by FRANK TALK - University of the Witwatersrand · by FRANK TALK FEAR — an important determinant...

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Transcript of by FRANK TALK - University of the Witwatersrand · by FRANK TALK FEAR — an important determinant...



by FR A N K T A L K

FEAR — an important determinant in South African politics

I t would te rm that the greatest waste o f time »n South A ínca is to t o *««1 f ,ntl 1° * IC m why the W hite government do*» cert»m things I f anv thing th e . the constant inroads in to the frrr< iom of the B lick people illc s lr-tc» a coo’pltrte c ntempt for thi» section of the con.mumty

M> premise has always been that Black peopl • should not at anv one stage he surprised at jo in ' o f the atrocities committed hy the govern went Th»» to me follows logic i l ly a fter the ir in i t i . l asttin ptu*n that they, being a «rrtle r m inority. can have the righ t o be supreme ma> r r * I f they could be cruel enough to cow the n 'live * down w ith bruta l force and m>tal thrmschr*» a* perpetual ru ler» in a fonngn land, th -n m vth ng ei*e they do to the »tchc Black p ro f I** become» logical in term» o l the m itia c riie llv To esp'ect justice from thc-n at an- ttatf** i« to he naive Tltey almost have » du* * to themsclvrs and to fh e ir 'eU'ctoraí» * tn sho < that ?hey « till ha\e the upper ban*. ©%<*r the Black people There is only one way of *howtrg that upper h>nd — bv ruthlessly br.'.tkm r do'*n the hack of remittance im r n M tne B la o s . however, petty that resistance is

On* mu«t look at the huge se.-urity fn ire that South A frica ha-» in order to realise i l l» These men m utt always report «omrtbinu to th* ir m..s.ers in order to ju s tify the ir rm p'oy m* nt I t 1» not enough to renort that "1 h tv r b*en to Pondolnnd and the native» a rr itrh a tin * well and are pr ce lu l and content ’ This is not sati«faetory f t - the p rrp rrtra tocs c f evil are aw.ire of the cruelty of the ir system and h* nee do not especT the native* Io he sr.ttsfird So the sem nlY bos» are sent hack to Fond''.ind to find out who the spokrsmsn \s who e lnm s that the people are satisfied an*4 to brat him u n til he admits that he i t not satisfir-l A t tha* point he i t e ither banned or brought fo iw trd to be tried under one o f K e m n y Acts The absolutely in fan tile evidence upon ohict the State build» up it» case* m to n e o the In a l* doet tucgest to me that they are ju ite

;apahle o f ^ rre 'tin g s gioup of bovs playing hirle . nd scrk and charging them w ith high treason.

This i t th** backgmund against which one m in t sec th r mans tr ia ls that arc held tn thr- country Ta th**m it looks as i f some­thin»: would be dann*- oudy w iong i f no ma.or

rl i t i r a l tr ia l w j i ncUl for a D*t»od o f one year looks as if som eone w ill be accused by his

super or for not dotaig his work The stranrestll is t in t people a rc h. iilcd in fo r alir.oct M l to I tr ied in. |g Hm B N l ' i< IB B ..I \ • ;.k.• Hm Tcrro »*m Ac!

t i t a lto ag iinst th is .’background th;.* one m uti view Ihe recent hannr.g and hm sc arrest imj*..-i d €»n Mr M»-wa Ram^obin No amount o f rcrsua 'tnn hy anvone can convince m* that B 'n .gob in had something sinister up his sf.*ese T» ? ll th- .• wh> kr.ow hur> Mcwa was th# las: m.u« to hr- co n tile rcd a se'*iou» threat to ativon?— let alone a powerful State w iJ t an army o f perhap* 10.000 >ccunl*' men an I in fe rm cn . Bn then. .»•* we said. lo * i ; is a strange word Io th* e people

Aime Ccsair* once ta id "W hen I turn <>n nr. r 't l io when I hear tnat Negroes have hc*n lv ic h . i l in \n e rie a . I sav that we have hrcn lied to Ifd le r t not dead: when I turn on my rrd to anti hear that m A frica, forced labour ha» b*en in^u—irared an.l U*cttlatc«l. f say tha; we have cc ru m ly brcn Ik t l to Hdler is net dejd**

Prrhap> one need add only the 'oUoving in order to make the inctuiV co npleti-

‘When C turn on mv radio, wher I drar that w m r.m f in (he Pondoland forest w ;s beaten and to r tu rn l. I say t h i t we have beei Iren to H itle r is not dead, when I t u n on n y radio. wh**o I bear th i t sonvone m J il l sltp fird aff a piece of soap, fe ll am1 dr«*d I say that we have been lied *o H it lr - a not d« id . h r a ikety to b r founr. »n Pretoj .a *

To look foe in s t-rre s o f c m r l t f directed at thos, * i.o fa ll in to ti sfavour w ith th * srcun'.y pu lue iv p r im p * to I n>k too fa r <)nr nctni not trv to establish the t r ith o f the ria .m ’hat UU*.» pt-optr in Scuth A l K-a have to struggle fo r s u iv iv il It p r r v o t* itse lf ia ever so many fa«vts of our lives Township life alane makes it a ruraele fo r any* ne to live up te adu ithoo l There we »ee a s iti ation of absalu e want iff w h ir l Blacs w ill k il l Black to be able to surtjve T h it it the r-asis o f ‘ h r vandalism murder, r a f r aad Huiwlcr that jBBa on w h ilt tho real i^urccs of t ic evil — Whit? socscty — trt sontannmg or on e*rlt!« ive bcu he» or re la ting in the ir boor ;co*s . r im r t


While ’ hose a n cn g tt Blacks w fo do bother to i k s th - ir moU h- in feeble p rdest acai is t w h j| is gcing on are periodically irtim ida«ed w ith set t i• ity vis i t a«d oec. t io iu l banning orri • s and house .rrests, the re»t of the Ul »ck eon<nunil> lives mi abMilute ?e »r of the pohce No averac .* Black man can ever at any morrent

t iu l he i t net hf«I '» Then are m»> laws governing the litres an I heh.isiour of fllaek people that vomctim«*s o«i * fe r l t that th* police only ne -d ts paif? at ra tdom tiro u c h ►eir statute bo-k to be able to :r t a aw und- r which to charge a victim .

The phi! to r by behind policv action in thise»i n try »oem% to ^e **hjra*« them harass them*'* A rd our ne«Ml% t« add that th ry interpret the word i i a ve i ) extra agant tense Thus eten * oungIlh*?r t r u e , occ •• tonally find i t proper tr* slap id u lt B ack pr* -.e It «oi.iet me. looks oltvtous H ir th it th r t r*a t plan i« to k rrp th»* Black > ople •horoe^My in tim id a tn l and to perpetuate

; I rate 1 im i^c of he Whif. n jn , *f n >t in te llec tua l(>. a: Ira tt in trrm» of fo rc r White people, aorking throach the ir va *,guard— th r South Wrican Policc — have come te realise the tn th o f that rold>*n maaim — if tou cannot ma<«? a man re t ire : you. then mak* him fear you

tho t in t t i r i u r t How can p ra p ir bv p r rp jr fdla put n t • rr» i»Uo<r a c u n v thrir < n r t i l l op| r o w n , I in th r ir in . l iv id u il i i lu d f l f ta , Ifcey u ia a l i t * < on th * K n c iu n n o( the ir m«o ho -d * T i n is a qurstioa U u l often o c ru r i to • * i rw i> » s ta r t «Do » r* p r m p h t t r t u g i t I * t ra il» .kat a il u aot a r i l ta th r land af M .< k in r a id railk

Y*» * 1 “ * * * * * ? " OP* I fa r i« or If t fw t *km deep | | hides underneath i t an • f « « w - J * '»»«■ that c tfrn th r ra trm t , erupt. B neath it. l ic t n 'ked hatred fo r a group that

n * a< th. l i r n r h or Span .h lo n a r r ro io a i**‘: ,n it not i«

p .vMbl* ar Blacks to a ^ i * to«aid> l»*in | « •h it* , i r S o ith A (/ira «h .irn r»» ka> aiaa><

J m,,h po,“ v !»™<alit» andi it ira id . t i i« . early m om m f paw lam», c rn rra l ou* “ * •“ »»«*'««■ and h^tic*T It JT-1'» *‘p,r’' ,0 b""* Th*" * * - * h tlra c f i>|.'n»po!v on c fm fo r i and

irc u n t. 'M i l n a . t b rrn >• i v l m i i r that BSackt t r * » il a i th * major u t» la l4* :n ttw ir p r *

1 p r , r r pw »»n t> and a o n *w r ic t) T t.rm ich it a«-o<i.ti<Hi m tk a ll tt>. ** a c ra t i/* a .p -c tv . h . t r n r . . ka t ih u , h* * „ ,0,1*4

r. r e fn !l.*n A t h r . t t h * n fw * B l* k . • * * »11 '» * • . * « a m n rrp t im i u a n a M . h r .n< O ctlil1 hit*<t. d r^ tro .r .t and rry . .J h, an k tp iR i i in » ith more human c 'n tc T m it At mmrw t la. k . ,n > . « 'h iv « w i.- l, fo r t t * c ^ - ( . r t it ha . M .r jo l and .1 tn * r * n | , r . f la th. » i.h . . aat t i l* tccrot d. f. r rr r.j'.nn — in t l * innrrm ost m m ,j. « f 11 , k .tM nt ,k * tk ,.. i , rk v T ï f ,fort» >1» gan lrn chairs th.;f one srrs a* h r n-fcs .n a b*» out of town an<l to claim tN-m fo r thr-m E ? J** **> • "» *<->• moco cnattncadthat .Iim o C n a ir* rood n t k a .r * * « n ch t - " r ' " f ,* H' r»Tf po««rtsrs 'h r m^no'-olv r - * H l l« * « r r and th * . I,fo r a ll o f ua at th r r rn d r i .o u t ml r d m j *


■ . ,’ T í ' Pcrhap-- «urp i»r some pe pje that I »h« ild ta lk of W hit*» >n a •• i l i d i i f srnxr

n l l It J 11J r 11 .*111 Mr aa .* l.n . . > ak_

I ; may.

C early B ack people canr.ot re»prc: 'V k it f people, at Ir; »t not m this ountry There * such in obvu u t aura of unm ir a litv an I n.ik** i cruelty in a ll that »s done n th r name of Whi e people that no Black mar. ro «latter how 11 tmudated ran ever be ni wfc »o rrspe»t Whi e •Ode y llow . ve-. in »pde of th r ir ohv ->us ren trm pt for the val ues che-t»h**d by W lu le t a id the »rice at «.hu b Whife comfort and *ccur ty i t purch.ited Blacks seem t i me to have been succ 'ts ftily rowed down hv t'te type of b ru ta lity that emanate» from this w ction of the ctm • tu n ty

II is th t ftrar that c - mI* s the soul o f B lid r propie m S »uth A frica - a fear obvmusly fcailt

7 delibera ely bv the tjii'n throurh a mv tod c iv il a*, nt». he th ry pod o ffie r attend;nts. paiko C1 l> officials, irn y men tn un*? rm

serurttv p* lire or even th • cccauoral tr tt *er h.i vpv White farmer or tto ie owner i t is a fear to basic n the cons fiend action* of fla c k

Caple at to make it impossible fo r t b r t i to havr W v p ro p lr — le alone f*e r pr »plc

Piom the a ttitud r of a servant to hia empl >ver. to that o f a B iark man be-ng aerved bv a W h it* attendant at a «hop. o te -jres this fear c’ early

1 n* n o ta lk of W hite , ,n t colic d iv e sense wb r m fact i t i t a particu lar M*c*inn t p the fo- r- tm cn: — that carr»^s out th it in w jfra n le J ve id rtta against B!a*k'

T*hri an* those 'vh ite * «ho w ill c^mphdely di r t«m re«poo%ib.l.t% f.*r the country t tn hi n .nut*/ t« th< BI.I' K man The»*» •*■•# th r propie w »c are e<*vrtfie*t t<v I » e for 4* ear^ hut hv f* at al election time P tr Nat, .n>: vf p , r ty h ■» pcfhaft» iranv m o rr £nft|«h v*»tet th itii o itr lin iir in e * A ll Whi . t * m ne I* s lrtw it ha.tmo arsm *t th r highly p ^ ^ r fu p* »v»*art » n i i “ On. mti*? n« » un.‘ •■ the « c idv im be.hed fe ir ni «he B sck m m to pe»’ a'ent in Wh te <> ■ e ft W hite* fcnow n th too •• II what eva t l y th. y h rt c bre a d m .fi t B ! .. »«e .i lo - icH lv find re *w»n fo r the Hlack man to

*w anrrv Th* i r t f j te of insecurity however do#s rw * u i t n r h the ir c»er.| fo r power and « r ; •*» IV s r r tlrf-v tra re *hrwir *!vey •*» react aesmst ft » rsee - i th r r th w to dispel it Wit* n ndeiln*« sod fo r o<a« Th*« mterse*ion ë '* e * n fear and reaction th r * *et* o« a vtciows c .r le th»t n-ultinf e» both the f a r sod the re a f t r r Thi» is wb»t makes m eam nrful coaldtont t.-fw em tl»e Btsck and W hite tofaalw impossible #it*o ?h t i« w h it rr*fce* Whites set a* a group lienee lirrom e ew.pahN as a group


In any case, even i f there was a real funda mental d ifference in th ink ing amongst Whites W a v n Black*. th** very fact that thoA* «its grunt led WUites remain to enj >y ihe i r u t t i ol

C M lC Mthem at N l l i p t rw ritin g on tho concept A met.«physical cu .lt


“There esist amongst men. because thev ar • nvn ire?pon>iNl.ty (or every in justice ami every w r.n g committed m the world and especially lo r crimes that ar»* committed in his present* o r of which he cannot he icn >r:int I f I do n >t d> whatever I can to p rvve tt them. I am ;n accompuce in them I f I have risked my l i e in order to prevent the murder »»f other men. i f i have stood silent. I frV l gmlW in a le ft sc that cannot in any adequate faslu n be und t - •tood tu risd ica ily or po litica lly or morally That I am s till a live afte r such things h r-c been d ne weighs on me a i a g u ilt that cannot be exp ia t'd .

Somewhere in the heart of human relatM M . an ahs«dute comm ind impo-ú * it '* If In c .s r ot c r im in a l a t ta ck « r o f liv ing renditions i t i j l th re a te n p h y s ira l be ing , accept life fo r a ll to g e th e r o r n o t i t all.** (emphasis mine».

T h m If W hite* in fene al do not like v ha I» happening to the Black poonle they have the p wer in them to *|np it here an » no * We on the o’ hor bant have everv r* js .-n to bu vdlc them |i» .'r lh rr and h la rie th»*ni |*»intl>

One can o f course sa> that Blacks too a c to blame for allow ing the situati >r to exist H r to d r t 'e the point even fu rther, ono may pom out

C‘ at there are Black policemen «nd Black t ; ecial M ( k K ent ». Tu la k f the las I p mi firs t

I mu*t Hate rutegortca|l> th .it there is no such th ing as a Black Am BUck mat «bo prop» the *y«tem up actively has lost the rtght to being c n%idered part of the Blsek «.orId be has «old bis soul for th ir «> puces of m |v r and finds th u ho i« in fact not «cceptahle to Jhe W hite Society he » ught to |om Thes* are colourless W hile la cko s who live in a m: ig in .« world o f unh ppinesv Tl»ey ; re extcnsi* ns of the enemr mt * our rank* On t!»e other band, the iVst »»f the B!.i»'n world is ke rt in r b n k puiely because o l powerlessncs*

Po«erleun»M breed* a race oI beugars who smde at TSr enemv and swear • h*m n tto* sanctity o l the ir toilets, who sh* ta a . w ill ingty during the dav and ca ll * \ l 1.1 * man a dog in the ir buses as they go bor e tftsce aga»n the concept o l fear is at the nean o f thtw tw o faced behaviour on the part o f the co iquer. d •lacks

This concept o f fear has now tak.'n a d iffc n u i dimension One frequently boars people >a\ ol 'ONM' oc who has just be* n arresietl •»r I .mot «1 — •there is no smoke w ithout f ire -* or i: th.- guv was outspoken — be askcil f j r it.I am not surprised*. In a sense th is is i lm ».d ile ily in c the security Podcc. they cannot tc wr«tn.*. if tliev could hr» ak the Riv in ia p ot. wh; I makes them afra id o f an ind iv idua l to the p o n t «*1 banning h.m there is «omethirg— which we ito not kn w*


T in k ind o f logic found to vai?ing *legrces in the M n k ja n e r. the F.ngli'h and the Black communities, is «langeinus fo r t cm iph t t ly nu ms ;be point and re in force* irra tiona l action on th»- part o f th.* security pd ice

The fact o f the m atter is that the *overn- ni.*nt ami its seeurity fw o -s are also ruled by fe^r. m spite o f the ir im cm ntc po«ver L ike any­one liv ing in m ita l fear, they occasionally le *«.rt to iriati*>nal action*» in the hope tha: a show of 'tre n ^ th rather titan pm oer in t . 'l l i i »*ncv n ight •* are the resist ir» va tidav tn rily T k i i is the »».t'i' of sc*cunt\ o p ‘ra tion* in Soutl A frica mo*t oi the tim e I f the) know that t le i • are• i»n..* .1 mi%sionane* wh * a ie d M .’v rM s to Ihe ir interest *»ut whose nlcntity is anknoon. ihey s o n lil ra h e r »b*|H»r| at oa t SO missionaries and |io|h* (bat tin .*! are am n i Hem than n r some brains ..>id fiad **ut who the three aiv This was j |* o I'- hi\»s o f |Ih* ar *rst o f ah*Mit S010 ib r in t he so ro lled - p .io” rai*ls of t ih i l And of <*eur«e

ih*- law s fn»m wtfich security police derive the ir power .*re so vague ami sweeping as to allow fo r a ll this Hence 3l»e conclude», that I he South African *«*etirity system is force uriei»c**d r ith e r Ih a i o i.rlliuence-orien ied. One may of course ad«. that th is t>pe ' I m entality, in th * country, <»tretell* * atl the wav from State secur.ty ts the style of iui!*)v W hites adopt. I t has became thc*r wav o f lif«

On» w ill therefore not be *urpu>ed i f it l*r »ses verv d 'ffte u lt t> aeeept that "!bere » ro«»m I«m a ll o l as at the rendezvous «if vu ti*r>” TIk* t r if* ir ta 'e system o l fear — that ( W hite 11-artn: (hr Blacks. B latkv learm c W hile* and th.- :»». rnmer.t fear ng Bl-cks and o rh in g to alias the fear among*» Whites — nu kes it d if f ic u lt to establish rapport amnngMt the two A u n o n ’ s *»f I V c ’ irm u n ify The fact o | liv ing auart ^tds a differ» nt id u rM W n -nd (crhaps a more er.on. one — it makes the asmraltons of th«* iwo cr Hip» diam etric;dly oppo-e»l The W hile k tm te o «• far has bceu to svst.- natically break <U.wn the res«»tence o l the Blacks to the po»nl where th* la lte r w^uid aco*pt crumbs fio m the Wliif»1 tab lr This we has»* sh<iwn we reject on» quivocally ami now the stage is there lore set fo r I vem interesting tu rn oI events



DEVELOPMENT-An appeal to the Blackman's compassion

By B A R N E Y P ITYANA. Sccietjry-Ccncrjl of S A S O

T h » paper w i t mi at Ih r I 'n iv * n i l ; al Zu lu land an th r 74th S rp tc i.ib r r — I h r Da» o f C«inpas\ion. S A>0 co im iM -n iaralrt t h d a > a \ one « b r r r all M a rk poaplr r< f lc r t an Ih r i i d ir r r ' ir t» of w o lrn . c ru M iititltrd araiuM « u r p ro p lr Bus iis a s lr rv tra il d iv a ' l in . flood d iv.istrr« — a ll ro m t

■ n d rr J h * In . llrc r t a rt o f %iolrn>r.

T H E (.HKATNLSS al . nation c M w b ro t mi mu» h ii the nnmbei 01 its profile o r the extent o f ds te rrito ry as in tbe «stent ami ju> lee of ts roinpiisMou "

T tiis isscitp tion |i**m Ihe famoos H®rve M» m o iu l of Port Eliz abeth et rcte»l in re«oi:niti«»n of the *< iv ic >*s »*f the g a llm t a m ^a i* w hun per shed in Ihe A r glo Bo* r War. É » I9ii2 ha* a ru «sage fo u v Black *tn<l»nt» I» da-, a* w- seek to d-*fir< the meaning and sasnificanc>' of com pjw ion towards e«mim ir.ity d« *el»»|*oH' it :n«j m.if rv li^ ice The in»cti|tiow . ir«nnall> motivate»! by the selll«*»s servi«r of b»*rsrs dating that war oh. h m -iks the Iu r in g pi int <)( o i l hivtory tines* i t srt the taath f r r the in v iu M r <*ollu»ion b»' »»r *n Bo*r «nd I n lon• th the urn »d rv tah lishng White »upre nsry. h. a me .sage to th r oppressed Bla»fc re*»pie of this r» c r lo in South A:iK*a o| the 7«

Compulsion is j fe l *»w feeling let th r *affe*•r its o f ai c t lu r T he Ever it iv e reso ved te »s»m it rm o r. ite this Dav »f C« mp<ssi»»n in < i « er »o u.trnviiv this w n * f ot b l«»ngtm| nnd eonrron • if fe r in e oi a ll Bb<k (v. p|« The t>s.- o f (!o»o pass,o«» s. »kv to m A r *as i» » r f o f ' k r m i aoees o f suMt - violent i- m »wir a ff l in n t *»ric*tI overt\ ind m j|n ..tiit io n a ir tbe tu rre t i-s o il o f th r mhal ncr n e tw o itiir appnrt .n li» » t i c lw r r * Black and White, the has»* a»d the h is rm *t* b rote t t ir mo ta lity ta tr of Stlacks. mamlv t u it o l m lants «a very high

On* also no tice» a d r l i m l r tr rw d la lrty •d so cat ed tra m am i m u e disaste. * w f f •cati n -« pofw e vans, floo ds and dndh* at d bus aeridem Tk*- ■* things l>.ippr« ru fc t on* er oo< oo«rs ar c* w«* are evpe* led to tl-anfc O H lo t them T v Dav of < o«vpj«sioo~ siu ie.t. hrs tr bnng ••• the fore the need 10# %tod» nts U engage 'hem srlvrs m cor mumty *>*tiofi asd b r lj

tom- w a, to alleviate tbe tu ffenag « M r l io f r* ncern fro m Bla ks at la»ge at» wi tb** *w fferin ;s o f others

d**ed libe ia tm g »»»n««.eftaWinc eomimimty eew ecn is % besn g M le

t' Iit le r t»* b* Ip a p* t**>n •*»**« aw art o f the <i ad«»|na« > of h S p»» s»-nt rr-.p»*rse* a ttcm ati vp|y to enaMt- h • to act •» r»s|*ond Hifferen*.» s i »% to bi-conM* aware of tbe p.»» forcNange regard!* m ol his » itin !» e i Tha* tbe aim oi Use Hi * s man lu te Kh... id be |o crea:<* t juat and b*aitf»> cui».tnun it) u. w h.. *i he fm ild realise and ar«u:Ua* bis i«>:«wl»ai»ties

Perhaps the m ,n wbo bas o t ib lu k » ^ h»m •e lf a* an authonty on c i mmunity d«*vcU*prt e«i• i i i sell reliance is l*rr»ui«nt J u lx n \> e rr re• d T n.awu* Hr mm -'• » h.v 'h rw ry of ' JAM AA b\ h**. i ng th«( a mi hilong *\< in d pomirn br.>tficrhood s i» the mmerotene N Ihe trod»t M i l ' r t lm d r d fam«ts Kano ta •cbor« him when be t f ) i There no d««ld • l a ll that Ihe Steal ft? bleswnc b rs lo v o l on \fr tc a if one <an fe*«-ia li*e is th*» we ha»f s lwav» h id a g ft fo r Sian en;w%iO* th r fellow *n»p of Man im p ly Urtau-e h r is M an" This IS al tbe b ra d sf rs»» tfad ttiona l cst!«uro

§Mn,%g fruwnod

A c» 'tilin g to

I ts e lf t k n u d \nt»k a fte r h im S f blS w»dow «w h % •> pha« * » is esa c tly o b a t t ra d it io n a l A fn r a n soc ie ty m e r re d rd .n do .nc lu<N Ih r rsch and th e pomt i s d i t id s a l • er» ewm plet* fy s resu r »r A frs ran »« r.« i» M alarsJ co t i» lio«rt»r k r w c M fsm « o r hwt it H«<»«*gh lê"-** So r v r t * tarn j poor <sr rs rb n t h r r | fo do o r d ' be ta r* ed weaS’ h S U e a i j i pooarssrd l y th o i s n n s a i t v mi whack


« I* IM iMHt Mature «i il» rompaaaton » a t aatmr Ihm e t .>* •» i « yran ietl b t th * Thwr t k t w M lim » b ) iu n > i « o i l

* a ri-u n n i r h rm r a k ir k bar th * advaata t* aI lo ltan tiac a natural p o llr ra «< > U mahi» T to motkrrn B tn fk man aeeda le r r r i tp l r r *

ftbaa p lu ton»*** T V in fa a tlt »mW b> th * r t I t la iWtW * r itt ltm tlw itt and « a lta r* »1»* to rtm*» l Í M B »>tk T h r |1 « Irm po a l U lr lk« 14u.1l1t.oa

• I 1Ite l l lM J lW » (o f Im u*l *U k* írt»e :ed tu Ira» p rom tftrn i pmttmm m mar ttar» T k r m«r»t « / t k r uii»m I ÍA N t» tA « t l t lA M B A ISINVr wu-tl lo try e r -»»*•«' ib r km k ia liw li. .n a l MAN and f « » « l a t human U i*nit> ahirfc m a Wgart *t « » Irad . M

W* k*** b**t* aatrhuaa J«t .truck m «o»- \kllll* puvplr ako mnt.tlrr lkrn,.rlY.~l Ik# t i ta n iu m «I » a * lu p.-" pte ha»« •» * •* *

m A M h l - ____ __ _____ __ ..ite ve u ip m e n t ik a i tk w tm m ln 1»«»«» ot and p rw a d tt u k n II» p ia r * u a a * * f I k * 10 r t r to C . « t.n..m>caU> «Ilakl» »n tl t ta b l» t» » , i l t » r t i * I» * m W. w * k*m* êbw ih» «»* »•**» »»*• to*rt» t»4 M M l IrtHn ikta wm llb

M a n Black

A n iho rU w t ir 'lu rm a* Ika t » kabv ta «**>«* « t lO l'S N 'JS ID E A L a a t* i-ttk *r* » i t k * n r t y M m m .itr t iiatê i t t i in m o iK a l o « i a r* i « * i l ) . i t» ran** t i l lk * aa rra ta i kctare Ik * d»«raa* H H M I k r p. .W M H Th.*w »h« m a a ií . t " ‘» * • '« M> a l! * r t * i l Mr m a lnu trition ..n.l kttaafctokor tka t tk»> « •*»m »o lo r tkv m i » t ik rw !>**• » *toll ra k tow i «Hk no kttpr ol ru tim t a a irh* in wtru-tt l l i * »»n m M M M k I» lk * d ra r la p m m ol tk * n w M n » w l i m i

(|.>«p.t «l< m ainly tn ik * ru ra l »«•*• r r t r a i ,Htonitiní >lilMi« H tk» im «I M W «t«» l*^ o v fftv HIM « i m i ! » " iiMthHiwatr t t r r F r tt t» !*I i t i » : lam t i< n i<» l* 'iiia l. J»>l f i p w l l l I t k « k»»» f t lu k ly WarM t lu i llw o» l «<A ftw 1«« I» I W I * * » r*a* » • « rc r l» » !» * Ik ** . i lm n r t l l« » < R I lk»I». u lv lm il tctlly Ihapi,|m Utt.m iiH'fvatw ut «e»!rikul>»g I * lk * » * • k l*m ^ fu r.- i» tr, t a n n i ka«* r » p r jt r ll» «Iwnta tk» tw iw lw * * * « I fa m ilí >tahtlilv akti t fp e m t (Mlits ia <>»•.«( in a ln ttlo lio » lo ar«ur <a lam ilxw >a *kw fc Ih» la lh v r i> H M ' i M (««■ tk» t.n»ulj “

\U lR itm lio a la p r rv a lra i ia ih< d ln tn m n l >M p iJ í t ic j lh ih» » h o l* C»t>» l ‘r *

