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Transcript of CA226 — Advanced Computer Architectureray/teaching/CA226/02-failures.pdf · CA226 — Advanced...


CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture

Stephen Blott <>

Table of Contents

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Hardware Failures …But first:

• we need to talk a little bit about probability

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Note to self…

1. The Monty Hall problem []

2. The two-children problem []

3. The terrorist problem []

4. The Geometrical distribution []


Of these four topics,only the last is directly relevant to today’s material.

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


The Exponential DistributionThe exponential distribution:

• `f_lambda(x)\ =\ lambda e^{-lambda x}`

In which:

• `lambda` is know as the rate

• `e` is the base of natural logarithmsabout `2.71828...`

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


The Exponential DistributionThe exponential distribution:

• `f_lambda(x)\ =\ lambda e^{-lambda x}`

For Poisson processes, `f_lambda(x)` is:

• the probability that `x` units of time elapse until the next event of interest occurs

• e.g. the probability that 10,000 hours pass until a disk fails

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


The Exponential Distribution

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


The Exponential Distribution

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


The Exponential Distribution

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


The Exponential Distribution

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Exponential Distribution — PropertiesMean:

• `1/lambda`


The mean is inversely proportional to the rate(which is intuitively correct).

So, it is easy to convert between means and rates(and we’ll be doing a fair amount of that).

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Exponential Distribution — PropertiesProbability of exceeding a value:

• `P(x>t)\ =\ e^{-lambda t}`

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Multiple Exponential DistributionsAssume two (independent) exponentially-distributed random variables `X_1`and `X_2` with rates `lambda_1` and `lambda_2`:

• `P(min(X_1,X_2) > t)\ =\ e^{-(lambda_1 + lambda_2)t}`


• the smallest (or first) of two exponentially-distributed random events is itselfexponentially distributed

• and the corresponding rate is just the sum of the individual rates

Recall that `P(x>t)\ =\ e^{-lambda t}`.

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Example — A ShopkeeperEvents:

1. mean time until a customer arrives is 5 minutes

2. mean time until the phone rings is 20 minutes

Assuming these are exponentially distributed:

• what is the mean time until either of these events occur?

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture



1. `\ 1/{5\ "minutes"}`

2. `\ 1/{20\ "minutes"}`

Combined rate:

• `4/20 + 1/20\ =\ 5/20\ =\ 1/{4\ "minutes"}`

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture



1. mean time until a customer arrives is 5 minutes

2. mean time until the phone rings is 20 minutes

Mean time to the first of these events:

• 4 minutes

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Multiple Exponential DistributionsMore generally (and obviously):

• `P(min(X_1,X_2,...,X_n) > t)\ =\ e^{-(lambda_1 + lambda_2 + ... + lambda_n)t}`

Again, recalling that `P(x>t)\ =\ e^{-lambda t}`.

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


AsideThe exponential distribution (and its discrete version — the geometricdistribution):

• is the only memoryless probability distribution

Because exponential distributions are entirely characterised by their mean:

• they are often defined by just stating their mean(or their half life)

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Why is this relevant?Many computer hardware failures are exponentially distributed:

• and, for those that aren’t:the exponential distribution is nevertheless a reasonable first approximation

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture



• `P(min(X_1,X_2,...,X_n) > t)\ =\ e^{-(lambda_1 + lambda_2 + ... + lambda_n)t}`

we can reason about failure rates of complex (multi-component) systems withoutknowing too much about the details of the exponential distribution itself

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


FailuresA system is in one of two states:

• functioning or not functioning

Transitions between these states are:

• failures and restorations

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Metrics — MTTFMTTF:

• mean time to failure


1. MTTF is (perhaps) 1,000,000 hours for some hard disk

2. MTTF is (perhaps) 100,000 hours for a fan

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Metrics — Failure RateThe failure rate:

• is just the reciprocal of the MTTF


1. if MTTF is `10^6` hours, then failure rate is `1//10^6` per hour

2. if MTTF is `10^5` hours, then failure rate is `1//10^5` per hour

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


MTTF — ExampleWhat is the MTTF of a two-component system composed of:

1. a hard disk with a MTTF of 1,000,000 hours

2. and a fan with a MTTF 100,000 hours?

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


MTTF — ExampleIf we assume failures are independent and exponentially distributed, then:

• The means are `10^{6}` and `10^{5}`

• So the rates are `10^{-6}` and `10^{-5}`

• Since they’re exponentially distributed, we add these to get the overall rate:`10^{-6} + 10^{-5} = 1.1 times 10^{-5}`

• Giving us the MTTF as the reciprocal of the rate:`1/{1.1 times 10^{-5}} = 90909`

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Metrics — Failure RateThe failure rate:

• is often measured in failures per `10^9` (billion) hours(this known as FIT — for failures in time)

1 FIT is one failure every 114155 years.

Examples (from previous slides):

1. for the disk, rate of `10^9//10^6\ =\ 1000\ "FIT"`

2. for the fan, rate of `10^9//10^5\ =\ 10000\ "FIT"`

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


RestorationsWhen a system fails, it must be repaired

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Metrics — MTTRMTTR:

• mean time to repair

Examples — if a power unit fails:

• it may take 24 hours (say) for it to be replaced

• or perhaps 168 hours (one week)

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Metrics — MTBFMTBF:

• mean time between failures

• `"MTTF" + "MTTR"`

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Metrics — AvailabilityAvailability:

• the proportion of time during which service is satisfactorily delivered

• `"MTTF" / {"MTTF" + "MTTR"}`

Availability is usually quoted as a percentage.

