Bulletin sunday aug 18 2013

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Transcript of Bulletin sunday aug 18 2013


Service of the Word,

page 38

Psalm of the Day

Psalm 72, page 93






CHRIST IS THE ONLY WAY/NARROW DOOR TO HEAVEN! Prayer of the Day: Almighty and everlasting God, give us an

increase of faith, hope, and love; and, that we may obtain what you

promise, make us love what you command; through Jesus Christ,

your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy

Spirit, one God, now and forever.

Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost—Date: August 25, 2013Priests: The Congregation (all believers are a holy priesthood, called to serve God!)

Worship Leader: Pastor Darren Green; Organists: SueAnn Perreault

Welcome To Our Guests – If you are visiting, we are very glad

that you joined us today for worship of our Lord!

May God bless your worship and strengthen your

faith through his Word. Please do sign our guest

register located in the narthex or entry of church. We

invite you to come again to visit us. Thank you.

Personal Prayers: For Worship – page 10 in the

front of the hymnal; For Daily Life – page 134.

Friendship Register - We ask everyone to please sign

the friendship register, which is located in each pew

by the middle aisle. Please sign it and pass it down

your pew before or during the offering.

Thank you. May the Lord bless your worship.

What is God teaching us today?

Many people in our world today believe

that there are many roads to heaven. "It doesn't matter whether you're a

Buddhist or Hindu, whether you practice Islam or Judaism, are a member

of the Mormon church or a Jehovah's Witness," they'll say. "All that

matters is that you live a good life, try to treat others well, and do the

best that you can." However, while most world religions may espouse

noble goals for earthly living, these goals fall short of what God

demands for entrance into heaven: perfection (Matthew 5:48). The bad

news is, we aren't perfect. The good news is Jesus came to be perfect in

our place. He has given us his perfection (2 Corinthians 5:21). Through

faith in him we have eternal life. Jesus is THE ONLY WAY, the narrow

door! Apart from him there is no salvation, no perfect people. Rejoice

that you know Christ! Rejoice that may share Christ, the narrow way to

perfection before God, with others.

Summaries for the Readings from God’s Word (Readings on back)

First Lesson: Isaiah 66:18-24 The chosen nation of Israel had rejected the

narrow door of the Lord. Yet in this last chapter of Isaiah (along with much

of the last half of Isaiah) comes the promise of spiritual and eternal

deliverance. This promise comes to the faithful remnant and those who are

being gathered from the ends of the earth. Even in the midst of such

beautiful and invitatory gospel, there is warning for those who remain in

their apostasy. God’s mercy is broad and deep, but is found in only one

place, the promised Messiah.

Psalm of the Day: Psalm 72 (page 93) This Messianic Psalm portrays Christ

as the universal King to whom “all kings will bow down.”

Second Lesson: Hebrews 12:18-24 The giving of the Old Covenant left the

Israelites quaking in fear at the foot of Mt. Sinai. Divine justice would not

leave the guilty unpunished. But the New Covenant invites all the nations to

come to Mt. Zion in joyful assembly with the confidence that they have

been judged innocent and made perfect through Jesus, the Messiah.

Sprinkled with blood, we enter the narrow door to paradise.

Verse of the Day: Alleluia. Jesus Christ has destroyed death and brought life

and immortality to light through the gospel. Alleluia. (1 Timothy 1:10b cf. NIV)

Gospel Lesson: Luke 13:22-30 The narrow door to eternity is open only to

the spiritual children of Abraham. The chosen nation of Israel thought that

they had every right to enter through the door. After all, they were part of

the Old Covenant. But their lack of faith in Christ and reliance on themselves

left them locked out from paradise. In the New Covenant, entrance into the

Kingdom of God is open only to those with faith in the Christ.

Sermon Text: Hebrews 12:18-24 (Reading printed on the back of the bulletin)

Sermon Theme: The Great Heavenly Get-Together!

1. Only one way to get there, NOT by our DOING! (Law)

2. Only Through Jesus, Mediator of a New Covenant

3. WE’RE IN!! Names written in heaven - righteous & perfect!!

Order of Worship

August 25, 2013

Welcome to Worship

Opening Hymn: 384

Liturgy: Service of the Word - page 38

Oh, Taste and See: page 39

Prayer of the Day: bulletin, top middle

First Lesson: Isaiah 66:18-24

Psalm of the Day: Psalm 72, page 93

Second Lesson: Hebrews 12:18-24

Verse of the Day: read by the leader

Congregation’s Response: page 40

Gospel: Luke 13:22-30

Congregation’s Response: page 40

Children’s Lesson

Hymn: 431

Sermon Text: Hebrews 12:18-24

Sermon Theme: The Great Heavenly


Apostles’ Creed: page 41

Offering: a joyous part of our worship.