* ip * nu twtlina ik * 8»»»!« »<Mlwn a# ik * Tr»«» k^i tkn-■«■ . i ita t l ir» «t lk» 0 »‘ S. »Bil Ih» » » ltt*V . f t ï i l i u v n n i Th» lo tlu » in e M a trm»n| >ko«» ika <lrUb*r»trlv»%» e( Ik» tilitalwMI

" | »m « tw krd »1 lk« auatbar <4 w in aI nwlaitl»tu>i». *1 I t r d r f i r t r o r * < i » t * i K»a»kta kaf |i>!U.‘ ra Kurnt lo ll»» wp»»n > *1 >k>*M in lw t» « r t m ami antkra», »1 !k * t r t m t t u » i u i .im p i» iiilrciKMM >-rfk t ' ■iM'anlm and ck>. k rn p«"i ia p rn in a d«(w w al rk il i lr» » " B » a< Ih * t a l ^ a l i >kmtkl »»v»r ka«» br« * lU Ma»r o# thoM» lr» » |« l la r i tu l iu t l r i i iM i r lu r i t n l >•>«» i im n ia u« l\ a ! • * »»»kii aa kad •» *o r« * Ikaa b r io '* A M itlt i a ll k » a»)M l |M *«rty ik»M » :. l» r a í BAO M r -p o rtn l la fcav» x M tiU H «kal anW ( M |ka rn u n iry 't bu.UH t> an tka IS U t l ix a A lrxa n a t M »1*11 R t| awltiaa p >M u la r t n la r W kila p»r»«ii»»l Tk» fa r r* * poatlins f. íu r» >pcai on d»í»nc» I d in a t paarr l im r i n a la rn iM . lo «ar ik» Wa« n u rk p*a»la pay « i i f f l U u l io a oa Um PAYE t W n t , a<M>

VA.MI U M U n i l — *£ r rE M B K X . I«7I

Iw ta l c rn rr» l la» an.l >ba P»U 1 » Dea’ ’ f * irt Ika I r » » af» Paitl Im k M . hm ptla i. I» I « I « « iM t tm . M i Tk» H.ark iM u a m raia k.i a ly a» ra»r«l kararr ik r M a x la Ik r t r hm »a»l I i M M

« f kt«« i t p i m c M |aa n n CaalCKOat^l. n M d at « * * iiM r Hi $ M i k liter*k i f V r aal trya l lu n 4 l l l l a J l t u l f n u> • mj i t r f tx ataalka P l t r k t a r* k wfcl lr d la i t t l l * i*> M M m aad k i t rkM T lm l u * « k to r Ik rV I Mr n aa aad r in k kark hontc Ik * rvaat •a, • k * I ' » w n « ■ !« • ran r t r r k» arfrtgaair I* liaao|» *1 a « M r poroU ltaa la any u i n la t uaa Ui.l aa la i lamaivty n a Ik r B la rk* afca • » «I pa ' k r p r tr* la r |ka fla . t ia Ik *

l a . i . a ktac « r k *« * waaaatf la i k r U k t t r ■wa Im ik r w ta jm lM n W r kad l i k , n i l la r i r . a lr t l ii.a l k * krt«| tk r kty la n r talaMM*. * . h i m ktat ta u v r a * p -w rr and a in «ra<* k> t r a i l# prrw aataa C W H w a r ik tr» and cas m i w M ntadr m k r l t r . r I Kal m Ut* W Uf.- ntaa van in k rre a lb l » l aad n a ra lt t l l r I*u a rr k.< ka » « ra l haatt W r rn a ^ no * r t f r•a mm ly w i to ttímabnt tkwer jmtm< iv a ir a * k ttp rt and ax M i r 1« u tk r irM tat

( l i l T V lua tr I r o n at D a rk C m M i m M kal Ik r H i.rk man w a l i r j r d a ll « a l ir t jX r im l* a i t r r k la makr i i * • la t .<n»r ia ik r ta c n lr» a l k i t b u lk aad m l *ct kta Utatr ku nan d i im l j

( I I ) TW B l. k nua m utt bu ild up bia wasta l i r m l r a i . t r r him>rH -» ta l l U frnrd awl m i a t d r lu trd b j M k m

( I t I T k r n w r r l a: B lark C c n trw x n a m la t Ik r a a a r ra r t l b> Ik r Black |>r«t>lr

a l ik * pawcr IS rr a*rV1 a t * fir up . kotk r* i' .'Hairaily and pn liltra ll» aad h rn r* t»»>P iv k m a a and « l> la m > a ir im part anl la rrta e l 9 a«k I ’aatrta tnana.

I ) BL t o t CTINS4 l i l t S M SS a .II Hmtyt to rn li a rrd to Ik r la la l i l t a l im u lt tm ra l a l Ik. t w n u N propla. h rn c r I k r atra» acr a l B lark c®n-<«.u»itrta baa la to • I'M ad I * rt-JTh a ll try l>oet o( ik r B lark ran faaai l y

fa r ! .11 a( I k r Amha I W a n l t o aa SrV r r uUMr a lta nn*> l ia r in I l ia n a l r i t ,

WK la o * b rra a p p r r t tn l a tra a l d ra l; a r k .-tr k rra r tp lo l lr d a r r ra i d ra l. ami a r k a tr kcra d it r ta n l .d a c*ra i dra l l l ia ■ * la ra kn ru I kal kat Ird la aur bring ap*a • ttad, a a p iA lrd aad d i> rrca iitrd Noa t r » a l l irva la tM a — • nrtratottaa w ktrk brine ia aa rad *a r « ra k a ru . u> Ikat a * a rr o ry rr a«aia n p M iH . apprr-taad ar k a a tilia M .

v m ________m m m nr rahanrr aa n K n i l aad

SAMi M WSI.KTTF. 1 - SKITKJIBKR. 1971A id r i l l aha ru tn itn n o r Ik r a tra a m l a( B lark rn a tr ‘*fi i l . i . u r t r l l terltt and a -II r r l ia n r r

.11 I t r * in l> ik r ir i ta t r r an W lu lr au; Pori a lu rk a lta r* r> tiraaca la II and anil an l) l.u n ( abatri k li.lm a i .n d »HI M l and Ik r m l.-p r ttd r ttr r It. U a la lr Ir ia ta a i l I r MU la i r m


il a r il |> « p r llia c aad t ta lrir ua il d it im ta -h iitc aortal pn tilira .

I l l V r ta i i l t a l b i r r t r I n i Ixnaaaaar a r i l k rta c Ikratack aa r f f * n n t l

t l iJ . - » n | p in u r t ir t ly . i uai I l n u r a] » r l l 1 m i. k ra lth and aaaiUtma. l i t i i a a m a d t t r aa* a l Ir jn a r* l ia r a r r r

( ira u a i,(« I K lhna ylaada th a r t i t l r m a l atntalair

* a p t* i ir d In k r MCamanl t r rM u n iltI t i l la lr l l r r ta a l d il aaiaa .i t i n I r r r a r rnttr a d r t p f r u m at im ana k )

a k irk a ll ik r Iranrartt o i ik r r->mmuait>in t h i I n v k t vpn

A K M natta ilt I , a aartalW k a w t n t m tra li l ) «lura^i i.rrd by a croup inirraritna t t r r ta n raaarataaa. Id ra u lm U a a . a camaaaa tr*T *1 ltl> . tfcarrd Ia in «1» and aalura -ami wan: r l.w rt l l tkaa ld b r . t r a r d a* a a ril rnauiaaal a r il t t I tr t*M .p tta^. _____ __r - i y f . a < an* .dura im aa l ih a r a i ln .■ i i r t « k irk art i l d l lr-iar td la r n y w iiM R ilr i W h rn rv tr atari i t * la « r ik * r 11*7 d ra r l aa at «Mar kind and r r - r r r . l i .n iu t i r rynnttton rluu a r tm t l t r i T k r t r i r r I Nr vicn* and r«nacqitro;-r« a< an r l f r r l i r r lomataa in irrartaaa.

T tua I k r aa t a l l it i t ta u l th r W; r * t» * t tn Suuik A liK-a ka t a r niir.-d a d id in t i t r it ia p - and p m u r r It ja m t aa In a l today No Ittn tr r ran it ir tn a ia la k rt lo r c ran lrd No lo a fr rran it b r r*« i* id ri» d • r r w r aolid l l r t i In tlra d u i t ttiM tE liitc la r .a r t n a l

• a Ht tha p ra t* ia a r k a ** taada * roall> a t i t t - i l r W r k a t* ’ " ‘C le tird aortal i l l a a mar.and r . v rm rm tt a oar nran W r b a t* d r t l i t ^ m attr o i la raa Mi * r t l I i T k r i* a a t a t i a r n Ik rBlark ..... ... a I • a ra op«rati«a and comnm nit- (m k It a n * r la ia r tm a t i* o l III*.

T lt r t t t n r « par o l I I I* l l mat a wm piranadti I i ra il'd M r - in tim ate ly hun aa. aarlr. and | . taonaL

W tw-a ih r r * a a t . |Moklrro In b r ~ rlvrd 11« p ru p lr tn ra t I ka l a t lr ta Ik ry gm b a it aad a td trd 11 lo r Ik rn ia rh ra . It attmld not b r a tdtrd

ln » l.n rt|tw |) they k n r tr that i l Ik r |t*h aat la k r lit-nr th r t mi). I do i ! l o j t t k r r I 'a ltn lm and t it ip a o l (aimli<a p u llrd and anrlr.-d la t n k r r in prorM lr a k | lo ry n m m l And » h j| r t r r l l i- i n rrc tr il ib r« c rra trd lo K rth rr T ltr prta n p lra o l work, tk r i f t rra|t>n«ibtlita, tm lta liv r a n r tk r natural t|.. itual prvdurta o l a rtrk ruanmt.ail> I l ie T b rr r aaa a natural lia a tra o rk la r the rarkance ol id r ta aad bam an t p u i l a In t . I * n tv ir tm ir rn lor ku iran ir.irraciaonl l aat a natural tu rrd in c (raund lo r tu rn qualitn t aa Irad rrifc ip r itr tr in tr *n l> and a la irt

But aa apartkrtd n lm a lfird th r B a rk ra n m un itt k r ta a to d rc li- i* and laa* lU moral aad ainriioa l l ik r * V ita l ■ m m urutj U lr a rrra u a *

l l I t n il t a lrd and m » « w w Im on. another Tltr r r I» a a ra t* n I hrlon.-m c in an a ttno tpker* al n e if l i l i Mir lia r» and mutual t t and a ip in t a l m it t a id n tm tm m i!' anitdant) l iu l « * havr r c n t i to r irq u itrd l l t r halm et l i l t in f tom eaat r lta tha pi our l i t * leu u t

r wrm.MMlt ar can i/a i >cw ia th * p f o m t ol d ra n a r « Ih m d iim u a lt ar tioapa « ku a r* a rm ai her I i r raa rrrn e d t i i t k t o n '! a r lla n r aer- ta n a lo ; the pairpotc *1 m iuK-ncm t Ike to iu a t* a l it t rb te r t t r ra in t iu im i f lh e ir « u a iilt o r d itl l bulKm ik r attainm ent a l ra r li objei-liwet

l l ia t l * a rt and p r o m t M d ia r m n i i i t aortal a r i l m ,t lu n iti m m i and a l r r ra tm c < • o i l .n a t t r c and a»at<-m nac invtiun ., n ta jrlte , tn r tn tk a tteto rr« u p r r - u n r t an.: D t,« ia ma> h r lapp r I iad caltantaed lo » a t ilt t l t r in l i ta t ia a and a. tu I w tio n of t r o i i i id e j lv and Ih * devr lo; 11 tent 4 ih * pot -n t ia iu ir t a l trc u p member*

T k . la a n iv rm e n t a l t t u d r a l t i t no t aa a t tr r t fM I e r t t in c th r i ^ - j i i e lo |>ay r t i j e e t ta th . a tk ik tn tM Moil» n1 I t ta aa f te m p t a t ua « Ii I n c am in lu M n c th e m t t i l k t l.™ * ta lu r a a l l i l ^ a t a i i «1 m akr l i le n o r th l i t m t The m l* a l i l ta i i ' I . a u u ld be lo J m t l l i n .n . r ; »n«“ p i lk i a a i ik ro u c h ia the r re a tio n n | a d> n am ic. a r i l - r l t a t t rom pa »M «n a tr ta m ily t t * a i r i l r e p l ) m io ia n i ,n an d k a d ld in t a l an a i .m m i .r.oua o l ita la m tn a i a n - a a a r r *1 I i * d i r e i t t o n i ta d lo ia lt ie a

Then a no ga m u t m j th r la r i that ia thia a rlira tr o l thinca »e m utt be « tta rr o( nyr ►ia t in r I - n l in I r tm i <4 akat i t |e»M btr and a ha l tt all t* me abi'iu the beat l i u i t i I t m i al hr r r . l i t r d t ia t moat tlla rk u n i t r t . i t e t a ie a.I ta trd ■n l ie r t i i. i l are at and ar.. ;ml I ie ir pmia( a| o|n r at ion i i * ararra o l uinaraM p m p tr aba rm ^ lo t r i r m itv |~ a » n t nu-thodt ta t r i ( i.tiea a m * Irw ii ihe aoil

I l 1: in r f t r a i l l l t ta • k an ton lha l ■ n r f in l t n» - I I .n Ik r n ni t H a ln r r t t'litr-1 y I n IIa il. 1 I t , d lteaar W h ir I r l e r l t n f l l i r f in d

ri-fua*lo r r r a r t (ta il I-I Sa-tilk A lt ira at a ' hotn*- U n i ’ Ihal i r r d a lo b r d ru ln p e d v p rra te l> bU| all Ik r ye airaa m utt Hr a at parta a l a c n a ir t S-.u k A lt ira . I m litr t t that 1hea* lu ra i a rra t o i l . - ua • aer» ltd * t la t l ia f p->i«t Bl pet p e k - e no Captlal m inn. • i ta tta t t bu- new

and t l t r * la rk n ntn.l MKtaan-a th r I r t l ir ira l U i-a hma Tk t an m iiic rn ro u * a ll. mpt it. i t t i l t i i l i ia li*^ .-.n r-u*t k r ru led out alI h it dare R- a t i l t at m a Me aie ih * ro a r m t I aad. too l, and human el tort

I I I J T I I A I V I h r r o l A lm a n a inS tm ll A ln ra a ir i l l i ln a t r II i t a.-o rlear that m ill tana * t r . o l th r arlt-t>^afe pnptllanoa not ai k i l l n r lilr ra r> the auull ill i te ra r t i t l r• i l l Mat la tr l t k ick U terary la r Ike ner i trd pra ania and a n rk ira mum d m at rv d a r ia r tk * n iu alHMi and mmmuniralK.r. ran and help them b m a t r it.n rr p ro d u r t itr and e lle r 'ta r in the ir na ra ia H a lf aorial and ►‘ •-m a l relationtl.ipa. and aa n iiB rm ktark rdura tioa l l i l w la to r l l n i i » * ra jat b r r* le t an- and uI immediat* tam e la the teanaera eeom -M ralS to r.a lly and prraanallt T b r UNESCO X • ar.aa I-m jre i baa aa l-a ab jrrtia ra

a. to tcach illite ra te men and women h*sic• eadtng. w riC l» t and to solve am ple problem* of a rithm etic u t i lm n j as b m r vocabularies the *w é » u*rd ,n the agrt cu lture and tn d u v tru l practice.

h To h r lp them to apply the »ew krow Iodic» ana «k ill* h « h r the*r basic •cunom .t, social and cu ltu ra l pmblrm».

C. To prepare them fo r a more e ff ic e n t partic ipation ,n th r development of I w ir village. region and country.

d To integrate th r adult literaev and i lu ll education programme* * r h the g* nensl

y icu ltu ra i and m du*tria l de vc l*„. u n i the country.

• To provide the necevsary and adequate reading m ateria l* to im part the k 10« ledge of community a n t per-onal hygiene out r it ton. ch ild care, rome economic» which o il) helo to improve fam ily and community life , pnvtde opportunity fo i a continuing rd u r *.ion and avoid rclapve in to illite racy

Thu» literacy tra in ing »• the eery ha. • o f whatever action oriented programme «»11 h r In Jultfcd upon

The New Farm Project ut In.inda * hieh •Carted a» a rr vearchcum counselling vciemc had to he a l*«rrd ÍKcauu* the atu l~nts e ip e n r v e u c ripp l.n it communication peoh cm* N o * tl>ar literacy trainer» arc available a fu ll scale vacation project I» p anned fn r I>rce»nber Literacy instrum ent* « i l l Or geared to .ards hatic hygiene budge ting ami preventive care O th .r lite ra ry scheme* are planned for D l/D L 'D l' in the South Cooat and e u w j stationv n-a r IXOPO •

A C l K l i n ' i r Surely agricu lture 1 M l* K to be the mam«ta* of our rura l population» Student, m m t equip the ir'e lves w ith the b»mc element* o f economic and productive agn cu ltu ra l p rinc ip le* Are»* like Natal i r t h rich •o il and ad« »tiate ra in fa ll could make a liv ing out o f the fru i** o f the land They must prepare not only for home consumption hut al*o «ell at the p ro N ce market Corporate agriculture muvt he stimulated ami the community m in t «hare the fru it» of it» labour*

l l 1» clear that voch a vcheme m il r-nu ire some »kills Students in the as ri-u ttu r >1 e» liege» ami fa« u ltie * ran be much more -awful 1* th i- regard M ct.od* of irrigation, crop rwtsti n and cattle m u il be the u irect.un cour r i l in g • i l l take So >l*o m m t people heln each otrver or that n r one man or woman «book! be a teggar

In my trave l* I've uren a great potential fo r «Mch » development It o II involve «tadent»

epd_ th e ir *n t^ re vaca tion * »» th the» , ^ k

E e scheme

<Cr IR rm rc ii Officer is al*o investigstm . other irts and i» in teresting *heep and head, w.» in

W O B M R V V N t M t : In every vu 'fe rm t jim un it> the p o it io n af the worker h j* been

a eery u rores lm g one N ot onlv the we ire of the w o rk .r » u g be protected bw» he. r i— t t f . must be mcrea*.nv*!v «timulated to apt renate the necevaitv o f making meaningful denusds In

I w orker* muvt be a n am sect 1 m uta te «f t r m g to

creale a gratefu l and con I ru le d w orkrr.

We have b r -n invited to a*Jl students to m a*r thrntoclvcw availably over the fum ing vacation twr employment in fa tto ric *. mines ando her in*lu»tnal concern» on th r Reef so that they ran live amt experience everyday life of a worker and then a&se*» his role in the itruggU lor im proving the ir conditions

We havr also se* ourselvet the task o f investigating uage schemes. b rncfita . etc. is• ome of th.* m ajor oversrav firm » w ith a view to *treng hen our ease foe diam gagem rnt and also to esiao lnh 'o m r form of rapport w ith theV or Her, The impoetarce o f such liaison canno. L* uoderevlimated

m Y S K A l PROJECTS:These coo m m i t

(1 ) bu ild ing schools

(2 ) draw ing water supply.

(3 ) drainage system and a ll othec needs w hcr* the population asks fo r help from the at intent».

Care mu»t be taken that th * people must lfc rm v !> « i be euu Hy involved and the pro>eC1 n u t t h r a cooperative venture

5m h physical * rh e iw i are promt%e,i for Fort B< .mfoet and D«mba/a near K ing W illiam s townOO NCLl'M ON:

M i analysis o f pr.aritu-» for om rrun ity dcvel,*ptu«m 1» meant to irm you and give you a ele ir pet .peetive so tha» you can o»«- the s'andard and m otivations s^t out. to hare the drive an*i m it ia t iv r to under take your own pro I r t t * The un iv rru t> iou»t be in community w ith lh< p»'«>ple i t tr r v r» A t long as this uOivrr«itv tu rn * out graduate* ami not readers, a« lone as the Black students a rr divorced from th r need* ami problems and suffering» of its envir nmcnt. then it has lo«t its seria l coo tent ami 1» of no value to thfe people Then th n university shall be fa iling the Black people o f $ou»h A frica mwerably and w il l efi Invalidate the menace on the l lo rw \t< n.orial Wc a rr a ll in various way* wockinc towards creatine a great Black nation imbued w ith a sen** of toeethernesa that w ill propell i t to greater he ght» I say a»:*in. i t shall be the Btark p< >|de who w il take charge of theve affa>r\ «« dictated to him b» Ins own goati. nee«l* p rio rities and a*piration% In thiv way we shall be tncTca*:ng “ the e tie n t and |u * tn v of its com panion" Thu* m> appeal i t directe j at the very ever of a Black man s b ring eompa\aion

In cr>nclu«iwi le t us re m rm brr lh»t«^ who endure «offering and lack prsvilrr»** and oppoc tu n itu bee*vu»e of povertv and disease i t t in r memr»-. the famd e t of those who are «offer

in the ja ils o f oppression, th o tr who last »heir live* in accidents- o f mines traina and >o«ev which are a ll e lim inatary e ffm » o f the •v tte n Let us then, as per tin- Preamble to the SASO C enttitu fion retonre to

"com m it ossnetees to the realisation o f the worth o f 'he Black man. the aatertioe o f h it human rfigm*v and to prosnottns eon snoot- n eu and self reliance of the Black com



s a 5 o F c n r - i i . i r r m » _ s f p t e m b f <. i « i

The fo llow m t; is the text of an address given by Steve Biko. ihe I969 70 P r u d e n t of SA.SO. lo i Bla<k Theology seminar in Maritzburg ■in rhe 2 8 t h August, 1971.

black consciousness and the quest for true humanity

IT IS rE R IIA P S fitt in g to da rt o ff by eaamming the real rra.'cn% which make it ► trv M n fo r us to ih tnk co llectives abo<it a problem w«* never c rra trd In doim: *o. I do not v i*h te appear to be u neces»aruv com em me nvysell w ith the W tite people in this countrv. but I \ in c rrc lv b .lieve I hat in order10 get to the n«h* answer. we must avk the r i ih t que*t on*. »e have to find n i t what went wm nc win re ami » hen. we hare to find out whether n r pov tion is a deliberate creation hv Cod or an a rtif ic ia l fabrication of the tru th bv pow.-r hungT* people wl.o*e motive i t aidho ritv . lecun tv . wealth ami comfort In other word», th * -B lack (?ont loudness" appr varh would he irrelevant in a colourlcax -nd non exp lo ita tir egalitarian soriety. f t is relevant hrre bera i*e we behesr ths: the anom l«m* situation we find oorte tv i % is is «lelihrt itelv nun made f x the reason* n entiooed

There i t no doubt tha< the colour quctfion m South \frtcan politics wav origm alK i*r?a duced for economic m otfvr* The lea ter» nT the White eon m un iti hari to .-reate son« kind of barrier between Blacks and White* such that th* While* could enjoy m i lege at the t u e t n of Black* and s t ill feel free to *ive a rsnrai eaplanatmu fo r the otnK*ut e ip lo .ta tion that oriek.-d even »He hardest »*f White conaesem'ot H " * r \ n radi.ion h.v* it that whenever a i r o n of people vavr ta^tevl the I vehr frm ts of w* slth security a id pee^tiflr th rv «cm lo find a »or.* rom fortah e to h r I rev r n tne obvious lie a id to accept it a* in fact mute normal that thrv ilo n * are entitled to p n v il.e e Ir. order to h r lie** th i* •ervnudv the* need to eenvmce them ^elv 't o f • II the areumentv that »i nport th** l«e t | 11 th -re fo rr. not surpriv ire nai m S**ulh A f r ir v • fte r tem ration* of evplo tatioo ^ h i le o r io le on th r «hole have msn* to ko liev- u the in fenoritv o f the Black n an «o mneh *o ?h-t while or>. nallv the r*re ncotdein was a* o ff •hot o f iN» economic cree l exhibited hv ’ Vhite neorle. it ha« now becom e a senr-u* on blem on i*s ov n White acop t» now d n m o I ' n * neoole Ci4 b tiw o» thev r ^ H f« reiBfomo tbei* attitude and fher»for» In* Ufv tho ir pout) m o f oehrtlece bo* wmply h* e tV9t thn» ar- «alN believe th-*t Black h o fr- io r and and T us is

t ie batis open which W hde i are working in i l . t t countrv This I» what cuts out South A frica b he a racu t aonrty

Th** racnm we « re t b n d onlv on an a d iv idual bavi». it is alv> in 't .tutional *rd to n ^ke it look l ik r Ihe S m ’ * A fru an way a f life Although o f la te there ta a fe* de atten pt ta c <*%s over ihe overt racu t el m enu in Che » >tem. it la o tilt true that the system derives H» nouiishmcnt from* the c iu i s r r o f »n!i b lack altitudes m the society. To make the Be lu e oven longer. Rtsek» have to he denied arv e11nee of oendentnilir proving the ir equality to the Wtute man

I t is fo r th is n j 'o n that there is Job i w rrva 'iou. lack o f fa m in e m tkd led work, a ad a t ig h t o r b it a io u n d p ro f ra t io n a l p o * r iM ÍÉ N i n B lv k s S? a f ouch th * *v »tr m turns k*ck to »as th a t !l!a<«» are in fe rio r becautr I iev havr no ef^nom i>tt. no engineers etceven * spite o f th r fact that th ry make it in p n w b lr fo r Blacka ta aequire theve akiUt

T a g ive to m e k in d o f a u th c a t in tv to th e ir I «• and to shoo th e rig M ro uH sea * o f th e ir claim Whste« have fu it h e r n o ik e d m ir de ra iledschemas to solve ' th e ra c ia l a i 'u a tio n in this f f o n t r v Thux § p%n «1« p a r l i tm m t has he rn r r r a te d fo r 'C o lru re d s ’ and aeveval mdependei»r lU n tu M ates are m th e p ro « e tt of hem s ceti o So ind ep en de n t and 'lu cky* are th e * th a t th rv do no t havr to yper.d » cen t on *h e ir• «•fence b.*eau*e th rv have n o th in g to f r a r fro m H b *4r S o u th A!< j » h .. « i l l a l - í ' * eume to ♦he ir a« 'i» la r< e m t m r s o f nee-i One can a f « o u ite are the a * t.*« a m r o f U lu lr t n d I h e ir• nn»empt fo r Blacfev even in the ir t t |< «mi«sdered modern aeheevrt fo r snlijucation

The overall » a n e « af the W h irr power » rw *u rr hat hern i r a r t ctnc ta hind the W k itr t

•o -e th rr in drfenee of th r sfatw* quo Bv akd •djv plavinc on hst im .- f .s ir r hrvcrv — •wart eevaar" — th rv have man*erd to eon

■mcr evren th - d»r ha d libera l, that there is 'smcthmc in fe *r m the event o f th r B lact mvn ••«u*moe h it n e h rfu l o'aee at the helm o f the tooth A frican vhip Thus after vrars of w lro re •v are able to hear th r fam ilia r vwscr o f Dr• Ian P»t**o shoutine fn m a t fa r awov at Lond on

— ‘per hup* apartheid is w ont. a try** A ; whosr rs p rn * r . Dr h ta a ? '. a*kn an .n tr llK m t Black t w r iu lu t B f W t t 'h t l t t ta iv n r r ^ i rfk iU arvr rac h other rven tiw v allow »omrmorierule disagreements on (he *ub( .^»i.on

Ther ia no doubt ’ hat the* do not »toe*lioo th# «altdtlv o( W tnt« valuer. Thev *re mathme am w ubu» in the (act tha» th r , alone arc »r«um e about the fu tu re of 17 m illio n Black* — tr» a land which i» the natural b .irk \ ard a l th r B U *k prople A il pvopaaots fo r chan*# r fr.rn .it me from the Black world arc viewed w ith (ro o t tod ignH um Even th r «ocallrd O p p o n o n ha* the c V f l la | r l ! th r Coloured peopir that then a rr a«kme foe ton much A journa lis t from j “ t t fc e ta r new*paprr trkc th# "Sund-iv T im e* * desrnh rs a Black s tudrn t — wh»> »« or»»* «atme th r tru th — a* a m ilitan t im patient >*nm* man

It ta not enough for W hite* to o r on the offensive So .inm ersrd are th rv in period ic* U u t t h o do not be lie *r that B lack* ran toe mu- ta tr in e tr thoughts w ithout W hite (uutance and trw*teeahip T h u * rv rn those W hile» who w e a lo t wrong w i h the « tv trm makr it ih e tr buum ft* to contro l the r n p o n v of th r Black* to the p rovuc itlon No one i« tuggr»tm e that It is o*» the bu*ine«a of H lw lr* o f libe ra l opinion t< ape»*r what u w roorf llo w rv c r. to us i t appear, a* too much of a com cidrncc tha* libe ra l* — few a* the* are — «hoold n«*t onlv be i r t r t mi im e the H < mi t p t n n il i o f Pmmo IU* k« whs op©o*r th r * t* tem hot a lw le.ndm* It. In *P ilr a f th r ir tnvoltemen» m the n t le m