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Availability — ExampleIf:

• MTTF is `10^5` hours

• MTTR is 168 hours


• availability is `10^5/{10^5+168}\ =\ 99.83%`

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


SystemsComputer systems consist of a number of components:

• e.g. processor, memory, bus, disk, fan, etc.

If components individually have exponentially distributed lifetimes:

• then so too does the system as a whole

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


ExampleAssume a disk subsystem with the following components:

• 10 disks, each rated at `1 xx 10^6` MTTF (hours)

• 1 ATA controller, `5 xx 10^5` MTTF

• 1 power supply, `2 xx 10^5` MTTF

• 1 fan, `2 xx 10^5` MTTF

• 1 ATA cable, `1 xx 10^6` MTTF

Assuming exponentially-distributed lifetimes and independent failures:

• calculate the MTTF of the disk subsystem as a whole

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Example — Failure rate of system …Failure rate of system:

`\ 10 xx 1/{1 xx 10^6}\ +\ 1/{5 xx 10^5}\ +\ 2 xx 1/{2 xx 10^5}\ +\ 1/{1 xx 10^6}``\ \ = \ {10 + 2 + 10 + 1} / {10^6}``\ \ = \ 23 / {10^6\ "hours"}`

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Example — Failure rate of system …Or:

• `23 / {10^6\ "hours"} xx 10^9 = 23000\ "FIT"`

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Example — MTTF of the system as a whole?The MTTF of the system as a whole is the inverse of the failure rate:

`\ \ 1 / "failure rate of system"``\ \ =\ 43500\ "hours"` (just under five years, approx.)

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Example — Availability of system as a whole …Assume any failed component will be repaired in 24 hours.


`\ \ "MTTF" / {"MTTF" + "MTTR"}``\ \ =\ 43500 / { 43500 + 24 }\ =\ 99.945%`

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Example — Availability of system as a whole …Alternatively, assume any failed component will be repaired in 168 hours (oneweek).


`\ \ "MTTF" / {"MTTF" + "MTTR"}``\ \ =\ 43500 / { 43500 + 168 }\ =\ 99.615%`

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Key PointsThis calculation is possible (and simple) because:

• of the assumptions of exponential distributions and independent failures

• of the simplicity of combining exponential distributions

• of the mean and the rate being merely the reciprocal of one another

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Improving ReliabilityOne common approach to improving reliability is:

• redundancy

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Improving Reliability — ExampleWhat would be the MTTF of a power supply and its availability if:

• the MTTF of an individual power supply is `2xx10^5` hours

• we add an additional (redundant) power supply, and

• the MTTR for the power supply unit is 24 hours?

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Well, let’s see …Mean time to individual power supply failure:

• `"MTTF"_{"individual"}\ =\ 2xx10^5\ "hours"`

Mean time to any power supply failure:

• `"MTTF"_{"any"}\ =\ {"MTTF"_{"individual"}}/2`

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


And …Probability of second failure before first failure is repaired:

• `{"MTTR"_{"individual"}}/{"MTTF"_{"individual"}}`

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


And …MTTF of power supply pair:

• `"MTTF"_{"any"} times 1/{"probability of second failure before repair"}`

• `{"MTTF"_{"any"}}/{"probability of second failure before repair"}`

• `{{"MTTF"_{"individual"}}/2} / {({"MTTR"_{"individual"}}/{"MTTF"_{"individual"}})}`

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


And …MTTF of power supply pair:

• `{{"MTTF"_{"individual"}}/2} / {({"MTTR"_{"individual"}}/{"MTTF"_{"individual"}})}`

• `{"MTTF"_"individual"^2} / {2xx"MTTR"_{"individual"}}`

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


So, let’s try that out …Using the values from the previous example:

• `{"MTTF"_"individual"^2} / {2xx"MTTR"_{"individual"}}`

• `{ (2xx10^5)^2} / {2xx24} \ =\ 83xx10^7` hours

So the MTTF of the pair is 4150 times that of a single power supply:

• redundancy works!

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Now …What would be the effect of adding a third power supply?

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Third Power Supply …Assuming an MTTR of 24 hours:

• `{8xx10^15} / { 9 xx 24} \ = \ 36 xx 10^12\ "hours"`

• or … failures occur, on average, about 4 billion years apart

Assuming an MTTR of about 2 months:

• `{8xx10^15} / { 9 xx 1428} \ = \ 622 xx 10^9\ "hours"`

• or … failures occur, on average, about 71 million years apart

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Note …The analysis above applies to any form of redundancy:

• mirrored disks

• hot spare

Google use three replicas of all user data:

• hopefully in storage systems with independent failures

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Data Centres — 1Assume:

• a service provider runs `10^6` (one million) servers

• the MTTF for a server is `17520` hours (two years)

What is the MTTF for any server?

`1.0512` minutes!

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Data Centres — 2Assume:

• a server provider runs `10^6` (one million) servers

• the MTTF for a server is `35040` hours (four years)

What is the MTTF for any server?

`2.1024` minutes!

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


So…If you’re running large numbers of machines:

• expect failuresthey’re normal and commonregardless of the quality of your hardware

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Overall — Potential Problems?Assumptions:

• failures may not be independent

• failures may not be exponentially distributed


Note to self: the bathtub curve.

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


Last year’s exam…An ax consists of a handle and a blade:

• Assume that the MTTF of a handle is 100 hours and the MTTF of a blade is 250hours.Further assume that failures are exponentially distributed.

• Calculate the MTTF of an ax as a whole.

If the MTTR of an ax is one hour:

• Calculate the (system) availability of such axes.Express your answer as a percentage.

CA226 — AdvancedComputer Architecture


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