BUSN3025 Seminar 4 Comparative HRM

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Transcript of BUSN3025 Seminar 4 Comparative HRM

  • 8/7/2019 BUSN3025 Seminar 4 Comparative HRM


    Copyright 2003Copyright 2003--2006, Chris Chan2006, Chris Chan

    Comparative HRM:Comparative HRM:

    Theory & PracticeTheory & Practice

  • 8/7/2019 BUSN3025 Seminar 4 Comparative HRM


    Copyright 2003Copyright 2003--2006, Chris Chan2006, Chris Chan

    Universalism vs ContextualUniversalism vs Contextual

    UniversalismUniversalism--Contextual debateContextual debate

    Is there a best practice approach?Is there a best practice approach? Convergence as a 3Convergence as a 3rdrd alternativealternative

  • 8/7/2019 BUSN3025 Seminar 4 Comparative HRM


    Copyright 2003Copyright 2003--2006, Chris Chan2006, Chris Chan

    Labor lawsLabor laws

    Ever changingEver changing

    HR needs to keep upHR needs to keep up Recognize differencesRecognize differences

    Gained importance during theGained importance during theIndustrial Revolution by SocialistsIndustrial Revolution by Socialists

    Losing importance or relevance?Losing importance or relevance?

  • 8/7/2019 BUSN3025 Seminar 4 Comparative HRM


    Copyright 2003Copyright 2003--2006, Chris Chan2006, Chris Chan

    Major issues coveredMajor issues covered Minimum wageMinimum wage -- Introduced in the US (1938),Introduced in the US (1938),

    France (1950) and the UK (1999); 18 out of 25France (1950) and the UK (1999); 18 out of 25member states in the EUmember states in the EU

    Minimum ageMinimum age M

    aternity protectionM

    aternity protection Occupational Health & SafetyOccupational Health & Safety Termination of employmentTermination of employment Very general guidelines and exceptions allowedVery general guidelines and exceptions allowed Up to various member states ministries to interpretUp to various member states ministries to interpret

    and refine these guidelinesand refine these guidelines E.g. New Employment Contract (E.g. New Employment Contract (Contrat nouvelleContrat nouvelleembaucheembauche) overturned but around 400000 have signed) overturned but around 400000 have signed

    Convention No. 158, ILOConvention No. 158, ILO

  • 8/7/2019 BUSN3025 Seminar 4 Comparative HRM


    Copyright 2003Copyright 2003--2006, Chris Chan2006, Chris Chan


    PrePre--industrial: 11industrial: 11--14 hrs p.w.14 hrs p.w.

    Industrial: 14Industrial: 14--16 hrs p.


    16 hrs p.


    18331833 England passed the 8England passed the 8--hr p.w.hr p.w.

    law, 12 hrs for miners and 8 hrs forlaw, 12 hrs for miners and 8 hrs forchildrenchildren

  • 8/7/2019 BUSN3025 Seminar 4 Comparative HRM


    Copyright 2003Copyright 2003--2006, Chris Chan2006, Chris Chan

    Labor laws and reforms inLabor laws and reforms in

    AsiaAsia Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Bayer (China) Ltd. - extensive travel

    guidelines and office evacuation proceduresin response to SARS. Bayer SARS Team responsible for monitoring the disease andmaking policy changes

    Increasing sophistication of HR

    Revising labor laws to protect employees Bringing regulations to international



  • 8/7/2019 BUSN3025 Seminar 4 Comparative HRM


    Copyright 2003Copyright 2003--2006, Chris Chan2006, Chris Chan

    Labor laws and reforms inLabor laws and reforms in

    AsiaAsia E.g. China - Bill to provide on-the-job injury

    insurance to workers, encouraging greater

    education and training of employees E.g. Thailand government - tax deduction

    for employee training and education costs,encourage companies to invest in the

    intellectual and skills development ofemployees

    Use of videoconferencing to interview jobapplicants in China


  • 8/7/2019 BUSN3025 Seminar 4 Comparative HRM


    Copyright 2003Copyright 2003--2006, Chris Chan2006, Chris Chan

    Labor laws and reforms inLabor laws and reforms in

    AsiaAsia Issuing of Chinese Green Cards (tax breaks,

    concessions, attracting overseas Chinese)