Ta in i l N M a* »f In fact ‘ he ir ro e « p r llt out th r to ta lity o f th r W hite p o r e «fracture — th r fa n that Ihoueh W hite* a e awr problem M i t s t i l l other W hite* who aa i t to te ll o* bow to dra* w ith that peoMrm Th *y do «o hv erea’ io * a ll *oeta of red h r rn n r * aero-* our p ith They t i l l u* that »h<* s itu a tim n a etav® «frurale ?a»hrr than a rare Let Ih rm «o to vao Tender m th r Free SI r ami t r l l h im tin * W r hrlieve «« know w 'u l the problem m ami w ill attek hv our ftndtne*

I want to eo a lit t le b it deep in th i* d.s cu«*ion becnuvr ! fee l it t« about lim e we k il l* d th is fa l* r p o h tira l rea litum b rtw ren Black* . id Whit»* lone aa it i* «et no on a wr me M O h i l i of oor sttuot loo I want lo M l IK fo r amdher m « *m al*o — th u it f>r%i* at p r r i nt th r ereate*t itum b lm e hloek to owe u n it* ft dan. lev b rfore fr.*r.lom hungry Black* pc*f»i*r« o f a .rra * fu tu re for w b irh no onr « rm n t. h r pa rticu la r!' working m theve erowps

The ba*ic peubleoi m South Nines ha* n*en anaUwd b> tib rra l W h itr* to b r apartbewt ,*oey a reur that m a rd rr to opo«>«r i t we h a ir lo (ora* mm rac al erotipa B r tw rm th r ^ two ratreour*. th r* claim there lie * th r land of rm!k and honr\ fo r which wr are workme. Thr lhr«:«. th r a a l t lb r 't * and th r o a I n n Have b rrn rrwatftoned By «am# ere at philonophtr* a* th r eanlmal p* nta around w b irh *nv . k m I revolution revolv a f o r th r liareals. th r baevu* apartheid, the a n id b r . i* ,» non ra« m lit i t and th r *>m hr «1« ver> feebly defined

They waar to te ll the K a d u tla< th mte eration the* *ee a* th r to iu tton • the id ra l •octet* Blaci

s a s » N r .w s i. f r r r r .R — s iip t f .m b k r . i t ? i

W iu.iun u ffc tc o llv . The IhoaU ia in fac t a »WHW W h itr raeum ;.nd t lo t r lo r c . ii*ao iacU

Ibe W t i lh rm * to th i . n*u*t be a « iru o f v> lid a m / im u n w i la r B lack* or. wlmm th i* raciam v rrk * t i l p r r t Hit o f these two * itu a tio n \ we ran therefore hope to reach wome k irv l o f balance — a in ie hum anity where power po litics * t l l ha*e no ^lare T h i* anai\*i> spell* out the Jifferrnce br.we«n ibe oM a w l near aporoaehes more than anv m«.re words «*an show Tl»e fa ilu re o f the libe ra l* u in fact .hat the ir antitl*e*<s is a ln lra y a w a lr trd down version of the tru th who*r dose p ro tif.u tv to th r thra ix w ill a o ll if* the p u rp o itrd holaore

Th i* is the fa ilu re o f the SPROCAS com mt««H>n<. to m akr aov real n*a«loae. fo r th rv a i r a lrradx io«»kine foe an ’a lfem a tiv r* that *hall K- a rc ip i M r ta th r W h itr man Eveevhmlv in th r c*u>r>>.«%ion« kn»w* wha is ne h t In it a ll arc lowkme fo r the n»o%t deernt way o f dodemc the re*p rn« ib ility o f sayme a h a l is neh t

t t i« much more im portant fo r u% Blacks In »«e tin * d iffrtene .* than i t ts fo r W hite* Wc must Ira rn lo accrfU that no Croup, however lirn c to l.n l. can ever h in d pow.*r to th r vanr,u»«hrd on a p ia lr We o*ti*t accept that th r I tout* o f Dra.sts are prr*CTil*ed bv the

m o o o a o 1 o f those whom fhev oppr. * / As lone . t ■■ laod fo r our

own r r t m rio a tfm are a r- m in e him fa rth e r u n 1 io*i tn ro n tu tu r w ith h i* raci«t an I o p p p i t r iy ,|« m We m u*t realise th»t m .r • it t ati*Mi is n*i* a ir ia ta k r 00 th r p * r t o f Whites hut a d. U b rr - f r act ami that no amount o f moral k r fw rrs w ill o r r tu wlr th r W h itr m m to VcrTer!** the a itu itm o The o s te in eorwrdrs norbme wd**ut t|.*maml fo r it. form ulate* its v r-v m rfh .f i o f O frra tion 0« th r k « U th i t the icnoraot v .ill l-a ro *o know, th r c h ild w ill crow in to an *.»u!t and th r r r f f r e demand» w ill b r im to h r m u ir I t erars »t*el? to r r * i* t demand* in w lia tr t r r wav i t *r.-* f i t W hrr. vou ro fka t to m»kr ih rw <h*mand« and ehoo-a to c**mr to a rmmd f»h|# »o i r e for yoar d r 'lv rrs n ^e tou •» - m f*c t « H w fa r th r ^wntempt o f thoar w to hat o power over you

T h i* 1* whrr w r am*t re lrc t the bee ta r f»c*le* »ha* a r r heme forced dovm m ir thrnat

tlta w who w i* li lo »onea*r our cruel ra*«l +r% Th|« ts w h rr r the SASCI « w o - * »*wt r rv k *

v - w relova*» -B lJkC K MAN. TOUp nr. o \ Yot»n o v n r

The eom rp t o f m ’ reratiwn. w b o v v ir to r t a ir oi».-n rs to lle d m * h » tr libera l r t r c lo , is to ll o l u:i>tii,**li* or*t a-*>*urn p* i**o* that err brace Whites * ih m I . i» a rooeept l**ne •»«Ah itev j r . | nevrr es^mine,. b> R la r l* I t u yased »m tip* a»»umrtioo that a ll 1* s e ll w ith the arslem vate fo r »omr d r c r r r a f mi«man»cr* m m 1 at tb * top bv irra iiocial ro«M rva tiv rs Evrn tb r o ^ m lr who areur foe »ateera*ion • ften fmreet to t r i l it m its «uppoardlv beam if ul r |o th T k n te ll raeb other that wen u n »t fo - »oh reservation, there would he a tieautifu l market to exploit

Thrv fa rg rt 'ha t ihey arc ta lim e about o ^ 'p U T M y N ^ J I U e u as es te t« ions >f braom ^

ov 1 watria! m a r lm r T h i* is W hite man's ntrera tom — an m tr tra t on b**rd an « wo k m iw •alwow m a a c M h n whach tha W tit* * hnae •feeadv er.t out th e ir positaaa aoetpw vre at the top o f the pyram id I t ia an in 're ra tio o in

5a SO NEWSLETTER — SEPTEMBER. l»Tlab»eh B l. rk w ill om prte w ith B t ck. usme rach a lb r t a> d r pp ine vtone. up a sic* p ladder lead i p i thro* ia w bi e taloes I t ts an in tre ra lton *• wlttcb thv BU k man wUI haet to prove ntm w i f in terms ol Hu m- values before m r- ii io c a T i'p iin < r and Litim ate avximilat on

It ts an tnt* eration m w h ic i the poor w ill iro w poorer an I the rich richer in a rm in trv t.h r rc t^ * poor has a lwats beea Black No*oue ’ •ant* to he ro r imled that it is Ibe m d irrnou* ic o p lr who are pooi and esplmted m th»‘ land •if then b irth Thr*e are concepts w huh the llvek consct«Mi *e*s approach atshrs t« eradi •ale from the Black mans v ia d h r fo ir our me let y is d riv e r to rha..* hv rrrspoOMhle people from Cocaeola and ha mini re- cu ltu ra l hack around*

What is Bl- <k Consrtou«yet(? In e trn c e th i ■ an attitude »f R tod and a rav o f lifa . f t 1the m r-t positi e eall to emmate from the Blaci world foe a lo ie tim< (ta un;dut:eratr«t quint e « K M r 1« the r%*ali*at»««n bt tb r Clark man a # •h r need to a llv toeefHrc asth h i* l^nth* r « aroimr th r e w v of fh r tr o^prcsM.m — th • »daekne*\ o f t ' i r i r «km — an. to oprratip as i rrw in in order ta r id them *elv-* ol tfle «haeklrs that h od then to pe-petnal «rre im dr I t 1« ha*r t an a i r l f evar i.n -.lion whiett t at u ltim ate lv |»-J them to tarticve that hv * r r | in e to n n aw** from thrm%eltrx ami ts r iru la 'e th r W hite man th rv are m*t !ttne the in t *111 .enre of whoet* r created them Black

Th r phi o*ooht o f Black coo*e^*w«we- *th rrr^ o rr e»pr***r% croup p n ia and th r 4 r*<r m i nation bv Black» to riw and at'am t + ewviwaerd ve l' Krredoa» 1* the ab ility ta i t r f i ir awe s velf. af«v*.ibilitie* ana lim ita to n« held hark not hv the power af other p r^p i# ov.*r vou but hy your re l* t*o i*h p to Coil and *0 nat.oal surrt andme- On bis aw a tht r fore th r Black man w ith r t 10 r v r lo r * his «uri>m.sdlr e* ami to trs t his p***«ih«t t i r . . ia othrp wo-da •o fra k r real h i* frve*k»m bv ohaieter mranv br d e rn * f i t A t th r h r art o f t>*s kind of tb ioh n r ia ll«e rca li*. taoo bv Blacks t a t th r m -^t smt -nl waonoo in ’he hand* o f th * opp>r*« r is be ■dm I o f the opperv*rd

I f one H f r r r at hra t no human made rha n* ran hind onr to *rr.ittade h i t i f o i r t m ind t* ar rffe c tivcU ma u p w la t^ an t »>n tro lled b* f i r opprr*v»r as to th r nperrs*«d »«elirve that l*e « a liah .li** to the W hite mar then therr a i l l be m4hmc tb r Opfarvard ran do to scare I is powerful s u i er*

llence thm kine alooc ’usr* o f B l*e | eoovc 0*1* or-a the Black man see hirn«r f .« ah r ne m t re m b im *r|f f t make* him l r * i 4>seodnat and mor> frr# to eaprr«« hi« «an howl At h# rod of i t al . he rsa ro t *«d r* te a ttrm p t. I v antbodv lo d aarf th r tienifMasser af h it ma thood

la o n e r that Bla<k ontciou»opa ea 1 he a*ed ta o tvaoU ^r at a pfuiosepby to app y to m «pie in a p»*itio * ik r aurs. a tu m k r of m*mta ha«r to Hr o to e rv rt Aa people rm r t r.r m a root m ows struec r to r tru th wr ba + to e ^ f iu a r and qurstaon aid concepts, taiwer *ma

1»«vstem l i l t i n g imtnd the n e h t answers sre -ba ll tu rn worn '.or c**nscioi^ne*ft im cacw aii peop e *a make it pm Slide fo r us to proceed *0 ward* v%e answers In the p toreat towards the an»» f » w«- ha*e lo e to ive our own >chcmea. for m t and vtra tccirs to suit the need and satoatiun. i l l the tim e kerpm e in mmd our fundar irwtsil heUeft ami taluea

fa a ll avpects o f Black W hite relationship both 11 ik r P»*t and at pieaani oc ac< a convaat i r m n n Iw White» ta «Jepict an in fe rio r *UUSlo «.Oat u Black Our eulTure. our histoe* and in fa rt a ll aspect* o f the Blark man'» Id r have h r r i r.att*red orarl« out a f shapr m ih r ereat ewil stiai I r tw r m the mdieevous valu.*^ and the Am Ic finer eultuPr

I V firs t people ta come and relate ta B la*t*. is a humar way in th is co u r 'ry were the 1 ix*i.Msanes T*tete pc*pe were hroucht ta th r » m ru a e i o f the colonisation aoo*ement lo “ cun i«e and edwrate" the tavaee* and to mtpp dn e o them the CWtatian o n u i p T br reuemn th«v h ro ie h t was a h*«hl% r r l ' r ■ nU'l u foreicn to tt»e I Sack St).!lC< *).•(;* propV A f I* m re ltfio n . in it* e*«encr was no: ra 1 » -!’ v dd f.en t from C h r.« ti;n it) We K lo v e d in «> Ccd W* had our own rommun t* o f sa«r*. th o ic h whom w r rr l^ ie d to our f . t d W r dtd ne. tod i t comp.*11 hie w ith our wa> of life to t.o rv t io Co.1 in |«o t;t aa from t ‘ t r te y i a* v««t« of our l i t r * l l r n e r w Nip was not • s< r ia ii* *d fun rtion th^t f in ! r t t m «n <-oee a w *rk n a arclu. . 1 hut! r r

tn * fr*J . It featured in owr war* in o< h r r r d .rktne. m m ir d a n rr* and in our c *tem* in C 'n *ra l W henevn A f tn a u d '^r.k 1 y %v»uld fir» , r r la t r la Co»* hv a r* io n a f t» r ir h -e r awav ta a tokrn of t 'a n k - Ik h. n im t^ .A i w r*.: wronc at h. - .* the» w.'.,|d in r r+% h* .ippr ate Cod and to at one for the** t ;n t lb .*re «.»« no hell in -u r ir lie io n the bel >»edi i the inherent C'Wdoesn of man — hrm -r w r t w l 1« fo r CranftHt that atl oeoplr on dratb I * ird tb r comn ,i> of saiata and tb r r r fv rv t write»: our rrs p rr t

It was t h r m i'v io n s r t r t w ho e o n tu trd th r a r * p i r w ith t h r u r w re a e .o n T h r> a ra rrd owr m «dr w ith a lo r.c« o f h rU T h r t p a m trd th e ir ^•1 a* a O rtw *nd ne *i«*d w h. w a n t.d w or b ip > r r l * r * P ro p lr had lo d iw a rd »h * .rrt i th r * and th e ir eo*ro« i« ta o r 4r r la h r ar<e*rfrr! a th * * o rw r r l i - <a K o ow m e ho o r e j, . mu

t l r / t f r ra n p r )>»» w ere the m<«Monares W «P*^d up th r . r te r j n r ia t ra m o a i a on th e r l a l r n i i of th r o ro r4e w tth «bt r d r ta i l- d a- *wwnt« o f r te n a l h u 'S i« t th r eaasl *e of h »b ao«t e n m t in r a f bo«»r B * e « r * a - .* r a t d ta i* t r« | lo c ie th e * a re w rd th a t tS e.m »aa a «r*r or f * r r r lie o and o«r« a *w prrv< i M n a il ta t* 10 m lp of th r m o lo c ir 'l di«rreoanev v ttrh •* af the ba*r af th ru re li#.00

Thi cold and cruel r r 'ic io n w u at rawer tc the t ndit'r eo«<« pro pie arm raw«ed frequro t• lesfe* h rtw rrn tb r «w «*rrtrd an-1 th r 'paeoos \f.a IIwr fo rm rr. t.ivm e mO brd the falva vaiwrs rwm W h itr «» w .-.r tawabt to ruiarw.r and lewptar tboar w ft j 4rf^ *U ro th r trmam of the.r rid teen Mas rru*»«m w .tb U r wJti«atr a rena

W hile an# w tshuu to qtuM ion thr ha* c •tilth at the heart of the Christian mess i e I wish tu state that there is a » m s ln n * case (or a rt-rxam ination of Chrurtan tv. C hrn tu n it» hi» proved to he a vers adapfa >ie rtu<»*»n which doe* not *eek to supplement ev l i a j order » hut — like an* universal truth — to find application with*#» a particular n t u a t in More ehan m h w w else the missionaries k n w that not »11 the» dul was to the spt *a jo l the m e v iS t

® « t the basic intention went much lutthey than m erely spreading the word Their an«»t »nce ami their monoool> on truth beaut* ind moral )ud«ment taucht them to de»pt»e na %e cu»tom« ami traaMaons to seek to in lin einto the»e ox*ictus their own n»*w value» **Si» then »et« out the cavr for B lack theoio*» While not wt«hm< *o discu«* Black Tfceobv :v at lm :t l i lot il «uffice to sav it seek« to relate M and C hrist once m.*re to the Black man ami to his dailv problems

It wanta to 4c sen he Christ a» a fic ttin c God and not a pa*»iv? God who accepts i it. to esi»t unchallenged It crip p le* with m i tential problem s ami «toes not claim to he a thet |o€y of ahsolut.*» It seek» to brine h ick Cmi tc the • l i c k man and to the truth ami realltv 01 h i. situation This »s an import «»t a«peei of I tack Cootcioutnc'.» lor quite a t ir je pr «portion of • la r k people in this country are C hn tu n s «till swimmtn* in the mire ©Í confu«u»n — the if t e r ntath of the m>«*ionar« apptoach It is ihe «tul» therefore of alt B lack D< i-sí» ami intfti«»c of re I u* on to take upon them«clvr-* |b r t*A of aa»*n< Chri«tianit\ I** adopt w.* the U.aek Theotoey «oproocb and >hereh\ uniting once more the Blavk man t«» his God

Then two a Ion* lo«»k «hooht be ta k •% at •he eriucat lonal ssttem tiven to B U rk t The some ten .ion situation wa« found as ea il aco As the arrival of the missionaries (h .td rcn ae»e ta»i-*ht. under the pretest of hvgicae. „*ood manners, e tiq u e tte ami other »ueh va<i»e con cept-». to dc«pi«e their mod* of o p h rm tn c at home ami to Q uestion values amt r < o l ^ . prc valent 1» their The re*ul* wat theesnetted on# — children and parents «a • life d ifferently an«t the form er lost respect f«*r the tetter

Now .n the African o>ctct> n is a o rd in a l sin for a ehil.t to lo*c re pet for his t .ircnt Yet how can one pee* «nt th# lo*» of *r%pect between child ami Parent when the cl iM is tautfht h« hi« k»««* al) WIM*e tutoes to di«rec«rd hi- fami)v trieh in cs* How can on* resist Im r « respect for his tra«lttton sh e ll >n »eh«o| im whole cultural hockfrouml is titmmed ip in one wont — barbarism*

Thus we can immediately «ee tm lo fie r r ^ f r o n t

**f the (A ioniotion priH*e»s W h .* v o r one «neeeed» in makme a erouo of oeopie iceept a foreign concept m which he is an est^ rt he creates out o# them perpetual »to«t.*nt« whose proarevs »n that particular i * l d ran only be

sasi* NFwsunrc* — 5nrTKW8Kn. miv\ .»lu «ted by h im ami |o whom the student »T4ll r i * r ‘ U n lh r r l t to» «uulance and p io im .i on I r h i i»v »«*r«*r«l to accept the An^KR<i. r culture, ♦he t!la- k« ha»e a l l im n l th c m ^ lvcs to In* a l the »oetr\ *1 the W hite n un ami to have him a% l le i r c .‘i n j l »upennvir Only he can Ceil us how »«> *1 our performance is and i*utim-t*vel> ail of u* are at pains :o pleaa^ Inis P»>w»-rJul know alt maafer Tht» ts what B ljc k Cnnsci«*us n*as «« .I* to eradicate

As n r Rtack w r ite r says, colonlali'-m is never satisfied w ith ha»me the natiee in it» enp but. h* Minn strange lo<ic. i> turns to his fn s t and disfuíur'x» jw ! d istorts il. Ilcm e . the history of tlie Ulock man in th is touattnr u the most dla oiipwm it>; histocv to reau .boa t f t is mereiy pre««*nt, «1 as a ton* Um em atioa o f rc p c ilc d 4rfm »« the Xho%»% were thiesrer* who wrn>; IP

- lo t xo len propertx The Boers m*»^r >r* iwkt d the XhosaK but »*fc*rely went on ‘pun tire ctperiilMin* * ro teach the thieve» a lesson

11«««» » like M akanj who were essentially iey>duti*>M.tiie» are painted *» supers, it io»i» trouble 11 .«kers who to ld the p ro p lr |i.*s aliout tMillet» tormnc in to water G ieat nation b in M rn tike H haki aro cruel ty r a n t who frequ rn tty a,lacked « n u lh t tnhes fo r no reason cscept (or w m .' %a«li«tK purposes Not on ly 1» th«*re n j »bt. ctiv i \ m I V hi*t«»r\ (JKcht us hot fre aoentl» ibe e ia an app^ilio«: m i*reprc«enUtion oi facia rbst ia •<c«*-oin« even to the wninlo: moilMo* leaf

Thu . a lot of attention ha* le he paid to «•«ir h»%» »r\ if we as B 2ack« want to aul each other in ..«ir n»nunu <nio consciou»ness. We hu»e to n wi te our h i* io o aiui pc«»«luce m it ilw hero. > th t ioi ’u%'«l the core o f our rrsi*tanc«lo ihe*. invaders More ha« to be rcyeaiiM aiui » li«*. ha» to be laid on the tu rr* fu l n**,...« r , r„• att. mpt« U\ peoph* hke $ ra k a l lo ilW 'h 'A 1 l lm tv i T b e v are arr^s calling for intenan research work to oro»ote some dr*pera»«l% neeilcd mixsin^ link It would be too■ m . ' 01 us to espret our comve-rev» to write nnm ised ti «tones ai»»u. us an«wav We hare to iie»ti*>\ the im th that our budory aiarts inten

thu culture w ii 't be defined in concrete term s We mu>< relate the pa%t to the pr«*»ent an«l detr..n«trate a hist«»rictai evolution of the nwNlcrn l‘ U k mao T h crr «» a trm lenrv foe proole to of our culture as a *t*»te culture that wa« arrc«td l in 1«IT»2 and Ha* ne«er develop e«l w no The 'return to the b*i»h- concept *eems to «ui:iíest that w r have nothinc to boa»' ^r«out eso-.*t »«on« »e\ and drink We are aw are ib-tl w ru n colon 1 vatu>o «rt« m it i!*uwir» Ihe in«li-^en*Mi« ci.lture and leaves behind it a tia«iartl d culture that m-my thrive at the psce •rul r a v *llowe*t it bv the dominant culture Hut n e 'e r ih c le *% we al«o hase to realise »ha« the bai*'* ’ cnents o f our culture have «uceeededlo a trrj* extent to Oi*h»tand the c k » y i« of bo»lanl nation and tba « e a al rhis moment we ran «lilt demonstrate that we corny Man for h»m«e(f «>ur« u • true H bneentied society wmisr «acred tradition \i that o f shannc

utnalistir cold appcoach to b fe that is

■ Ml


the r w w i d n a r <d the A» CIO Boer . ulton W« •MiM *eek o n-^Jitrr to rbr Block m a i in W w t.illb.- irrrot » lfn .* we use»i to U> on h iman ieialo»»i'biji«. thr hi;;h n-canl for p«*otdc th* ir p# 'P ritv oad fo r l i lc in icne ra l. t«* dw arf the trium ph 01 tcehnoloev <ner and to r tlucr th m u icru lia tic **U nu r t t vat 1* s!««.iv crc^ptna

TheM* are ru en tia l I alures *»1 our llla« k eidture to whi«h we inuM lin í The teim B U k esdtwie a K n e all implies the fre»-«h«in In us to w oo»ate uitbvHit rccou'M* to White «P1we» Thi» inn«»«jtion is part of the natural lev- loj men- •d anv ealture A eidture ia e^»«*nfijJI- the sor«rt\ s ■ ompo»itr answer to the var.e* pro M«-o\ «d life We are e\p e icncmc n«*w h 'tn lca i* b* the <la» ami whatever v e do ad«h to tm nch m*«* of cult 111 al herit ice as lon< t has Mon a» its centre Th* adoption of Bt^ck T»H-jtie ind drama is one such imp utonr •ent.vjtuo which wr n c n to m c m race .m l |o develop «Hit love for mi »«r and rh iih m nuvt b ’ nu.le to assume some -elevam e even i t this Srn n tii day.

B« ms pan of an csploitoti«« *««»«« t«- <n whoh v• -i» «dten wr ir r direct irfijc Is »«f esploit.di m we n<<**l *0 .o lr r MrateO o Owr ecoo«*o-K Mtoatton H r ^.re ao are oi lh • f-i«t that the BUtck« a ie »!ilt eoloni»rd e«. n within the b fith r» of Soolh Aftl«*n Then Ct%e •»« jln 'n j ha« b* Ip -d t« m.»k* So. th Africa wliat it 1« tw L» O-ir in«*nes frem he towm hipi I ke« a on« -aay «trerf to V k h r ‘ hops and W hile baok« and alt o r do In oor lire# is to pav o the White m. a

Cafucal<«t eaploitatit 1 teodennes c uipied with the «vert armcoAcc of White ra< .hi 1 have r» s»pi(r,i airainn us Thi % now w Smith A il 11 a11 is vei» espensivc 10 l e p w f I', is th • poor peoph- who siav f« it l« *t fr«»m to* q aod th«re hue have |«» »pemt w e e rnonev or tu n * n-rt tw come an t work fo» Whit people. ,1 1« t ie poor people <vbt« m v wneeon *01 tc ao«l *w«.*n rs m t l furl lik. paraffin ami coal becau«e of rrfu* d of the White man to :n«tal e le c trr ilv ir Wa I an a» h is thr peor pr ^.tc whii an* f .v e r m d h\ nu n ' dU b fin. a n * i urttvt lau« «wt th. e fo ie b. ve to »r«ena omnry on fio ■» tm 1««hnn i|“ o lfm ce« it i the pt^.r pe.»*.a wop

ba«e m- ho*p<tal* a/wi are thrnf»»»r « spo»rd tw the e»horbiioot f k a a » from p m air .octot* i# #• th * poof people v ho use untarre« r u - h aw. 1 the efore . »p* • wr« the ireaiest ••ear wo com m rn h tir» Uk** shoes, t ts t i e p * t r ■enplr o h o have <0 »•» foe Ibrir ch | . t r » s hooka whale t k a p from W hites set the n f r . r «If e o i r e r t fa th e K laei peop le who a te po.-r

21m iohann« «tun , and t * rft-h h«h our otra banks to* |h< hem-lit o f the ««^rmunity Orcanisatioual .levcloiTient an onc«t «Hacks ha» ool) hern low K-cati'-- * c a l lo u r d it Now Hut we are aware • e are on o u r ow n . it ts a*ore than a uutjr or us 10 fu lfill these nerds

The la»t step in ftlack Conae«ou*ne»a 1» to iroath-n the h. **• of cu r oprrat.on tm e of the wnsac teneats « Í »»ack Con»ciousae«a 1» totality »f m t.'h cin en l B» ib«s u e mean that all Blocks •mixt Ml a» or. b»« imit and Oo Iractnentaiion sAd di«tra<ti«>n ft«»m Hie main viream of esenta mu»t hr allowed Hence we n«u»t resi»| the aH«mpts hv the protagonists of •cperetc d rw rn rm en t" to fra c m .o i oor arpcoaib U e arw m p e m d not a» im tnuluals m*-i a« Zulus Xho«av Vendss oc Indians We are oppressed betau»e u e are Black We ie.u*t use that very «vuieer*t to un« c o u rseh es and to rrapond a» a rohrMvc croup We must ciuur to eocb o lhcr with a tenacit. that must sh ots the perpetra •ors o f e s il

Our prep jrr.Jn >» r f A c Ul>«n nur»e|ves tt.e csidffel* »d lh« sliu ct e w i!l see us thr«mch We must coanplckrls ten o ve from our vw abulary the concept of f. ar Truth aauat triuovpb «ftt- n«ateh ovei evil T \e Whale man has &|oa«s m « ie » e ti hi» « r e v on this ha«te fear Shat m aiufiaU ifksU .n (be B?«tk « m o t dv Sp«tw»» h»ao<h a Cent* w ilt a * lu m 1 se lie into tiu th sml one wo*t I coot* thee a real bid f« fehan tr we havr to take o ff mur c®**» be prnl ««| lo love e..t t'on foir amf necwci'v t*ufn't»», and our p»v«fH.o» W pr-. »».te our fam i ies; lo t | um a» «» 1« lin e th . t lea■ a - Iarcurit» are h.v c.iJl* ,m o o j .» tdc** i l » n w« ;1 h r true that a « itwccV with.*ut eovnalties 11 M w u ith d« sad We ei .-«f uUirr,.t«-«y aeerpl that p..»ph. *«e cry bv lliack »tud« At« |'..a s Ova* vow are on vour owa‘"

bMrw Will chat «?• that wr a ie l M a i hwl Ut •as Oot lake beetl for tbesr p*wp!r are WMitg esaciiv the valitr» we i e k d W« 4 m m S a wthe p«*w.i to sohto ;ate anvtuo We are m n -H 1 «-«pot»0 it.* to p« o«.*cate*«o *0 bt m «u real ««tic wa« H . <«m n .f tieiJ* i» | .,.r« escb o .ao of owe tart le. another .1 aiwav» ptt«Mppo%,a that the esttusaoo 1» for t ie pmpo*. % d atifeft ' / « n Btsrk* f»a«e had eo«*ach . « p r o o - a» «S e r ti «4 ra* 1*0» m« to w»Oi tw reverar the tatae« While II » « l«r rvies#n( n*«w t« talk about lUarfc iw reiattow ta White o e mo*l o.«t tT .sr tt«i« WMf pr^ *m. ip^ifow U »1 'an be a w n t i r y r»eee»*« As we jworeed iwwra t«wa>di t va. haosrmeot >4 wu* coat» Irs m talk «norr ah. „1 worselvr* aw.) owr «AruCcU aod Iras about W bile*

Nrttihrss to *av the •▼fore s e need to tak*’ We ba«ranother look at b* * ht *t to u*c owr n « s a « . hu«waod« arpower tittle a« d ace 0» We rwod *t io » «J* we eao %re th# c- »% . n*t o« rr l .< 1*. ^evjm .it. the povathdjSte* o f l«o»«r*« foetb with eowraee ao.i «tetrrnuoa^ew draw aacoo p rr. ltvr* wbov .nt« re»t* sbalt hr 9 **w«he | «Irmirth frwet mo- coanm»o m»*M a»vd evrbock lOto .wmmuntts «l*»riopmeni pr«»a a«.o*e«. hrwtbrrbood la f me wo »hall b ia a |o * .t .« iWe febsild essnuoe o ore dnarty lanes lo b » io a wp*-n S«>*tth A fn iy the frvaU M i faa the l a v B lack” n o p s i | n once a c i n t H sm aibie - a «ware bumoo fare



The SASOtNewsletter sets out to achieve the following aims —

t to e iu iiU tli piov^r contact among** th* various Black campuses anil between Biaik students and the com­munity at Urge.

t to *t[mu!ate discussion amongst Blacks on cuirent matters of topical interest.

t to make known Black opinion on matters affecting Blacks in South Africa.

t to make known tlie stand taken by students In matters affecting their live i on and o ff the campus

t to examine relevant philosophical approaches to South Africa's problems.

t to con*rt*>n*e in the formulation of a viable and strong feeling of self-relunce and consciousness a iittx ig il the Black people of South Africa

Contrtubtions by way of articles are welcome from the readers of the Newsletter. Special contributions from non- ■IwIm Ii in certain field* w ill be invited A ll articles meant for publication must be at the Head C ffkc by the 15th nf »arh month.

