BUOR Beauty Fashion Lifestyle

Post on 25-Jul-2016

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Lifestyle Publication with a focus on Beauty, Fashion and elements of life that informs and celebrate Urban Culture.

Transcript of BUOR Beauty Fashion Lifestyle


His & His Story The Phelps Brothers Today’s History Makers

Volume VI BUOR Beauty Under One Roof




The W.O.N. Effect Advise About

Selling on

Beauty Product GURU Leigh

Valentine March 7

Wortham Theatre Houston, TX


Lose Weight

Without the

Word Diet


#My Hands His Gift

Shaydra Lovick

Make Up & Hair


Inside BUOR

Front Cover The Phelps Brother’s History Makers 8 Ways to Lose Weight Without the Word Diet What Real Men Want? Real Women! Vow of Love Keratin Krazy 7 African American Iconic Style History __________________ PUBLISHER EARKER COLEMAN-ARCHIELD EDITOR EARKER COLEMAN-ARCHIELD HJ RUSSELL JAMES CREATIVE TEAM ASHRIEL DUNHAM Hj PLATINUM STUDIO KIMBERLY AITCH 832.303.1583 BUORBEAUTYNEWS.COM

Editor In Chief 2016 Has started out with a BANG! BUOR Beauty News is collaborating

with some Amazing People and Events. These strategic alliances will give

our Advertiser exposure that will place their brands in front of target market

of consumers that have strong purchasing power and brand loyalty. For our

readers this means being informed and exposed to events and products

that suit your selective style..

Earker Coleman—Archield BUOR—B’ Your Own Definition of Beauty

BUOR BEAUTY UNDER ONE ROOF Pronounce B’-Your Definition Be Yourself

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His & His-Story Makers Today

BUOR caught up with “The Phelps Brothers” George “Golden Boy” creator of Sky Trues Custom Eyewear and his brother

Celebrity Photographer Ferrell. These brothers appear totally different George “hip hop at its finest”, Ferrell elite society

personified, as I listen to His-Story George & His Story Ferrell this how BOUR saw today’s His-Story being made:

George “Golden Boy”

1) Inspiration to create Sky

Trues Custom Eyewear while

in Harris County Jail

2) Artist Custom Eyewear


3) Hip Hop Artist

4) Creating New Music Project

5) Loves Fashion - Urban

6) God Gives the Vision


1) Inspiration to begin photog-

raphy while working at Target

2) Artist Celebrity Photographer

3) TV Host

4) Creating Historical piece about

4th Ward

5) Loves Fashion - Traditional


6) God Gives the Vision

B: Tell us about Sky Trues Custom Eyewear.

George: I can image things, when that happens over and over again I gravitate to the idea. I wanted to create something that was unique, it’s All God, he gave me the vision. I started doodling on glasses. But people weren’t to excited about it.

B: Why do you thing people weren’t excited about your vision?

George: Sometime in our community if something's different people will say, why you doing that painting man, nobody’s going to wear those they look like clown glasses. People saying I can’t makes me go. But it’s my vision is to create a brand that was FLY, COOL, that’s DIFFERENT. (Sky Trues Custom Eyewear). Now two years later full fledge over 5000 sold, with 30 celebrities wearing my brand. Started out at $40 now the go upwards to $350. Celebrities wearing Sky Trues George Clinton, Waka Floca, Big Sean, Atlanta Housewives, Love N Hip Hop girls and more.

B: What did you do before this?

George: I was an entertainer, Hip Hop Artist put a couple of projects out that did extremely well,.Tpane, Rick Ross, and it goes on. & on,

B: Are you still producing music?

George: Yes, I’m working on a project now, it should be released in march.

B: Coming from the Northside of Houston what would you tell kids today?

George: You’ve got to want it, it can’t be something that you say you’re going to do. If you want to be a basketball player and get into the league certain things you gotta do. I’ll it like this you have want to succeed and much as you want to breath. Talent is only half of it you have to have work ethics walk in your own destiny, be in command of your Dreams.

B: Ferrell, I know that you are to owner of Ferrell’s Photography and that you’ve photographed countless Celebrities, what else are you currently working on?

Ferrell: In working on the Freedman’s Project which is due to be released Feb, 2016,

B: Tell us, What’s the Freedoms Project?

