Buildings in construction 6 - Carbon Action 2050€¦ · carBon action 2050 White papers Buildings...

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carBon action 2050 White papers From the chartered institute oF building


Buildings in construction

april 2011


The list of ‘actions’ given below relating to the reduction of ‘capital

carbon’ (CapCarb) in construction is non-exhaustive and will be

dependent, in part, on the successful implementation of the ‘Onsite

Measurement, Monitoring & Targeting’ measures proposed in the

Strategic Forum for Construction (SFfC) and Carbon Trust’s (CT)

Carbon: Reducing the Footprint of the Construction Process

published in July 2010 (SFfC & CT 2010, §4.E).

The CO2 reduction measures required, however, go far beyond

the site entrance to include transportation and travel associated

with construction activities.

Given the magnitude and complexity of the challenges involved in

decarbonising the industry, it has been anticipated that Government

lead and orchestration will be necessary, partly through industry

regulation, but the success will also be factored by a co-ordinated and

collaborative participation by key stakeholders (i.e. Government &

agencies, SFfC, CT, sector bodies (i.e. CIOB), construction clients,

contracting firms, energy suppliers, manufacturers, hire companies,

freight companies, training providers, researchers and knowledge

network) (see IGT 2010[b], Figure 3.1; SFfC & CT 2010, §5.1). It is

likely that the ‘smart data’ captured from a multiplicity of construction

processes will be marshalled by sector organisations designated to

specific tasks i.e. SFfC, CT, UKCG, BRE Global, CEEQUAL Ltd,

Constructing Excellence, Glenigan, disseminated via Knowledge

Transfer Networks (KTN) and other mechanisms.

1 Buildings in construction carBon action 2050 White papers From the chartered institute oF building


A number of common Actions have been

recommended by the SFfC & CT:

• Public reporting (to inform the development of protocols,

benchmarks, budgets and targets);

• Establish a ‘Construction Site Greenhouse Gas Protocol’

(for assessing greenhouse gas emissions from construction

processes and associated transport);

• Investigate options for the collection of physical data in order

to develop emissions benchmarks relative to physical output

(construction and refurbishment works);

• Establish ‘Energy Use Profiles’ of projects through the initiation

of a scheme to sub-meter energy used on a representative range

of project sites;

• Establish good-practice benchmarks;

• Reward good practice through rating schemes


• Reward good practice through awards.

In order to move towards an industry-wide solution, it has been

proposed that the following benchmarks are established for the

construction phase of the following building types (with the same

benchmarks further developed for refurbishment, repair and

maintenance activities):

• Domestic: (tonnes CO2 per square metres gross floor-area

[m2 GFA]);

• Non-domestic: (tonnes CO2 per m2 GFA);

• Infrastructure (linear): (tonnes CO2 per km);

• Infrastructure (area): (tonnes CO2 per m2).



Buildings in construction carBon action 2050 White papers From the chartered institute oF building


It is widely recognised that successful compliance and implementation of the

Government’s UK Low Carbon Transition Plan (DECC 2009) will depend on

reaching deep into every aspect of the built environment (IGT 2010[b], §1.1),

including processes where the percentage total CO2 emissions are perceived

to be relatively low. The following report examines two such processes:

• Construction;

• Distribution.

According to the Innovation & Growth Team’s Final Report, construction and

distribution operations each accounted for only 1% of the CO2 footprint of UK

construction in 2008 (IGT 2010[b], Figure 2.5). While these operations represent a

minor portion of the ‘whole-life cycle’ emissions calculation they are, nevertheless,

responsible for the production of staggering quantities of CO2 and therefore

command radical action to facilitate their reduction.

With both construction and distribution elements, it is recognised that the

contractor is in a strategic position to make significant interventions in terms of

facilitating measures to reduce CO2 emissions (Green 2010). Furthermore, any

lessons learnt on site have the capacity to inform, as positive and negative

feedback, methods and procedures relating to other elements (e.g. the

buildability of energy-efficient designs), thus paving the way for a more

integrated construction sector, i.e. the entire supply-chain.



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policy context

The Climate Change Act (2008), with its five-year ‘carbon

budgeting system’, has placed a legal obligation on the

country to reduce its CO2 emissions, the parameters for

which are set out in the UK Low Carbon Transition Plan

(DECC 2009).

For the construction industry, a joint government/industry

initiative – The Strategic Forum for Construction (SFfC) –

has produced a Strategy for Sustainable Construction

(BERR 2008) as a way forward for delivering change in

the sustainability of the construction sector. From here, it

is the Government’s vision that UK construction industry

firmly establishes itself as a global leader in sustainable

design and build practice. It is emphasised that the

construction industry must help to take the lead for

the successful delivery of the Low Carbon Transition Plan,

rather then following it (IGT 2010[a], §9).

