CAHSEE Test Strategies San Fernando High School. The 7 multiple choice questions in the Word...

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Transcript of CAHSEE Test Strategies San Fernando High School. The 7 multiple choice questions in the Word...

CAHSEE Test Strategies

San Fernando High School

The 7 multiple choice questions in the Word Analysis strand ask you to apply your knowledge of word origins to determine the meaning

of new words encountered in reading materials. In other words, you will be tested on the dreaded


Because there is no magic list of words that will appear on the test,

you can apply some strategies that will help you be successful.

You will be asked to explain what a particular word means. The CAHSEE measures both your

understanding of



DENOTATIONDictionary Definition of a Word

CONNOTATIONThe image or feeling we associate with

a word

“House” and “Home” have the same DENOTATION:

A place of shelter

However, they have differentCONNOTATIONS.

“House” makes most people think of a structure.

Home suggests warmth, comfort, safety, family, and love.

Read the following passage:

Pasha looked at me then opened my sheet music to the beginning page and asked me to play. I arranged my fingers on the keys and studied the notes on the page for a moment. Then I furrowed my brow and concentrated to make the notes on the page match the finger movements. I have to admit, I was a rather mechanical pianist.

Now answer the question:

The author’s use of the word mechanical suggests that Jennifer played the piano without —

A sheet music.B proper practice.C emotion.D help.

The passage establishes that Jennifer does use

sheet music, and proper practice and help are not

the topics of this paragraph. Even if you did

not know what “mechanical” implies, you have arrived at the correct

answer by eliminating wrong options. This

strategy will help you with many questions you

encounter in the CAHSEE.

Now answer the question:

The author’s use of the word mechanical suggests that Jennifer played the piano without —

A sheet music.B proper practice.C emotion.D help.

Read the following passage:

I’ve watched the ocean lashed by wind,Make a fool of fishermen,Who thought their knowledge of the seaEnsured them some security.

Now answer the question:

In this stanza of the poem, the word lashed suggests that the ocean is being —

A soothed.B troubled.C sailed.D whipped.

Look for clues in the context (the surrounding

words). When the ocean is lashed by the wind, it

makes expert fishermen recognize their false sense of security. “Soothed” and

“Sailed” wouldn’t cause this danger. “Troubled” isn’t strong enough. So “Whipped” is the best


Now answer the question:

In this stanza of the poem, the word lashed suggests that the ocean is being —

A soothed.B troubled.C sailed.D whipped.

The very best way to improve your vocabulary is

not to memorize lists of words, but to