A special appeal is made to the Black community to help students in the maintenance of this magaune There is a sad lack of an independent representative Black press It Is our intention to contribute in the gradual closing of this gap

AH contributions should be sen» to;—

The Editor,



LLADIR PSU1. m ««♦« S»»«M. Daitoa


0 ?C\£HKn1 / V K C ' U ) B N T u . < 7 A ^ S


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lUfl. (^ C A iV ^ U S V rM N \££\A<i

TA;.r abovt pavtvs tans

by Frank Talk

It is now almost ten years since the Bantustan idea was practically

introduced by the Nationalist government as a lasting measure towards

tne solution of the "Native problem". Of course the idea of territorial

•egressti"*» In South Africa is an old one. It was in 1913 that Sauer,

a supposed liberal Cabinet minister in the then Government, first suggested

th* apportionment of parts of the country to accomodate aspirations of

the native population. In the many years that followed, the percentage

allotted to natives varied until it was ^stabilised in 1936 to the present


What the Nationalists did under the "able" guidance of their sain

theoritician, Verwoerd, was to convert the naked policy of wanton

discrimination and segregation to the euphemistic "separate development"

policy which "guaranteed" the eventual growth into complete sovereignty

of eight Bantustans or homelands which would be autonomous states to cater

for the various "Bantu nations" that make up the South African native


At first the whole idea of separate development was rejected by the entireI

population, iwrliidino elements of the Afrikaaner camp. It was rejected

by the liberals; progressives, united party, and naturally Dy the Slacks*

It was seen by the Blacks naturally as a big fraud calculated to dampen the

enthusiasm with which they picked up the cudgels in the broader political

fight for their rights in the country of their birth. People who took partI

in it were roundly condemned by everybody as sell outs and uncle-toms and

nobody took then; seriously. They were clearly seen as people whoI

deliberately allowed themselves into an unholy collusion with the enemy.

In the white ranks, too, the idea was heavily criticised and seen as

extremely immoral. «However as the "verligte" elements of the Afrikaner

section began to show interest in the ideology, a number of people

began to pay attention to the idea. This was boosted up mostly by the

attack launched by verligtes on what they called "petty apartheid".• I

Typical of opposition politics in this country, these verligtes were

given a lot of support by the English press simply because of theirI

small difference with the Nationalist staunch line. In the process,

a lot of people began to see merit in the verligte view of separate

development primarily because a number of newspapers had changed their9

policies in an attempt to appease and encourage the verligte movement#

With this background in mind it therefore becomes necessary for us Black I *

people to restate in very strong terms the case against the Qantustan

idea. There are two views regarding Bantustans. The first one is that

of total acceptance with the hope that any demands made by Blacks through

peaceful negotiation will lead to granting of further concessions by the4

white power structure piecemeal. The second is that as a strategy, thei

Bantustan philosophy can be exploited towards attainment of our overall

goals. Both views are dangerously shortsighted. The first one needs but

little attention since it is an obvious sell out and can only be accepted

by people who have already sold their souls to the white man. The second

one leads to a lot of cciuusivi* part of which is in fact a sub-conscious

acceptance of the Bantustan idea ia jfer se by the masses who cannotI

appreciate the nuances of the debate surrounding the so called strategy.

Why are we against the Bantustan idea? Black people reject this approach

for so many reasons,*none of which are as fundamental as the fact that

it is a "solution" given to us by the same people who have created the

problem. In a land rightfully ours we find people coming to tell us

where to stay and what powers we shall have without even consulting us.

The whole idea is made to appear as if for us,while working against our

very existence. A look at some aspects of the policy shows this very


Geographically i.e'. in terns of land distribution, Bantustans present• » •

a gigantic fraud that can find no moral support from any quarters. Ve

find that 20% of the population are in control of 87% of the land while

80% "control" only 13%. To make this situation even more ridiculous,

not one of the so called "Bantu nations" have an intact piece of land.

All of them are scattered little bits of the most unyielding soil.

In each area the more productive bits are white controlled islands on

which white farms or other types of industry are situated.

Economically, the Blacks have been given a raw deal. Generally speakingt

the areas where Bantustans are located are the least developed in the

country, often very unsuitable either for agricultural or pastoral work.

Not one of the Bantustans have access to the sea and in all situationsI * *

rwieral rights are strictly reserved for the South African govenncnt. In

other words, Bantustans only have rights extending to 6 feet below thei I '

surface of the land.

Added to these observations Is the fact that the operative budgets allowed

the Bantustans for development projects are kept so low. Control of industry

and its growth in all the Bantustans is locked up in the hands of the Bantu

Investment Corporation which thou*. »ear.t to be non profit-making, is reputed


The so-called border industries now beginning to musnroom at the edges

of the Bantustans are orientated to exploit the labour force from within

the Bantustans. Most of them are subsidised by the government and their

products are tax free. In spite of such advantages, they go on to pay

an-time low vagcs v h ic* arc about \ of what they would normally pay in

urban sress. In addition it should be noted that these industries at

border areas are often outside the geographical confines in which most

Industrial Council agreements operate; and since the Black workers have

no trade unions to push their case they are virtually left at the mercy

of employers who are under no obligation to pay them according to rates i i

operative elsewhere in the country.

Politically, the Bantustans are the greatest single fraud ever inventedI

by white politicians (with the possible exception of the new United Party

federal policy). The same people who are guilty of the subjugation and

oppression of the Black man want us to believe that they can now design

for Blacks a means of escape from that situation. The point is that this is

not the intention of the policy. The actual intentions of the Bantustan

practice are the following:I *

- to create a false sense of hope amongst the Black people so that any

furtner by Rlacks to collectively enunciate their aspirations, 4

should be dampened.

- to offer a new but false direction in the struggle of the Black people.\

By making it difficult to get even the 13% of the land the powers that

be are separating our "struggles” into eight different struggles for

eight false freedoms that were prescribed long ago.

- 4 -


This has also the'overall effect of making us forget about the

87< of land that is in white hands.

- to cheat the outside world into believing that there is some validity

in the multinational theory so that South Africa can now go back into

international sport, trade, politics etc. with a soothed conscience.

- to boost up as much as possible the inter-tribal competition ar.d hostility'I

that is bound to' come up so that the collective strength and resistance

of the Black people can be fragmented,

- finally, if all tne above achievements do not 1**»«-, to delay as much

as possible ihe moment of truth.

The question then that immediately arises is whether the Bantustan leaders

do not see the barrenness and fraudulence implicit in this scheme. We

have some mc:i in these Bantustans who would make extremely fine leadersI

if they had not decided to throw in their lot with the oppressors, A few

of them argue that they are not selling out but are carrying on with the i • t

fight from within. There is no way of ascertaining the truism of these

assumptions. Perhaps it is not necessary that this should be ascertainedi • I

at all especially because no matter how one views it, the ultL-ate truth

. ' * •is that participation in the Bantustan set up is dangerously misleading

to the Black population. Ve shall concentrate here on the merits and

demerits of using the system to fight the system, and forget about these

Bantustan leaders who believe sincerely in the policy of apartheid. After

all, as one writer once said, there is no way of stopping fools from

dedicating themselves to useless causes.\ *


There are in South Africa at the moment a number of people whose participation

in Bantustan politics has led the Black people in part and political

observers throughout the world to begin to take a second look at Bantustans

with the belief that something can be achieved through a systematic

exploitation of the Bantustan approach. The argument runs that all other

forms of protest, disagreement and opposition are closed to Black people

and that we can call the bluff of the white government by accepting what

they give and using it to get what we want. Vhat most people miss is the

fact that what we want is well known to the enemy and that the Bantustan

theory was designed precisely to prevent us from getting what we want»

The authors of the system know it best and they give us any concessions

we may demand according to a plan prearranged by them. When they created t <

these dummy platforms, these phoney telephones, they knew that some

opportunists might want to use them to advance the Black cause and hence

they made all the arrangements to be able to control such "ambitious natives".0

Hatanzima and Butheleti can shout their lungs out trying to speak to

Pretoria through the phoney telephone, no one is listening in Pretoria

because the telephone is a toy. The real lines between Pretoria and

Zululand, between Pretoria and the Transkei are very busy day and night

with Torlage and Abrahams telling their system every step Matanzima and

butneleii are likely to take 3 months hence and how best the system shouldI

respond to such stances. •I

Matanzima and Butheleti can knock day and night at the doors before them.

If they like, they may even break them down. This will not work because

the door, are meant to lead them into a dark abyss away from where the

tr- liure lies. The doors to the real treasure house swing willingly open

to i • '-aham , and Torlage whenever they riecidc to take a breather away from

7 5

What is most painful is that Matanzima and Buthelezi are perhaps more

than anybody else acutely aware of the limitations surrounding them.

It may also be true that they are extremely dedicated to the uplifonent

of Black people and perhaps to their liberation. Many times they have

manifested a fighting spirit characterising true courage and determination.

But if you want to fight your enemy you do not accept from him the unloaded

of his two guns and then challenge him to a duel.

Bantustan leaders are subconsciously aiding and abetting in the totalI

subjugation of the Black people of this country. By making the kind of

militant noise? they are now making they have managed to confuse the Blacks

sufficiently to believe that something great is about to happen. As a

result Blacks are sitting on the touchlines cheering loudly whilst

Matanzima andMangope are performing. The picture is also confused oy i

the exaggeration given by the white press to the possibilities open to

these leaders. The white press knows fillly well of course that it is to their

advantage to misdirect the attention of the Blacks. The white press knows

only too well the limitations of the Bantustan theory; that it is a farI *

cry from what the Blacks want but goes on to build up the image of Ma-tanzima

and Buthelezi in order to harness them to the pa tit they have alreadyI •

chosen and to make the non-analytic masses believe that a great victory is

just about to be achieved. Also, by«widely publicising the pronouncements

of the Bantustan leaders and attaching extremely liberal connotations

to these pronouncements, the white press has confused the outside world

to think that in South Africa not only is there freedom of speech bat that

the Bantustan leaders are actively plotting for the ousting of the whitei

goverrment without the government taking any action.




7 *

Thus for white South Africa, it is extremely important to have a man like

Butheiezi speaking and sounding the way he is doing. It solves so many

conscience problems that South Africa has been having for so long. It has

been said that the combination of Butheiezi and the white press makes up

the finest ambassadors that South Africa has ever had.

For me as a Black person it is extremely painful to see a man who could

easily have been my leader being so m isused by the cruel and exploitative

white world. It becomes so apparent that whatever one does in the ccntext

of the Bantustans is likely to be exploited for self aggrandisement by the

white world. When you >rg agree with the government you are an exemplary

r*tive, who sees value in being led by whites. When you use Bantustan

platforms to attack what you do not like you epitomise the kind ofI

militant Black leader who in South Africa is freely allowed to speak and

oppose the system. You exonerate the country from the blame that it is a

police state. South African information bureaus throughout the world carryI

long coverages of activities and pronouncements by Bantustan leaders to

highlight the degree of openmindedness and fairplay to be found in this


No, Black people must learn to refuse to be pawns in a Whiteman's game.

When one considers entering the ranks of emancipatory pakxsit politicsi •

one must be governed by the seriousness and gravity of the call.*

This type of politics calls upon us to provide our own initiative ar.d to actI

at our own pace and not that created for us by the system. No Bantustan

leader can tell me that he is acting at his own initiative when he enters

the realms of Bantustan politics. At this stage of our history we cannotI

have our struggle being tribalised through the creation of Zulu, Xhosa and i » »

Tswana politicians hy-*»”. system.

- 8 -

___, ^ —

7 ?


These tribal cocoons cfclled "homelands" are nothing else but sophisticated

concentration camps where black people are allowed to "suffer peacefully",

Black people must constantly pressurise the Bantustan leaders to pull-out

of the political cul-de-sac that has been created for us by the systc?..

Above all, we Black people should all tne time keep in mind that South

Africa is our country and that all of it belongs to u». Ths srr^gance

that makes white people travel all the way from HcUand to come and

balkanise our country *nd shift us around has to t z defrayed. Our kindness

has been misused and our hospitality turned against us. Whereas whites• •

were guests to us on their arrival in this ceurtry they have now pushed

us out to a 13% corner of the lanu and are acting as bad hosts in the

rest of the country. This we must put right.

Down with Bantustansl•I

C i B H K 3 ■ 7 8

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Black Conferences : 197 2 ....................................INews In B r ie f.......................................................2F o c u s ............................................... ....................6Speak Up Blackman ............................................ 8From the Presidents' Desk .................................93rd CSC : An Assessment................................ 13Arts A Letters . Reviews ................................... ISAD Africa Student Conference........................17I Write What I l i k e ...............................................1«Black Students' Manifesto ...............Back Cover

Except where stated, comment in this Newsletter does not necesunly reflect the opinion o f SASO.


All cop) light in this Nrwdetier is stnctly reserved. Any person or persons wishing to reprint article*, publish.-d in this Newsletter, ui magazine olhet \han the SASO newsletter are requested to le tk

permission from the Edtloe.

fry: —UM«rul *»!•*< I v| <©»*». I ) SMtrlc*

O U K IA N .

1 Uo editorial in las year's “Con ier riser Issue" o f ihc SASO Nrwsleti ■! predicted a p i win* mow; to» j i ls the acccptaac: o f the p h ik rop iy of Blaca Conv ousnex At «sricm cuafctencts o f Black organ cations thn there was a p i sittve state- menl and m. ve towards th it n b w il awakening of the ha^k cm ununity.

It pies witnout laying that SrsSO at Ua conl-icnce-doigrd funhei ahead in defrrusg, extc iiltng ind enunciating its [toil tsophv -nd pr*-j r-mmer with n u.h more in 'ighi and cbnty.

v /lu t is most SUI| nsmp n the who e ideology o f B!j k Convtousnr- has to a large e> lent m il n ne­ed n j . «petted the o • cs o f many Mack organtsa' i. «IS Whit wav tireviou ly telerted to r i the “South Af ii an Ha itu Soci il Woikets' A'socialitm* noted un 11 imou-Jy to c tanpe the name to ihe “ South B ack Soc ai Wotker»' Association" In the m it realm i to eha tge the name the delegates made It e 'en that in then definition c f B ack thes meant iflthose iTopk w so are soctalh ,e< onomiciDy and p >1 tu a l'i disenn mated against either hy tr ilt i io n er >y law in Souli Afnca.

Mr B n nte A Khoapa. direclor of Bla. k Comm­unity Pi igiarnmrs. who spsile at t ie conference on H ie roe ol the vtoa l W itkei in he B>ac k i'oinm- J l. lly - 'aid Ihe ground for nu-ch o f wlial ft llowcd ui tlie search for new d-ircth t. in thr S-h ia V u k e ii ' comnitmenl to th.- Black Com nunity

At Ihe nutnmial coafeten* o f thr Blad. People.' Contention the draft cunstitut on w n unarm tously a .pled Die const tution i l l n .,uit f ilca ilt its tia iimlment to BLck Conk ouvteti. Black SoJidanly and Bla. I C xnniunjli tn T>a new [hasr in the drce'opme it i f d iictlKmt fi« I te B L k Comm intly pron-s qut;e adequaieh that Bla.k |«vple uve itined fia t* ihei* lonj O rp .to thr v Hind o f he com cio inrc* cbnoa-sail

Tie fotm jlion o f the S"Uih Afman B! ck The. lie Urn. n (SAHTU) has tiled a king o«et lur chain m ih- wot Id ol t'iea rval arts f « Blick

•le TV / f i l ia l t in o f r>dr idual “ prrdomto at! Hbck ih.-atre companies M a mother body kk*

SAHTUcan . nK augur well f t* Ihe futuie o f B ack Thraire in south Africa Tha field o l acutat? ■ the Black wmid can pby an important role r i the •pr.-ad of B ack Conaciou-nei tand Black Sofcdinly

in 'th r entire South African spectrum. For too long ww k i t their been a condevendinf bumIs* meat j i wtu “ m ihe direction and the decision-making insofar .t Slack Thratrt « concerned.

The intn-denominational African Minister^ Aooci rt iin . if Southern Africa (IDAMASA) held its a im a l confercnce from the ITnd - 25lk Sepiei ii. tr . at Umtata Thr im it lefirihtng newt that I ones ;ron IDAMASA is the definite trend she h . i laken to examine the irlevance of thcolu(|r in ^ r Blackman's ex;>ruencr m South Africa Thei ias a serious reeximir.ation o f the role o f the illi.i> ninictet tn V-uth Africa and. n fact, ID A 1-! ISA 'i role ut the development o f the ilack Caararuruty. Fiom the Durctoi's repoti ptccentrd to. )»: 1072 Conlrience It a quite cleat that IDA VASA is invnlved in deselopinf tense o f ielf- reluia c through practical ci mtnunity p ro^cti thn u;hout the countijr.

V its ircent ennp’ cu tfie youth wing o f the La'-eutP.ftyckratlk indi. j i r i ib rn support for the p r a u tg Jbck pl-.rlii-opfcv The» decision to open th- ti ranks to all Bla. k Youth and thn* w i'm gne* tot» uat dundent* i what B’ n k Com.lousnes» ti aT jliou t must «urel* be iprtn .Jed Prrhaps. .he yi-riil» wmg may ttirre t o ff and open the eye» a t t ie irUr Jiehards >•( the laboui Pairy to irdefuM tl .-i p i mrthud and atra of op.-iatio* at a g o lrka l f«ce.

ITie J tfitto m f all thne Bl»>k uiganiut»n( i t obsiota The , . - stituen.ies of theie organisa-• eta l ie visible The etTect of the muvemeat

x a td i blackt>es' must o f necessity Hit th*Cl Itstttue-scy S -w is Ike time to er» Ldatr and tr oi J n jie tlir r .rts isl aU thrse organisatooae a*l l it tlteir w ij At-» I o .n n ln K r an*a lohraie v . IJ j iv »1un B lj.k otgamsa'ioai brpa lo ife ia ie Itti-ii • >ir ai prrmiw i r bUct t in a m p it ii» then H is i-nporiant an forge Imlu h-thap Brnnir A k ’ - a a tut "The Sew hlack*

•ms up th» bea.. fu#s “ A piuiosphy e f iaherx- oa rrquuet urns Black> m turn tequma

! la. t cMgannatien » r nerd mure nut fewer black iMga uui.una. we need black-oxented ur bla< k Itaurl youth camps sentiet. coilrget. we!fa« >tpa»aiKin» etc “ tBlack Vievpuuit rd ilur BA bucn Publuliei Black Cramnumty PiucraranMS.B A Khoap* The Sew Blnck. page 67).

editorialThis year's "Conference Issue” comes after a ‘ong deliy as a result o f financial problems an j genuine

peiplexity as tu which topic is o f gieaickt priority in the Black Community.The expulsion o f Temha Sono. the Idi Amin affair. Bantustins. pobce hatrisement. the n.ant BLck

Conferences and a host o f important issues p'ese ited themselves and the problem was zoning out -he test ones until it was decided ~to try and xjuee/e r«er/thing into the newslettei**.

Pethaps the Black confetrnces and Idi Anttn t red special mention from the edttoi's desk, l l n Itrcmiing abut dantly clrai that Bbcks ate beginning toorfintse th.-mselve» and are v-eing the value of commrmert to liberation as a supreme pie lequistie before any effective action can be etnbaiked upon.

B’ uk Social workers aie beginrtng to realne that they air not agents o f "iand-out” dubs and black mtnisier. see themselves not as fire and bnmsli ri*, beaten and l.eU pieachct but ss dedicated n-rn serving the peoplr in then search for liberation and Iru ti.

The Blac k y is i’h and the bbskman geneia'ly liave d-me to a common undemanding of the problem that faces us When a black student at a confeirno stands up to call for Ihe espuhioa o f the white pre<a and a black but conductor at a piotcst meeting 1» Cnatiworth (aBs Io* the etpuhioa o f a whrteman fio tr ihe* ■reeling ilicn iheie must be some common p liifo rm lor the students and the rb i k com nunitv tooneiate ft. m And lhal pbtfutm is aolidanty SoLuaniy it not |ust the racia. mixmgaf bbc. giosij* Afntar . India* and Colouied it a Ihc operation o f all p ropln who ha to Ihe u ne suflentig. thr same principles and the same solutions to a common problem Ractsr i The brheoers ol Black ConscM'usnrss ate not tai t i l l l l a the Raiabs who piesenl “ B A M U" Iroan entenn; then s inerin -H o the Amins whc expel "ASIANS” flora a country who are the leal Black racists and are at guilt j ai the whiteman in Sot th Africa.

Prthaps the follies of Ihe RaiaOt and ihe An-.ina aie a lesaon to all Black people that we ir.uat '<epn ao tommumcaU such moir ultimately w ith ewk olhei The lack of understand ng and thr wedgt of t npicioa

- M in the Black community muat be nokeadown now It a imperative le i the lutuie *eB temgaad haimoniouacooasience o f Black people tna we deiine the attitudes, Ihe daterences and the i. mtroev area* of involvement to that we vre ounelses fm l at BUck people fight rg a cor.smon enemy and then look to Ik* tupeificial dtfleteacet only utaofaiaa they lenefil th* pea let to maaiaily f t* Ike greater gooC of ike enuie human ne*.



sasoNitrumit sim u«fr/octokr. t*n

News in BriefW S O AND IM tM IO A T K M

(o r «omttunt * 0» tlw «h it* jo k h w iw I h a rw t* «ittmuUi.Kf tad hartaiuo* bU.k ttud tn tt whoM S AX ) w rn to n a: n n « « vaniputr* T V C^Atooipi ( M l to a head «b*« * tu m > poke* a th* » r*w rn Cap» area ► «!* tak-mf a n w l o f th* SASO mcmb»n o f ttw *c» t» r* Cap* btamk i «

A pin I» Icmc w m m4 byof S AW vonvkinuan th* as two» ot lh»

V vanfy fcanvk. rWJgm« «uppoat for out h«o*Vn and ««ten at th» %»««r* f « « a*d shailen*»* th* Wlut* Gowrnnwnt " to Uy th*u lw < k u f! m t

Wtth th* p f H M «# our h n J M t. jH ty M b*- u m on the U*iv*ttny of %t*tctn C*pi vartpm put*, ; M H m r t*d to Jetty fa* “ tre-wpaiiim ^"Studcat» At *»M*m t ,p * op»nt> ptotavtvd J**ry fiwm th* pvlw* «hv only m a ta p j to k h m k m whtfith* * « tr»»»* to* th* la te in Cap» A rtm *d <4 th* BcRvtHt ttat»xi. k r t y • *» th » * . K»r**d la* -tHrw|i>tiMi»*".>nd»a»*i lowed top*» «1 -« I rn w i» • r fu J l" o f r - CM*) BU;k b»oth»rt and « w i *t *r»*»m Cat» quwkly m«Mtt*d lo p iV t tk»A

and pud to th* fin*, thua allowing h i t y to loattnu* h it pi»»d<ntt»l ton*.

FoBowmf Jeity't depattai* ftom th* We»t«r* • Cap* a ftn tta f th* Whit» jo*«iameni « n o d at and fcc. m p * k *< a f SA W m *nibril II»my K u O th* SASO »Wi ptf*.«J»m. *a» t>wk«1 up to p th r t » tth 14 »th»v SASO m»mh«ft and mterrofaled t> peat l»ní'h n«r« a£ent» ha»« r.tued D M threat» to a w KKHttmn and op»* «iwwwttom *tt Irw lk d *t mttnwdatmf and ftijjbtoBtnf im ft»mt mat t r - u h t

At th* Unm-ntt> of tXuhan t w l l t l l »»tho till*» ham of Ik tatty "W t* *d " SASO Ini*» lh - u m fu l In It» pK « l«krJ» SASO vatd. "T V determination j f th* aiathutttiet at t> u ik io » o «11« 4«d » 8 . I* a f i f « n Jit *11*mp4 to b « ik \o td ji ly within th* B'avk lank» Th* maaKfctta- tatnu* of umt> and b iotV ihood »11« t*d by t 'x biavk .ludenit appear» loo oi.imuua lu* ih tm to ip-.o.* Y tt SASO h*» p»o*»t: lhat bfcatk ptopt» il* VM, APd J t MU *ffo»M At Ub*t»tw« muU l*d t li* tioM th* f*kt of mu o p p im K *"

Ran«»tUl S«n|f»«khuk(. ftrimAM»! O iftn <1fat SASO, »» "pK kid *f~ by poke* *«u n ip *» ird hy * " « tu iity k ta ix k * o ffk n - oho to .dtnttfy him - foi V i* » t “U^r A*d M d<«*t bant* D o p tl* th* fM t thAl Rjn««d»l » « *rnpU>y»d And »A» op*tAt>nf (ro*n <■ officr th* poh<* found U M c n u iy to w tn i k m Y*< th* p n M W * of wciutty pobc* • « t*«h*t «iitn^* «nd IUn«*dAi » u w k |K I*d to «w tX T p H o * ky

thi » n M « p o k * Sut* * v>un »Uy th* ctu iyr i p m R.»dv*vdAi far P»>Oi Mt Jo tu ito n b a f | ut% "» I r j j l iy " **> w« i>dra«m.

B l f M A i o * r u M v n nDttttn^ Hj> of th» y»« both Nyantcko r tiyma.

S>-f».ij«y -C*«n*l of SASO. *ad Sinw M *«JWy. I m*»dv> r pw«t ru iA t JIK*» thwcto» " t n m m t i i I y the I lu t 'd S u m l* lv» irv it« * Seme* to lo«i • I t I ’n i fd S l i ln n p o t o f thr tkrpwlmnM of •lAM't fdootMMMl T t jw l r tn p u m i ftoaa Ian* 9 th rove AufWI 12. I*T ;

N) J .Kko »•> M M M ttJ r«* pttoklfwl u 4 4m* m>4 iu w t m a* »hn —i t . 0 » <r i th* | u « N w n e k ii o» Sittm M t* to tww |(WKd * i poop of foot to tu t o t .« youn( pr ^A. ■* th* U*Mi4 Sl<tr< »ho «*■ foCo* A p*» p iin ivd « lartar** u x t the n n tt it t in K iw i h a m m r I mh«ay o f ih*I m trJ St At** 6f AmctWA Th* o4hn pcufi* fa t th*y »ould k M u jx D rd o tth M i ld n ch rft bUvk uudetklt tram oth*t pot> o f A f tm Th* them» af th* Uudy poup «vwld b* the A m ncM


Th* Tt*H mctudrd *n dom n-. and m tr tv tn ra lIIIHl . l^ M t M M l At p*»V«al KdlAIAl **• p * « « < M t ihry were t * M .

