By: Claire Sheldon English 393-Section 501 May 6 th, 2010.

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Transcript of By: Claire Sheldon English 393-Section 501 May 6 th, 2010.

How to be a Good Roommate

By: Claire SheldonEnglish 393-Section 501

May 6th, 2010

Who: prospective college students living in on-campus apartments:17-24 years of age

What: teach new college students how to be a good roommate and stay that way

When: process should be completed before roommates move in and continue throughout the semester(s)

Why: to have little or no conflict between roommates


If directions are not properly followed:• loss of reputation• loss of housing

Safety Precautions


Friendly personality

Organization skills





Your institution will send a document by mail containing the names of your prospective roommates

Step 1: Retrieve Names of Future Roommates

By phone, email, or social networking sites, talk to your roommates

Confirm the people you have contacted are your roommates

Kindly introduce yourself and briefly explain about who you are

Step 2: Contact Roommates

Write down anything that can be shared

Kitchen ware, cleaning supplies, decorations, furniture, electronics (TV, DVD Player), appliances

Step 3: Make a List of Apartment Items Needed

Make sure your roommates know what they will be responsible for bringing

Shopping together with your new roommates for apartment items can be a bonding experience

Step 4: Divide Up Who Will Bring What


Make an appoint to talk to your roommates and get to know them

You may not end up being best friends, but acting civil makes things less awkward

By talking, you can voice your opinion and avoid large conflict

Your semester living together will be much more enjoyable if you interact

Step 5: Communicate with one another

Agree on a place for things such as dishes and cleaning supplies to be stowed

This will limit any confusion

Be respectful of your roommate’s opinions; you’re not the only one who lives there!

Step 6: Arrange Where Everything Should Go

Step 7: Decide What Can be Shared

Discuss with your roommates what items you are willing to share (e.g. dishes) and items you will not share (e.g. food, toiletries)

If you know your roommate has an 8:30 a.m. class, don’t throw a party the night before

If your roommate agrees to let you have a party, don’t let your friends pass out in his or her bedroom or common living areas

Step 8: Be conscious of each other’s schedules and personal space

Even though you may have agreed to share certain things, ask anyway

If you use something up, replace it; if you borrow something, return it

This will let your roommates know that you are responsible and will build trust

Step 9: Ask Before You Take Something

When your roommates need someone to study with, help them out

If they need to talk about personal issues, listen to them

Step 10: Be There for Your Roommates

By completing this process, you will become an enjoyable roommate to live with

Obtaining your roommates’ names, contacting them, listing apartment needs, coordinating responsibilities, interacting together, organizing shared items, agreeing on what can be shared, being respectful of each other’s personal space and belongings, and offering help when needed are all necessary in the achievement of being a good roommate.


Problems and ConcernsProblem Solution

I didn’t receive a document from the school with my roommates’ names

Call your institution and have them resend another copy to you.

My roommates and I don’t get along You can agree to disagree, as long as things stay civil. Another option is to request a room change.

The apartment is always a mess Talk to your roommates. It might be uncomfortable, but one awkward conversation is better than four months in a dirty apartment.

We don’t agree on where items should be kept

Try to go compromise; don’t let it be all about you

My roommates keep asking me for advice on uncomfortable topics

Ask another roommate or talk to someone outside of your apartment (classmate, teacher, advisor, etc.)