    Setting up child care facilities in organizations e.g.Setting up child care facilities in organizations e.g.Nippon Yusen KK, a shipping company, ToyotaNippon Yusen KK, a shipping company, Toyota(accommodate up to 25 children),(accommodate up to 25 children),

    ReduceReduce karoshikaroshi in Japan and emphasis on quality ofin Japan and emphasis on quality of

    work life in generalwork life in general www.shrmglobal.org

  • 8/7/2019 BUSN3025 Seminar 4 Comparative HRM


    Copyright 2003Copyright 2003--2006, Chris Chan2006, Chris Chan

    Labor laws and reforms inLabor laws and reforms in

    AsiaAsia South KoreaSouth Korea employees contributing toemployees contributing to

    corporate pension fundcorporate pension fund fund agingfund agingpopulationpopulation

    Companies with 300 or more employeesCompanies with 300 or more employeesmust have a 2% quota to hire disabledmust have a 2% quota to hire disabledpeoplepeople may extend to org with 50+may extend to org with 50+people by 2007people by 2007

    PenaltyPenalty US$326 per position per monthUS$326 per position per month BanksBanks changing from 6changing from 6--day week to 5day week to 5--dayday

    weekweek Knowledge workforce in South East AsiaKnowledge workforce in South East Asia


  • 8/7/2019 BUSN3025 Seminar 4 Comparative HRM


    Copyright 2003Copyright 2003--2006, Chris Chan2006, Chris Chan

    Inefficient use of laborInefficient use of labor

    Keeping people for the sake of minimizingKeeping people for the sake of minimizingunemploymentunemployment

    Discrimination of womenDiscrimination of women Japanese womenJapanese womenmoving to MNCsmoving to MNCs

    Employment practices based on where youEmployment practices based on where yougraduated from vs performance basedgraduated from vs performance based

    employment practicesemployment practices Slow in adopting eSlow in adopting e--HR (e.g. payroll, leave,HR (e.g. payroll, leave,


  • 8/7/2019 BUSN3025 Seminar 4 Comparative HRM


    Copyright 2003Copyright 2003--2006, Chris Chan2006, Chris Chan

    Equal EmploymentEqual Employment

    OpportunityOpportunity Caste system in IndiaCaste system in India HarijansHarijans (lowest(lowest

    caste) (15caste) (15--20% of Indias population)20% of Indias population) lower level jobs;lower level jobs; dalitsdalits

    The state shall not discriminate against anyThe state shall not discriminate against anycitizen on grounds of religion, race, caste,citizen on grounds of religion, race, caste,place and birth or any formplace and birth or any form from thefrom theConstitutionConstitution

    Positive change in urban vs ruralPositive change in urban vs rural Quotas for lower caste people inQuotas for lower caste people in

    organizations (positive discrimination)organizations (positive discrimination)

  • 8/7/2019 BUSN3025 Seminar 4 Comparative HRM


    Copyright 2003Copyright 2003--2006, Chris Chan2006, Chris Chan

    HR terminologies inHR terminologies in

    FranaiseFranaise Job descriptionJob description -- synonymous with limitationsynonymous with limitation

    of freedom and exploitationof freedom and exploitation

    Intrinsic rewardsIntrinsic rewards seldom emphasized andseldom emphasized andmay be considered as flattery and mockerymay be considered as flattery and mockery

    LeaderLeader used to denote politicians andused to denote politicians andhave a negative meaning. Alternativehave a negative meaning. Alternative boss or chiefboss or chief


