Bullying. What is Bullying? .

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Bullying. What is Bullying? .


Take the next five minutes to write down a definition of Bullying based on the movies

What do you think Bullying is?

Bullying is being mean to someone on purpose in order to hurt them, and make them feel bad.

Spreading Rumors about


To tell someone something that isn’t true about another


Ex. “Sarah stole money from Jill.”

Ex. “Ben is cheating on his girlfriend.”

To Gang up Against


When a group of people decide to be mean to ONE


To Hit Someone

To strike someone physically.

To Call Someone Names

When you call someone something mean

Ex. You’re a fat cow.

Ex. You’re a stupid pig!

Ex. You’re a loser.

Watch the videos again. What Bullying Tactics are used in each

clip?(Are they ganging up on

someone, are they calling someone names?)





Standing up to Bullies


How does the person confront the bully?

How Would You Stand Up to a Bully?

In groups discuss how you would stand up to a Bully. Come up with 3 solutions!

Born this WayLady Gaga wrote a whole song about Standing up to Bullies.

It’s called “Born this Way.”

WATCH and think about: What is the video trying to say?
