Business Sales process

Post on 11-Nov-2014

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Improving the quality of the sales process should improve the overall health of the company. In general, whether a product or a service, the process is based on three distinct but related, forming the sales pipeline. The sales pipeline can be compared to a linear sequential flow system containing a feedback loop ranging from marketing to sales and support to customers before returning to marketing.

Transcript of Business Sales process

Sales Process

Things to consider (Reach & Exposure)

Business sell channels

Indirect channels (Where does our customer go to buy the products) Technology partner

Service partner

Channel partner

Marketing partner

Business partner

Sell stages


Prospect 10%

Validated 25%

Qualified 10%

Best Few 90%


Social media is sale’s BFF

• Social Media is the new cold call.• Thought leadership over social media channels

creates a pull effect.• Network effect to our sales funnel


Understand our Product (Unique selling proposition) Single, clear and compelling message that states why the business is

different and worth working with.

Understand our Market (Where are we selling?)

Understand our Target (Who are we selling to?)

Understand our Timing (Who do we sell?)

Understand our Tactics (how de we reach them?)

Those needs to be validated with our customer and users

Tactics (Events and PR)

Low-cost & high impact

Can be highly targeted and effective

Allows us to build relationships with media

Can be tracked via metrics

Creates awareness and provides credibility

Build a PR and events database of key events, bloggers and media.

Tactics (automation & lead management)

Custom mail per market segment to prospect and customers

Email for Demo request to prospect

Reminder emails

Use Links and CTAs within offers

Mechanics of Lead Generation Creating Irresistible Offers

The offers must be exclusive, scarce or in high demand. Whether they are free trials, memberships, sales promotions, or download to overcome a lead’s typical friction, doubt, or concern. Create a physiological reaction that makes an offer more valuable.

Call-to-Action CTAs can be used on product pages (non-landing pages), in display ads,

email, social media, direct mail and pretty much anywhere we can market our offer.

Landing Pages that Convert According to MarketingSherpa’s research, landing pages are effective for

94% of B2B and B2C. Enables capturing leads at a much higher rate.

Optimized Forms

Multi-Channel Lead Generation

our website isn’t a silo. We must utilize many other channels in order to

maximize their lead generation efforts. In this sense, a channel might be a retail

store, a website, a social media platform, an email, or a text message. The

objective is to make it easy for buyers to research, evaluate and purchase

products in any way that is most appropriate for them. It’s all about having the

right marketing mix.

Blogging Brings in the Leads

Companies that blog 6-8 times per month double their lead volume. This proves that

blogging is a highly effective channel for lead generation.

In every blog post, we should include hyperlinks to landing pages within the copy of the

post, as well as a prominent call-to- action.

Include buttons to enable our prospects to share content and offers. include multiple

social media channels as well as email, since people have different sharing preferences.

when our offer is shared more, more people land on the page, and therefore more

people fill out our form and become leads!

Email Marketing and Automation Email can be a great channel for new lead generation

Focus on an opt-in strategy.

If we’re buying email lists and spamming our prospects, no one will want to share our email with others. They will

only want to unsubscribe! The first step to email lead generation is to make sure we have happy subscribers that

enjoy receiving emails from us.

Send people valuable offers.

If we send really interesting or valued offers - whether it’s downloads, discounts or educational content - people will more likely share our emails with their friends or colleagues. (referral)

Give people the tools to share.

Don’t forget to add a “forward to a Friend” link or social media sharing buttons within each email so people are

encouraged to pass it on.

Speed “You snooze, you lose”

Our response to new leads can overwhelm the competition. Leads are 22 times more likely to convert when we make

contact within 5 minutes of lead generation. Nearly 78% of prospect convert with the company that

contacted them first.


Prioritize : Make new lead a top priority

Automate: Use auto responder (see links) to immediately send a welcome email to new leads that enter our system.

Use email templates

Persistence Pays Many quality lead just aren’t ready to close right away, They want to buy, but

they’re just not read to pull the trigger.

Maybe they’re still looking for more information or exploring all their options.

Maybe they’re still building their comfort and trust level – with us.

These long-term prospect are often forgotten

Studies have shown that … It takes an average of 5 attempts to contact a lead

40% of quality leads will close with long-term follow up

Up to 70% of leads are long term in nature

Solutions Our first goal is first contact. How many times should we try to connect with

a new lead? Again, the average is five; but we should continue trying at least a dozen times. Until we confirm that the lead data is invalid or the prospect is not interested, we still have a potential client. So don’t be so quick to give up on them.

A lead nurturing program. If our prospect just isn’t ready yet, we’ll need a lead nurturing program that will guide them to a buying decision — and ensure that we're nearby when they’re ready to buy. A drip marketing system, combined with a lead management program, is the ideal tool for lead nurturing.

Schedule future “touches.” Use our lead management tool to schedule future contact, whether it’s a postcard, phone call or email. It helps to build trust, while keeping we connected with genuine prospect.

Automate So You Can Close More Lead management. By automating your lead management, you can handle

hundreds of new leads each month without having to hire an admin — while you reduce the chances of leads falling through the cracks.

Quote engine. Slash your quoting time by up to 96% by generating up-to-date quotes and detailed proposals in seconds.

Website. With an imbedded quote engine, your website can be a one-stop 24-hour resource for online health insurance shoppers.

Drip marketing. Make your persistence marketing nearly effortless with an email autoresponder that keeps you connected with thousands of unclosed leads — without pulling your focus away from the hot “ready to close” leads that need your attention now.

Presented by Green Design Marketing Group