Business Studies Project Class XII

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Transcript of Business Studies Project Class XII

  • 8/20/2019 Business Studies Project Class XII








  • 8/20/2019 Business Studies Project Class XII


    S. No. Title Page No.

    1 Ice cea! i"#$%t& o'e'ie(

    ) Ma*et + *e& co!,etitio"% A"al&%i%

    - Po#$ct %electio" a"# atti$te%

    / Po#$ct a"ge0 eat$e%0 USP0 tag li"e

    2 3o'e"!e"t + eg$lato& co!,lia"ce%

    4 Po#$ct !a"$act$e0 logo0 lael0 ,ac*i"g

    5 Po#$ct0 ta"%,otatio"0 %toage0 #i%ti$tio"

    6 Ma*eti"g ,la"0 ,ici"g0 ,o#$ct ,lace!e"t

    7 Po#$ct ,o!otio"0 (8ole%ale%0 etaile

    19 Co%t e:ecti'e !a*eti"g %c8e!e% + %tategie%

    11 Co"cl$%io"

    1) Reee"ce

    Ice Cea! I"#$%t& Po;le i" I"#ia

  • 8/20/2019 Business Studies Project Class XII


     The ice cream industry in India is in many ways, refective o the overall population

    distribution. The country’s population is primarily rural with approximately 65% o the

    population livin in villaes with a population o less than 5,!!!" this means there are

    well over #5!,!!! villaes with a combined population in excess o 65! million. This

    has contributed to a hihly ramented industry that by many estimates has over

    $!,!!! ice cream entities. any o these are sinle amily operations where the

    product is made either in the home or in very small actories and sold on the streets.

     The &5! million remainin people are concentrated in the cities where the industry isreasonably concentrated in the hands o a ew international and domestic 'rms. It is

    estimated that only &!% o the entire mar(et is )orani*ed+ and the industry meets

    the classic de'nition o a ramented industry, that is, one where there is an absence

    o mar(et leaders with the power to shape industry events. Ice cream or icecream is a

    ro*en dessert usually made rom dairy products, such as mil( and cream, and oten

    combined with ruits or other inredients and favours. ost varieties contain suar,

    althouh some are made with other sweeteners. In some cases, arti'cial favourins

    and colorins are used in addition to -or in replacement o the natural inredients.

     This mixture is stirred slowly while coolin to prevent lare ice crystals rom ormin"the result is a smoothly textured ice cream.

    Oga"i=e# Ice cea! I"#$%t& i" I"#ia

    /hen loo(ed at closely, about hal the orani*ed mar(et is dominated by dairy iants

    li(e 0mul -ice cream bi* contributes only 5% to its turnover 1 other dairy, addin

    another 22% or the reional players. 3etween 4adilal, wality walls, ream bell and a

    handul o premium brands there’s about 7!% o the cone. 8ur orani*ed icecream

    industry is worth about only 9s. #:!! crores in India 1 is rowin at #5%.

    Ma*et co!,etitio"% %8ae%<

    8ne o the top reasons or 0mul -&:% mar(et share bein mar(et leader is that

    distribution;reach de'nes sales. It is an area o wor( or pure play ice cream

    companies. India’s larest ?@, wality /alls -#7% cannot hide

    behind the reach and thereore is 2nd larest player ollowed by 4adilal -#2%, other

    Aairy -:% 1 ream 3ell -6%

  • 8/20/2019 Business Studies Project Class XII


    Ma*et S>OT A"al&%i%< ?Ste"gt80 >ea*"e%%0 O,,ot$"itie% +T8eat%@

    • 0n ice cream is a rerierated product and thereore has limited shel lie

    • 8rane bar, ano Aolly, hoco bar, esar (ul', ornetto,

  • 8/20/2019 Business Studies Project Class XII


    Threats1+hreat from e%istin" ice-cream brands

    #Local Kulfis

    Amul !ce Cream

    Parent Company Amul

    Category ce Cream

    Sector Food Products

    Tagline/ Slogan eal .ilk eal ce-cream

    USPPremium ce Cream made in various varieties andflavors *ith dry fruits and nuts


    Segment Quality conscious children and adults

    Target Group Kids and youth

    Positioning ndia/s 0o1 ce cream

    SWOT Analysis


    1 'ood product ran"e include various flavors,

    party packs, sticks, cones etc

    # 'ood uality and packa"in", and "oodadvertisin"

    & Amul is one of the most respected top-of-the-mind brands

    ( Also launched probiotic and su"arfreeicecreams

    2 3ffers over #44 products across ndia


    1 'ro*in" competition form international andother brands means limited market share

