Bus236 Tessellation Art/Gestalt Prinicples

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Bus236 Tessellation Art/Gestalt Prinicples

Once upon a time, a noble King makes his way to the village.

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He wishes to surprise His Queen.

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The local merchant is happy to oblige.

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The King is pleased with the merchant’s suggestion.

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The Queen is pleased as well.

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A conversation to share their joy quickly begins.

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The King makes connections between things that occur in sequence.

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The Queen talks of how things are grouped and the properties they share.

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Eager to join in, their trusted servant notes ways objects are alike.

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Before too long however, they are at odds. Does a single item stands out?

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Charles stands listening, knowing they are not understanding this concept.

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As a helpful servant, he finds a way to explain it.

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The King humbly agrees.

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The Queen continues, explaining how objects are balanced and equal from one side to the other.

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The King concludes there is no previous knowledge needed to understand the artist’s intent.

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The King and Queen retreat to their bedside, and fall fast asleep.

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