The Strategic Forum for Construction and the Carbon

Trust have recently produced a report Carbon: Reducing

the Footprint of the Construction Process (SFfC & CT 2010)

that proposes an ‘Action Plan’ for the means by which the

industry can implement a meaningful reduction in CO2

emissions from construction sites and associated transport

in England. Aimed at a range of stakeholders, namely

individual companies, sector bodies and public bodies,

the Action Plan is based on the Strategy for

Sustainable Construction (BERR 2008; SFfC & BIS 2009)

voluntary target for reducing CO2 emissions arising from

construction processes and associated transport by 15%

by 2012, i.e. when compared to 2008 levels (IGT 2010[b],

§2.9.2). It has been calculated that this 15% target

equates to approximately 750,000 tonnes of CO2 in

England alone (SFfC & CT 2010, Table 3). While the SFfC

& CT’s Action Plan target is intended for construction

processes in England, it can be anticipated that the actions

will also be applied elsewhere, thus forming a pan-UK

‘Knowledge Network’. They will also comprise actions

that, in cases, will be globally transferable

(IGT 2010[b], §2.11).

This report is based primarily on the recent findings of the

Strategic Forum for Construction (BERR 2008; SFfC & BIS

2009; SFfC & CT 2010) and Innovation & Growth Team

(IGT 2010[a] & [b]). This is not to ignore the significant

interventions (e.g. Latham Report, Egan Report) that have

taken place since the 1990s (summarised by

Wolstenholme [CE 2009]).


While there exists a multitude of individual construction

activities that afford CO2 reduction measures (Charles

& Connolly 2005), four key areas have been identified as

representing the largest emissions sources for attaining

the Action Plan target (SFfC & CT 2010, §2.1):

• On-site construction (plant and equipment) and site


• Transport associated with the delivery of materials and

removal of waste;

• Business travel;

• Corporate offices.

Based on SFfC & CT Action Plan (SFfC & CT 2010),

the processes scoped-in to this report fall under the

two general headings of:

• Distribution;

• Assembly on site.

In the context of the Action Plan, these two elements

are presented as intermediary with two further elements

either side:



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design materials distriBution assemBly on site in use refurBishor product ormanufacture demolish

Not Not scoped in scoped in scoped out Not Not applicable to applicable to applicable to applicable tothis report this report Transport to Enabling works and Consolidation this report this report

and from site remediation centres

On-site plant and Plantequipment maintenance

Site Off-site waste, soil Accomodation and waste water


Fit-out and finishing Land-use change

Corporate offices Household/ small-scale fit-out andfinishing

Business travel Employee travel

Carbon storage inconstruction materials

Table 1: Scope construction processes included in this report (after SFfC & CT 2010, Fig. 1)

Buildings in construction carBon action 2050 White papers From the chartered institute oF building

The 750,000 tonne CO2 reduction target for 2012 noted

earlier is based on deliverables related to the following

actions (SFfC & CT 2010, Table 3):

• Energy-efficient site accommodation;

• Efficient use of construction plant;

• Earlier connection to the grid;

• Good practice energy-management on site;

• Fuel-efficient driving – freight,

• Fuel-efficient driving – waste removal,

• Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO) –

freight and waste removal;

• Construction consolidation;

• Reducing the transport of waste;

• Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO) –

business travel,

• Smart-driving training for business travel,

• Fleet conversion to fuel-efficient passenger vehicles,

• Restricting domestic flights;

• Good practice energy-management of corporate offices.

To complement the above, non-carbon-producing

processes include:

• On-site measurement, monitoring and targeting;

• Sharing knowledge about alternative sustainable fuels.

Essentially, the actions that will be examined below

constitute the ‘means’ by which the ‘ends’ (i.e. CO2

reductions) can be achieved. In this respect, data-capture

(e.g. from measured case-studies) and dissemination will

play a prominent role in informing the basis for evaluating

present actions (i.e. carbon accounting) and the

formulation of new actions and logistics strategies.

There exist a number of IT applications (e.g. BIM) and

approaches (e.g. lean processes) that have the capacity

to improve resource-efficiency, although these are not

discussed in this report (IGT 2010[b], §3.5.3, 6.1.1, 6.4.1

& 7.10.4).

No policy, however well-thought out, should constitute

the final word on the subject, and it will be important for

all to adopt a philosophy of introspection and self-critique

(acknowledging any shortcomings) and one that is

receptive to external criticism and inputs.



Best practice guidance

A key precept of meeting the UK Government’s CO2

reduction targets (DECC 2009) is the improvement of

‘whole-life carbon’ through the adoption of good and

best-practice construction procurement and supply-side

integration. It is envisaged that this can be achieved in part

by the adoption of Construction Commitments (e.g. CE

2008[a] & [b]) by key stakeholders (SFfC & BIS 2009, §3).