Pi.Tt.ptty both Nywnrko im . Stttoi aT-hed f<a i k n p w f o k Nyjmeko » a i t f r * 4 tpauport A>o(rtKr> o tuk Strtni at M il « x iu ty at T..-I »» hat *>* y*t p»»* «rotd to «K» pvufwet o ftk t t • P w bat’ .

t V i t a a m i i * p m i t f n that both KtamHto and V n * *<.-•* lo k m be» ■ partlt of thr A nc * aa f im im a a l and i> th* t k u t p n e m a ca k o t ir lu o to A t ctthrt o f out h io th fn to p i at •ue«i< tv lh» I rrtcd S :i lo the* il h fla«ty m Itu ili to lh* toil»»! S tjie i pwetnntent tant»- m a w to » Uap m th* ÍM t. Oat » i» U ha«* e p . K f the I'mted S la in fo»*nHnr*l to m et <Kai[4> to the * 1 Jtl hut A1 >*« ao wo»d hat -a<m Ik«b iU ta iw d S u m at lo ho« th* »coU icaci.I lei *,i>a>(« > l tM m the ataiMi k a h on» to xtapr.i thai 'A> »at ao4 ira ty kttm lo haw eiihct Kyameko at Sllim go to AaieiKa and tfdy m»twd them au at to maintain a a a b l iM of m Jibdity with SASO

Robat nutbp. anm»diA.c pati Vice-PtttidMH. a ho ar,4wd k * a pattpun to that h* t.mtd attend th* Ail Alftca Uud*nt> to a lc ica c * la iluiaMi Ghana bm lo dat* Rob* hat had ao wotd ftom th* pimp <1 off*»»

I * k » » • t •

S A M tM W .L i . .

la thr n raM m r. S it ir i liat te c tn cJ a«>ihc> ■mialam mot lh* fa k a Stai» Unnx o ily 't Urrvxtmrr l o f Antfctorid 4 ) . The dcrviMTXTrt'» Cw<umito cm Curic*! K u n o f the A ‘m m Sla die- A ixx ia liaa I AS A I ' holdm(a vp ro .1 panrl oa f t p t iu N o a i 1 Im tu i »n at the *-> t annimi merttof i f 'he Altacan siodart A ixx ta t j t and Slum ha» bee* a n in to u t on the panel

I* a k iw t Itom O i M i»wr!l O i in t . A r ik u i t fhd ru e * at Catit'in ia S at* l nnrttit» . S n a hat hern * u rd lo l< a IV adrtfdaa (ram N .w n tw H I . I 1 T; lo ^ a i w ju n tio m ab< ut «^anta Itimal a.timuet an ‘ awn m incited me n hm of * r A W *

Sttmi hat ikrady arnttr* to a ta r i th* m «MAiiua hoi hat u le v e l m htt Irttrt th- peeddna that th • whit* pw rm n ro t pcrtenl in the foon of pa»peri ir f ta d t “ Thf ; m n m a i o f thac.-Ho-tf. «rcni» io be h» it an muffVnf oor votrnae th» m rraaiKMta1 t c n e " . a thr 10nm«nt la 1» Ir t ir t o i k Oouta

TV ii thr r om inaaai «Ml tr fm r Si mi a p»» p.«t » lit not iian r at a duvk but m»t»t- pro»» thal the Itud i »T tpeak n .«mnhma thn p. « irm tH ■ abw4jirty i» in f*J o(. to aaaea to th ,1 they (aid It *e> rv»a< * M block 1 1 f io « (o n { <>«t md trlr»*Mprop»' * * « 1 1 « r m « i* I roe* loaaag at.

TOW MIOS b l a c k C P U ATIONth? SASO Na wnal Fotm»no>t Sdunl It

tched Jed fo* th r Aik to M i D rtrm b t . l« 7 : I V then d u i hat hem chow* fat t in formal na ■ h a lK

"~a«aad> Rtadt f d*ralma~.Ailh lh* I M » it'« lent u n ir tl <| thr ta i .out

B1 .» lan.putrt It hriim an netct aiy to I m an itiem ja th* 1 rtrm f. thr dur.txm and th* fa k th in of Mao I du.ation

I l n tppawat that thr rdiaca ion fm Htatk p o p lr at n pnmntly ntetrd m l <uet not o iffic* m J mrieiy tenet lo m tirtte li th r | okt art o f 1 * * 1 S » ih A Iik i.

Bla. k %ladratt ih ro t^to a l 'h en untiy c a w cm f t timely i f t a t I t r catur u m tw r and brtam r o f Ihe* ttddi n iboo i laid empfunn on rdm atm t Thr >tw kt uf ib r tinkm . p tu in ii a d «aft-oi-tt ia c lt the tiudn t n u ik mon <«ai* am m y Jnv iin fird SA'O u « the nr d lo m i.iatr a titu c lw r thai *-m U ai Iratl five thr ttudrt 1 u n r lt»»*y 1* c» xeuaoa and Ihe oppuetu .iiy it ctaoma* wtlhm .1 any pnmdiv* t a ïubjevii o f h r dtotcr ThmUa idea 01 lh* ~l HI t UNIVLKSfTY* • a btiea.

The hR I f W HVH H ITY S W M E K it h<«-4 «tUlay thr bat .» for a truly BLACK Uanrruty P it Foemattoa S ko til m Drcnrber an® nr*d to

t van i f * the (un«.______1*1» • ■ f i r . t ' ilk r A l - . in S t . . : . r i o . » . — S lo d n . Ili»1sr>. la tr tA tu rr And Dram * « t i l b r kMtk.*d mlt> to that the p r r t r a l fo ca t oa them u.b».-cH can Be re-durcled lo m et: the nerd» o f a dev> h ip in f c *n tn u * ity .

Iiut 1 hr * io*r ttructutal lo t lr rn m o f FduCAttoa I t i l a . l i d ie t not hcpn m thr Dnivrm ty and thm M t e.t.iie u rtru a ty ie> d rh r thr pttmaty and w< mdarv ducatKm Im B U i t *0 that Kadt chitdK* em be p t r * the oppmtu.uiy le> look a^infc at the tk tutH>* o f th im v tv n a d iSrti rnvtimt- a* at l i t at th r I r td that otu du ld tm a t taught to w r Iti* «h iirm ra a tuprrtoi and to a fact m .rp 1 o m -\lav» lo in ” t r th r taettt tocsrty. Thr n l r o f t!« at tin t ko ri it o f pnm* a ip o n ji c : and Ihr fmmatioa vStxi) wiE uix-tta- f itr m ] 11 »i detail thr «hote a ra o f pnmaty aad t -vondary rducanoa

T V Tttar fo i the Fo«’nati.*i ‘i.hoa l * iB b r lh *I dradatt b ) I tw n m . i l C rnlrr. I dradab. Sett»* a-urbut( Pattnipantt m thr lomiatMa ichool a t fVpft ltd 10 am*» ai th r C ra tir o * th* r»«mitf i f tbr 'id De.rmhet -th i.h it a Sunday. T V I • r nat«m Sibool n open I a all ih oa »fco am m irr r l ’td and * ttt no- br tt t lrK Ird lo SASC iw i t b i only.

I l > boprd thal m pui papirt »iB b» d»l»«t*d »■* Ir 1 " f hlavk I dueaiiona'ui't m the country A detad-f aprnda of mi. nded r ’ H.eedir^» at IV Foriralxm School tn * h* c> 1 i taird a too* a at fin um» re piart hat*» he» m n v rd ft.mi th* «attorn tprakmS t I I V PLAVMNC C O M I R l S4 t AND

fC t l lV A LI k : 'South Afn.a* H a l TVala* !< *« •

( S A it f l ' Iw t b-ten at a National iKraiie tonwaHiem hrit! a coei|tmtti « » ttk thr 11 CON Irttira l. dui »( lu ly of thrt ) t a le |w m t i» j vtune t« r lm the ill» fienipt Inmi «annit part» of thr trn a liy SABH' *nB endra»^iii 10 art a a taadr umn.» a d co -j dm;tmg hod* to thal 1 * 1 health a! e l ' - t t of RL c i f <plt can bet me rm-th hmxt tapamrd and p n * i i i d

1 * thai t* d SAHTt' * prrpaiiof f n a p'ar m af Ctm ett iKe and (ctir»al m Ikreeaibn At a it .ra t r»e Uti«r meeting .A SABTl' p laa »»i» laun..nd t> mtourapr a -nany iheati» poupt 10 r a S k B Il '-•that ihe i .,ia«*anam -i| r< * i(e irn m « d fe m n ro fm u tully T V trnae lot th« fntimd aid n a n iu n jfm .' rent». H a hoped. «dl b» f ap*1 oa* bu; 1 hit h a not be»* co*rirm»d a y»1

It a hoprd thai IV pianaa^ Confrrme* *n0 lay not drt«.i*d plant Im atlann o f affil.atrd theatr* y'toup» and in»»n *a l* ptl Mnwa of Imaoiy <m a naimnmodt a uk Im alt (hm trt poup*. Im IV y»a l«TJ

4 S A S O M » i U n i R SU'TlMBtRyOCTOBI R. 1972

pa c a n d po o o a c c u s a t io n sThe retiring V a t u n ip the O w l Minister of

thr l i j i u k ' m thr Dcparlm»nt of I h i i k i . Mi K I T Milh «1 a i|« hN i r p i t t d .11 thr Rand Dail> Mad.the Daily Dtspafeh ar«i ostr SAW m d t •omr »(l> r«ltr»ne» to thr ") outhi ui and i.nmatur» protagonists" ol HUck C a iu u u w n .

In * speech hr p w j l hti far. »eU function hr la r»port»d lv h.*» laid tha: Ihr "voulhful and unnufurf oi Black ( onwiousneis”te n m nrly PAC and fOOO reatig ,ti ugly head

Thr imputationsof thr. statrmr it as fa; as SASO■ concerned are ub>i.m SASO rrjjrds th» itatr- mcniashcinghiehls iW ina u xv r ih r B a youthful protagonist o f Bia. k Con v n in n rv and th» references lo banned c nat- nt lik r PAC and POQO n openly grarrd af pi., trig SASC .r an rx tirm rl) prrcanoi.'s situation

SASO n clear that she »•)’ noI lest until ihu kind o f vitriolic attack st ipi and ih r has instructed hr* kgal advisers to m >f l i f j t t the mallet.

SASO SMTPIR BANNEDThr popular SASO skipper » ith the cknched

Black fisl and SA.'iO written under It has bras banned by the Poird of Cem irs What prompted this action it tar 'tern beirg either lopcal ot intelligent but it n not surpm ng. whenonerakr* into account the “ pass*- ’pre* ’ mentality lhal » to prevalent in thts department.

Pie Publications Department of SASO is considering the rc tito taken by th« Board o f Censors and it is anticipatrd that kgal adtnc* will be sought in the riattet.

looked at m conjunction with the intim iiatioo of SASO m.mhets ty Security Police. refuvd of passports and thr hlitant a>\usatu»n by I II.T. MiUt it becomes apparent t la i there u a concerted effort (in the ,-jrt of thr »li!te govemn.cil lo m tir late Mack* a< d to f :*e SASO a ba l name and the -b> disc -jfebla. k people from u.v dmng thewselve. with SASO.

The »hok iritumdal.Mi cam pon bens: con- duc'e l I') white South Africa comrs a" a time »hen SASO and Ihr Buck 0onsciousnessmose inert a sweeping Ih* country All attempts 1«' kill l ie mo.emrrt! cannot succeed with any iecree o f success Black people arr l .mine out o f th.T nan.-» and the philosophy o f BLACKNESS car not a» intimidated.

CHATSWORTH BCS DISPUTE:Sunday N th September. 1972al theCkalsxrcrth

Bus Protest meeting must go down as a su trrrro l that echoes the hurt, ar.gct and ftuslra u n s of 19 million Black people ui South Africa.

Ai a mass proles! meeting calk J by the O u t worth Bus ftolcsiers AcitonCumni lire Black pecplr voiced llieir ctsgust at Ihe bac-> jv Jailing and hrgpng tactics lhal « t i t bringado,tr J hs the Action < nmmitlee Members Made up d members of the SAK'. LAC ar.d NIC the Actrun Committee c u l t J.'.played its dcterrr.inatiun lo rustrate the will o l the people.

Aiiud chans of “ Wr want buses” ar d “We want walk' the Action I oinmillce altemtitrd U get people lo ajrite lo both the “ trains" and "huiet". But Ihe people of Chats» orth were ..daman! that tnry wanted and w-j>ild walk I ■ msj«k tathe» than Irasrl by Iran

The presence of »hiirmen hke Arthur GrobK L al rent people in Chaiswortl rnio a rage as Ihcy fell that Ihru dignity was b> mg jfTromcd. ~Wht bung a whi'rman from loharnethurglo le i us what 10 do ’ " "We know «hat we rtuiM do". ’The whiteman. i ' Ihe problem" Tiese were sotm of thr comments from disgusted co mmien.

A strong demand Irotn the peof e called for the removal ill A M Ra)ab and J N. Rrddy - both members of the South Indian Council.

Thr meeting «htch intended 10 ’ iavt sis speakers was fs^ird 10 abandon four o f t x speakers, ard Mr Crobbelaar had to disconiir 1e his speech a the face o f orerwhehmr; op «nition 10 him The i'nly speaker whs- managed to say anythin * was Dr. Jerry Cooradii - and e»en ns words »>re dnwnrd by t t^ ang y chanting wh ch came m bursts from earous parts o f the crowd.

Because o f ihe chairman's arrogantt in h it a tniude towards the people. Ihe break down o f the pub Ik address System, and Ihe t u ra tenm | tain l)w meeting *as stopped.

That there «ere "mbchi f makers” at lh* meeting is « M y untrue. Ore thing a certain - there were angry and impati nl people wlic lunc a tight 10 bc a-'ipy because 'he> are the aflrcled ones Mi mters o f iIk NIC. S AIC and L \C should refrain Itorr imposing their inwanted will 0*1 the people And if they consijcr themselves “ leiJers” then Ihes must prove that tl ev do have leads rship qualities by doing «hat is 1 ig iit. what a poátiv», and that which would be ol benefit to the ,>.-opl*- compromiMng 10 reach solu tens is not what BLck people want Black people are wcD aware o f the sickness ol while ubiety an J they are fed uo with tactics o f "«a it and lee", rhey want 10 demand; they want to stand up a n i bc counted as having committed themselves 10 paitive actio*.

A motion that was drawn up by the residents o f Q u is worth was ptevet ted from being tabled. The motion read as follow.

S A V i Nl WS| I T l fR SI PTI MBI R/<KTt*BI R. K72 tT h a t» » Ih rn <drntsi»l < hat «worth, toedree■ thr «troatrsl possaMr irrms thr Bus tUnnusg and drmand that oar hits v rs ic r be rr^tnrrd lulls and lhat our rights hr not rrmovrd lu ll her and »» eal 0« thr Bu* 0»sw n' Assuriaimt to prosid» altrrnate and tier mod»* of transport I or thr residents of Cleat «worth U the hvs net mils arr not rrnrwed a let Ihe eslensaon dale a f ■he l is t Oeluhre",Ii is obvioas that t ie rnoiivation behind thts

m* it mu »'as 1 cared at eolleeiive.effectiv» actwo 00 the part .4 the rc-Jdmts and Ihe bin owners to rensl.t the tram seivnr> mellccltve in Ihe event of the Bus Cwners' aff»-al lading I f Ihr Ac I ran CummlHee thr Bus Owncis' and Ihe residents of Ouis»<Mtl mule lo o tv 'i'e the bus ban and kwh al ih r p>-u l*liiirs of tlie sugjrsli<« above then the 11 IS e»et> chance id ihe Black people gaming a niaior V tt - i iy in Ihe f i f j i l afaintt while lasrsan

BLACK lO M M l'N ITY PROGRAMMES ACADf MIC SI MIN SROn Ilk *»th and ICth December. 1971 the Black

CiMMinunils Propr iin-isc. o l STROCAS will hold an Acadrmt Senunai at :he Edsndak Lay I cuosmical Centre. I dcndalc. P i.-lcitiianl.hurf.

The Academic Seminal is geared al investigating »1 th gtrairr prrspeulse and much more msrght. from the Blackman s sirwpomt. many areas sif the Black * sperietKC that have thus far not been looked mto b> Bl-ick peojsle in this countrv. T l* dress is on Black people in South Aftica and the topic's cover "Black Poll lies". "Education aid Cultuic". "The Bl ukman and Economic Develop- meitt" " th e Biaskman in T.iuth Africa's llts lo ry " and "Theoloo and ihe Blac kman".

It is ihe m trniion o f Bla>k Community P.-o- pammes lo publish thr papers delivered al ths srmii 11 in Ihr form of a hook one ot i« o months aficr Ihr seminar.

Rev. S Cquliuk- w ill ileal with "THeolofy and the Blackman". Rev. Cquhule is a «eOkrimm llir . iojjan and rdiacalionisl who has conlnbuled to tins newsletter in IIk past. "The Blackman in Son ill A linas history" »iD be handled by Mr L. S'akalima Mr Makalmu is a history teacher at I lie laisedale High School in Alice

The paper o r "Education and Culture of the B lacinunin South Africa" » ill be trad by Mr. W. Ztmdo » lio n head o f the Management Committee o f Ihe YMCA and ts also a Soc-al Science padualt. Perhaps. Ihe paprt 0.-1 T h e Blackman and Econo­mic Development in South Africa" will present some interesting viewpoint as It a one area lhat ha not been cLim ited ir. S. Africa This paper will br read by M Mphahlek who Is an Account 1 Executive ' for a Urge advertising agency and I* •

Social Scsenee paduatr from the I'niss- Uty of CapeTo»» Mi t MC Ndamst.«howasimmerly Miimiei of I due at ion fur Ouef Maiannma' Ttana kei T riin o ru l Auttson'v « ill delivei the paper ■» "Black Pohtws fiom m O to I «70"

Bta.k propk muiest.'d in anrnding thr Acade­mic V .nai shosml ret m tnudi « ill. Mi Bmna A n il .ip*. Bta.k. C omniumty Piopammrs, M Beaimr Strrel. Dm ban, or phone 67JSB.


SIMINARY. A L K i . C / t r , Ihe Council'and SlafT o f the I rdetal Tlteo-

|o0ca l Seminary. arr gra«elv dtciurbed by th t request u f the Unisrn..ty o l f o r i Mate to p u ie h a » our land and hw ld ing t. mi view o f the fa it thatunrveisi irs havr thr Irra l r i | * i to rup topru lr land requited lo t drvrlopment Ihr air convinced, alter tho ruu ji .hi lhat ihe rrqueti it both unieas,nahk and unjustified.

We welcome Ihe gtouth o f Fort liar». and recognise lhat I lir position o l the Seminar) on the boundary o f the Eort lla ie campus makrs It 1 corornieni dirrciion for the expansion of thr llmv»rsitv Bui Ihrrr ar» other facts to br taken mto c on-adrtatMMk. ,

T lir Vnunar) ts not th r only direction in »hich expansion mi pin take pla.e Tort Hart alteady povsessrv considri.ibk land Thf present campus B a'ppiosmtatrly I hO ha and l lb a n r d ik I arm »tuch Fort llaie already owns) ahoui Sul ha. We hebew lliar Ihr Uruvetsii* H aKo nep>tialing for the pur chaierf about |M lia fiom tlie Bantu Pretbylenaa Church and ISA lia ol Lovrdak kftsuonland Tha Intah neatly 1104 ha I at* ml i ; i » moigen of I7 2 t acietl. at«d would make Tort Hare adjacent 10 Bantu Tutsi leirHory, some of whnh could surely bc made available In Ihe light o f Ihrtc facts the 9«

Vntinat) n not a scry significant wnoM t. Misreosvr. tlie cos' o f purchasing the developed Srmtnars land and huitdmrs would abvoih a great deal o f money which »e believe could be belt*» spetil For esampk. II might go lo»ards the e-tahhditnenl o f a unrvetidty branch m Ihe Ttansktl. »luch has already been a- ked for kn o ffn cat quarter»

Apinst the convemencr 10 Fo*i l l i te o f taking over thr Fedctal Seminary must br srl Ih r coo- Sidnablr damagr to thr V mmaiy ttKV and thr Churchcv which It «rrvcs. It ts leu than tm veal» sin.e the Seminary opened its doors. Before this iu Colleges sufleted a number o f removals cae-rd * each case by gosrmmeni kpslation. and wen involved in a long search for t suitable trie 1 1 « present site »as srkded and IU development undertaken only a ftrt asaurancr of rrcunry o f tenure had been received from the Secretary of Bantu Administration and Development m th t



preserw* of lit* MmptcM of Bantu Administration and Development and o f Bantu I duration Funhet k im i i I »1 iha ita ft would mvoWe not iwly th* ab,»doiimeni of buildings o ld pounds developed with c m met * decade. bui aho t lx duniption o f a iu m m m ih which, for all its shurt-conunp. haa

rat 'aiue Itm O iuuh and P«o pk m South Africa would demoy »hai cnnl'uknc* there mav be * Ihf worth gi government assurance». anti would

that do lurthet haim to th» C h v ih State relation ih ip mi thn country.

It should not I * foff®» ten that the land on whi. h th i Vmmaiy isbudi was pven hv the Chinch of Scotland, and forms part of the area ranted by the Xhosa Ouef Tyhak, von of Ngo.ka and * l l t S wan « t awM fo i the * « k of the Omstian Church V th the ending of the missionary eta at UxedaW Training College. it > mot* than ever apptivtiaie that a «mall portion o f Tyhah» p ft tliould continue .o he used fo i th ti purpose

The fo r t I L ift authorities ha*e tu tu ! that the» are only interested in purchasing the total area of land specified in the thud parapaph They have pro vided no adequate explanation why the tmau portion owned by th* Seminary n conud* ed esnential In the alienee of loch an etplanation w* may he e w im d for suspecting that other facton than ’he need foi tvpanvon have influenced the devwkm k It. in fact, the caw that the Seminary muM he moved because it* non lacial community Ii an emhartasiment tn out neighbour *

We acknowledge that thete ha** been mtsunder standings between fo r t llare and the Federal Semmaty. TK<« should no» obveutt the advantages

of m boiis next to one anotlwt Thn ighou l the world seminaries aic heirs placed doae to un .crimes »e at tlm Seminary haw enjoyed co«t».i with an ecumenical community. It » of peat importance that tutwc iletgy should be m io ik Ii *11 h th* young mielie.tuals wno ace the kadcouf tomorrow, and c.|iu l> that In n * lead*» should develop then thu.kinf in au».iaiion with futu ir fluistian nuntsiets The kra of tuch mutual ben IN mint be srt against the maieruUooverueucr of i iking met a neighbouring p K f of land

I he Fo>l llare authorities have cLined that the pui. h.oe would he in the irtetrsts of the Xhota people IW eipanuonof university facilities would certainly he tr then mtrtr-J». but tlm a not tl< ta w tnm, as the removal o f the Seminary The Seminary srrsrs the m trics iiu f the w hdt Suuth Alrxanpeople Xho>a 7ulu iiwana. Sotho. Tsonra. Venda (Vdi. Cokiured and Indian ire aanai - i l t students. and moil of I'te participating fh u i. lies aho have white nwmbeii We believe that the naming o f the Omv.un tummr) a ol para­mount importance lo Ihn canal ry and that unneicssary inleiference with u d ould be avoided.

We ire not convinced that Fort llare need» to pur. hate the Federal Seminary We profoundly regret that the request to purclwtc wai ever r lade, and wc deplore thr veiled hint» that "other « ra m " ate avarlahk tl.ould a negotiates settkm.-nl p*ow imr>-"ible Thrwate already kaomglournecetury I em u* and icientment Aba idonment of the reijuc«t would be to the ultniate benefit of aB croce rnad.

II,« problenw currently faced by I he to catted T f itidun Aoan»" have caiwed the enttie wvtld to

»*ut uaiemcnli of condemnation ajiamtl Idi A ll .11 and hi» government In the moment of hr at. t ie >ianfh»My ol the v iiua tu* haa been ton in

tutical obcetven and above all th* impor'ant in * fo i Indian p*of*•, m Africa la no! bong lu lficicfitly itteiiedThere n i'-awa lo believe that Amin n fat (ro»n

being the only guilty party in Ihn whole fia»co In fact I he two other ra ttie i involved, Auana th*in»«tv*» and Britain.ate even gudtei hnhecauae of tua antic» and blatant tlupid ily that A m * haa ilouded the mu* and made h im x lf th* icar* goat* t tituatM* to baatc to proper face trial on» * Africa reihap* a b«i*f glanc* at hince» wdl illu itta t* juat why th* Aaian population * Uganda


got alienated Itom the native population.TWr* wcte m Upanda. p tto t lo the pcevent

< cpuK.un about R o im o Auani, out o f a total population o f ‘• ' i n u ltn * fhe mam A-ian iinmt gtatH* into I ganJa came ibou t towatd» the end o f Hh’ laU ce titu iy n a tc iu lt o f the Britidi cc i«*ial adnni.olraln* policy win h a tita ilrd mdenlurcd tahoui inaMni * the building of the Uganda Kenya railwjv Accompunying in n mam poup were a number of "paurnget jn d ia m " of the middle iaU meteiiatn clr.». mainly o: the Cu|rrat H>>ck Th» tot Cjine for buameu purpiwn and qunlily e»ub- to lied « network o f ttada^ Hotel throughout Uganda and along th* railway.

A i the colonial >e«.ietanal eapandcd w I'g. nda. a number of Aiiam weie employed » the lower •tiata working directly undet the whi.e n lotualao

SASfl Nl WSfXTTtK - a. . .

and in a lol of way> mdei allying thermehn withthe .oloonhnn.

Thr A-lam had U.itl« . nd education w fiid i the A did not haw h'oreo*et the Auat* «vert wrahhi H.uugh lo «rnd hen children for uudm abtiiad and Ihrte on rrtu t i iwrUed the ran 1.1 o f the pioicMio u l p ru .nnri in .tpanda. As time wenj on. the "coninbuuon" to ot .'ontrolby tlir As an poup of ptofcsanni and o»ii r m c r was c»*ip lrtr|y out o l p ro iu itH jr to tbei! :nrmbm. Tlien al-a the Auam te .uvd lo see as part ul tiie sod o f Africa Although they tried hard, they cwald not traDy f i. lt r through into :h t upper rvlickm i m Uganda »hich at llie tin ir were a nHmopdy o f thr t i r e colomalisti In a icnsr. there (ore. the Auam became middle men whc contin u tly uw then t'.lvn as a nunont» and b> theu 'I acttce o f ex:4<ntatna o f thr Arncam through monrv lendi: g at mRated in t r rest fates, throupli 11« ptaclicr o ' baif^naflg. ttuoueh the a*rxtk.r o f price cont oh. they con iritu ird lo the gt.'wlh of anmvnty hrtwren th rm ir 'tn and the AftKatu who u w tl cm as a hostile exploitative minority.

Wi en tndeprndn ve ume m I<»6 ; . the Auans wrri itrnachoueo eiti/mihipthroo^liprovisions in tie I. jnda Coint: ;u !h * kVnt o f tliem prefenrd to ri tain Rntrdi c tircndup as against I j-anian cui-'i ndiip. Hence, ai the AIncani ation ptocess Sle|<iH-d up.» replaced fore.pms ui most FirlJi and tradmg I trnce» wrre prefc lahly pven lo c iltr^n i o f Uganda. It was at this ;iouit that the A i im started f rr lr ig rubbrd.

'h v thirat lo nd Ugamia t>f the etploitaiivc tn r ^m.T'ivhip ta-ik» which had been in lo n tio l o f t i I * and mdmtM * Upinda rame as far hack *1 I " 0 whrn P rn dm t OKne annoumrj in hn o * mng jJ J irv i 1 1 the t ' j jn d j P jtlm iM rl that allI *i pa<. p<m ho ie t i would have to Iravr I Vanda.71 e .«ue w ai fut t lei p x lcd up by Gcneial IJi Amini i lanuaiv th is ) at.

