Buy Pregtest card online

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Pregtest card is a simple medical technique for women to confirm the pregnancy.

Pregnancy is an amazing part in every woman’s life. In order to confirm if a woman has conceived or not, there is a simpler way which is by using Pregtest Card.

This card is a pregnancy detection kit for detecting the HCG Hormone which helps in confirming if the woman is actually pregnant or not.

The advantage is that one can easily perform the test and maintain complete privacy.

Pregtest Card

How To Use Pregtest Card The Pregtest card kit includes a pregnancy

detection strip for single use.

The tests involve a clean package of tools that involve a card which is soaked with the Anti-hCC globulin, made readily available for the initial testing.

The user is required to initiate the process by submerging the strip or the card’s end in the urine.

The user can be able to read the result within 2 to 3 minutes.

Warnings / Precautions With

Pregtest Card Check the label and the expiry period of time immediately after getting the Pregnancy Test Card.

It is highly essential to know the expiry period of time prior to testing the process.

Reading the instructions carefully is expected from every user and then to perform the tests.