Ferrell: I wanted to preserve the history of Freedman’s Town which no longer exist, through the Gift of Photography, which I consider to be my God Given Gift. I used actors to recreated what it was like in Freedman’s Town which is also known as 4th Ward. This is my contribution to history for the children who come after us. They can go back and find out about the history and culture. If we know where we come from it makes us stand stronger.

Basically, I’ve brought the past into the present. Modern day elements with the attire of the past. This all stems from wanting to make a difference in the world, Photography is the base, but preserving history especially for African Americans in the City of Houston is what I’m passionate about.

B: You’re also a Talk Show Host?

Ferrell: Yes, The Ferrell Phelps Show (Cable & YouTube) I use it to make a difference, this is our 3rd year. I like to share triumphant stories, expose local artist you name we’ll have it on the show.

Ferrell has also author the book “In My Lifetime” about President Obama which sits in the White House

To Learn More about the Phelps Brother’s History Maker visit us online buorbeautynews.com
































Infinity Scarf

Recycle DIY


By: Anna Fleet activenet.co


Lose Weight


the Word Diet

If you buy into all of the New Year’s health

memes on Pinterest, you already know

that weight loss is 70-percent diet and only

30-percent exercise. And although I’m a

huge proponent of the fact that daily physi-

cal activity is a good thing, it’s less about

losing weight and more for (me personally)

about being in a better mood, getting bet-

ter sleep, having extra energy, etc. In the

end, the most important factor in losing

weight is diet, or rather, how

many calories we consume. According to

doctors form at Washington University’s

School of Medicine, “Decreasing food in-

take is much more effective than increas-

ing physical activity to achieve weight


However, cutting calories to lose weight

doesn’t have to be about restriction of

food. In fact, healthy weight loss can be

achieved without the word diet even com-

ing into the picture…

Why? Because veggies and fruits are

typically low calorie, high in fiber, and

high in water content, which in the end,

fills you up while having you consume

less overall.

1. Load Up on Extra Veggies-Bulking your meals up with extra veggies ra-

ther than fats and starches can fill you up and

keep you satisfied until your next meal. For

instance, with your next stir fry or pasta, try

cutting the noodles or

rice in half and add-

ing double

the vegetables.

Doctors will recom-

mend eating more fruits and veggies as a

method for shedding excess pounds.

2. Cozy Up with Tea Oftentimes we eat when we’re bored or

nervous when we’re not even hungry.

Add some

cozy (zero

calorie) com-

fort to your

day or even-

ing with a

steaming mug of your favorite green or

herbal brew. Not only do many studies

link sipping on green tea with a tempo-

rary boost in metabolism, green tea is

rich in catechins, a type of photochemi-

cal, linked to metabolic boost.

Plus, sipping on plain herbal or green

tea will ensure your beverage of choice

is zero calorie (if you don’t add cream

or sugar). Just be sure to stick with an

3. Soup it Up Do you like a side with your lunch or a

starter for dinner. Rather than bread or


try a

side or





make a big, comforting bowl of broth

based soup your main entree. The key

is to stick with broth based (veggie or

chicken) versus cream based soups

(made with fatty butter or cream).

4. Dine at Home

If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a

thousand times: if you want to consumer

fewer calories prepare the bulk of your

meals at home. Preparing your own

meals puts you in control of the ingredi-

ents within, according to a survey

from Consumer Reports.

The poll linked those who dined at home

the majority of the week (at least 5 days

per week)

with more suc-

cessful weight

loss and weight

maintenance. In

fact, you can make meal prep a

breeze by pre-cooking lean protein

(i.e., chicken or fish), dried beans, rice,

quinoa, and using frozen veggies for

quick, no-fuss meals at home.

5. Eat With a Timer No, I’m not referring to military-style

food fest, rather I’m talking about train-

ing your body to consume food more

slowly with the aid of a timer or stop

watch. Many nutritionists tell us, after

all, that the root of indigestion and

heartburn comes from shoveling food

down to quickly.

Alternatively, savoring your meals more

slowly can help you enjoy the meal

more while also helping you consume

smaller portions. So try it; set a timer for

20-minutes and stretch out your meal

really tasting and chewing each bite

thoroughly. You’ll soon notice with long-

er meals comes sooner satiation

(because the brain has time to register

that it’s full).

6. Yoga State of Mind and Body Part of losing weight and feeling great

has to do with a positive state of mind.