Totheaverap 1'gandan.the Allan Jrpartutr w ill p n e n l no lo»» Dui is cad to cay about a gioup o f people bring un mly Heated A r.unibn o f people In Uganda induJmg thr puwrrful student gn up ir Mjkereie I nivr uly have cmdmmed thr a< tion o( Idi Amin and « Ik 'd upon lum lo come and iJ d rr i. ihrm on the ip n t io n On that day he refeited lo ihr A ium as keches upi« the I gandan etonomy.In a 'cme in Attica loo the reaction has been shaip ai U io .n by Taiuama and Uganda But what pronipti this reaction in thrie quarters n mote the d tlitv ra lr cru Ity and ur.matunty with wfich llie whole quntioa has been handird. No one wanU to q u n iH * the basic exislenc* of the arumacty between the two groups and tti* fact that then is reast-n lo t tlm .

In irn m o r the ovrtan m .._____hai futihcr con poundrd thr » 1 . ,t -ue has been thr hue a> d c tj raised h i Bntan about what they call *1 p idait Avians" who are in iact Biittdt a tm m WtH the kind o f ta a tti overtones impbat ui thr Bnttth tmmipaii <n p o lio . the llra tk goivirment top the i wuh its so called opposition jusl could riot tace the pi ip rct o f admitting into Britair 40.000 blown ski;:ned Biitivh citi/ens It W-S therefcrr impciatiw to try and paint Amin and t ’p n d i as the real culprits in the whole thmg so t} at il Bn’air dors in fact ha« lo take her leipott- sisility of housing h ri own o tuem she would appear as llie henciolcrit helper o f a drstitute hom-U-ii Asian population.

Tin* o f course n noo .-m- taken with thr hack- poiw d tbat Bnt-m hai :'la»rd in the eoli-niutraa o f A t11 a. w lir ir Butain hai hern active in srtting one d..ik race aeamvt an.'ihrr io ai lo crral* a powerful buffet /one he’wer n hrrseli and (lie local African laecs. where Bnlain hai lo t icafiepjoved Hie fr ms of esploilaii * o f A lrttam by Indians who were hankir.r and n vest mg all tlien mtMites in llr itid . husrnrM. wlirte Bnlain was happy lo plant their mreni tfcrougboal Atn.a u a« to create an eaulv accrliM e maikrt few hrt products and also iontrv l mduslrv and cornmrrcr in thr former co|.<r ir i through mayor well gaatded im m inent * these ..«unities Now that the A um have vrrved thru purr,xe Bnlain hai no uve for them and s t iy rg very haid to -get ih r Ugandan Acuna abiothtd bv fnriidty , .mlriei” UTini we new the he-u atioii h i Bntam to w h ri Blaik c it i/m t a fa in t rse Iact that wme the l«*7| Immipattaa A d wa* paiied. a potential 10 million while tmr.iirra'it» fiorn the Cc mn .ria r-lth .-tuntries are primmed to rn trr under th« “ p it tu l" clauv. tlien we he;' ii to lee that . ■ ■! >ui p lan an imp<aiant role ■n labdatmgot itn a lij ir mg ore i B rilrv .. i i i / t ndup Bntam is refcomg wlut nn tt Inplnh pc .pie Ih io ii,! jo t the world aie laying that "tliete J.all alwtyc be an I n .md" rs^ ip t that Ihry f.ngrt to add. “ in ly fot whitrs".

Il r ust of couru *>r pun ird out Iha! m ipite of '■ a

lf ttn.idjhle alliaiue to ; i, t. t their in ic te iti.A .m nt action! have can un unfortunate ih idow ar:ow A f'ita The Britrh \ lam in I 'randa mav have reiioun.rd their claim tonam ul 11 1 . I tm illirrhood rh oupli then espkulative aclaoni. they may even have ijin trd Ihe imapr of the »0 i « 0 rtrtumrry Uandm c it i/rn i t ui thti m il does not go. Anon atiy moral poon.: to treat Ugandan citi.rns at if tiiey have no equal nrht to beionj to Uganda

The le w * for us is . com pie» one While South, /.fnca as usua^i bu'y laughtng at Am in's ar tics and sremg him as * cia/ed being In the ptocess they

C 3

S A S O N IW S IilU R - SEfTEMBtR/OCTOttlt, l?72

fo tfe t Ihat then own a t lw m in th u a w l r » make Annu l uwibuest look, ls»e a setmtm The l.'vundana mav have * wmblunce uI a i M w hetr they are made lo f « l despised n the country o f then b ttth b> lh« nuts» p a rt) o I a p o u p u f fwvpte who wanl to m ihcm Kl»» m t visitor m nsonty. In South A fis ta . whiles lo o k out coun tiy b> lo tce lu n f apo thev track iMM<>u»d like ca :le .m o v i,i{ us fto m .« » ipu< lu anothei they Lall u» atidc ut thúdren Ih io tich Í IM t io n oí w )tu lid conditions lcsd in f lo T t . kw a s liiu ko t. M a lnu trition . tofcíser). m u tde t. K o i'í i- jiu .m t u . Ihey destioy out voul ih iou ffc ■upta loty I ib >ut pau law v w m 'o n discrim ination ana ta c u l S p o tty . thev heat and k il l us o t.asm nully in to tubtmuisM i ai S lu rp e v ilk . L inpa . f.e lvandalc. C alo M jn o i and « host o f other p la its . thev lo *í« ■> 10 w otk js theap labout v> that thes can enjoy the ftu its o f out labour while baskmp in the sun on ou t best b t k lw t . whete m earth do they t k n p t tbe ncrve l «> la n fh at anybody 1 « being vtucl atu) a ractalnt *

Fgi us Bla. ks thete ts a definite lctton. Thetr a i t in iKu country neatly TOOjOOO people o f Asian dev eat

It la Mrputiant for tha proup to tee that Ihe trend of race relation* in iny countty a larpely influenced by Ih* irterelatk m hipof ctourn * Ihet» feyt and woet We. «11 o l in BUstt people, are currently the objects of ihe mmt abject tacnan n e t

Cp e trj'fd m the world Riphtly ot wionpyt'he»* been a tendency l»i South Africa fot a long trm* in the putt fot Aslant to we themselves a> a

nunont f poup. To whal exienl Ihis tendency la justified on* ik e i not know bul il t* cleat that n may pto t* dargetous fo- rate relation» in tun* lo con* Ahead) lliete have been peitodic outbuttu of anitnsjsity between Afn.ana and Indians in Durban and olhet parU of Ihe tiH iiiliy paitnulaily in I'M», rhe Iter.d ub ei'ntd d-ewhete in Aftnta n t llw n M M of a huthlv “Suceriafur t<ut (tp lxita live rneKlunl tla u a found hen loo II 'w t«ei. unlike in Ih t ie»l o f A frita. then ban been i

Mead. »1 i l l <X truernl w the (teneial Black .iian'» P M " l-o « Ihe In ju n rankt. To dale WT knot»tu a r i ln i c m wbcre Indian p iop lr had Iv fo to fall a» j tonie^uence of their poblKal acttn tio .

U lu- mu«i .icarhr be tefutdrd » n ju fh A ho»- ear n lie kind ol nomrtne that niakei « n r Indian n jik x iitclim Durban want lu dtan a warn.tip nott ou i l ihe Amin fiaico Suppotien of Black conv .■rnneu were warned by one colun.m.t in a I>nb .n iiew<paper to bcwme Ihe ee.h of AfricM n-ilk ulrun at oideneed in Ihe Anun oclbunt.

P o n d not occut lo ihn poliiual i-' that 1« ca'tt» ol I i k i ton a ptecttely ll.e rwei .nvohrr- tnet I o i onepoupdutinf Ihe «mgflr period ’ Doeti l *.« occar lo lum lhai . ( I win independence foe my sell mt|Hte a f appalhn| tilence ftotti a potential co’teafue then I ’m likeh lo be «npvnau of ha nr I|»V' when he m oiita 'ct f.a an albante between m.- and him afie? my «Kloey *

The apoalin o f Biatk toiidarily ate nghl ia b iu tlin r iliat all o f mi mutt ju n Itandt now in treking lot a toluuwi lo out common ptobknm. 1 cn.i- « lie n have a ic ik ui way of alwayt louunf• n il all udct at the end o f ll all I f it It wumf for Indun* to be ditctunmaied afamu in India, then it i t w ionf foe them lo lUllet the ume fate any- where .-Kc in Ilia w<xld and th--> hate to Icain lo f i j j i l liiat e»il alon;-ade ihote they are «ippira ad with, lie it m kenta. Upnda ot .n South Aftira.

Fii ally, fot the meuhanl clau Indian Cilouied and Afrkan boutfc»>ttie. the w titin | a on Ihe wait. Then- it a tole fot aO of ut in Ihe tttu& lc (ot ju t enun> irvitKMi I j I, oik of m h -\ an oMifatun lo be a< I'luch a part of the u tu f; .e at the Miujtion detr^nUt Fot those of ut wl o diall ha*e loo muck to lose when o llic tt fain w 'u l a n jh tlu llv 'lieirt the-i k-t ut accept Ihe fact .hat we cimtuiutc part of the ptobiem. a p .rt wlueh tiiall hate to be deall wi h etficienily. pain tolly, teetmrtfl) ctucllr and yet mi lvsicall> lopcaDy.

Thi> a the k tu« i Airan hat taujht ut.


Drat Black B to tM tt and Sutert,

Temba Sono. Ih* ousted Ptetideni of 5AS0 hat now definitely a ouited tome (justt but intetetting politKa: actobalict In hu Ume a*» lion of th* pm enl nbtant SASO lineup - <DM.

7,’S/71 - one ja in t thr mdekble impie-itue of him M l • M ■ . • I 1 I m uth I ua r.ota tludeal bul I feel tha' Soao't rematka tie not only an unbalance o f fa.H they i t * limply a cor.|o!iacratica of n th-b ljw n concillatoey


SA«I V IW S IF fllR m . . _

Otcoaise.hctuctatc not SA jO t ihott ot kmt- leini prmtitiev A l the same lu ie one may tradily add I lie mcckneta id "co d feet” ate ro t cfuiasii-nstK rtlhe t. Noe. a I «te c ia d u tm t n dciis' * Ih jt radi .al hot-liradt lu>e pained Coulroi. To amiiaie arain J oppt^sion a id aptate fot n-tal Ux-iaiion d ie t not n c trw n ly mean noent coiiliimtaiMir All wliat SASO a doin j. lo my n.iad a to ttcale 'la id and latt p.ycholoptal tountet m p rn an .

It is m icKsttiif. houph. o folkm S nto 'i pot ■Kal ItafCCtoey. I lit sudder committal m ic cnee o> to'laboia tun fu ilhct tedi ors him to to ha'f and dum efu la l.-w lo l tu n us«i; etcapttt con not jt-oni tusl. at "V ltttl"" . [Itaprutl and such like drrttmc phravt. C< nld ih t. he a case o f lout papts ’ You can tK Ver be prapnatH wiien your wile bi cotao Tefany*. D ISO l'M » IH> lo li»e with »«« h a also Men nptelicisibic It accept Temba Sono's nreniiss's »lien iOtli im lu ty South Africa*! p .w ily ilalum-'ine tovlmucs lo leap lowatds St|ualot. iieiihct a ll lo f tal fot any Blast Person to tc to rtilc há altitude towards a n c to a status

ri wh>h em uiiafes B .0 5 S . the S it., its m inr^i ..r.d alt those p'ivilcred few to nde t.iupii ot. Ihe f c l in p o f lh million of th- it fellow-

countr racn. ririhaps nliphiment r ut nctcsaatv but. si ie ly, Suno n cmfusin|t Ahittac' Reahstm with P i.ilKal HMaptttr.

A iisoty pans e i vet SASO’s KHJCY slANl- I I STT• re et \ew leltet Aufujt l ’*71 - with tpeci .1 refet.*nce to Clause J. sub- lairtet b-f. conv r tes mi that S \S O \ direction n itrevoeahly low. r Is tonitdidatio i and solidaniy of all Bl.ACK A M i T il l RFIORF O irR fS S I D So nh Afncant Trn la S»«a’i infei nee n therefore a tonpue in ­die -It Ctho o f I In blaster's Voice. I have had the pie ire. 11« , o f te .ding Adam S nali's “ ttlas kness rrs Vlulisn.". Ann p t othert. tlia Aupust aiticle cn i c iv ic fu ie tS .» j vevaluaDoa srti rehy hevamly in ( ties tin t k«el> Sell Convi.niaie i n unhealthya. J thetelnt'tunK tutm of dotnam tacial inlrtno I > lieve hat non nolenl e tlte im f . in defence ot p i suit of I icedoi i. a nut a nee be autr silen.T. in defence of pnnle je. a not mt»e.

I or t.K> lonf lave most of ha type tlur.p to the nserahlr and btlated belief t l at br N all' vahtrs. iio iabli fpoliucaliand potential arould oentuallv

sotwr the p.-----hivxlw inicd ml i lie “ p o tn u .___lo llie uttet .liitt a. and detttr.icni of oat o th trw n . si heiive m ijh l and action lo t an aliembtacsnf danpc. s,'.s') ,t. lu re l). maiuied enouph lo have noted i i ' « ..« ik ious concern the lollies and danpcn af f it : many prevent tlas quasi-political pioupui < T)k y 'lave tea'rsed that a f o o j perietal does it il alkr> hit oppotrf-nt to d h in e wramm with »Ju -h hr miy be opposed Acsotdmply. SASO is bcp ii.irtf la ie adjutt I ihuik it a a ptotmutioo o l reas m as w eli av of truth to state Ilia! you reject tepera.Hin and >et stilptopapate Hie atceptance of and p. rtieipatMiti ut lace molttated tnsntuiKmi. Tor t l r n lineJl,ic past President o f SASO lo bettay such m itmer .td narrow oull .<.k(peiKapsth.-upht- nrov Ainp e m liets ol Mime intcDct tual profundity ? God lot hid n not otily boidet»on tlie hnnl c f political a suicidal

*.o, Vlr.Ssoo. the du« is ,m tlie othct foct It a yen and ' oat sJiool o f tliouphl who must, of necessity, w -iph. consider a id openly welt une the im K«tante of Black Scdidant> O unfe will tom* ab H it.«1,- -ihcn we can ba ^ain Itont a position o f sttenph i l . p nttv in jy .in i metaphors it docs not

.sfit an i r u n lo pain ''official jsopulanty " whilst vmp i ia . i l atound hn neck ’. et SASO do the

tiiade w m o f tesretmp and elimmalinp self-rejee-_ to n w lich has pcimcated out tondmottal lives litouph fVnstitatusnal lepal and Tiadittonai •trjiadi e-..

llp rn yout return, there w r stiO be biokea homes police hanasttnenll, eroup areal a ctt heattb eiks. mass ftustration and so. al dislocation thtoui h a host of almost 200 taboos in th* Statute B«Hik I at. never before his there been so much haint io much Seattleonrsi and sc much honor bnnp <one u to so Run) by so few in so short • tune (las. Mi. Sono csrn t.>me of out penuine e flod i to Inidpe latial pulfs liavr been met with piet.-nlious" A compiomise with Ihn a rogaat rule o f the mule. Ihn dynatty of the na. i hsiinaey is s<Mnethin( whith any une Black IVr>o' .ar. do without,

lonp lave SASO ’

ItLN A MILUAMS Midway. T lamvaal

From Ths Presirisnt’s DeskLEAI>tRSHU- ON BLACK CA4PLSES ai luev. men» be. a use these ate easily discernible.

Thete a tcaton. hcwetet. to analyse the ptevailin| Tie tludeal p to ln t had Us aduevmienli asd c. be.auie only m the ihorouph knew-

set-fcackl Tl ere a no pcml in belabouring he l 'd(e of these can we reconstruct, suitaui what W*

10 SASONI *511 r tR - StPTtMBLR.txrrOBER. I*»7Jhave and devetop Th» a the attitude that I adopt «4 » tx i i I slatted my lou i around Ihe campusct

A cka f kx»k at the structure o f our orfamvition reveals that the sum lo u l o f thr national effort it entirely dependent upon the efficacy and orpin tu t ton o i Ihc individual local committee». T V recent Rational cm» and it* iltcw ia th demonstrated thi. fact vividly. furthermore Ihc need for manpower and the extent and nature of out community development projects substantiate thu. Morcovet. the clone o f the p io tn t ushered in anothet t>pe o f local organisation, via. the city branch le t me go pa to tclate these to ray finding! during the tow .

CAMPUSES:The S.R C. Constitutional Instability

Quite a number of affiliated ccntiei o f out organisation has unstable S R C.’i The reason for this mi her depressing situation Ues for the better p u t with the white aJmmntratiom. However. It neech to be staled that the remaining pan o f the icason I’rs with the unawarenexs of tne bulk o l the student pvpulat on for the oeccs.ityio be organised into a body corporate. This n the shaddy voting at the p< th.

Student Representative Councils on Black campuses never really had any amount of praise- woithy power, h » disconcert in f Indeed to discover that Ihe various white aJministiatn>nt. have, in lome ease», minimised the Meagre ps>wei, or are busv with the endeavoui to ac so. Neveilhe- fcss. thes ha»e succeeded to tup pie oui Student Representative Councils quite substantially so fat. Qvitahle caves in Ihls rejatd are the University o f in.- V ith. Transvaal Collefe o f Education and pi..l>ably Ihe University o f the Western Cape.

Tbe in thing with the white administration* seems lo be the suspension or no«i-recofniliu« of in S R C. and thus an automatK suspension or non K c i. jjn io n o f all tub-sommitttet of such •> K ( . ii jn amendment lo a .! •>(where ar SRC » being formed) o# an estsitm constitution to minimise Ihe power of the SRC. rhev* as turns seem to lake tool from the fear fur lilatk Consciousness by the while authorities


Wliat needs to be observed here n that the white adnum-liatiom are likely lo continue with thit type of action. And here » envisioned a situation, whrie the majority of out Blask Campuses are no* going lo have S R C ‘s either because students aie not gviny lo be forevei content with i touihJe* S R C . or aa S R.C. wiD be tuspeiuled and ihe proper local organisatioo delayed or muf.W .mnpleiely.

It w.ll be rnmmbeied at tha point, that he CouikiI ol S R.C. Presidents was formed with ihe inienima of buttiessing Ihe nuionai organisation. The n it» al development of Ihe present state o f altairv n aa obvious threat lo the existro.-e Ihe Coun. d of S R.f . Presidents and consequently o f SASO

Wuk the above is the case, there is yet another appj . ii. ly threatening move by the while rsiab- thhnen1. Before tlie Univcrsitict o f the 9 /m e ra Car< and Dsi.bin Weswille could affiliate . cniraQy SASO «as altcady banned by the rector* of the* insl.tii iow. It seems that the gt-nd idea ts lo debar Ind .in and f'olouiedl fiom SA50 ship and p 'lups "Bantustanne" the remaining Africa* group -vo as to pve nuienal f « propjgandi lo prow the **• .i.ces»” of separate development.

h i.^s ant really matter wliether we have or do not ave SX.C 's on our Campuses *h a l d.«s m atin is that we need to have effective kical eigam .ition To ascertain th» we need lohavr n u n k-adeilup naming seminars which will cater for t rat imp m the handling and raising o f Inianctl, ma lets adiillustrative etc. Actually lb : IVnnanent Ori aniser a busy to undertake such trtm tD f se.siom on aB Blas t. Campuses very soon. Si idents are expee'ed to oblige.

No Black person » capable o f being icpcBed by Back < onwioMsnett. Wherr Black Co isoosisnfS h it osienubh a x succeeded one dr.covers that <* as a n atter o f personahly clashes between the I'adcrs. a dtsarreemenl w ith the manner of tfitiodtK in f BUsk Consciousness or the •leth.-d- logy o f applv -ng Ihe ba 4s tenets o f Black Conv» jsimm It is evidenl. thcref we. t lu t all the Black . impsises are latent wells of powci which can be i-.-vised in to poweipylons by allord ing therr w ith riope r Iraderslui potential, slieei lO in in it- mem o l such leaden an I u ltin u lc 'y there w ill be a positive retpMlse lo the macretism o f Black Consc ousaesa

Tt is part of the report would be m.ompfct* unles. I take tune lo cs.-igiatulalc the student bedy in general and in nar!k.ulu tiie student leadetslur o i tl.c * csiera f ape for Ihe^ence and conirmt meat ilicv showed jgainsi tertily in f odds of sprcial inimadatioo. tnab ano tnhublK*s fiora their admmisliation and bei'ig able to defeat opfositton fiom all other quaiten. This cqaaBy holds ( « ihe students of the University of the Noith when all structured bodies have been su-pciidcd b u the students managed to survive the f t . aiesl ol d ifrku llie t w.thom csmvmuonal le.Mlervhip I would like to encourage tha student body Ri member vsctoey ■ around the comer.

SAM) Nl WSLBT1 tK ______

T£Jt. VJ> W.To tlie studf'its at the Trai svaal College of

Education and tl-e I luversityof Durban Vkcslvilk I wsiuld like lo sas It may b : Hue that whitr a iitlio iitirs have the pow er In di what they pleaa lo BUsk siudeno. It is. howeve . not possible fot• lute-, lusovpenil ihe BLiskiicss Irom Black peopk. BLn.kness uannsi he joined o r » ociated with like on> |oinv a dub o i a.socutcs with a particular voslets. UUckiH ssis the bemgne* that chaiasiciaa aprrevsed people in t h i country Thus one cannot be foiied to icvi|3 i from Blackness. Tins n Ihe absiud and ih icuIuus task :h i l the white power s liu itt-e of l i -ba! uninerMtics is eng.ged m Ik w- evet. try as tle y may. they i t bound to fail ikr the) have lo pi oduce a UK) 3 o jlp u t in Ihc indv.try ol suh^iumar hemps Wliethi t they suspend s oui S.K f . i v ban SASO on campoes.ts immatrru- for ■I sou arr a committed BLi.k human b<- rig you always Tighr racists irrespectvr o f the odds .-r uns! you.

CITY RKA>CHES:As I said i he close o f the student protest u .crrd

m ano'hri ivpe o f local oi •jmsition. vs.- ib - a ty h tjnsli Sit dents are here esptonng un.tuniered oceans. I'nukr a campus, lie city n not a teady platform fm expression of idea. Moreen f i . unlike aumpsis -.heresladents n eel almost acidc ntally, or very ejsily. ihc ctly b anch presrnts p rjb knu hitherto u i'ieard o f in stuncnt circlet.

Insieac1 >f dealing wstl a university adn intstra- tRw the c-ty blanch local eseculive- fin.'s itself dealing w l i jd v rm l b iu i h .I'H T hxal aut HHitiel, mun..ipaiilicsetL The <el tape lo get. for nvtjnce a lu ll lor a w m pj-ium p mvauably ov> iw u-Hmag. Tlie peo k- in tbe gliello are I jllie r d if . ic >t ti->m siudcnls on i im >us.-s T) e hig'iflown ] S.i ; * Í ! al rspi-sili m of 81 i d Con louvnesshat toh ieJived lo a d«. vn toe^ith med urn olien mlo r riusular.

It f j t me pl.-asute to find the local city hiamhct manapi ip under quilr t ying aicumstan et. Il wiD not he long before ;hcy master Ihe utuation cornpklely. Some s udents who w re either nistKated or walked o ff in protest are highly d us ccnsti n iration pr.igiamnKi Needlett to si quite a namter still have to aCshruatne thc-in.rives lo being nvsdv«d wok Ike peoj>le\ woik ■■ a c.t> sMuatie».


tug,etl a name, tt ucture and obp Clives of an en> saged I'onlmer .al Studenls' O ^amsation in A ft^a . wh«.ii was. amongst others an important Hem on the agend. o f then conference this ycaa.

The third f i . M . .............. .......di^nr the same .nd proposed the name St a dents Union . An impression was subsequently created by arguments fr.mi while, non-white end even some Black lhat ihe terrn “ Pjn-Atrican” has to be viewed with scispxioa because it evokes memories o f ih r Banned Paa AftKamst Coupes. H r are persuaded lo believe that “ Par A iru jn ' tsa noun is ihe property tuiely and cxclc lively c«f the Tan Africanist Congres.

It lias be cor * necessary, their fore, for us to examine the relevance or im usance o f Pan Afneanrm to ra t must ion. •

Simp y ttau d Ihe tetm means embiacing the contuietit of Africa and may tefer to language, culture, econorniet or politics

In t ie political sente i f signiries involvement in the cnitmental tttupgle f ” conunent“ o f courte re frm rf to A f teal and the hivoiversent o f the eorttn m m our ttrugglc In olhet woidt that the tttuggl.- o f ear part o f Afnca is tlw stru^cle of tbe whole c ontment and the ttiu,- tie o l the con tit i it n the tt niggle o f ea and every part o f the ci ntinent.

TT r succest on o f Pan Africawtl Conference held at ihe m itu tin o f I W PuB. ■ frs m the l« ?0 'i lo l<M5 alien led bs the lea.! i t c f the Vanonal Oiga iisatKHit Hi Africa 'at *e0 as by A'rstan stud r ts s lit t in g abroad primmenl ami « if them Kwame STmmJi and lome Kenyatta wei* m inded to plan the strupf e agaMitt colon ilism and fnreigr domination on llie cuntment.

t was Caitred color,tabsm and imperialism ta kfrica «ere continental In s.opr O]>poution lo thrm too had lev be continental h was m i i/ rd th. t the t k ;k~s o f Ihe opprr •. « were lo cut up ihe co it .oca! into tmy countries, shared out amon| th ; cc nd poweis to H at ihe map o l Aln.alo >ked Ike a multKoiouicd quilt with ! • -n.h. f qinJi. t*eiman. Pisrtuguete and Sf.anuh *’ V» Aie- -** The lac tics o f the oppirned would haw to ’sc to preash the onrnru of the cot^niabsti and esr.s quntliy the seienew of Ihe stiuggli i p m i Ii m

Thu- *vktumah «as lo remark al a later stage hat “ the flee dons o f C l ana » meaningless unles*

Iticwti ik cuniinrnt itf ie e " And Sck.iu Toure wat c all m tlie independent Hales to unite and tmple- menltlif sisKvnoIal nti.dStatesof Afnca be.juse, he arpaed. m Ihe same way as the colonlahsts had divided us to conquer us they w.nild eontmue to to din-ie us. tettasf ase miependent country afairvi another, m ordc to perpetrate colonialism

The goal o f a Uni ed Africa it devtable not purely *oi senltmenta. del.res A United Afiica ■ necr.r.ry for ihe tecunty of the continent. m


Portugs.cst aggression against Guinea hat kj clearly dtm onsuiied *> «w«U as the adttntuics o f while mctceturiesai Zaut Only a Untied A lt tea can have enough lewutces lo rtpube all ly p o o f íoteig» agpesaioa.

fo r economic reasons. particularly. • Untied Afnca a nccessaiy It' avotd a w a tit of out resources by multiplication of uneconomical undertakinp Foe msiance II ha» been staled that tufficient hyd to titc tn c power can be generated m Zaut lo tupply the whole continent

Bui became of out dmuont each little .ountry find* it necessary lo ha*e fa own “ independcnr power supply. etc where» today < f.hana depend* alimnt eschnivtly in cocoa and Z.’ nbia « copper with the economy of each o f thtte countries dependent on the world price for the * commodi­ties, hi a United Africa, theit countiiet would b t but a part o f the total product! of the continent Jl a broadly baned economy.

Finally the people o f Africa ha»e a common gtogiaphical unpin and > shaied historical espe nencc - Ihe essential lie menu o f nationalism. And me nationalism cannot be limited by artificial boundaries rrealed by the oppressor tuch at the Limpopo and the Zamhea

It it a fact o f history that the nature and ehapt of Ihe snug* k of the oppressed a Jticim iocd by then material condition» which conditions a it defined and prescribed by Ihe oppreuor to a very targe extent. .

A l the ttrugcle continues and the pofcticai dewlrpment o f the people prugrestei the .gam ta lionol then snuggle undergoes ih jn g t Thu» in the tribal organisations ttkh a» "Imbumbi > jmanyama" in Ihe Cape.for imtance were icp ljc td by national o ig ino itiun within Ih t geographical boundanet dt lined by the upptttMjt.

These national organisations in mm transcend A * npprmoe^ conftaaey b o M te ie t imo • continental organnation. A l Ihe pu-ient inommt « t already sptak of Black n going beyond e er con'incnlal boundaries and embracing th* » 1 ole world.

But the «sues are unchanged and 10 are th«contestants. The w m i remain cohmia'nm, imperialism and forei*» domination Th: contestant» temain Ihe u h itt oppressor and the Black opprr-ed. There a no chanft escrpt m the theatre o f batik.

