Bures C.E. Primary School Newsletter

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Transcript of Bures C.E. Primary School Newsletter

Bures C.E. Primary School


Contact us: 01787 227446 primary@bures.suffolk.sch.uk Date: 18th June 2021

Big Question of the Week “What do you think consider to be the greatest scientific achievement ever?”

Spectacular Science and ... This week we have been enjoying a special Science Week, focusing our attention on experimenting and investigating as the children learn to ‘work scientifically’ which forms a crucial part of the National Curriculum for Science. Working scientifically includes the skills such as comparative testing, identifying and classifying, observation over time, pattern seeking, researching and asking BIG questions. As you will see from the class news this week, the children have had a messy and practical time whilst also learning lots. Thank you to all our teachers for planning such an exciting week but thank you particularly to Mr Allen (Science Leader) for providing the inspiration for our work and getting everyone organised. A Diverse Week to Come Next week, we will be joining with lots of other schools to celebrate ‘School Diversity Week’. This week is promoted by the charity ‘Just Like Us’ which is an LGBT+ young people’s charity. Our theme for the week will be—’What Makes You, You?’ and we will be thinking about our families, our likes and dislikes, our talents and interests and all the other things that make us unique. Our Christian value this half term is tolerance so we will also be talking about how we should accept everyone for who they are, respecting the differences between us. The discussions and activities we undertake have been planned at an age appropriate level but you may want to be prepared in case your children do come home with questions about the theme.

Explore, Believe, Shine

‘The Adventure Awaits…’

Super Scientists What a busy week for Hundred-Acre Wood, what with a Dinosaur theme AND Science Week! Science Week has been an absolute blast...literally! We had so much fun taking part in practical experiments, with the bag bombs turning out to be a clear favourite. We have been particularly great at using prediction and observational skills. Our sound of the week is “ay” (may I play?) and so we threw ourselves waaaaaay back when the dinosaurs roamed. We used clay to create our own fossils and have been using our archaeological expertise to uncover dinosaurs from water, sand, mud, wood chippings, rice and even ice. All of our dinosaur learning tied in brilliantly with science week; we thought about the hab-itats and diets of dinosaurs. Miss Moore was thoroughly impressed with all of the prior knowledge and vocabulary that was brought to the classroom by our Reception dinosaur masters. In maths we have been revising counting in twos, so be sure to test this at home, and focusing on our number of the week- seventeen.

Explore, Believe, Shine

‘The Adventure Awaits…’

Super Science Too The children and adults in Brambly Hedge have had a wonderful science week! We started by investigating the question 'Do taller children run faster?' as a shorter person herself Mrs Bacon was keen to prove this wrong - however, after carrying out many, many running races of different distances we concluded that mostly taller children do run faster (but occasionally shorter people are faster)- it must be those longer legs!! We had fun creating some messy mixtures; mixing cornflour and water to make 'gloop' and creating 'bag bombs' by adding water, vinegar and bicarbonate of soda- needless to say it was messy but great fun! But the highlight of the week was our trip to Daws Hall! We investigated a variety of habitats and the creatures that live there: a meadow of long grass and wildflowers, a woodland and a pond. We found some fabulous creatures- some we had never even heard of. We found, plant bugs, shield bugs, grasshoppers, newts, slugs, cardinal beetles, woodlice, pond skaters, water boatmen, scorpion bugs and water snails. The children have had a wonderful week and have learnt so

much too- perhaps without even realising it! Emerald City’s main focus for science week was our trip to Daws Hall. We had fantastic weather on Wednesday and started the day by pond dipping. We were extremely excited to catch stick-lebacks as well as dragonfly larva, snails, diving beetles and bloodworms, These were all named using identification sheets. We completed a camouflage trail and talked about why we could find pink and blue wool easier than green and yellow. After lunch we identified different meadow plants, again using leaf identification charts. The children were fascinated by all the insects we saw and there were squeals of delight when a little later, we used sweeping nets to collect the bugs in the grass. Our nets were full of crickets and grasshoppers and Amy, our

guide, explained the difference between them. For some shade later, we went into the wood and identified different trees and insects, looking at the different habitats meant we found different plants and creatures. We had a fascinating day, despite the heat and there is lots of scientific enquiry work for us to complete in class linked to our trip. WOW! What a fantastic week we have had in Narnia class. As it was science week the chil-dren have been involved in many different experiments and investigations. On Monday, the children made 'orrible ooze and discussed how its properties were similar to that of quick-sand. Then we started our investigations to find out where the most germs are within our school. On Tuesday the children started their in-vestigation for our big questions 'Do taller children run the fastest?', as well as creating a zip line seat for our class teddy Hiccup. On Wednesday, we were transported into a Hogwarts potion class. We made pink fizzy love potions and colour changing poison, before designing our own potions. Then to end our already fantastic week, we were lucky enough to have some baby goats come to visit which the children thoroughly enjoyed.