Please sign the friendship register.

Prayer of the Church: said by pastor

Lord’s Prayer: page 43

Hymns: 215

Prayer: page 43

Blessing: page 43

Closing Hymn: 399

Sunday School will start September

8th following the worship service.

All children ages 3 to 8th grade are

invited and encourage to come.

The Church Is the Assembly of Believers in Christ

When Scripture speaks about the church, it refers to the assembly of

believers brought together by the Holy Spirit through the means of grace (Act

20:28; 1 Cor 1:2; Act 2:41). The church is also called the body of Christ (Eph

1:22,23), “the family of God” (1 Pet 4:17), “the family of believers” (Gal 6:10),

“members of God’s household . . . a holy temple in the Lord” (Eph 2:19-21).

The church (the assembly of believers in Christ) is found wherever the

gospel is proclaimed and the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are

administered. The prophet Isaiah wrote, “As the rain and the snow come down

from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it

bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is

my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will

accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” (Isa

55:10,11). When it rains, the water causes the planted seeds to grow into

plants. The plants produce more seed to plant. So also the gospel will carry

out God’s purpose. God is always at work in and through his gospel, so that it

is “the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believers” (Rom 1:16). God So Loved the World: A Study of Christian Doctrine, Lange, Lyle, NPH, 2005 page 535-6.


Bible Study will start September 8th

following the worship service.

We will meet in the front of

church. Please pray that the

Lord gives you time and zeal to

participate in study of his Word

with others. We need to grow

together, not just through

worship, but especially in the

Word, together in the vine of

Jesus. SUNDAY, SEPT 8th – Bible

Study Topic: What Will Happen

When I Die! The study will be a 29 minute study. Time for pie & Ice Cr.!

TOPICS for Bible Study – What questions would you like answered in Bible

study? Is there a topic you would like to look closer at through the lense

of Scripture? Pastor Green would like your thoughts and ideas as he sets

up his Bible study schedule for this coming year. Please write them on a

sheet by the guest register and put them in the slot or give them to

Pastor. You are also welcome to email him: pastor@mywels.com.

Worship Next Monday, Labor Day WILL BE MOVED TO TUESDAY, SEPT 3

In Our Prayers: – Dave Kern, husband of Diane Kern, will have heart surgery

in just over a week. Doug Arnold had a procedure Friday to help with his

pain in the lower back. We pray for healing and relief. Maynard Roepke is

hospitalized at the VA Hospital in Minneapolis. He has pneumonia and

remains on a respirator. Connie Mohrman is home, but weak. We pray

the Lord give her strength and healing. Audrey Carlson asks for our

prayers as she just has not had strength. The doctors have not found out

why, but think it may be something with her heart. We ask the Lord for

strength and healing. Dean Randall is going through radiation treatment

for the cancer he had surgery for in May. Bob Norman and Ada Nelson,

are both home in good spirits and doing well. May the Lord guide them &

strengthen them. Franklin Denn is undergoing more treatment for cancer.

He remains at the VA Hospital in St. Cloud. Richard Culp - cancer.

Pastor Steve Daley, serving our sister congregation in Sauk Rapids, has a call to

serve at South Haven, MI. We pray for the Lord’s guidance as he considers

the two calls and how he can best serve the Lord.


New Meditations available in the back of church.

Monday Evening Worship will run through September 16th at its regular time of

7:00 PM. Except on Labor Day weekend- worship on Tuesday at 7:00 PM.

Pie & Ice Cream Social - September 8th. The ladies invite you to come following

worship and Bible class to the Pie and Ice Cream Social. Serving will start at 11

AM and go until 1 PM. All are invited for sloppy Joes, chips and desert. A free-

will offering will available to be used for mission projects.

Ladies Retreat – September 27-28 at Stillwater. Information is in the back of

church. I would encourage you to consider this special opportunity.

Seal Coating of Parking Lot to be done Tuesday! The parking lot will be

closed on Tuesday as they seal coat it. I believe it will take about 24 hours

before we can drive on it again. Just want you to be aware of it.

Thank you to the Susa family and Kunkel family for cleaning church this month!

Stewardship Record – Our Gifts to God “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10

Offerings: (8/18) 77 in worship - $1,672. (8/19)18 in worship, $115 - offerings to the Lord.

August Ushers: Dan Bitzer, Steven Bitzer, David Hayes, Mitchell Hayes, Jerome Susa

September Ushers: Scott Christianson, Christian Garvin, Steve Stoffer, Derrick Stoffer,

Kerry Swendsen, Jeremy Woelfel.

Cleaning: September - Paul & Dianne Klein. Sept. Altar Guild: Naomi & Natalia Green

Greeters: Today - Betty & Bernie Christianson. Next Sunday -Jennifer Swendsen Family