CAE-For Nerds or Herds Dr SathyaPrasad.pptx

Post on 02-Mar-2016

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Transcript of CAE-For Nerds or Herds Dr SathyaPrasad.pptx

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© Sathya Prasad Mangalaramanan   2


• Views expressed are purely personal

• Views expressed are not specifc toany sotware

• Views expressed are based on my

observation o the industry over thelast two decades

• I am not here to endorse anyproduct. I have a healthy disrespect

or every product – including CAE sotware

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Let us get the defnitions clear!Let us get the defnitions clear!


• (n) An intelligent butsingle-minded expert in aparticular technical feld orproession

• (n) omeone consideredboring because o theirobsessie hobb" or narro#solitar" interests

###$eure%alert$org http:&&'$bp$blogspot$com&

A *A+


• (n) A cro#d especiall"

o ordinar" orundistinguished personsor things

• () +oe together li%e aherd

• (s"non"m) ro#d

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olution o A ot#areolution o A ot#are


lements o A laid out Academia 3+ath


5o#er o 6A explored Acad$ 3 +ath 7ngineering



Aggressie research 7


Acad$ 3



+ainrames9 eolution o;<9 ;nix =

<ndustr" 3 ra onerds



Dominance o 5s9 lo#

cost computing9interoperabilit" issues9;ser-riendl"




A starting to getie#ed holisticall"alongside #ith AD 5L+

An"bod"?s tool$,erds Boin thenerds!


+ore Cusine



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 *hose da"s ersus these da"s *hose da"s ersus these da"s

•  *hose da"s:3 6inite element anal"sts reuired sound %no#ledge o

mechanics mathematics computer programming etc$

3 Ad-hoc customiation macros etc$ #as the ad

3 No pre-defned process per-se 7 more room or originalit"

3 A anal"sis #as not done in a hurr"

3 5rett" much the 6A gu" #as an isolated alien•  *hese da"s (especiall" in some serice sectors):

3 ustomiation is let to someone else

3 5roductiit" measurements in place or A

3 A anal"st is expected to Edo moreF 7 Ethin% lessF 3 letthe thin%ing be done b" those #ho create templates

3 A has become a surial tool

3 6A engineers are #ell-dressed and sociable!

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 *hose da"s ersus these da"s *hose da"s ersus these da"s

• <n the mid-./81?s a t"pical model o an automobile chassis

hadG:3 282> node points3 >.1H fnite elements3 >H/>0 degrees o reedom3 No AD import3 xceptionall" innoatie means adopted or idealiing complex


•  *oda" a t"pical model o an automobile chassis hasG:3 .> million node points3 8$> million elements3 '2 million degrees o reedom3 +ature AD import3  *he engineer has a tendenc" to start #ith the most complex

mesh ta%ing little time to understand the underl"ing ph"sics

•  *oda" a humble lap-top computer is ar more po#erul thanthe super-computer o "ester"ears$ Auxiliar" coneniencessuch as laser prints screen-capture presentation internetetc$ are also aailable toda"$


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ommoditiation o A sot#areommoditiation o A sot#are

• ;ntil .//1 A sot#ares #ere more or less

isolated pieces o codes$ eeral sot#aresreuired manual defnition o nodes and elements$

• 6rom .//1 AD import assumed prominence andb" late /1s to earl" >111 interoperabilit" issuesbet#een AD and A #ere addressed

• eeral companies also started going public togenerate reenue and sta" in business

•  *here #as a transition rom sta%e-holders beingend-users to inestors 7 Iall street$

• +CAs started ta%ing engineering decisions$

nticing customers through solution breadth #aspreerred to engineering depth

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ommoditiation o A sot#areommoditiation o A sot#are

•  *his resulted in mergers acuisitions etc$ to#ards

oJering complete solutions• osts #ere %ept lo# licensing schemes #ere made

cleerl" and the user base increased exponentiall"

• ;ser-riendliness became the productiit" mantra$ ;<began to replace command scripts