  • 8/7/2019 BUSN3025 Seminar 4 Comparative HRM


    Copyright 2003Copyright 2003--2006, Chris Chan2006, Chris Chan

    ConvergenceConvergence--Divergence ofDivergence ofPerformance Appraisals inPerformance Appraisals inTaiwan, Spore and HKTaiwan, Spore and HK HK>T, S (extrinsic motivation & rewards)HK>T, S (extrinsic motivation & rewards)

    S>T (group norms and individual values thanS>T (group norms and individual values thanstandard PA)standard PA)

    S,T> HK (subordinate involvement in ideas &S,T> HK (subordinate involvement in ideas &decisions)decisions)

    HK>S,T (uncertainty avoidanceHK>S,T (uncertainty avoidance supervision)supervision)

    English in IB, cooperation (collectivism),English in IB, cooperation (collectivism),

    entrepreneurial orientationentrepreneurial orientation

    Paik, Y., Vance, C.M. and Stage, H.D. (1996). The extentof divergence in human resource practicePaik, Y., Vance, C.M. and Stage, H.D. (1996). The extentof divergence in human resource practiceacross three Chinese national cultures: Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore.across three Chinese national cultures: Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore. Human ResourceHuman ResourceManagement JournalManagement Journal, 6(2), 20, 6(2), 20--31.31.

  • 8/7/2019 BUSN3025 Seminar 4 Comparative HRM


    Copyright 2003Copyright 2003--2006, Chris Chan2006, Chris Chan

    HRM emphases in 7HRM emphases in 7

    European countriesEuropean countriesRole of HRMRole of HRM DenDen FrFr GerGer NetNet SpSp SwSw UKUK

    Comp AdComp Ad

    SHRMSHRM Decentralization ofDecentralization ofHR activitiesHR activities

    Integration of HRIntegration of HRfunctionsfunctions

    Individualization ofIndividualization ofemp relationshipemp relationship

    Clark, T. and Pugh, D. (2000). Similarities and differences in European conceptions of human resource management. InternationalStudies ofManagement & Organizations, 29(4), 84-100.

  • 8/7/2019 BUSN3025 Seminar 4 Comparative HRM


  • 8/7/2019 BUSN3025 Seminar 4 Comparative HRM


    Copyright 2003Copyright 2003--2006, Chris Chan2006, Chris Chan

    Work goals/values inWork goals/values in

    Brunei, Msia and SporeBrunei, Msia and Spore No sig. diff (Good salary)No sig. diff (Good salary)

    No sig. diff (Matching abilities andNo sig. diff (Matching abilities andexperience)experience)

    No sig. diff (Job variety)No sig. diff (Job variety)

    Chan, C.C.A. and Pearson, C.A.L. (2001). Comparison of managerial work goals amongChan, C.C.A. and Pearson, C.A.L. (2001). Comparison of managerial work goals amongBruneian, Malaysian and Singaporean managers.Bruneian, Malaysian and Singaporean managers. Journal ofManagement DevelopmentJournal ofManagement Development,,21(7), 54521(7), 545--556.556.

  • 8/7/2019 BUSN3025 Seminar 4 Comparative HRM


    Copyright 2003Copyright 2003--2006, Chris Chan2006, Chris Chan

    Selection criteriaSelection criteria

    Technical (3/7 Japanese, 2/10 US, 1/7Technical (3/7 Japanese, 2/10 US, 1/7German)German)

    Interpersonal (2/7 J, 2/10U

    S)Interpersonal (2/7 J, 2/10U

    S) CrossCross--cultural (1/10 US)cultural (1/10 US) Cost considerations (1/10 US)Cost considerations (1/10 US) International capability (1/7 G)International capability (1/7 G)

    Being viewed as a potential (3/7 G)Being viewed as a potential (3/7 G) Employee motivation (1/7 G)Employee motivation (1/7 G) Negotiation (1/7 J)Negotiation (1/7 J) Language (1 J)Language (1 J)

    Peterson, R

    .B., Napier, N

    .K.and Shul-Shim, W


    .Expatriate management: Comparison of

    MNCsacross four parent countries. Thunderbird International Business Review, 42(2), 145-166.

