Form->input('members._ids', ['options' => $members]);

Open src/Templates/Members/add.ctp and src/Templates/Members/edit.ctp and remove

echo $this->Form->input('events._ids', ['options' => $events]);

We don’t need code where we’re going

Installing CRUD$ composer require friendsofcake/crud$ bin/cake plugin load Crud

use \Crud\Controller\ControllerTrait;

Add the Crud trait to your AppController

And, load the Crud component in the initialize method$this->loadComponent('Crud.Crud', [ 'actions' => [ 'Crud.Index', 'Crud.View', 'Crud.Edit', 'Crud.Add', 'Crud.Delete' ], 'listeners' => [ 'Crud.RelatedModels' ]]);

Remove all your codeOr, at least all index, view, edit, add and delete actions.

It still works!?Thanks to the power of CRUD, everything still works


Adding back functionalityCreate a AuthListener class in the src/Listener directory<?php

namespace App\Listener;

use Cake\Event\Event;use Cake\Network\Exception\ForbiddenException;use Crud\Listener\BaseListener;

/** * Class AuthListener */class AuthListener extends BaseListener{ /** * Settings * * @var array */ protected $_defaultConfig = [ 'property' => 'id', 'message' => 'You are not allowed to access the requested resource.', 'actions' => ['edit', 'delete'] ];

Adding back functionality public function afterFind(Event $event) { if (!in_array($this->_request()->param('action'), $this->config('actions')) ) { return; }

$entity = $event->subject()->entity; $userId = $this->_controller()->Auth->user('id');

if ($entity->get($this->config('property')) !== $userId) { throw new ForbiddenException($this->config('message')); } }}

Adding back functionalityMembersController beforeFilter, add:$this->Crud->addListener('Auth', 'Auth', [ 'property' => 'id']);

Add a beforeFilter for EventsControllerpublic function beforeFilter(\Cake\Event\Event $event){ $this->Crud->addListener('Auth', 'Auth', [ 'property' => 'organiser_id' ]);

return parent::beforeFilter($event);}


Thank You.