3 ECuild a s"stem that een a ool can use and onl" aool #ill #ant to use it$F George Bernard Shaw(1856-1950)

• +ore ocus on the aerage engineer and less onexperts

• K7D budget #as ocused upon ma%ing diJerent

sot#ares tal% to each other and a bit less on ma%ing agien sot#are perect in #hat it does

• ot#are bugs started to increase

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olorul <ndian ro#th 3olorul <ndian ro#th 3onceptualonceptual

1992 2000± 2008 20091947 Jun 09


 A   B   C   D   E   F




Kos" olden Clues Kedre"

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./08-.//>: ra o Cro#nie 5oints./08-.//>: ra o Cro#nie 5oints

• ause3 ocialistic set-up 3 el sucienc" #as the order o the da"3 +assie goernment set-ups 3 C,L <6 etc$3 aing culture

• Ject3 @ocation commensurate #ith education3 ,igher the education better the possibilit" o fnancial securit"3 Cetter the educational institution better the prospects

3 oernment Bobs (including teaching) considered as prestige3 Can%ing sector #as sought ater3 5ersonal automobile and gadgetr" rare but chances o middle

class o#ning a decent d#elling #as air3 orporate gro#th o indiiduals stead" and reasonable predictable3 xperience #as gien its due3 No great aspirations3

uccess and #ealth commensurate #ith education talent and hard#or%3 ociet" #as conseratie and thrit"3 <ndia #as %no#n as land o tigers elephants and sna%es3 6oreigners #ere mostl" ill-clad tourists3 6or the same ualifcation ather #as earning more than the son3 <ndustr" to teaching pa" parit" #as roughl" .$>:. or so

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.//>->111: Kos" ra.//>->111: Kos" ra

• ause3 conom" #as liberalied

3 Kapid computeriation in the #est3  M> 

• Ject3 <ndia emerged as a cheap serice proider or <* serices3 +ushroom o <* organiation 3 ne#-age 7 high-tech3 ,igher studies #as no longer the dominant mode to go abroad (especiall"

;)$ <* Bob guaranteed oreign assignment3  M> reuired computer #or%ers

3 A crop o "oung computer-sa" <* proessionals blossomed3  *hese "oung crop #ere besto#ed #ith aOuence and enBo"ed a higherstandard o liing and #ielded eniable purchasing po#er since the rest othe countr" had not "et caught-up #ith them

3 5lum housing sectors #ere created #ith <* people in mind3 <* became the mantra or success 3 too man" Bobs much less challenging too

much mone" 3 all "ou needed to %no# #as one good computer language or= or sot#are

3 K5 s"stems started coming to ogue abroad

3 ;A to <ndian salar" parit" at least .1:. or more3 ore engineering graduates and experienced people drited to <*3 <* proessionals ormed the most prospectie grooms! en better than <A!3 Dollar #as the dominant currenc"3 6or the same ualifcation son #as earning more than the ather3 Kest o #or%orce enious o <* ol%s3 pending culture

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>111->118: olden ra>111->118: olden ra

• ore engineering industries caught-up in terms o remuneration almost on par#ith <*

• <* enabled engineering serices #as touted as the Enext big <* #aeF• <ndian purchasing po#er increased• Iestern countries orea etc$ sa# <ndian middle class as a huge mar%et potential• <ndia #as starting to get ie#ed as one big consumer instead o a cheap serice

proider• ost o <* serices in <ndia increased• conom" started becoming increasingl" global• /&.. Aghan Iar and <ra #ar put a dent on ; econom" propelling more

outsourcing• ; sub-prime crisis started a do#n#ard economic spiral• ; to <ndian salar" parit" or proessionals reduced to around ':.• <ndia #as doing great• ,uge capital inestments• Keal estate mar%et surged to unrealistic heights• <ndians %no#n or technical potential• <* grooms #ere no longer in demand• uro started becoming stronger• 6oreigners #ere mostl" #ell-clad proessionals•  *, ,<ND; E=pportunitiesF page runs to at least H to .1 pages• ociet" has learnt ho# to spend mone" 3 in some cases splurge• ampus recruitments too% place as earl" as in the third "ear o undergraduate$• 5L+ s"stems started coming-up• <ndustr" to teaching pa" parit" roughl" H:.• Corro#ing culture