Even More Super Scientists! We have had a dramatic and scientific week in Hogwarts!!! Lots of curious

minds wrestled with hypotheses and then set about planning investigations into speed, light, states of matter and chemical reactions. We had to be accu-rate and observe closely, essential skills for our budding professors. In between the investigations, we were visited by Mrs Arrow and Mr Neary from TGS performing arts department. We learned and performed a new song with actions in under an hour on Mon-day and then on Thursday we based dance and drama on The Lion King,

which tied in beautifully with our English focus of playscripts. It has been a whirlwind but thoroughly enjoyable. The Shire have had a great time this week investigating all things science! We have worked hard at investi-gating the question “Do taller children run faster than shorter children?” We conducted some research and set up our own experiments in our groups and completed our tests on the field in the glorious sunshine! We also looked at the effect various drinks had on our teeth, using chalk as a substitute. We will continue to monitor the progress over the coming days to decide which drinks are the worst! Alongside these questions, we made a mess making the non-Newtonian fluid Oobleck and exploded sandwich bags to see the effects of mixing bicarbonate of soda and vinegar. We also discussed the use of electric cars and what the effects of having an average life expectancy of 200 would be. A busy, messy week! Year Six—Looking Back and Looking Ahead This week in Wonderland and The Enchanted Forest we have been talking a lot about the residential and the brilliant time that we had. We have also been practising for our performance at TGS next week. We are excited to be able to perform our play to our parents, which we know so many other schools have cancelled. We were visited by TGS and got to ask questions about transition and find out all the exciting things that we can do when we move up to high school. We are looking forward to our transition and end of term activities. Finally we have been learning about sex education as part of our RSE learning.

Collective Worship We were continuing our theme of “Accepting Others” in our assemblies this week. Mrs Bacon shared the story of Peter and Cornelius with the children and talked about the fact that Christians believe that God has no favourites. He accepts everyone for who they are; loving them equally and he wants us to follow this example. Our class assemblies followed up this with teachers sharing the story of Jesus calling Matthew to be a disciple. Up until this point, there had been lots of things wrong in Matthew’s life and the other disciples were surprised that Jesus would choose someone like Matthew to be part of his team. The children were encouraged to think about showing tolerance and kindness to everyone however different they might be.

Bures Primary Goat Farm!

This afternoon we were very lucky to have a visit from Mr Fairbairn and his 3 kids. Y’s 2, 3, 4 and 5 were able to to meet and feed the goats. The children asked some very inquisitive questions and were all very happy to have a cuddle.

Explore, Believe, Shine

‘The Adventure Awaits…’

Explore, Believe, Shine

‘The Adventure Awaits…’

Sports Day—Tuesday 22nd June Sports Day will take place on Tuesday 22nd June in the following format: KS1: 10.30am—12noon KS2: 1pm—2.30pm (approx.) Unfortunately after much thought and in line with our Risk Assessment, we have decided that it would be un-wise to invite parents to spectate at this event with the current restrictions remaining in place. Please can all children come into school wearing their PE Kit including their house T-Shirt. Children will also need a water bottle and a hat. If the weather is fine we will ask that the children have had sun cream applied before that arrive.

PSA Are you good with money? Can you update simple spreadsheets and maintain basic financial records? If so, we need your help!! We are looking for somebody to take on the role of Treasurer of our PSA. This would involve banking money raised from our fundraising activities, making pay-ments from our online bank account and keeping basic financial records up to date. Although it is an important role for our PSA, it is not time consuming - maybe an hour or two each month. There is no need to be free during the school day - the tasks can be fitted in at any time that suits you. If you, or anyone you know who has a child or grandchild at Bures School, would be able to assist, please do get in touch. We are looking for someone to take on the role from September onwards, but would ideally like to start the handover / training period as soon as possible. For further information, please contact Helen Foster or Ruth Woodman (contact details available from school


Thanks in advance for your support

Upcoming Events

Tuesday 22nd June—Sports Day (please see above)

Thursday 24th June—Y6 Performance @ TGS

Wednesday 7th July—Leavers Photo’s

Wednesday 14th July to Friday 16th July- Y6 TGS Induction

Be Ready, Be Responsible & Be Respectful Awards

Madeline, Archie Leighton, Ellouise, Evie, Lucca, Hattie, Willem, Peter, Erin, Billy, Fenella, and all of Y6

Our Staff Ambassadors are:

Mrs Turner and Mrs Forbes

Explore, Believe, Shine

‘The Adventure Awaits…’

Attendance—Whole School this week—97.3%

Gold = 98 -100% Green = 95 – 97.9% Red = 90 – 94.9% Purple = <90%

Have a restful weekend!

Reception Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five Year Six

98.4% 98.1% 97.5% 97.6% 97.3% 95.3% 96.8%