C ONCEPTION & P REGNANCY Health Mrs. Wagner. C ONCEPTION Egg released from ovary once every 28 days...

Post on 29-Dec-2015

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Transcript of C ONCEPTION & P REGNANCY Health Mrs. Wagner. C ONCEPTION Egg released from ovary once every 28 days...


Mrs. Wagner


Egg released from ovary once every 28 days (approx.) and enters into fallopian tube

If meets with sperm = fertilization Surface of egg changes to prevent other

sperm from entering Sex and genetic traits are set at fertilization

FEMALE REPRODUCTION Born with all follicles – unripened eggs – 3 million Will release 400 by menopause Menstrual Cycle Follicle – cell complex that surrounds and

nurtures the egg grows in the ovary Lining of the uterus (endometrium) builds up to

receive a fertilized egg Mid-cycle – egg is ready – ovary release -

ovulation Egg enters fallopian tube One of two things happen: egg is fertilized and

continue on to uterus and attaches to the lining – pregnancy begins

Or the egg is not fertilized – the uterus sheds its lining and menstruation begins


Sperm cells in testes Constantly creating Epididymis – holds sperm until mature Semen – fluid from prostate and cowper’s

gland Contains 300 million sperm cells 100 million (1/3 ) will die immediately


Egg + Sperm = pregnancy Implantation occurs – pregnancy test will be

accurate – looks for HCG (growth hormone) Usually 2 – 3 days after missed period 50% of fertilized eggs are miscarried 1 in 4 pregnancies are miscarried Average pregnancy = 40 weeks Three stages of development:


Within 36 hours – cell division begins Implantation – 4 – 5 days – travels from FT to

uterus – implants in wall – blastocyst – then becomes embryo


Placenta develops Umbilical cord – 25 days after fertilization Filter between mother’s bloodstream and

baby’s – bloods do not mix – but substances can pass through – alcohol, drugs, etc.

Enclosed in amniotic sac – floats in amniotic fluid

End of 2nd month – embryo is 1 ½ inches long, has recognizable features – eyes, ears, hands, feet,

Becomes fetus


3rd – 6 months – 11 inches and 1.5 pounds Begins to move and kick Sense organs develop – sensitive to light and

noises If born at this stage – low survival rate 6th – 9th Months Body proportions equal out Eyelids open and close Body fat accumulates End of 9th month – average size 20 inches

and 7.5 lbs.


1st Trimester 1st – 3rd Months Morning sickness – any time of day – caused

by changes in hormone levels Increase in breast size & tenderness,

frequent urination, fatigue 2nd Trimester 4th – 6th Months Abdomen swells, feels fetus moving Heartburn – digestive tract pushed up

3rd Trimester 7th – 9th Month Total weight gain 25 – 35 lbs. Movement can be seen Irregular contractions – Braxton Hicks Baby moves into birth position


1st Trimester 2nd Trimester 3rd Trimester

Most dangerous time –drugs/alcohol

16 Weeks – skin turns pink, fingers & toes

28th Week – Responsive 80% survival rate

2nd Week – implantation

18th Week - can find gender

32nd Week – lungs grow until 37th Week

3rd Week – heart begins forming

20th Week – feel quickening

36th – 40th – add fat – gains .5lbs. A week

4th Week – brain & spinal cord

24th Week – organs developed – except lungs

5th Week – eyes & umbilical cord

9 – 16 ounces

6th Week – Placenta

8th Week – bones, arm buds

12th Reflexes


Healthy baby = good health habits and doctor visits

Extra amount of nutrients and calories Viral infections = some birth defects Refrain from alcohol & drug abuse Amniocentesis and Chorionic Villus Sampling

– check for birth defects Ultrasound – checks for physical problems –

20 weeks


Cannot have children 60-70% of time – female problem (more

complex system) Reasons for women1. Irregular ovulation - fertility drug cures2. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease(PID) – scarred or

blocked fallopian tubes – In-vitro fertilization - 50 – 60% success ($25,000)

3. Misshapen uterus – surrogate mother

Men1. Low sperm count – ice packets2. Motility decreased – die before reach egg