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>11H->11/: Clues>11H->11/: Clues

• ollapse o maBor fnancial institutions

• eere sub-prime crisis in ; sno#balling across the #orld• Can%ruptc" o a e# ; tier ones• Cail-outs in ; #ith goernment haing a sa" in the

unctioning o insolent organiations• hange in ; goernment 3 not er" much in aor o

outsourcing• @er" high oil prices stabiliing later to a reasonable leel• toc% mar%et collapse all oer 3 more so in <ndia• ensex hits roc% bottom• 01. decimated across ;•  *, ,<ND; E=pportunitiesF pages thin do#n• udden mar%et shrin%age 3 no bu"ers$

• 5a" cuts la"-oJs and unprecedented austerit" measures• Liuidit" crunch• 5ar%ing lots become a better d#elling than pa"ing

mortgage in some parts o the #orld• ollection agent culture

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>11/-5resent: Ked>11/-5resent: Ked

• + and hr"sler ban%rupt

•  *o"ota in red ater seeral decades• <ndian mar%ets still struggling• table <ndian goernment• ensex rebounds ater ne#s o stable goernment• <ndia perceied to be a bit more stable due to goernment

regulations pertaining to operations o our fnancial

institutions• 5a" cuts and la"-oJs across industries•  *, ,<ND; E=pportunities 5ageF is still #aer thin replete

#ith articles oJering solace on ho# to counter tough times• <ndia alread" addicted to comorts and aOuence9

struggling to cope-up #ith orced austerit" measures• oernment and teaching positions once again become

sought-ater• %eletal campus recruitments 3 een in <<*s

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No# to 6uture: ra o ;ncertaint"No# to 6uture: ra o ;ncertaint"

• <ndian organiations hae inested huge amounts in

ongoing expansions and acuisitions• udden cash crunch and lo# sales olume haeslo#ed do#n deelopmental actiities

• lobal recession• 5a" cuts and la"-oJs continuing• Diminishing purchasing po#er

• +orale no #here near that in >114-18• ; rebound predicted to ta%e place onl" graduall"• Iestern hemisphere still reeling• erices and C5= industries continue to pla" a

subdued but signifcant role in <ndian econom"

•  *, ,<ND; E=pportunitiesF page is still #aer thin• C< P;*<=N 3 ,o# should <ndia moe rom thispoint on#ardsQQ!!

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ommoditiation o %ill-set 3 =n-set oommoditiation o %ill-set 3 =n-set o

the ,erd +entalit"the ,erd +entalit"

• A especiall" 6A started getting popular through

academia and large =+s in ; 7 urope• 6A sot#are #as ie#ed more as a tool 3 a means

to the end rather than the end itsel$ *he engineer#as ree to use the tool in the most intelligent #a"he&she deems necessar"

• @aulting and legal reuirements compelled use o

specifc standard sot#ares• 6ree-mar%et dictates reuired that A eJorts be

outsourced•  *o ensure ualit" o output rom Elo#-costF serice-

proiders =+s needed to defne&approeprocesses and protocols

• ince serices #ere billed b" the hour there #as noroom or experimentation but simpl" stic% toprotocols

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ommoditiation o %ill-set 3 =n-set oommoditiation o %ill-set 3 =n-set othe ,erd +entalit"the ,erd +entalit"

• A made its #a" into <ndia not through the =+

route but more through the serice route 3 as a lo#cost serice proider

• +an" times the client paid the serice proider moreor EdoingF and less or Ethin%ing and experimentingF$pecifcit" in 5= implied crispness in billing$ *hin%ing

inoled uiness and posed billing issues!• Learning A became a dependable means to ma%e a