And the Journal of the American Dietet-

ic Association credits yoga to a better

mind-body contented-

ness. The research

indicates that folks

who maintain a regu-

lar yoga practice tend to weight signifi-

cantly less than those who don’t do


7. Stick with Water It’s an understatement to say that the calo-

ries in beverages can really add up. If you

like to crack a soda, sports drink, or alco-

holic beverage with your meals, chances

are you’re drinking down a lot of excess

calories, and wast-

ing it on fluids.

Instead, keep

those calories in

check by swapping

a sugary soda or

cocktail with water or sparking soda with

no sugar added. If you can’t stand the

thought of drinking boring old water, add

some flavor with a slice of cucumber and a

slice of lemon, lime, or orange to give it

some flavor.

8. Set Your Alarm to Snooze While eating in bed can lead to mindless

snacking (and too many crumbs in the

sheets), researchers from the University of

Michigan say that catching an extra hour of

shut-eye nightly can lead to significant

weight loss…of almost

15-pounds annually.

The Michigan study rea-

sons that an extra hour

of sleep equals one less

hour of idleness, which

is most likely used for snacking through an-

other television episode on Netflix. Instead,

you can cut your daily calories by about 6-

percent with one added hour of zzzzzz’s.

Plus, we all know that lack of sleep leads to

lack of energy and tendency to binge on

empty carbs, fats, and refined sugars.

So what does downward dog have to do with

weight loss? Not only does yoga get you mov-

ing, a better overall self-awareness of you

body and emotions will help you develop a

mindful approach to eating. Hence, you’ll real-

ize sooner that you’re full and resist the urge to

keep eating.


Lose Weight


the Word Diet

















D 2



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Angelique McFarland (former Oprah Executive Assistant) & Lifestyle Coach

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Earker Coleman Archield


What Real Men Want? Real Women!

“In a world where you can be anything…

Be Yourself !”

their life partner “forget” to ask or require this boundary. If you are a monogamous per-

son, best you require the same from your partner. In this list you also want to put things

like no sociopaths, liars, issues that are not predictive of a long lasting relationship.

Preferences include sports, classical music, reading, working out, theater, museums,

travel etc. You may not match up in preferences and over time you may join your partner

in his/her preferences because you love being together. I don’t call preferences deal

breakers, and I do have concerns that if you don’t get the must/have, must not have list

correct you could run into deal breakers.

3. Confidence and Clarity

Being in the world exuding confidence and clarity attracts confidence and clarity (It may

also attract those who want it but don’t have it so take note. You will see this and proba-

bly need to move on). Always keep your life going while in the dating game. Do not put it

on hold! If you have been in therapy, attended workshops, asked the serious questions

and taken the time to figure

Start your list: must have, must not have, and preferences.

Somewhere in the must have/must not have, you might want to put the “really single”

thing. So many people who are seriously interested in finding their life partner “forget” to

ask or require this boundary. If you are a monogamous person, best you require the

same from your partner. In this list you also want to put things like no sociopaths, liars,

issues that are not predictive of a long lasting relationship.

Preferences include sports, classical music, reading, working out, theater, museums,

travel etc. You may not match up in preferences and over time you may join your partner

in his/her preferences because you love being together. I don’t call preferences deal

breakers, and I do have concerns that if you don’t get the must/have, must not have list

correct you could run into deal breakers.

3. Confidence and Clarity

Being in the world exuding confidence and clarity attracts confidence and clarity (It may

also attract those who want it but don’t have it so take note. You will see this and proba-

bly need to move on). Always keep your life going while in the dating game. Do not put it

on hold! If you have been in therapy, attended workshops, asked the serious questions

and taken the time to figure out who you are, where you are going and then who will go

on the journey with you the confidence and clarity will be nice by products of this work!

4. Drive or Be Driven

In the beginning of a relationship, I believe you should decide if you want to be the male/

driving energy or female/being driven energy. If you want to drive, you begin the invites,

get numbers, call, email, and let someone know you are interested. If you want to be driv-

en, you encourage, are warm and inviting, respond, and let the driver know you are interested.

Clarity is so valuable here. Let someone know who you are and where you are going in

life! Once you are a couple, the drive or be driven issue transforms into something quite differ-


5. Couple vs Single

We are stronger as a couple than either is as an individual. She/He makes me want to be a

better person. He/she is under my skin. We think about each other all of the time. We have

differences and we can respectfully work through them. We love the essence of each other.

Our worlds are important to both of us. These are the types of comments that suggest you

may have found a good partner!

