By Valerie Tripp Ill Walter Rane. Kit Ruthie Smithens Mrs. Howard Stirling Howard Dad Mother ...

Post on 13-Dec-2015

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Transcript of By Valerie Tripp Ill Walter Rane. Kit Ruthie Smithens Mrs. Howard Stirling Howard Dad Mother ...

By Valerie TrippIll Walter Rane

Kit Ruthie Smithens Mrs. Howard Stirling Howard Dad Mother Charlie Uncle Hendrick

The attic Kit’s room Kit’s backyard

Kit’s real name is Margret Milred but, doesn’t like it. When she was little her dad sang a song called “Kit bag". Now frankly she is called Kit. Kit is a nine year old girl who has a nose for news. But, right now her news are bad news about the depression. Soon after Mr. Kittredge loses his job. Kit’s mother gets a brainstorm to turn the Kittredge household upside down.

The problem is that Kit’s Mother Invites Mrs. Howard over to their house until Mr. Howard sends for them!!!!!Kit is expecting Stirling to be fun but, he isn't what was she expecting!!!!!!

She likes baseball [her favorite team is the Cincinnati Reds]

She is planning for a tree house She wants to be a reporter Has a dog named Grace

The solution is that Stirling is a really big help to Kit.[some things he was a really big help was he gave Kit a tack for her bulletin board, he Kit gave Kit a box full of her things and he gave Kit a good idea that she could put anything in her room she wanted.]

I rate this book wwww for wikitastic also some other books I recommend are Kit learns a lesson, Kit surprise, Happy birthday Kit!, Kit saves the day and Changes for Kit. Bye!!!!