•  *he passion thus diminished A became acommodit" or subsistence

• < hae heard a number o stories #here the Aengineer #as Bust doing C<I meshing!

di i i %ill

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ommoditiation o %ill-set 3 =n-set oommoditiation o %ill-set 3 =n-set othe ,erd +entalit"the ,erd +entalit"

•  *he A tool #as no longer considered as a means to

the end but the end itsel$• ngineers pined to become amiliar #ith as man" A

tools as possible at the cost o understanding the5h"sics o the problem

• < hae interie#ed hundreds o people #ith strange

resumes that indicated expertise in eer" %no#n Asot#are!!

•  *he soul o an anal"st #as lost the moment the billingstop-#atch started tic%ing! Ie bill b" the hour!!!!

• = course there are some serice organiations =+s

and K7D units in <ndia #here there is still room orexperimentations$ <t is #here the nerd still suries!

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ummar" o <ndian ro#thummar" o <ndian ro#th

1992 2000± 2008 20091947 Jun 09


 A   B   C   D   E   F



Hocialistic 6ree+ar%et$


ore<ndustries Roin <*


 (       o     

l      l       a       p     

 s      e     

!  N  o

  #   6  u  t

  u  r  e

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Need o the hourNeed o the hour

• hort-term 3 urial mode 3 Deensie maneuers 3 ,ead

to#ards 3 5rotect interests3 Austerit" measures3 Less ris%" inestments3 Disciplining #or% orce3 5runing manpo#er

• Long-term 3 xcellence mode 3 Crea% ne# grounds 3 ,ead

to#ards ,3 Disruptie innoation3 6undamental research and applied research3  *echnological superiorit" in all acets3 lean societ"3 Ior% together3 reate an innoatie ecos"stem

3 astern alue hemmed #ith Iestern technologies 3 creation o ah"brid proessional culture

3 +aturit" to distinguish bet#een s"nerg" and competition(initiaties such as NA6+)

Ih h ld A i < di h dQ

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Ihere should A in <ndia headQIhere should A in <ndia headQ

• *he herd is a disciplined orce o Asoldiers #ithout great indiidualit"#hereas the nerd is an intelligent maeric%

• *here should be a bit o both in anindiidual so that the soul o being a A

engineer is not lost #hile at the same timeassure competitie leels o productiit"

• ustomiation processes and protocolsustomiation processes and protocolsshould co-exist along-side #ithshould co-exist along-side #ithopportunities to experiment and learnopportunities to experiment and learn

• A should become a tool or innoation inA should become a tool or innoation in<ndia<ndia

hi i i i

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 *his is not innoation! *his is not innoation!

< < i

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<mportance o <nnoation<mportance o <nnoation

I believe that a popular, thirty-year notion that the U.S. can evolve from being atechnology and manufacturing leader to a service leader is just wrong . In theend, this philosophy transformed the nancial services industry from one thatsupported commerce to a complex trading maret that operated outside theeconomy. !eal engineering was traded for nancial engineering. In the end, ourbusinesses, our government, and many local leaders lost sight of what maes anation great" a passion for innovation.

 #e$rey Immelt, %&', (eneral &lectric

"o# $ow"o# $ow

to in%ectto in%ect

a bit oa bit o





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ti > t ti > t

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uggestion >: reate anuggestion >: reate ancos"stemcos"stem

Stakeholder Stake Indifferent towards Concerned towards

1 Universities   •Prestige



•Applied research


•Invention, pushing the frontiers

Cost, Social reach   •Breakthrough

•Creation of eperts individuals

•Acade!ic rigor

•"a!e and fa!e

•Acade!ic freedo!