Preparing yourself always makes the road easier. Take the time to do this!

“If he wants you to be in his life, he’ll put you there. You shouldn’t have to fight for a spot. “

Dr. Anne Brown PhD, RN of Sausalito, California


By now, you’ve have heard all the raves about keratin smoothing treatments. That promise smooth, silky, strong, softer, more manageable, frizz free hair. I can tell you from experience personally and professionally … its true! So here is the “Hairstory” of keratin.

Keratin treatments started with the often imitated but who wants to duplicate it, Brazilian straightening system. Which produced

beautiful results but had more than 2% formaldehyde, a known carcinogen…booo , therefore deemed unsafe. But in typical American fashion

we created a dizzying array of treatments, products and services for your consumable pleasure. Keratin treatments perform well across ethnicities and

hair types. Kinky or coarse to straight or fine. Keratin also works wonders on chemically crippled (my own term) hair, like colored, permed, over processed or re-

laxed hair. Keratins, prevent breakage, reduces frizz, increases body and shine, can repair damage, reduces curl and even straighten. Hair dry’s faster, holds

curl better, is stronger and lasts longer than conventional straighteners… whew… that’s a lot for one product.

So here’s how it works. Keratin treatments deposit liquid keratin along with a preservative into the hair as well as coats the hair. Hair is made of keratin so it re-

sponds very well. The solution is left on to soften and absorb into the hair shaft, then dried into the hair via blow dryer which begins the sealing process. Lastly a

flat iron smooths and seals the cuticle with a kiss of heat. Some relatively new treatment boast hair can be styled or shampooed immediately, before you leave

the salon, others need 48 to 72 hours to cure. My preference is those that cure …lasts longer. Ooh la la … but wait! There’s more… the B—side

But before you do a happy dance or whip your hair back and forth, there are cautions to consider. Choosing an appropriate service and product can be tricky.

Knowledge is power .

All in all, Keratin treatment are well suited for most everyone lasting anywhere from 8 weeks to 6 months depending on product and maintenance. A really nice

feature ,it gradually washes out so no unseemly demarcation lines. Great tool in avoiding the big chop when transitioning out of relaxer. Important to the longevi-

ty of the treatment, using the stylists recommended products. Prices vary from $150 to $600.

So Go Ahead Take The Plunge, and Emerge With Luscious Locks!

Read the remainder of Kim’s Keratin Krazy in our digital issue @ buorbeautynews.com

By: Kimberly Aitch Professional Stylist FB: Kimberly Aitch


Blush Fashion Show Feb 20 House of Dereon Houston, TX blushfashionshow.splashthat.com

Houston Fashion Industry Feb 26 Indigo Midtown Houston, TX FB: Houston Fashion Industry Mixer

The Evolution of Hair Expo March 6 CWA Local Houston, TX theevolutionofhair.com

Light Up the World Now March 7 Wortham Theatre Houston, TX lightuptheworldnowcom

Hair Choppa’s Debut March 19 Ayva Center Houston, TX hairchoppas.com

Ultimate Women Expo April 9-16 Reliant Arena Houston, TX ultimatewomenexpo.com

Show Biz Kidz April 10 Brashae’s Bty Supply Houston, TX glynnjackson@gmail.com Breaking Into Business

BUOR Beauty Show Sept 11 Marriott Westchase Houston, TX buornewsbeauty.com & MPACK Houston

If I could build the perfect man, He'd be God fearing, strong, determined, ambitious and funny (but not funnier than me). He'd be loving like Christ. He'd be wise like Solomon. He'd be my very own Robin Hood, sacrificial and giving. He'd love his family. He'd work hard. He'd pray for me. He'd protect me. He'd provide for me. He'd honor me. He'd respect me. He'd encourage me. And He'd love me, Even when I get on his nerves.


Ceremony Décor– Glamorous Weddings By Glynn

Brides Dress– Fashion Accents by Shellia A

Reception Décor - Over The Top Linda Pickney

Photography HJ Platinum Studio

If I could build the perfect man, He'd Be You! So as we embark on this new, never ending chapter together, this love triangle between you, myself and God, I vow to follow you wherever you lead because I know who guides you. My prayer for us is that we look forward to each day together with the same excitement and anticipation as we have this very moment. No matter what may come our way, I know God made you especially for me and I can't wait to spend forever honoring God with you.

I Love You!




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Creations 2016 Fashion Show