GEM ID! AMIN AND BLACK SOLIDARITY IN SOUTH AFRICAA few months back Gen Ida Amin txptOed v>me

50.000 Asian» from I'tanda This actios wat bad and racialist ic. Nofcudy disagtets Whal is atfaflcaat

*1.» in ■C 'trlhetra, a that the enemw. o f the Black people numedutcly took thn and converted i l into a lei u l weapoe jp iin tt Black Solidarity in South A ln t i it was ro»:d with no amaamenl Out most of 11*0 ' enenun came I tom the oppressive while camnn M y.

The entire politico-economic history and present ■ lo a n * of Iganda was with no modificatiotl whatvestr. transplanted into Ihe BtxV scene w ^ ■ \fnca The white detiaclon. went m lo predt I. U'inf tlin putnd tiansplantaliori as a base, that «lien Ihe day of l.bc rjito i . ■' es. ol (he oppr .-wd in jsK i, the Indians m South Africa. »tfl I r t t *e ihe same ireatmenl as did the Asians in U p ila . Thu was a beautiful epitome of while iiaiseic and we treated II with the contempt tt des-rved.

TIk . omention hi wever.did not lease the Black Cemniunits unscathed. Il ts only f t* this icaton th it wc fie l il necessary lo eiptatn to the Black Ci*>iiimrii:y.tthai weespect from Black Solidarity.

Wo ,it»erve that Coloureds. Indiars and A ln .it» i e oppressed by the umc syvlrm Moieovet. c ppics>H« 10 varying degrees is a Jesign to slralify iis not *m l> socially but also in lerrm u l sspiiatioat. fhus it isespected that IÍ the plan o f the opt»et»ofi were lo mcceed they must b u t t t t* it wiih inter- (n>up uipicion amorgsl Ihe BLck ranks Black people therefore must kill Ihn mutual suspicion. Further they most realise IV n«d lo r»Hy around the . j lie of Iheu liberation and. togethei crpo« the dciimle oppressatn meted out apmsl Diem as a grin p This is Wa-k Solitarily

Tl<- fear that Ihe m jn rity group will reject the m n lv giinips after liheralio.i. theiefoe.-. n un- foot d.d m Ihe face of lllack SoMaMy. Actuary it ts iHily wlien facing the p jryenl smc# of death logith- I that Ihe maioii.y anti the minority Blatk r io ip . would be welded logcihei « such.a s tu iif bor.J ihat thought of rejecting each other would ne'er .»cur when these *ouU) in future time, be * hisury. may nol be removed flow lh : bounds of human heha>iout that should any o r* (roup fm j Htelf alone in ihe snuggle foe li'K ia iioa. M will be unfaii lo blame such a group if it were to consider any olhct poup lo beljrg 101 1* Ol pressor camp or accuse tuch o('po*turusllC group ul having been a spectator of the Tight lot ’ibetatim thus nol deserving the fruits o f freedom

* e art forced lo conclude, therefore, that Ihe best way o f obviating the possibility of the ibove happening, is nol for any one Blaek group to stand on the tenet and w»lch or fhn with Ihe oppresaoe and when i l a cunvtmtni lo jout the other oppressed groups Our answtr, u commonly oppressed peoplt. Iks m Black Sobdanty now.

SASy -------


BA< k GROUNDTIk lo t the I *>72 Cmfercnce o f SASO

lud K-cn fiicvl bv j nunihcr o f wrious inc»«katS llu t IuhJ taken pLicc in the ’»Uck itudcnu rank. TK vli «Icni p t i i in lt . I tc nuntcrom m 'liim-viti.HiN llu t Killowi'd. ihe w iik -o v ti anj the birth o i tin* hKm i4 iIk I Kl I UNIVI R.SITY. l i f c t im • 't ill ihe c^pcticd appejrj k t o f IVuf R< hcrl Willumv. b«.-liter iron ihe UnilctJ Stalc\ to ofx n ilie SASO ctrnfcvcnce h rough! close iHMtt ?00 dele»aics j r d nhservcrs Iron all over South Afiica

Thr ihe ne o f the e<ml rence T tea revile jnd Bl i. 1 lies M.piiKn.“ in its* f promised much more pra< I leal a >->litaiion and r A'anmgful d ireclitn foe Ihe •Mpiniej u n i i t j the spr «1 t>f B la t l Cons* ious- net- j i . J Soltdarii) th u i.g mum the country S VSO could rigbliMMy .taim th. I she had sparked o ff a new wave o f political disei ss»m jn d thniking when fo i Ihe fit .1 lime in mans . ears B LA C K people had bt-fun lo \ ok al ilv-ntseit -s and then di reel ion in a mu.h more potiuve ligltr Besides p in in e inptect- dented te-pect in tlie csam lry she h a d h x sm K a vijhlc jr i jiith o n u tiv e e feren tt p<Mnl that could represent the hlaek e»> nmumty at inte:national

I io n the ' i d ' ’ th July . I tT ? the eses o f nol just H I.M K South A nca hut mdeed the entire win Id «as foe uscsl on lljiiim a n s k ra jl. tlve U'al o f the' U k 'I im portant o .auon in SA5iO 's t jk tk la r fV h j i i and in pu l In in cscewtivc and de lcf jtes alike t j s esjve led I f he hrfh powered and hard' h ittm D ie tael that IW e w ir R oheil f k i l lu m i . a hla> I ie .turer in I'te "R . l ip .h i IV |- jr iin e n t o f Vaeeai f oBepe. I ’ih i^ ikreps«e New V i ikTnid key n k i- i x r o l the It! n I Caneus o f the I n n » The. I'tpeal S r n t u r ■. Sew \ m k . w js espceted. »et . Crack mg p a t o all that would fo llow aod he i f le n rd the inm es i o l South A frica , to much •U ilu ltn ih e o p e n ii g m ^ il m o.ethan a d tve n p re * re p o ilf t t li. tm d ille eni newspaper» were presenl

O fc M N G AlHNtlSS1 nleniunjicly. the fust bluw lo Ih t Confeienct

wat rhe relutal by th ' while guveinment ol South A in u lo aliens P olesstM Roheil C. Williams lo conic tnlo « ■ eoti ilrv

With no opening speaker the F s c tu liw C onum ller caOeC u,>m ihe then President Mr

Tem hai Sono to deliver his p t-udenta ! A ddrea as Ihe tipenu if addrea What the e n t it t t-anfetenct ettpecleti from he address w j i an u n flm th n y , unapolog tic address tha l would p la .e SASO « perspecti'e ar J p t« some insight nuo SASO'i lu tu re . at.d her r >ie in aotie ty.

In bet three ) car» o f evistetwe S ASO had moved Itom sir ngth M ttrcng th . »hc had p r r e s te d , sht had sio kI lirm Now w* had to nicive lu r th o fn rw aid make urthei p iu p e s t

And Ihe ! 't eidential A ddrrst was espetted to do this. T’ k . hie! executive officer o f SkSO wat the m o.i like ly candidate logo .- SASO iht diiectraa the SO uigenl y needed I ’t f r n t l ) V .a u ie o f the tu ib u k n l yeat she liad e tp . rienced A nntlioa bu inu gquest t t is e c h o e d * the ntindt and h< . . i t o f Ihe S O or m r e delegates and observer». The Tree l*n n e rv ity . t ie relationship between student and worker t ie impact o l BLAC K Consciousness. S ASO't tu 'y re on and o f f the c a n p u t. new methods o f C w v i . n i/a tion . a complete n.-w look al the B1 ACK c is le n t. Ihe need t t» a BLAC K p ie u . on and cm tim le n n wete probing, wanting lo know

Ajid rt e.i Mr Temha Sono diopped the Imnk- ih i'll Wiihout any t u tsultallon with the etecutive ct ttimitr e he delise-ied a papei th ji left the . ouneti shisikr.l dittnased and angiy Mt Sono.alter th t P'tgtess. he saviifKes. the botdocs* with wloeJl SASO a l l i.kcd the piohlem ..I wluic ra> .m end its vatk u. manifestjtKtis. begin lo back pcdal- Ivgan I > t<reach politKal etpedienc|r.

The i iretull) d.signed addicts whkh quoted Anne f f a i’e and l lndge CVavct at k-ngtli and yetb.'fan lo .eie.t tlie wlnde con.ep of B l AC K I ONS liiL'SNI SS bet an 10 lejecl ihe SASOCtwslili tmaimlacl gavt ihe whole lie lo U | Vmo'sHand

Il V . jn ir ahundjntlc clear that I it a ld ie s t w « designed t>« a p o ip o se.detun ed lo ie l l Mr S .a to i lie as J.A V O i new stand T ne p rev would at idly tlaim hat SA SO . and not Mi Stun . had decidedlo “ ta k to m il ene m ies". Move way from tht akitif altitude of retaidirw Bantutlant and othtt separate developnieni bodies at regauve ligh t".

Mr Sono atienipied to get SASO - lo coalesce our eiTortt and coaf 'ate out plant esen w ith our detractors" These utterances we e unbelievable

14 S A S O s r t s t m m s t m m b f r /o c t o b i r . i «t :

coimnt uora ihe SASO ptettdem A i a i m «hen •< needed to commit* out o llrm te r and rniiciieh out p lu io .-vn t here «at someone lln .n im j thr whol* lot 0«! cu .ltfikc down Ihc d iJill und wliai waa mote fnpSici « if ««» the fact ihc «m id » » Utlenmg The ptcw p»llci* wat umJIv lakin* n«at*» ptcpaimf 10 sound the tww bd l IIIJI V \S 0 w a» rin g in g

Ml Sono « n il on lu u> lhal SASO mutt “ seek out pvopl* who dille i with 1» and we ha*t 10 tty10 con»*it th.-™ 10 out wav o f lim iting Thit me lu d e tr t tn body Biu.k and white whether th»y ar* w o n ' ) pui , t . Ub*i«H. ■>« whiles etc". Ttvu was lh* final nail in th r coffin lu Mi Sunot kfgMM

Th» arfiatcnt jp ok«*lic and “ w ll-oul” «land by .llB c tW o l u n u tim and »u»p*ct «tanda»!» In th* hght n f the n t u m i i i iu n undtt which Ihc»» uaicm ruh w*r* made thr Council n n foterd to d m iK u ii i i t t l f from the wntimtnl» of th» P1cud. n1 » t-pening udclreet. and on 1b* u w tv rv in t a rctuiution « i t unanimously car’ Kd toM i i t o i i .

When th i f iit t v u n « J-iwd that evening iher* waa an i.n«a»> and u-nw jn m i ^Ik i i ptoaiSnt Sutpi. khi about thr Preside n is double «and tell an ugly la«w m Ihr mouths ul dvlrfatr» and observers Th* n t n iw t commute* could mu wc Itw ll lunetnmin? « ith a man «bo had ntad* such dubious uti*ranee» c if fm iw n «ww of thr fad that hr »a» Ibr chiel eaccutiv* nfThft o f SAVO With l l i r a n rn in n i and doub> ;hal prev.ilrd ai th ; cunfrrrwe* follow mg Ihr T l nadcnl'» adJ.est" atsnthe- motion «a. put b n i i d ih r foll.-wirg morn inf.

M .cd by Ihr PuMi.att-’m D iirv io t and «n i> d rd b> ib r Secretary f ic itc u l ih r motion took ni-tr of th* "|ia>* .«M n»HW ~ IS* addict» bad ctra'eJ and th* fact tbal th* ft*ttc5i nl s tta lrnw nlt m*d* him a “ trcurit) in k ” 10 Ihr a q u iM IM i and lb* B ack community ai brg* T I* motion . it! -d upon lb* IS evident lu rtcust h i.m rtf fiuui ihc .ban llr t having mad* public that hn addict» did not 1 pt* wut th* tiewt and atpiraiiont of Bui f iiu n . il took th* nvalltt luithei a id .ailed upon th* Plrudcnl lu rrtagn a» PtetiJeni and nwiabrt of tbr I u iu i <* Cunim t'lr* and that b* lc*»c lb* conlrtenvt u l* lo ithw ith Th* motion la iu rd unanimouUy.THI PRO* IIIH N C S

Wnh ih r d<ra>tu.-* oi ih t pirsidtni. lb* aimaa ph*t* b c iiin * ic a t .d and lb* drttimmutmt. of Council trad* all «Hum lo eompkl* the m x I th* bad set h*rs*M'4 o f thr deposition of lh* P irvdrm Ihe Council u * SASO III lh* thick of nrwvivapir ivpurtt. comnwnis and tdHoiiah Mu.h o l th*

• n v ' i « cov-rage bv th * w h ile p m by andLac m is icp tcw n lrd . nuucpotled and 1l.711.led lh * P«|>... hnt'oU 'v«M K-il I i l l iu . h c v iin r n . .n ia r y lo oanc a U iu n ; « a in u if 10 liie p i r u lo dc-tul fiom '<u«d i r p o t lm f o> h r r tK i r d lioan ihr cv .it . i.M c r K ia u u - t i l I be Rand Uud) Mall'» bail illy a lt i lk d r w ib m n p c c l -:«c « a. ha iled Inna a lien I iit f Ike ptovecdmpk.

I ■ ..iikiI ilieu ».*•»( >m 10 enlieiKh many o f hrt fob. k . and 10 r»iend NASO'» kotuon of a. I n il) A Kiaek Ikotkn»' ( oun»iI~ oould be in up and the lltfanuet and a I trld W .xlet «err pw n ihe latk ul in *r» tifa im j IV rf ie c im -nn i of uk 11 a ( i u .i.iI and lo cad up a National nockm* ITIIIIH II Wllbat U» monlltt lo lo- malls ruablak ibr BLi.k W otkrn' Cnuthil

C .-.IK I aKo tn -ucd llta i .-JiKaiion lo i Black» J i pt.-vi Ily . o n u iu ic j nulita lcU apamki I be u c a liw t t ’C i-kfM KM of out y .m lb and u » ihe need fu l S A M I 10 tveome mote a c lne l) .ntolaed m Ihr i n - o f »>«llh kade idnp and Ctcalm ly< 1mn.1l a p n d llia l SASO tho itld ah» rv lt lt ln h m i.'ii'HN ip actlciM to that ibe t* «an he tm*.h mutr «■Mr cunmi— n a iw .

A .in Ihc «UK o f lb * ptcw .a n r up and lltr........... t n * un p u b U a li.m . m p u c r ir d Ike iccoh»*I i . i t i ii ta iled f.a an inde iM tc l.u l BLACK I'R I SS C O U V IS M O V a itd a winanat . * "T in Role .4 ih r Blu. • l*ie \. m South A lnea” It »a> m t iu p j llta l Ib r f oinm nuon tm u ld l u n m I be poeubililnn of te tm up an •ndrprm tcnl HI A( k p te « il.a i aould l i te r 'he n r rd t. fo a h and atptiatnm» of il>r K lx k Cnnii mm—y.

I • ftiend and «•a*'lli/r lh* firld of 1 netae> tkoik tbr nho lr a imrvlialion mat ir t i trd 10 in .I K- a Ih tr . io f oi |jieta»y and Itrld ofTicm. TV «hole ■aotnaUoo «at lo make motr mraiiin'f- ful s \SO 't mcolvcuieiii tn ihk tpheir ul her Ccei lumiy IVtekipttieitl Pl<yvl».

|K. |. .n n ii. . i.m on I ttucalion u iH m ttlrd a HI M KS T11M S T 'S M A S II I S f l ln lm .h tu .m l ly la U ’ uc etnl'liaut on Ih r mcunm; of ih r Black tluckn t and I V d. 1 mu ion e l H I ACK I ducattua at B -i. t people d iou ld tec M

In th r I «-Id of ln a t» u ia l Rrlal»«t» Ctmncd c lra iit enuaiia led l i t cu p f.« l lo t th r littn c lm f of an \H A lm a u u d rn it ' nunrracn l and teuil«ed 10 trm ) p m tn * tu g rr t i it tn t n ih n tecatd lo Ibe AB AI»». a fun le rencr al Kunwu. Ghana Ciatlael

ib r u mien I n u n m trn it o f A lnca. Aua and L a ltf Amrtica »at >* m at a m a l n r tc tu ly in ih r rtia l- 'nhanm l o f Unk» » n h th* m l o f Ihc Mack « .« Id

A t tar at national ir la ltu a t were concerned SASO nuuld acloM a much mute te w v lonard» «r.t. aval "leader»” wtd in lav I called upun Ih n r to-culled trader» to a i'h d ra * lio n t ihe tyvtem “ In

an c llo ti 10 prne-nrc then o^n dipttl» and 10 iennmtlrale l l err a lkvuiH r » tlh Ihc of lUuvk peeiple** At ta> a. Black 1‘coplrt' Contrrnlna ta . con.i incd ( ounvil .r«Kh) Jed ibal SASO » » ohbLt d to tujr.tutt and trtkomarr BPC at BIX' tea. coau »1 led to ihe ime idea 1 and prtnetpl*» at .iASU

I le.ii.Mt ihc PicvMlrniial putt was ihc <«tl> Wat ..mircire' in the I kr.utnre- Com m illir A clow and e e. it mp4 y loupht rleeticn van Mr M . Wodi luuc ciucipc ihy a tert nanuu mar p it I a» prntdcnl ul llic Souili Altiean Siudml»' Orfatuutiun The p>-J ol Vtei I' and l'ubbcalion» O trc tab.>ih r le c lr i on a yrathr I n i - M t r filled un ofrpowd b> I K leaao and Ben J la n p trveh Both ihe Srerrlary-Genrrai'i and thr IV im inrnt Otfannet » pc-vt» wet* taliftcd by (.«HMl J Ml Ml BS I%iyana and Mt R H Vnpa.-kbaltt letpeetiwh .-■«tlmucd 10 tv tu p tI heir potlt

It » r I «ideni al tV en-1 of Ibr proeredrnp thatIV <rd >.SC id SASO «at ctmtmitlcd*in a mote p>«itr«e a td deirttmned tr mdaerxent al pa^-tootc' k»el In .uhu i*. cdtKalt-m. naltonal trla iiont and rle«elopni.-nt Ihe t»hulecmphj-a» irucd un tlud nl/cotnmuniiy relationvbtp 1 r .rn tlw dele-mnialnm In do it «rat oknout that BIACK tiudenl- « t ie V .om inj: mtrravnglt in iuK rd in Ibr liberaloty ctruggto.

SY'MPC'SIL'M AND FESTIVAL'The -ynifwuum oe "Ctealitttly and tVw lop

merit- sa t an evcltit I «flair and motl o f Ihr tpvakris clearly rnun.iated tunous area» o f the Btu.k F tpenrncr that «ould lend lo llie i t ra l in lt

th t t\ tr rm ;i» m p .___S ASO P tlB l l l AT KIN'S hop*» to pro.. . _ . in a book emitted X RI AT IV IT I and DLVLLOP- M IN T '

Thr panned att. and drama frtnval did not ckpm riH* thr vuccn» 11 »ac • 1 prd ih r frctiv i] would m new o f ihc thrmc T>-c ma.n reaxxt lo t thn »a- ib r non parttcipainio by c m ttn or branch­es m t ic Irvtital Hemcvri. nan» indtviduab (tmcn ed te u in p o f (tacit poetry and Oswald Mithal .du . .vacmoa Black porlr) provided some tn irirv ltn f deS. t*

T V ptay pirwnled b> Ihr I nrvrruty o f Natal (B la.I Srcti.* l «as well re.need f ncounlrr” ■hn l icvoitet atound th t s liu f f lr foi librranon to Kent a dtum; Ihr f i f im wat c c .c ilrn tlt prrfotttsrd and tbr crcatoe innovations o f tntt( and danc* captured thr . lathrnc* a ltop iS rt

POST SCRIPT:Mt T< -r ha S'-moS tubceqiient statement» to

tit* «hue pie»» c-«ifitmrd and f;*e « rifS I to th t t. nf th* mot* by GSC tn acting apainn

Mi Scmo in lb* way she didIt be. a-tie d ra i that 6 1 Sono'» iniercst» «ere

petv wait ipoiitaied and m t.o « a y h.-<d th* .ntrie»ts o f IV oifinisation at brail fu t ih r i . fiom lh* drfaniale t madr hi Mi Sono cons*- qnrnth ,n Se.ameobvi.Hii hat Mr Sono intended to drag SASO into $ mud f campaipt But th t r te .n t it* qu ilt t if lit ly it 'ta nrd from m lrim a Ir.lo an tmtavoury and iun*crt»«ry display of Childnhnf*.


ftlMfc VIlHfHINI: Nh.h STfVI UllkO m,t% ramtiAmt* hr \ , a U k . N 4 . h . ' - ( U i n

ISaMnSiH by l U i f *4» I n t t t f S l f i f l . I hubam

(NMdMtllr *1 H I *1FH rfUr»- Ik « « lo (M l ~*W ra rr tn r * mm tMri4-1kr iw tlV i w tK n h f l« w » M« rtfMw m otér k atixmiw n* HUnu »«• «kMmiMir. »1 tHo in r* »• « n i ' n w Ihr ( im lk I a ttf HI v tJ b r | « m ikr n k h k p c s ip iat ll»- HU. k i*> i in « I n lo I kt n h U B il hi Ihf IftU Í i v n í k t ’ .

Hr- (AMMMlMR of Itw pO ttlM * hUt ll ( H W I f f M f l M l i t r o k ih i l »liw. !d<f ol i l i« p » * t • dca>mmJ|i . ih**i «4 » M I i h n l'ié t» |>o«i|H MC « w i l l Ul im M o i ih r fclatá M*P« k vtrusfk •»« om Ow o tW f hjrw! ik m n 4rfik m k i m*4 Ibcí «I thtm p '►*#*• w iM f t r s v from H » d th«H M « fO M i ttw wmy f«*t O tra

r w « « • , 'tm lt f p if^ r4 m Him | n | < *w t » a«4* ’** i* J IIMwér (Hi lh« Oftr K.»itdnMitc

M m •«»*.•» >»* U * J k b I im Im i mi H r ro lrn la l itc i n > K •« * *» * W MmÍ I< «*j4« *'*

p m *ir« iw i m Nw o< cmm€*mt*uy\ .)«<« klMifM Xistr* thi I *«

•I l^ n i ih i« ic^d* • B t . i t ’ l i n t M iu » U ir ii^ iu mru*fc o t p u M b * “ T V >« • ! * . « ! Uut M w p — I k ni»U*% W*k «II. m r * KMár hr RMN »Uk4 ( MlKam

M k * V 4 dnl»".

N»b»fc> Sárfmm p m • rmá npoMlMi «T •%« n km .xt§n* *M l?« of hr trrnw 1 W









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S A S O N lW S U m R S in iA liE R /O C T O B IR . 1«T2

- f ir at)?, if i l l i Sc above achievements do not k»*i. lo ik U ) a> mm h a* pouubk I hr moment of tlUlIk

The qu*’tt iu * then lhal immediately aiae* a whethei the BuntuMaa kaden do nol * e ihe ba tcnnevi and liauJukriwe implicit ui ih n vcheme* ■ have vDHs' me* ir theie Baiiluvlan* wli*> would make I I IM te ly lim k u k r i if lhe> had not decided to thiow m lb it 1M w tlk Ihr oppress.»* A I r * of t'ie n ngue lhal they a ir nol leumg mil but aie car-yuig on with Ihr light ’ iutti wtthin. Thet? tv no wiv of awnm nm g the truivm of I hew — IlfW iW ftrthap* H a not nrve.vary lhat tha «bouUI he avettaiaed »1 all e*pe. tally becauM no mattcf how one «newt .1 . the ultimate tiu th a tin t purtKipatio» » the ftan'u*iaa let up a dangerouvly misleading to the Black population We vhatl ce a tta u re hete cm the menu ind dementi of u*mg the vyvtem lo fight Ihe system. and fo-get about lhe*e Bantuttaa kader* who be hoe vincetely in Ihe policy of apartheid. A flei afl av one «m et «we vad. Ihere it no nay of stopping liw k from de .licaiiug them tel*** tv uveksa cam**.

Then ate in V 'uth Africa al th t n«<wnt i numhet o i peopk «huvepjitK ip itxm inllaniuvtan politivt h i ' Ird thr Bla*k pe*>pk m part trd pokti caloh*et*er* thumehrui the * i t 'd lo he-an to tike second look at « ith tbe belief that something van be a*hie*ed through a tyvtematK tspl.wtati.H» o f the Kantu>ian approach The argument tun» that at) vithei fotim of protest, A ug fteam tf and opposition are cloned to Bla.k peopk and that we .an vaH the bluff j f the «lute }• vetnm. n l by acvrptuig »hal they ( ve and uving it lo g*t wlial »e «ant *Tiat m >vi i’e »pk mm a the fis t lhal what we want a well known Iu the to the enemy and that the lheot> wav vie ., >wd pteuscly to ptcvent uv lion. gening whal we v m l Tlie aulhott o f the tyvlern know it bcti and tlwy *1*1' uv any . « . l u i i in wr mav demand J. lo a plan pieatringed by them »1 * 1they created thatc dummy platlotm., the*e phoney lekpfci net. they knew lhal totne ep|»Ntun*its m.fclvt want to use them to advance ihe B'a.k cause and henve they made all the arrangements lo be abk I» control vu. h "ambitious n a fv rt"

Staten/una and Bulhekti van thou! then lungs out lo vpcak to Pictoria thrnugh the phimey I rk phone, no on* ■ Uvtemng ir Pretoria sevauae Ihe Ickphun* a a toy Thr teal line* between Fretoria and /ululand. between and the Tranvkei ate very bu.v da* and night with Totlage and Abtahainv telling then .yvtem every vie* Mataniuna and Buthrkn ate likely lo take t monthv hence and how bevi thr system ihowU rc*pund to tuck itancev

Mat lu in u and Hulhck/i can knock day and niglit ..I Ihe dooiv belote llwm. If they like, they nuv o n birak tl-.n i down T lia wdl not wofk hcvavi» ihe ilooei ate me^m to kad them into a duik ahvM awav ti .mi wlieie ihe ueauue lie» Tht do.» ' lo the teal Itcavui h.'Uve c«mg wdlir.gK v i| vc* tv I» Ahtatuiits and TvnUgr wlv lie vet I Ivey dv'vivk* to lake a h.ealhet iway lio iu the dualy din toad. >4 T um kei and /u l .land

»1ut 0 MOM l ainlul tc that klatan/ima and B» Ihekviaiepetharv mote than anybody cbe avvilely awai.' .4 ill* bmilalma» «uttounjinj them I' nay aKo Ik- Ittie lhal Ihey ate v tue im ly dvdnated K> the ot'Ull.iwnt ol B U k p v p k and pvihapt to Iheu at ion Many time* Ihey hew n u n d ried a iid 'tw r *pn I vl^iia.lviuang Hue corn e r and ilriv" Mc.ti.ui. But if >ow want lu M i l y.wii enemy yuu dvi IW< a. -rp l It-un him the unkudrd o f ha lw.> ;-i!tv and Hien clutknpe Ittm lo a dual

B.»itu*lan leaden aie tub.o«»»i>only a tjin ; n d ahrum f in the lolal vubiweaiu* ol Ibe Wa*k p rrp k ..I Ihw counttv Hv macing ihe kind o' nuh- laat n> ed ll e* ate n >w niakuig Ihey ha»e .lu-varrd

. t.> 1« K-ve ihaiwmv.-ll.Mve j te at t* at»»il to ha|*(«n At a ire»» Bla. v . ate w iling on l l * i.~.I.Im »-* .h *e i*g U»nlly w b .h l M a la i/im a a f d M a n ^ i« ate The ptvtu..- i* a.vo v \» !u w d by ihe rc a g j^ ia lio n p*e« be l l - white ptcta lo lh e p.r,ah.htfc-v open 'o thrte kavl. H r while p teu k n .» » lu lly w il l ..I voutte Ihai .1 it lo th ru advantage lo nuvdi rvl Ihe « H c tti Mi o l the Blavkv The white rtev . known n th I.wv welt tlie lim ita tion * o f ll* - Baniuriaa Ihr. .v t u l it I* a I i i c<y ft<im wlict l l< B ia .la .a n p ie* on lo bvnkl up the im .ge o f k'atan- n w u ant B u th e k /i * .«dct lo hatnetv them lo th t gull* th iy have a lt.edv choven and lo nv«ke II» nut na vtic mivvev bcbr*e tbai a g-eat « c lo ty « pro ai-vul Mi be avtneved A S wvdrl* publiei- vme ||> pton....n*nncniv ..I Ihr Bantu.Ian kad.-rt a n j atta ilung eM ietw tl* bbeial*» I» tb x r 'o n .-v m -tu c n tt tlie whMi pi. w lac . -n luvdII. cue w i't ld I.. tkn>k lha l m S an 'i A lm a m il 0 .0* 1 tbcie ftecdum n l vpeecl. but ihai ih« B a"t. Man k id cn ate actively p lo tting lo t th» ow*iii*g o l Ihe w la le g in rnunen l w ithout th*p'W iiimcnl I4km| áM) JK

T -uv lot while SiMlh Afttva. ii it eiiiemrhr unf* I ant h> h.vr , man like Buth. u / i .peakmf anJ .. utvdm; the way he » It . i lw v to many cim-ueme pioWenm ’"lal Smith A .i..a ha» been lot to luag ll hai hien can) that th* c » tr.nai.. * of bulkekei anil Ihr white p in t m *k« up the lineal ambauadott lia t S iutn Africa hat e»-t had

I ot me n a Black pervon it teitinraely paanfalI i e t a t a who could lia*e been my kadet b *mg vo rntuied by Ihe cruel ana u p to u tm «hit*

• « Id Ii» toappateal tha; » .__du«. m ihr m le d of ihr Uantuuam o hkcl* lo hr etp l” "ed f.M i * l i argianji emcnt by Ihe while world When yoa agtee with Ihe govciruiK-t t you a it an eceiuidar* native, w> . lec i value tr. being k d by wyme. When you u»e Banttntaiv pli:toim » lo aitavk wt al yuu d« no! bke yuu epnonive ihe kind ol in I Hla-k kad.-t who in Soull Aftica a I roe I* allowed lo vprak ..nd up.Hne Ihe .vitcm >ou rv.Mieiile Ihe counttv Inuit the blam- that I! tv .ipuhvcuate South A lti an n.lormation hutrata thr.meh.Mii ihe world cany long cuvet iget of aetiviln-v i f A piuaouncemmltby Bantmla i leaden lohijdilt^i the degree of .-penmindednrv and fav- plai to he found ui thn vnuntry

No. B:.. k peopk rncu learn to ref n t lo be pawtii mi a whnrnian » game When one corwden enic ing the ranki of e nan*ipaloty pc.ilac* cute auavt be (. vented by 11« truouinecs and gtavtly o f Ihe n i l Thn lype of publics caOt u v a in lo pro*id.' JO- owm mu u i i«e and to act al our own pair and ».M that created lo t u i by the yiiem So Bantu'lai kader can tell me lhat he a a.tmg al ha own initiative when he m ien tbe realna o f

Ihe cteatn« of Zulu. v « < ____by ihe tysteai.