# $overn!entlabs

•Cutting edge research

•Critical progra!s in the area of space,nuclear power, defense, etc%

•Invention, sta&ing on the top technicall&

Profits, individual fa!e   •Prestige and sovereignt& of thecountr&'

•Self(sufficienc&' IP)

•Strategic positioning of the countr&in the globe' *echnical superiorit&

+ )egulator&bodies

•$eneral interest of countr& throughlegislations

Safet&, nviron!ent•Societal discipline

-arket   •.er& high social reach

•Preservation of citi/en0s rights

Industries   •Co!petitive product

•-arket do!inance


Individual fa!e, •.er& high custo!er reach

•Share value

•Profits, revenue, etc%


2rgani/ational appeal

i ' H ti ' t H

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uggestions: ' to Huggestions: ' to H

• uggestion ': 6ocus

3 Don?t spread "oursel too thin$ ultiate an area o expertise• uggestion 0: enerate <5Ks

3 Actiel" publish and generate patents

• uggestion 2: ta" on top$ ta" sharp3 uide student proBects %eep reading ta%e reresher courses

teach courses

• uggestion 4: Ce truthul3 Do not inSate "our real #orth$ =ne cannot be good in


• uggestion 8: Cac% to basics 3 relish "our A3 no# "our engineering basics #ell$ ;se "our pen and paper to

dra# ree-bod" diagrams approximate solutions$ ;se Koar%?s 7

 *imoshen%o?s boo%s more! *hat #ould help "ou use Asot#are #ith more confdence

3 Learn to intelligentl" approximate

• uggestion H: ,elp others 7 get help3 Don?t hold bac% %no#ledge$ no#ledge shared is %no#ledge


ti / t .> ti / t .>

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uggestions: / to .>uggestions: / to .>

• uggestion /: Clend #ith the industr"

3 et a eel or engineering$ Don?t suggest a sledge hammer to %ill aS"!

• uggestion .1: Ce responsible end-to-end3 Don?t thro# solutions oer the #all to the designer$ 5articipate in

the eolution o the design

3 ulstream puts engineers on the plant Soor so the" eel Tthe paino the designs the" inSict on the manuacturing Soor$T

• uggestion ..: ompl"3 < there are processes use them and also tr" to improe them$ *hat

#a" the template #ouldn?t become a blac% box!

• uggestion .>: %un%-#or%G on the less %no#n3 Ield multi-axial atigue racture crac%-gro#th process integration

• uggestion .': Don?t Bob-hop 3 6ollo# eastern alues"stems3  Mou cannot ma%e a career b" Bumping Bobs


uggestion .0 Keach out trategicuggestion .0: Keach out trategic

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uggestion .0: Keach-out 3 trategicuggestion .0: Keach-out 3 trategic6unctional 7 ,olistic6unctional 7 ,olistic

© -ational cademies

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I some o theseI some o these

suggestions aresuggestions are



R i i .R i i .

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© Sathya Prasad Mangalaramanan   30Courtesy: Mr. Ashok Kumar a!asu"raman#am

 Ro" o ngineering 3 ase . Ro" o ngineering 3 ase .

imple tressoncentration 5roblemQ

R i i .R i i .

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 Ro" o ngineering 3 ase . Ro" o ngineering 3 ase .

$tress at ho!e % 2& ' $CF ()* % 7&+ ,rror - 1.&

Courtesy: Mr. Ashok Kumar a!asu"raman#am

R i i >Ro o ngineering ase >

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 Ro" o ngineering 3 ase > Ro" o ngineering 3 ase >








1  . 4   1  4    F   

/F   F

1  . 1  4    F   

0 . 4 )  F  

/1.19 F






6ree-bod" Diagram!

R i i 'Ro" o ngineering ase '

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 Ro" o ngineering 3 ase ' Ro" o ngineering 3 ase '

1st Rear axle

2nd Rear axle

Vehicle Front Vehicle Rear  


Anal"sis o a Cogie uspension

Ro o ngineering ase 'Ro" o ngineering ase '

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 Ro" o ngineering 3 ase ' Ro" o ngineering 3 ase '

• Q: How to apply

constrants when !sngloads "ro# #!lt-$odyanalyss%

• A: ;se inertia relie 

• Q: &hat s the d'erencen the #ethod $y whch$rang and acceleratonloads are appled%

• A: *orue is transerredto the axle rom tire

#hile bra%ing$ *orue isnot transerred to theaxle #hile accelerating$


Acceleration load-case

CAE predicted failurezones very well!