    # Limited international presence as compared toleadin" "lobal brands


    1 5i"h $nd ice-cream to tap the hi"her income"roup also

    # +ie-up *ith food chains, restaurants

    & .obile vans for better visibility


    1 Kulfi in rural markets

    # Local ice creams and s*eet dishes

    & 5ealth conscious people refrainin" from s*eets

  • 8/20/2019 Business Studies Project Class XII


    "a#ilal !cecream

    Parent Company 6adilal

    Category Food processin" and products

    Sector Food and )evera"es

    Tagline/ Slogan 5appiness ka!*aad

    USPPurely ve"etarian *ith many options for thecustomers


    Segment cecream for Quality conscious kids and adults

    Target GroupKids and youth from the urban middle and uppermiddle class

    Positioning A purely ve"etarian dessert

    SWOT Analysis


    1 t has *orld class manufacturin" facilitiesprovidin" e%cellent uality

    # 5u"e brand name locally in 'u7arat providin" a"ood base to e%pand

    & 5as "ood reputation and e%perience for bein"in the industry for over (4 years

    ( 5u"e variety in flavors of ice creams andcandies

    2 'ood brand recall and a lot of variety to choosefrom


    1 Less visibility and market share across thecountry because of ma7or players in the industry

    #!tron"er competition stiflin" its "ro*th

    & )rand visibility lo*er than other ma7or players


    1 mprove distribution net*ork across ndia and"ain market share

    # 6enture into other dairy products so as to

    compete *ith other brands


    1 +hreat from the e%istin" competitors as *ell aslocal ice cream brands

    #.ost people are not really brand conscious, soloyalty mi"ht be an issue

    M& ,o#$ct eat$e%0 atti$te%0 a"ge + USP

    0s a new entrant, we have to create new innovative products to diDerentiate rom

    conventional mar(ets

    Ba"#e# Po#$ct% o Ma*et lea#e%8i,

    •  Eiche brands or identi'cation and demand creation o every favour

    • India havin hihest number o diabetic patients, we shall ma(e diabetic riendly

    ice creams

    • /e shall ma(e smoother 1 at ree ice creams, cholesterol ree and trans ats

    ree or healthy heart.

    • /e shall ma(e purely veetarian products to capture all mar(ets

  • 8/20/2019 Business Studies Project Class XII


    Po#$ct% o all age go$,% a"# #e!oga,8ic aea%• /e shall ma(e over 5! favors or children rather than conventional orane,

    mano, choco, strawberry favors. 8ur display board shall be as ollowsF

    • @ow holesterol and at ree products or adults and seniors

    • ass 3rand Groducts or rural as well as urban mar(ets

    3eat USP o ,o#$ct a"geHince our products would be desined or all ae roups, or both rural as well asurban mar(ets and also bein at ree and low on cholesterol, we shall have a typical

    ?HG or our products that will associate it with these attributes.O$ USP %8all e TASTY BHI..HEALTHY BHI.SABKE LIYEICE


    O$ %loga" %8all e I %cea!0 &o$ %cea!0 (e all %cea! o ice cea!

    Co!e to &o$ 'e& o(" c$%to!i=e# ice cea!


  • 8/20/2019 Business Studies Project Class XII


    aio$% Stage% I"'ol'e# i" Po#$ct Ma*eti"g

    3o'e"!e"t0 eg$lato& + 'ol$"ta& co!,lia"ce%%ta"#a#% There are certain speci'c reulatory compliances or manuacture and mar(etin oany product These pertain to license as well as certi'cationsey reuirements consist o 

    • 0pproved plan lay out or manuacturin, testin, pac(ain, transportation,

    storae 1 distribution

    • =overnment approved location, construction, plant machinery and euipments

    • ompliance to international ood rade certi'cations durin each o the above


    • Htrinent uality control and environment li(e >0G -Hazard analysis and criticalcontrol points)

    •  Total Groductivity anaement -TG1 IH8 (International Organization for Standardization)certi'cations, IH8 #7!!# -Jnvironmental anaement, IH8 #:!!# 8>H0H -TheOccupational Health and Safety Advisory Services)

    Po#$ct !a"$act$e0 logo0 lael0 ,ac*i"g• 8ur ice creams shall boast o world class standards in area o product uality.

    • Jvery batch o inredient oes throuh a strinent uality control beore ta(en

    or production.

    •  The uality standards are in consonance with international norms, and no eDortis spared to ensure world class product reaches the hands o the end users.

    • 8ur Glants are IH8 B!!#F2!!: 1 IH8 22!!!F2!!5 and >0G erti'ed.

    • 8ur pac(ain shall be as per IHI and

  • 8/20/2019 Business Studies Project Class XII


     Yo Yo Ice Cea! Ma"$act$i"g Pla"t

    Ice Cea! Logo

    Ke& Po#$ct% + Pac*agi"g De%ig"%

  • 8/20/2019 Business Studies Project Class XII


     Yo Yo Co"etto Yo Yo Ice Cea! Ca"#&

      Yo Yo Ice Cea! C$, Yo Yo Yog$t C$,

     Yo Yo C8ocolate C$, Yo Yo Ice Cea!e"#i"g

  • 8/20/2019 Business Studies Project Class XII


     Yo Yo Sta(e& Yo Yo C8oco Yog$t

    Ma*eti"g Pla"%• ar(etin shall be done thru whole sellers as well as retailers

    • /hole sellers shall be appointed or each district who will supply to small


    • Jxclusive Ice cream parlors shall be opened in lare shoppin complexes

    • 8n the outs(irts o towns, vendin machines shall be installed similar to ban(

    0Ts• Jach sale outlet shall have product display with prices and product weiht

    • In urban cities, exclusive store shall be opened with proper seatin plan where

    ice creams shall be served on the table

     Yo Yo Ice Cea! Palo Yo Yo Po#$ctDi%,la&

  • 8/20/2019 Business Studies Project Class XII


     Yo Yo Ice Cea!% Ecl$%i'e Stoe (it8 ,o,e%eati"g ,la"

    Po#$ct Po!otio"•

  • 8/20/2019 Business Studies Project Class XII


    • 9etailer