Tiie»c ;nhal cocoota ca!kd 'lvomcland»” an aotbjigebe but topfuituated concent t it ion cainpt where black reopk - r t allowvd lo “tufTct peace fullv" hU. k peopk man conn anil) pteiiuitie the B aritnun kadeti Ic .*ull<-at of llie political eul- decac :hat hat be-» created lot at by tbe tv item

Above all. we BUik t*ropk should al! Ihr time keep at mmd that South Afiica a out count-> and lhat a t of it brlnnfs lo m Thr a’ topner that nuke» while peopk navel all Ihe way from H : and lo com; and Kalc^rne our country ^ id ih ift h i at und h it to i * dr v:ro- ed Our Undnru ha> brea nw'uved and oat hospitality turned afa 1! us • tv e m i wlmet w r t mere gueiti to at i«i the* a ttval m that ctxaitry the* Have now puvhej ut out lo a 11'* comer o f the land and an aclwg aa bad I oils in th* rest of the country. Tha we must put right

Down with Bat. uitans !!!

•a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a v a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a *

It a !h* endeavour a* SASO ta makt

th* m n lr t t t f « tern, independent organ,

ia regard lo f u u x i i l backing a-d

Vrur nuitanc*. drat black r r id ia

* Hild ie m oil a t coma A an t SASO m

nakMtg the nearsktftr an cgan that a d

l l bom* by r * black cotnmuri.ry.

A nrckt and or doialionsta b* aenl la . . .

Tht Idrta t.SASO N tua lm n.I t SratiK t Sit rat.Ombaa.

rs f eaion of opimyn refkettd ia r n

aaadM M r.


Wt, t l i t Black Student! of South Atnei, believing the» th* Bleck Mm can no longer allow def.nivons rh it htve been imposed upon him by in arrogant W lliu worlfl concerning h it S :^ ; and hit destiny and that th t Black Student has a moral obligation to articulate the netds and atpiranoni of the Black Community heiebyctt!?** i!~ :r

A. We Black Students ere.1. An integral part of the Slack oppressed Community before a : ire

Students coming out of end study in f un^er the oppressive restrictions of i racist education,

2 . committed to e more disciplined involvement m the intellectual and physical work and to the consistent search of the Black Truth,

3. committed to work towards the building ol our people and to the winning ol th t struggle lor liberation and guided by the central purpose • I service to the Black Community on every technical and social level.

B. We therefore, reiect the whole sphere of racist education and commitourselves to:1. Tho intellectual and physical development ol our community and to (he

rulistaion ol liberation for Black peoples of South Africa.i the definition that education In South Africa it unshamedly political end

we therefore, believe that Black education is tied to the liberation of the Black people ol the world

C. We hereby commit ourselves to:1 . the assertion, manifestation and development of a sense of awareness

politically, socially and economically among the Bietk Community.2. the belief that Black Students should maintain a spirit of fraternity

tmonqst themselves, fiee Irom the pre|udict ot white fallacies hy virtue nf their commom oppression.

3 . eitemptinj to break away from the traditional order of subordination to whites in education and (u « fust to he educated for them.

4. encourage and promote Black Literature relevant to our ttrugfle.5. ensure that our education w ill further the preservation and promotion

cf what it measured in our culture and our historical eaperwnce.

ife.fry . . .

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f p_E o p i. c « r< » n. i n e n ï m

T H t A T H .


UHO!*E! WMfincTíim rough rsic* *«!»m«d through thi HHORB! W l t t l ....Ii .till rtrrv'’' ir. *h« ekv

' You B)ac.': Devil!. K«r -Jcr’iir. !?:i<?es bepan trcnblir.?

Ybo D»v!l! Vou 3.lte‘c Dov’ 1She trtiiblti, ioor rr.d a»ony entered her hsart *

• 'ÍrVT— •■'•■’«tar ... !!eri I tit* LI* -tcn;cs. flrTsrd r.rc-» ctrcr. t:1 He may La bo.'n at m y irornnt, pleas’)...!

• Her words chcksd hor tiny vuica. I don’t ver.t It! Ho black Javils /or m iio naarcd th» ff'cr lass in an?er tevil! Davil... Taka the Eovil out!His eyes vion rad, Tiny shot ad rad tn is*I need him, I want MmJ I r.ssd M m Sho stood in fear, and the fear gava har con Me tr.scHe i*» co.T.lnR, tho world needs him, hare na cones...She opened her leg3 and made a short squat Ho... Ho..; BLACK L2VIL NO!Hio bunds new hid a pcngiBrin* *:ha Blaak tevil, brin^ hin here!In hi3 stri'l«s daath was writton.Iti death yo« stnnd, 3Isck womenSho now looked reliavsd, she needed,..The hour has cr-i«, daath hava r.s!Comfort j;oc into her, ons traa ialr Have hin! Tha devil rcust die!The Fangs flic’- rod with tha ckies And he dicsi Powerful daeth, die...!Thunder cr.d flicker, tho noan «cony!Thova it f.cis; ihe davil i:: d*»adstrodes of blood, filthy water ran twr thighsdownThe groat womanhood wall was torn open The blood increased, it ran...It ran...And ranTha foetus dandled, It was swinging The WU- .L. cpr.r!"' • n* white! C arried th<» babv She fell, and when she fell, sne -full *Chained íó* thfe' •jr,.bfcUi<;a.l ,cord he was there ThX BLACK EITC? 13 TOAD’. "*BLACK BLOOD! FLOV’,.. BLACK BLOOD!TIE 'IOTiiER IS EE.fD, DUTCfEREB!. RAPED! •»Tha roots grow, BUCK MAIIA Grow Your I very io whits, your body is 3I.A}J(,V , \ Q <0 •Ircr.i Son, JIAi'A Grow •Iana.. .Nana ve went our Hama back!Mane ths pifj is oink -*Cr..Tiie pin1' pi» ia white Mt-nva t:hy Jo « waite pig?The pie, ibite oink o U Hoiv*.* d/d VTi :;ill wy mama?l i t ÍJ.í.» . ' iU .1 iJlO ( VHonkia what haprvenoi to Black i'.ima?If d’ath fiounda thora is always p knoll *

n i t ^9 f " f 'iM •<*t Yr,'i • " ''’

If a Ban ver»ts to live ha must fight Black liana snare me!You ran* livs, to live vou must die I will nevjr grin to a whita otg I shall nevar give my eve to a white olg ’.’hen T cl«* uy fist, fe«*»*re vihlte eig BUCK HAI.’A hate s WIIITTHAJI *F?«r... ARISE ir YOU CAH SPIT THEM WITH BLACX v.. iO=; f .OI. ~ir » t ffjcy; THEM, t?C!L THtt’t i r YOU WILLdl.tfK HAMA ARIÍE, APISE BLACK HAH A '*■- <cd is out o:' r.y h»*r:Vcver will I huR hi.a «r.ú »av rsat»"I shall novor spaak to you whita pi?!iy blrok back is tumod ajralnst vou Raisa your SIACX TIS?Put In hifh, I BUCK N/NA BLACK «asn you arv o.i ywi,r 0*"'Po»ier, llifrht, Lovo, Solidarity!I di* the SLA^K HAMA!THERE IS A CRY H5R VOU *?.!<P! i'LACK HA?1A ARISE!I AM THE BLACK HAMA.

OVe. Mosol<o'<r\i.


Foa Bokwe Mafuna's eyesVThon th?v broke tha fa"» of floe* dirrb whito ranFor Strini’3 hands raised to bless usall blaek and strong in his imape oi CiiiraFor KvawJce's words, f i ro darts,tho victor's tinelers thrust»»words hunp, above the worloChange it, Saïhs Coooer snid,and for this he was kil'tadFor saving and feeling cr.d beinp Changeall collected hot in his heartFor Stove’s Please for vour difnit”, **ran, for your life, blacx ran.For the fillinp of vour air.ds with righi nessror all of J«*ry Medians dead and por.a

vanished from us •All of him that cling our sneech, black god of our time,Tor all\of Orake Koka and all cf vsu:tj3 look uo, biacj: nan. Quit stuttering an

, shuffling look uo black nan, ouit whinning and a' for all of hin, raise vour black fist anger and vengeance

• rrcr great Panwedzi KoKfwa-’iit Hen«o»ek!.,.« the earthLet nothing in us restUhtil '*o aven.T*» our.’-o’ves fr<r his cï"ïí.i ftfjoid nifi-L'i :hat hi Uid his Lot iw nsvor breath a pure brsath if <

white call ur. fargots .ni th« ,the world.

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' s h a n t i ' '

'we got tired of speaking to

stones - DEAD STONES

v e n u e . ^crr\K\u*\a.L H&ll.

d a t e : 2 © © c A . . ’ " 7 3place: AZAMIA before the

t i m e . 8 p m revolution


VQaz Eves e n


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— mmim









SHANTI ...................... .

THABO ........................

KOOS ........................

SANDRA ......................


MANGANYA ...............

THEM B A .................... .
























l x

peoples experimental theatre’s

presentation of





f!i & A «U ta


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.....MALCOLM X (1925-196 5)




“Requiem fo r Brother X* Is a dramatic dialogue about Black

peo«f* trapped 1n the ghetto. I t 1s anexpression of repressed

feelings of anxiety and deep Inner fru s tra tio n s . I t 1s a shout,

a cry of mercy, a lamentation o f understanding. I t Is a sp it at

the Black middle class fo r turning th e ir bícks on the Black m s s p s

s t i l l 1n bondage. I t 1s triggered enger and h o s ti l ity toward the

WM** masses. I t 1s the t r l lH a n ha lle lu jahs and amens of a dirge-

a Black mass. I t Is a requiem for the dead Black people burled 1n

the stone Jungles of th is country.

The play 1s about the Impact of » man ca lled Malcolm. I t Is* i

about people who ca"not t a lk . . . who Just e x is t from day to day.

They cannot ta lk because they have never been allowed to ta lk .

Requiem Is about Harlem, Chicago's south s id e , and a sickening

memory from childhood to a place called Goodbread A lley!

Requiem 1s about a place called Witts • a recent example of the

tragedy of people who have been unable to find expression.

I t 1s about ether places that have yet to define then.seives other

places ever sweltering and abounolng with anxieties and frustrations

of people overcon*; by Impotence anc he’ p lessness... people on the verge

of the breaking po int. Whatever that breaking point Is , only God

knows. Only time w il l t e l l . Where can you go In a c irc le .


REQUIEM TOP BROKER XBy W1111a« Wellington H«ckay.

NOTES; * ..

TMs is I t . True'Black Drama. A dialogue o f confrontation.

I t speaks to Blacks only about Slacks - th e ir fears , th e ir desires,

th e ir hates and the complexity of ’ iv ing with racis» in a m u lti-ra c ia l

society. Although 'n Black American sty le its relevancy to us here

in South A frica cannot be stressed.

The pein , the sorrow, the p rid e , the anger, the love and the fru s tra tio n

of being black explodes on to the stage in 60 minutes o f hioh-powereo,

b e a u t ifu lly , ugly drama.

One of the two p o s s ib ilit ie s w ill occur tonight. You w il l e ith e r

hate th is play v io len tly or love i t passionately. The response

e ith e r way should haunt you fo r the rest of your BLACK l i f e or

your UNCLE TOM l i f e .

"Reauiem fo r Brother X" gives us an exarvle of what our d irection

should be in DRAMA; The l ie that Orama 1s apolatica l Is dead.

I f drama is apolatica l then 1t does not re f le c t LIFE, for our lives

seethe with p o litic s - DIRTY WHITE POLITICS. And th is play ca lls

upon US to clean i t up- NOW NOW BEFORE IT 'S TOO LATE.

THE TIME OF THE PLAY. The eve of an American tragedy.THE PLACE. America. sweet, sweet land of lib e r ty . . .

of thee I sing th is lament.THE CHARACTERS; Haroun Variava - is Jude

Devi Govende'r - is Bonita Salaudeen Badrudeen is Nate Rashid Hoosa * Is Matt Yasmin Bhoolia - Is Martha.

l l

— >A

Evolutkn of a People*! Theater

U trr* q u m i K i a n i , i k i I M N tg ro K i n > m pity»•bout Negruea t n - r o Or o h . let to be t o n e d 0» t * h .ie audi- tnce N o alien.,* . , h ar.^e i h t p . i i i . 1 occurred uaid the Bt4 I I I * . 11« the ( r n M .4 tlie V | U tfc e tirn ' in H ailtra • k a a lo ilo u n .re a i i i | U o u t ' i t l l i i l i * t « u M « l i i l a i » *M« ll » o t ibou t the* ibal ii o t t J .w o tt .r t l . jy i K m of ur.tB u tiicm un iy p to ^ c u . M<l t m i . a l ii cm i da. atop, a g ■ ith ta 11* cum ...... 7 A .to tt »i«a t a j «o r l t d . . i k the a tu lagro up ! u . r t iiii:iiin <ii> i*l I* J t t t l o f ( U eck ax n m o n .ty a - '- 'T * G te d o a lly ihe p i .y t being p r .a ju .ed .h en « rd (root n » t« o lt u l » t . . i . r« all N k I t a u t l a origtaoJ 4 i i m n• rilttn k | a n l r i t laliuliar with Uw t ! I h i t tlytc Iha p ia tt »•> l a w i were « n i l rn lo t « lu te K u p U K I . W k i wd »»»1* psuple » 0 .4 ...• |i-< * u Hkaxdt, » M C A l m l i W . U l •c t.-u the t.-un ity . Iroaa U « A t | ( ! n ’ V tiiu lo S » t n k i If t/le tu , p n y i t i i / i « l tryo.g lu com m uotcitc to U iu^ oc ireu , Ihooe m u d iM . I !.,» »41 M W UIM of oeceaury, out ot i need Is HM.ivf 1Ki«4 i s th« n e t t lew. but ihoai l o r reeoun l<d M uii H i . » u . i tb eu band i t pU ynniing

U the l l b i u i i » J l.» n m , ih i ..... ......... >’1 i ik 4 la imtLeater to r» u f» cw iJ ./« M K ti . .a ik, b ii * i i ins pc_.:. c iin t * bo tu rd la uw ifc /iM , i n j ia the i y m the w u l • o i k t n l t i m i cm ..« u t...e ted duc-tly and . . . t ly 1he»e• at ao u i « i Of cheeper «ay io r ta .k M ick reo p n la the lata A lim . l a n a m l l i a . r a i r ) i ffdin* in iAi Ian rra 't r t r td ia o lick t im er-*«Mi» lo t n u i in to t.rm ro l in W u l theater. A t a matter of ln.1. In o o a C !> « III. »>*eri II ■ it .Tu rn er W m 4, i a J U m D i t i i ill i p p t u i o ... ,* « ' n m i ‘ i l « a T k it B l i t e o a lu ram g penal. lo t uni., tkig h rr* im e le c t• IHIt. bttvk bCtot, t l H l director. ot le .h ruc.ia h .J M M d a l 4aaocltilgr (root toy c l Mm pleyt t»*».i N k > ororla tfcji had heeo p te teo u d Ii feed el«e< t Kttti t ••Ilia p tu iw t t <» v h i'o • n m »b" W p n itin l I'll, p l a n l i i i Amu tw a i/a it i com la p « m M tii * t l / u r t f u n u n , t o t f h J I m . /a 4&'oA«ifif J « i j « — i a d o a t im — m all rla po in t

la iba ta lly m tia t p o v tny p r o f i i 'n cam* .mo (titM aca atouikl iba country Social a o tk a r t irw d lu uw •Juafcr. aad r«uo« f o p i c a h o b « l o tly o t pan<c>pj' i j ia ibaiba**# «ru ffl» K*.l IV i^%wi*»"y *o par- p*-a thf^Higb aocallad culiuial inrKbmaai p<o|ftmt. im oikJ u iik i■htta pti>|Kit brcamt mutt ptoltatK>aal O x n<o<a«t *».ima Iba a»ailnini Satwui Ma^b a iu a tt »bo bad baaa uoaioa I» |«l Jmii playi duaa in <ba naajn^ri.m uiaaitii tutmuiiol ibc.t • |» 1 lo iba ptOiiama Iba uada t^oun j b i l d u> tea prc> A xboat ol Ibna M m ’ p i» i Anu iba a n u n tx(>n to it- c«« t matut atunitua Hum 'JM ci.Lt» a b e ic>^*au p.ayt oa CMHraaatway

Bui bccouia tba IrtHII and iba pro{tamt' odnuaiuiaten •Iill tou(bi w d«lina Mack ibtatat tad to placa iranciioai ua Ibtra. itK * young «ultra » t r t lo n td la a o t t out cil iba pc»«ny pl.igr.m tln a tu ll aad wl up ihtif o a t Iturf

Aatf to il tom e I'’ p j u — iba day n * .k M M M i*>«t would M <ti ha . . . t p '« d la t iu m a .au ita in o< Ainaticaa iba tia t k la It cama «try «ally lo r M*.k la a a u ; A nw livia Ib ca 'ft « a t lan d u.H i n iba nul tbai ic« M tcki aJt iMa w crack I t u i u dua to iba d u a c ia a u aad immad.oc» e4 iba im aja f ic c .tt- t l t > i lo a t t call<4 m “ttcn lu iw aa iy ib taia» ' "HIm p l . i i ibal « ill i f i .l Iba b a a 't n t lo t ut » u l t a Callad Iha destruction oi Am erica ’ Tba b a io n « I» b* O a iy llorca. D tru n a it V tiay. P a tin a lu m u m b a . but am b iuoty. o d mam ory no! tad M anm aaial ( to p » * • » l a t r n u b m our tf ttpau * It « a t aa a n that b id la a tp ia w ia baauiilul aad a r i .n c lo r * iba life u< lat o t u t Mack p a tb c ip a a u black parucipaau bad lu c rta ia tb ti l O ballot. I hail ama » d ly I m a l l Tlua rta lita iiu a canta « b a a is« country » t t laa it a d l m (o<d| ■hrougb lart Ma cb a n fa t poiiucal aad tocial A liar J*n yaara. blackt cocJJ ita Iongci !«? »>« anytbiog «b ita m d . “ >dIbay « « i t . indrad. making I b t a la ta up ta tbeir l*at

•lack Ibcairr it la I act. about iba d r i i n tn o a at rrxh tioa. tba ttadiliooal tola oI N rg roat io « tu w tb ra trr l . t ia a w *.-■ M .latt p la ,« n g b i aad director ot i p m a i U u ag o rhaa ia i ia D ttio ti. nan it 4 o » a ' l l « ill ka a iKejtet b a .m g ta do • « * lo .e o« uaa l ta ll aad M a i partona. aotwaol. aad .meroa- twnel lam .lt. »<lh « a n n t i t and haired nt on e ! pertoaol. saiKMal aad in ieraaiioaal ener-.iet. « ilk . d ia l l t . poaou a t to ku« lo b r u t iIk .I g; p aad tfla iie r then p o«ar *

• la c k tb ea ier— go k o in e ' II a n ea Mack heater a to •» bom . lu tia in i lce ll. aad u v iilt m n Í " | .1 m ud go boaia. G o boat* ptycbacaily. o u o u .y , aat.neuc.a-y . a td . a a lluak , p b y u c llly .

N o» mtial doet a I b it m e n ? f in t od okai *o » a meaa Ky ■ m Mack tbeaier? We mean i m n o . i tfd reOaclina and proyevboa o f a laoa^ue and f a rM u a i » a y f t bemg. tu r a oi

« • IKU4U0 tad particular raad iii ía iag ot Mack panpll laaaiag « I u« IM plane' «lack a tuauoaed ky a b .i t met it hat fcanoifcag lu Jo « iib i:e beeokiag o4 ik .i trauag t ta d io m *A iha alar cacer^.g llum artota »bo i t —ia Ibat lot Ike Uo^k paopla of Out aurld. aad., uut cotnrry. terry ‘ a b N iia l bumta malady, doamma. deuro. or aoadiw n. by iba beat o4 tba preauart of «b*ia tacitra cutnpouaucd and talarged. agitaied aad aggraaairtl. accamed and d.ti I' I lo l u l l ibat 'Mtuu tudutaag. ( tenia of ban g a a - .a rttled iba bluet trut augbl a o a rucl lernt M a la r i i F n at bit p « » .* r and g fg W ljlf t ic ia J ut hciag. t l rtpen- rocta. uf a .il coaw Iba kiad uf ibea.ct ae aia U t i i | lor Aad beiiliat kbaa nor UNciU our m y ul ibota m l* t gttat one», could a l i u >1 Nut «ilb ia Uut la d of black- beta aa ara laituig a fo u l

W r lay Ihot d Uut theater it to be. II n u t l p»»tkac4llT, a a r U h r t f c o H y , aad pbyttcally - go butna <bt a l t lu l l r lu kr..-» no« « lu l » • m aaa by g.»ng buaM r»ycbi.aily aad ■ aaul-y l u nM a caw ik o ti » .: i •« • . alutaoa. let ua try to rvia I ibort. s(Cuck tuaw iary My pry. . .4 U | a : m raa UMD.3g a» i t >out d u n paying lo all ihuta ’ ou itu le—1 « . a lu la—ucii'M Oclt' aad Iba ta d . M a.k. I l H lby a » ot tbcne pla.r». pe«i>ie. and ttp en e iH c t afc;.k h r ta a le d kad iba rrv .i io do w ilk ike tbaping ul « k a i u a o a yuur- m l . . < - ' • * ! a t me a o tk t lU .Ir r . oul o t Ibal and in dcang ■t. I t t r l t j i . I .n d > M.~ . - • Ibal (ir tiv u iw p i . .h e k> ».<n- ralir »« n r .o u '-Ja ruaad .ng ibat you i £ l tn u r t tp e n e n .i t o n . ia bmc ta d h. it ory. «u>.mu.« rrpeiiitoat. k t ta taoa paaitd and naltipliod maay iim at So a t a n itu . you a/a lo l/y lo OomI the larm t tod tr.t p . .tu rn aback «ill a to tl limply cl only ih.«a tip e n e a c a t and ibal kr.oalodge lo t Iha you i ah o do not. oe couid not. uad e iu an d a b a i it. or • at. happening io them. t lu lu ie yoa l a h o «ill nord lo La a trn e d and dJacted .b t t im t lio ik ia tb t l I r . t t a a call Muckneii

Going borne at rrbetn U..| m il to iloa aatu rill» li te r Ibota 8 m Iwo t t r p * - u r . e y.-ur ieur.e i .1 come out ot to u t m e .a j la d ptycru. e s ' raamoM. bo « t « o a I go into tba * r .ad lo t new dynm uct. lo t i n c» u ittúu ty of language i no t th i Biatentl and the detned oim otphara » u t n . j hi you. u - catn « . !»« that Ike I o r her you go home tba o turt Mtrtlingly new la d Mack the le c ^ t .^ » * becuana M uttc ita i t i t po iauag tkal uut hi a t

N c a . g*une pb ttI 'a r* . a .rk iha n^» rhe tte r maaftt yutt tkat riob iM y a t tbould ha*r tia ttrd bora Far tbta n r« ikaau i m uii ba b ucad ia. tuaiainad ta d judged by. to d be • «tarda proyactioa nf aad la a Mack cataamueaiyi

b n . c i « u l na» ti h t> t t ihaaiar. i a art. • lif t riaWy lepta- t t a u i i t t of them aad then kind until they aad then kind bar* u w nod pooiod toeu d aw ta , plant, ratuurcat. ta d taa th d iita t lo t hr oar od iha yatlaft I Vat. .h art a n aattkauc u l ptyckac i id a n i l

t ro a d a a y doet not * a a l mil Mocknata. «aaa I datigaad a t ■ itn d rd lor n drbmlely duatn I «*nl any ttringa **« lo tm i mip trd by tkal «try btockaect She it a co o u n trd la t «hit* Cara II you can tlip •* ind m, • U l 1« a m in n e —«eU. men. OKue black power to you. brothet kui w« i t itinag you—d 1 1 wend price the t a tiin g ih a « o n u y.m lo ba a ungm g hytna. dan . ag to tba g ta t t t of yourteil and e»aryoaa you kn •»I Senou» play I dramtt. ire ibmgt ihai come liuot touta oihet ct/unuy. tonta iHhtl caatur. aad a»aa tba* art hatt tel t* * maoboute An I b.o.k Crunedy* kaa aouuag la da a .tk Alio- A aiancaat'l

Aad d>g * dotaly. krothart — T*r>r 1« ao loader . a / r«t * 1*.«» a t O j « .O ud .ay it. like Hi rtco g u a rd New York Ifcetur. u ia t l a Citeiir w k u t W n

Itacugnuiag all of that aad uadam aad iag tkal if wa Mockt tee ta k a ta i tba alar ia nu t m t .m g a . a . . or d a g i« out aw* »»r«t. thea we blackt wdl k a t t to t iy « b .:h p ta il i n ia tfcoaa laiegat aad of tkota r e a l we ka ta kata com p. lad aa in ikotofy af w otkt by twenty iwa of tba heel Mack ptivwngtyaa T he it t ao g tae rttio s g t ; rk e ptayt deii ia lime a u k but* the hit- tortcal p tu ta d iha toaa locom a lutura |lk a r< it a a great A tte n d bet a r m leK o t lonet and I an«uon llugbe»—Ike h rre i thei predated them ire the tim e I » w a a M t . t r y Joe Ul oJker aad k a a /u * « r a tty «all hecoaM a a m at laatutar to r te ry d a ttto o m IViua aa Tu-wer W ard m et l laugh a b d i l e t C i l f a r k ute< I Mum Made but they ire out io breek dowa tba tu tu door- Vo* o u t he I tm t r a "y tome af t t r • n u n tucb i t I d Buluat and Lawac tid e r III. or h e n u . k

•a t Ptfclip H tyet O r ta . C k irlm lO yam ol tta rd o a . and t l i t a a l ic k to a «ill he aew a in e t but i ll com m tod eouol tatpact

Twetm 'lo re teleetooat I tom ea immeatel» M held at Ulentad M t.k tn . t t i lorging new. a a ^ u e . ta d » u b u theater Vet aew. «auyuc aiehta It « d l eaen iu tllt k tg p ta la theatre la thn roaairy. tlc t world, rail a t .t kappeaad to tbit world l ■tunc wkea Mack r .-om atm u t out la iru ilacidy a ip r m ihet/ own tante of nobly .

W o ao a k o to m i t e n U i t t i u

Collection Number: AD1719

State v S Cooper and 8 others.

PUBLISHER: Publisher:- Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand Location:- Johannesburg ©2012


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Document ID:- AD1719-Z2 Document Title:- Volume 2