Ro" o ngineering ase 0Ro" o ngineering ase 0

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 Ro" o ngineering 3 ase 0 Ro" o ngineering 3 ase 0


















Brake Drum, Clutch, Engine… hermo"#echanical $oads

Ro" o ngineering ase 2Ro" o ngineering ase 2

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 Ro" o ngineering 3 ase 2 Ro" o ngineering 3 ase 2

• ngineer:

3 Load due to uel pump as gien b" supplier V 8 %N$ Notsure i the alue is o%$• +anager:

3 Ihat is the pump pressureQ• ngineer:

3 .021 bars V .02 x .14 N&m>

• +anager:3 Core diameterQ

• ngineer:3 1$82 cm

• +anager:3 =$$ 6orce V 5ressure x Area V .02 x .14 x π x 8$2 x .1-' x

8$2 x .1-' & 0 V ,.- /$

• +anager:3 Let us no# calculate the inertia orce3 tro%e o the pump L V 2 mm

Ro" o ngineering ase 2Ro" o ngineering ase 2

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 Ro" o ngineering 3 ase 2 Ro" o ngineering 3 ase 2

3 Number o cam lobes V '3 peed o cam shat V '111 rpm3 Number o stro%es per min V /111 stro%es3  *ime ta%en or a single stro%e V 41&/111 V .&.21 sec3 Acceleration o the piston mass a V (>xL&tW>) V > x 1$112 x .21 x

.21 V >>2 m&sec>

3 +ass o the piston V .11 gm V 1$. %g3 <nertia orce V ma X 00.1 /9

•+anager:3  Yand no# the spring orce3  Rust b" simple hand compression and isual obseration <

assumed that it too% roughl" >2 %g to compress the spring b" 2mm$ Assuming preload o 2 mm total spring orce V 21 %g V 122/

• +anager: Yand no# or the total orce3 5ressure Z <nertia Z pring orces V 4011 Z >>$2 Z 211 V 4/>' N$

• 3hereore 4 / loos o !

• 5angerously "imple###5angerously "imple###

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 Ro" o ngineering 3 ase 4 Ro" o ngineering 3 ase 4





"uestion+ .hat should be theF/ boundary conditions i! tyre 0

is raised by( say( 1 inches?2Test shows that the remaining three

tyres are on ground 

Ro" o ngineering ase 4Ro" o ngineering ase 4

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 Ro" o ngineering 3 ase 4 Ro" o ngineering 3 ase 4

• ommon mista%e

3 ince all other threet"res are on ground• 6ix t"res >' 7 0• Displace t"re . b"

'F• IK=N!

• Doing so %eepsincreasing the reactionorces in EallF t"res as#e %eep liting

• <n realit" reactionorces on some o the

t"res decrease•  *"res are not fxed to

the ground• Li%e#ise een in

cornerng conditionpeople #rongl" fx the

t"res (uxVu"VuV1)$ *his is #ron $



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 Ro" o ngineering 3 ase 8 Ro" o ngineering 3 ase 8



ourtes" +r$ Da"alan

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 Ro" o ngineering 3 ase 8 Ro" o ngineering 3 ase 8

 K t  S·K 

t e = σ ·  5*

σ .  = Constant 

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© Sathya Prasad Mangalaramanan   42

6ay the6ay the


continue tocontinue to

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exist with theexist with the$erds#$erds#

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6ay the /erd6ay the /erdalso be in thealso be in the

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% 9% 9what we don*t is larger than thewhat we don*t is larger than the

world. – Avvayaarworld. – Avvayaar

3$A3$A/: /: 

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ourtes": oogle <mages9 ula%am$com