C ppt

Post on 25-May-2015

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Transcript of C ppt




WHY “C”…????

WHATS “C”…????

Variables and Assignment ,and functions Types

DeclarationsAssignment Printing the Value of a Variable functionsPrinting Expressions

“Print f ” and “sac f” statements Conversion Specifications

PROGRAM: Using ”print f” to Format Numbers Escape Sequences

The ”scan f “Function How scan f Works

Ordinary Characters in Format Strings

 Expressions operators Arithmetic Operators Increment and Decrement Operators Expression Evaluation Expression Statements

Selection Statements Logical Expressions The if Statement The switch Statement The break statement

loops do statement do while statement if statement IFELSE statement for statement Continue , GOTO , break statements.

Integer Types Integer Constants

Floating Types Character Types The size of Operator Type Conversion Type Definitions

Arrays One-Dimensional Arrays Two –dimensional array Multidimensional Arrays

Functions Defining and Calling FunctionsFunction Declarations Arguments The ”return” StatementThe ”exit” Function Recursive Functions

Pointers Pointer Variables The Address and Indirection Operators Pointer Assignment Pointers as Arguments Pointers as Return Values Pointers and Arrays Pointer Arithmetic Using Pointers for Array Processing Using an Array Name as a Pointer Pointers and Multidimensional Arrays

Strings String Literals String Variables Reading and Writing Strings Accessing the Characters in a String Using the C String Library

Structures and Unions Structure Variables 1Structure Types Nested Arrays and Structures Unions