  • 8/7/2019 BUSN3025 Seminar 4 Comparative HRM


    Copyright 2003Copyright 2003--2006, Chris Chan2006, Chris Chan

    Women in seniorWomen in senior

    managementmanagement Upward trend in UK, Aust and the USUpward trend in UK, Aust and the US

    Rate of growth slower in certain countriesRate of growth slower in certain countries

    Traditional views and expectations of girls andTraditional views and expectations of girls andwomenwomen

    Government and ILO interventionsGovernment and ILO interventions

    Profiles (marital status, no. of dependents,Profiles (marital status, no. of dependents,educational background compared to partner)educational background compared to partner)

    Is Confucian ethics promoting male chauvinism?Is Confucian ethics promoting male chauvinism?

    Omar, A. and Davidson, M.J. (2001). Women in management: A comparative crossOmar, A. and Davidson, M.J. (2001). Women in management: A comparative cross--cultural overview. Crosscultural overview. Cross--Cultural Management, 8(3), 35Cultural Management, 8(3), 35--67.67.

  • 8/7/2019 BUSN3025 Seminar 4 Comparative HRM


    Copyright 2003Copyright 2003--2006, Chris Chan2006, Chris Chan

    Western organizationalWestern organizational

    leadershipleadership Achievement orientationAchievement orientation

    Specificity orientationSpecificity orientation

    Universalistic orientationUniversalistic orientation

    Secular authoritySecular authority

    Ogbor, J.O. and Williams, J. (2003). The crossOgbor, J.O. and Williams, J. (2003). The cross--cultural transfer of managementcultural transfer of managementpractices: The case for creative synthesis.practices: The case for creative synthesis. Cross Cultural ManagementCross Cultural Management, 10(2), 3, 10(2), 3--23.23.

  • 8/7/2019 BUSN3025 Seminar 4 Comparative HRM


    Copyright 2003Copyright 2003--2006, Chris Chan2006, Chris Chan

    IHRM practicesIHRM practices

    Compensation: SeniorityCompensation: Seniority--based, teambased, team--based vsbased vsMeritMerit--based, individualbased, individual--basedbased

    Selection: DeSelection: De--emphasize experience?emphasize experience?

    Appraisal: Low (collectivist) to High (individualistic)Appraisal: Low (collectivist) to High (individualistic)

    Training & development vs Outsourcing (e.g.US)Training & development vs Outsourcing (e.g.US)

    SHRM: low cost and differentiation strategies (Asia)SHRM: low cost and differentiation strategies (Asia)to no linkage (Mexico)to no linkage (Mexico)

    Von Glinow, M.A., Drost, E.A. and Teagarden, M.B. (2002). Converging on IHRM best practices: LessonsVon Glinow, M.A., Drost, E.A. and Teagarden, M.B. (2002). Converging on IHRM best practices: Lessonslearned from a globally distributed consortium on theory and practice.learned from a globally distributed consortium on theory and practice. Human Resource ManagementHuman Resource Management,,41(1), 12341(1), 123--140.140.

  • 8/7/2019 BUSN3025 Seminar 4 Comparative HRM


    Copyright 2003Copyright 2003--2006, Chris Chan2006, Chris Chan


    Can payCan pay--forfor--performance policy be transplanted toperformance policy be transplanted toseniorityseniority--based societies?based societies?

    Should and can EEO/AA policies be appliedShould and can EEO/AA policies be appliedelsewhere?elsewhere?

    Degree of autonomy & how much empowerment isDegree of autonomy & how much empowerment istoo much?too much?

    TrustTrust willingness to share information, cooperatewillingness to share information, cooperate

    and not take advantage of another person e.g.and not take advantage of another person e.g.China (low trust), Australia (high trust)China (low trust), Australia (high trust)

    Individualistic culturesIndividualistic cultures reward individualreward individualperformance vs collectivist culturesperformance vs collectivist cultures rewardrewardcollective performancecollective performance