Bus. Etuquette

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Bus. Etuquette




  Is little more than common sense coupled with consideration for others taking part in your portfolio can enable you to do:

        Negotiate the tricky ground of a job search.

        Gain confidence in yourself.

        Dress appropriately for the situation.

        Interact effectively with your coworkers and business associates.

        Handle with ease conflicts in work place.

        Get along better with your boss.

• Increase your chance of success if you’re striking out on your own.

           Etiquette can make the difference between getting ahead in t the work place or being left behind.

Emily Post said “ To make a pleasant and friendly impression I in not only good manners, but equally good business”.

           The work place has under gone tremendous changes last two d decades, its moving from hierarchy and individualism t t team work and collaboration.

           Good manners lead to a good impression. “ Manners grease t the wheels of social interaction”

THE JOB SEARCHTHE JOB SEARCHWhat does etiquette have to do with a job search?

Much indeed.

Your stop along the path to employment includes:

• meeting new people.

•Communicating your abilities.

•Proving you not only have what it takes

but also other skills.

Etiquette gives you a confidence.


NET WORKINGNET WORKING•The buzzword for making contact with people and exchanging information

•It is an effort and a state of mind.

•It occurs at any time you meet someone in your field of interest.

“ The smart network respects the opinions (and time) of others, helps other people as much as he is helped”.

“ The bad net worker is a name-dropper who brags about his connections and comes across as being more concerned about what can be done for him than what can he do for someone else”.



• By making a list of people you know well, any you admire professionally, use all your connections- professional, academic, family, social.

• To widen your circle of contacts, join professional organizations, volunteer groups, social clubs.

• Try to become a leader in such group has three benefits:

1. Your visibility is increased.

2. Making people want to know you.

3. You enhance your leadership

skills and show it to people.

STAYING IN TOUCHSTAYING IN TOUCH•Keeping in touch, as well as helping out people on your list whenever possible.

•When the moment comes, tell everyone you’re a job-seeker and then leave it at that.

•If anyone, either inside or outside the group asks to help you, graciously accept.

•Send them your resume, along with a brief letter detailing your career goals.

THE RIGHT TOOLSTHE RIGHT TOOLS•Correspondence on high quality paper, can make an especially good impression.

•Make it easy for people to reach you over phone, fax or e-mail.

•A hand written not makes bad impression in the electronic era.

TAKING ACTIONTAKING ACTION• Networking is a base for your job search but not the end itself.

• You should work out to discover what’s out there, where this involves:

1. Calling a company directly.

2. Checking the want ads or surf the net.

3. Enlisting the service of an employment agency.


•Your first contact with a potential employer may result from successful networking.

•A well-composed letter on paper allows you to show off your writing skills.

•Don’t be shy to call and inquire about potential job opening whether you had the name contact or not.

•When in contact with the person in charge of hiring, simply introduce yourself, give the name of whoever referred you and brief description of relevant professional experience and your current job.

•Say that you are interested in learning about potential openings in the department.

•If person is receptive, ask if you can go ahead to send cover letter and resume.

•The best time to reach someone is between 11.15 A.M. and noon when morning meeting finished and lunch didn’t start yet.

ANSWERING QUESTIONSANSWERING QUESTIONS• Answer in a clear and confident manner, but be careful not to

come off as a know-it-all.

• Start statement with “I think …” or “ I imagine….” Instead of “ there’s no doubt that…” or ‘everyone knows….”

• Take a moment to phrase the answer in your head, even if answer is obvious.


The three questions that are usually asked:

1. What are your strengths?

2. Why do you want a new job and why with us?

3. What was the hardest thing you ever faced in a job?

SPEECH TIPSSPEECH TIPS•Don’t try to dominate the conversations.

•Back off if the other part seems irresponsible or distracted.

•If other people come along, make an effort to include them in the conversation.

•Think before you speak and avoid subjects that are too personal.

•It’s fine to disagree with someone, but phrase your comments politely

•Don’t overuse “I”.

•Be careful not to repeat yourself.

•Keep knowledge of the world outside.

•Keep the sound volume under control, read the body language to judge to continue talking or not.

•To end the talk, leave after the other person, you can conclude “well, I think it’s time to go back to work”

•If someone interrupts you, suggest another time.

IN A COMPANYIN A COMPANY•Paying compliments when and where compliments are due is a kind of day-to-day justice, saying “welcome” or “good job” it raises the coworker spirit a notch or two.

•The best way to get help is to give it.

•When you receive a helping hand, a thank you is always necessary, no matter how small favor.

•If someone becomes engaged or married, congratulate him/her don’t be questioning the choice, don’t be too free with marriage advises.

•If someone become ill, show sympathy by helping the person on the job, don’t complain about absences from the office.

•If someone dies, write and speak your condolences never to say “Be thankful suffering is over”, offer practical assistance.

WHAT SAY YOUR CLOTHESWHAT SAY YOUR CLOTHESClothes are not only send messages about your personality and mind-set but provide other clues as well.

•Your tie.

•Your shirt.

•Your hair.

PLEASING THE CUSTOMERPLEASING THE CUSTOMER•The first rule is to treat everyone with your full respect.

•Listen to your customers and clients carefully and be there.

•If you use questions creatively, they become a way of guiding the discussion the way you want.

•Producing answers is more impressive than questioning.

•An interest in what a person say can dissolve barriers of suspicion and build feelings of friendship and trust.

•If you move the conversation along with gentle intelligent questions, you will gain more valuable information.

•Dealing with angry customers

happens occasionally.

In the following some tips to overcome it:

•Let the angry caller speak for a minute or two.

•Don’t interrupt even if he pauses unlike facts.

•Try to detach yourself from the emotional context of what he is saying, be objective.

•When you sense the caller’s anger has fad, make a brief comment that demonstrates you’ve listened closely and understand how important the problem is for him.

•If that goes well, express you want to help to solve the problem.

•If he explodes again, it is a good idea to ask for his number.

•Always emphasize the actions you will take.

WHEN YOU’RE WRONGWHEN YOU’RE WRONGStephen R. Covey recommends both admitting your mistake and apologizing for them.

“ It is one thing to make a mistake and quite, another thing not to admit it, people forgive mistakes, because mistakes are usually of the mind or judgment, but people will not easily forgive the mistake of the hearts. The ill intention, bad motives, the prideful justifying.


If apology will lead to liability and law suit, handle with care a customer calls and tell you she just bought a new model toaster oven and it doesn’t toast. You say “I very much appreciate your concern about the toaster, I want to do all I can to see if we can get it toasting just the way you think it should”. Don’t say “We apologize for this company’s part in putting this defective toaster oven in your hands”.




• Someone who stands with back straight, shoulders back is good picture for self confidence and ambition.

• Standing with your hands clasped behind you is a more graceful and authoritative pose than sticking your hands in pockets.

• Do not stand with your ankles locked hold onto one of your arms, it signal shyness and insecurity.


•Slouching in a chair conveys laziness, tiredness, even disrespect.

•Cross legs while seated are defensive gesture.

•Jigging the knee, communicate insecurity or fear.


•A smile donate warmth, openness and friendliness but don’t overdo it. False smile makes you look phony.

•The poker face: Blank expressions, the best to make deals


a.     Look into the other person’s eye, shows interest in conversation.

b.    Staring can look threaten.

c.     The desirable middle ground is reached by shifting your focus to other parts of the face from time to time.

d.    Avoid playing with your hair, tie or jewelry or biting your lip, drumming your fingers.