Key to progress will also be the instigation of culture

change throughout the industry. The latter will entail a

behavioural change for all personnel working on

construction sites and in related activities (e.g. simple

measures such as ensuring doors are kept closed on

heated site-accommodation and turning off lighting/

equipment when not in use). Essentially, whatever the

level-of-impact, where opportunities arise to reduce

embodied energy (capital carbon), they should be

instigated and monitored.

‘Designed in’ sustainability will have major implications for

all elements of the Action Plan (SFfC & CT 2010), not least

those under discussion here, i.e. distribution and assembly

on-site. In addition to design and manufacture, there are

sustainability issues ‘beyond the factory gate’ that need

to be addressed by stakeholders. The baseline study for

2008 undertaken by Strategic Forum for Construction

and Carbon Trust focuses on the largest CO2 emissions

sources relating to construction-processes and associated

transport (SFfC & CT 2010, Table 2):

• Site activities 34%

• Freight transport 32%

• Business travel 15%

• Waste removals 10%

• Off-site assembly 5%

• Off-site offices 5%

It is also worth considering the contribution to CO2

emissions made by different project types that have been

identified in the aforementioned 2008 baseline study

(for Great Britain) (SFfC & CT 2010, Figure 3):

• Refurbishment & maintenance 36%

• New domestic 23%

• New infrastructure 13%

• New other non-domestic 12%

• New office 7%

• New education 4%

• New health 3%

• New shops 2%

It is acknowledged that CO2 efficiency measures are

already in place in these areas but further action by the

construction sector as a whole has the capacity to yield

further benefits for meeting targets set by the UK


The SFfC & CT (SFfC & CT 2010) have made the

following recommendations for actions:

energy efficient site accommodation (‘greencabins’) There exists practical and easily achieved ways of reducing

the CO2 footprint of construction-site accommodation:

• Use of new energy-efficient site accommodation;

• Retrofitting existing cabin stock before redeployment

on site.

It is claimed that the use of energy-efficient site

accommodation has the potential to reduce CO2 emissions

from the construction process by 50% or possibly more.

Energy-specific measures include:

• Insulation and type of glazing;

• Heating and lighting;

• Motion sensors to control energy usage;

• Metering of heat and electricity usage;

• Use of a master switch to control energy system;

• Occupant awareness;

• Behaviour change.

In addition to the reduction of CO2 emissions, the use

of energy-efficient site accommodation potentially comes

with added benefits including:

• Reduced energy costs;

• Greater comfort and productivity of the workforce

(possibly resulting in reduced staff absenteeism);

• Increased lifespan of the facilities.

efficient use of construction plant It would appear that the efficient use of construction plant

relates to the type of machinery being used to perform a

particular task, or set of tasks, and ultimately the manner

in which that plant is employed.

Key areas for the efficient use of constructed plant include:

• Choosing the correct, or most suitable, machine for

the task in hand, avoiding where possible the use of

oversized plant (when employing large machinery, it

might be preferable to use it for one-off operations

rather than bring-in smaller plant [i.e. dedicated

plant] especially);

• Use of fuel-efficient plant;

• Use of properly maintained and serviced plant;

• Low-carbon fuelling of plant;

• Efficient operation of plant, avoiding idling and

inappropriate use of power. Plant-operator training

and reinforcement of skills (e.g. toolbox talks) on

each site will yield CO2 savings;

• Planning and monitoring of plant use (e.g. telematics).

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In addition to the reduction of CO2 emissions, the

efficient use of construction plant comes with added

benefits including:

• Savings in fuel costs;

• Less noise and particulate emissions;

• Extended life-expectancy of plant;

• Less repairs and maintenance of plant & equipment;

• Improvements in site and off-site health & safety.

earlier connection to the grid Where appropriate (i.e. where the type of project, its

size and location, and availability or resources/existing

infrastructure, permits), the use of national-grid electricity

for powering sites has the potential to reduce CO2

emissions in that the use of diesel for powering generators

is significantly reduced. The implication is that the earlier

the connection to the grid, the better.

Even where there is consumer will, however, earlier

connection to the grid can be thwarted by technical issues

and lack of supply-chain co-ordination and organisation.

Clearly, there is an urgent need for action on order to

establish sector and regional initiatives that will facilitate

timely connection to the grid of construction sites where

appropriate. The argument also extends to other utilities.

In addition to the reduction of CO2 emissions, earlier

connection to the grid potentially has added benefits


• Savings in fuel and security costs;

• Reduction in deliveries of fuels;

• Less noise and particulate emissions;

• Increased availability of space on site i.e.

less space taken up by generating plant;

• Reduced risk of fuel spillages;

• Improvements in site health & safety.

good-practice energy management on site The key areas identified for good-practice energy

management on site are:

• Control of generating plant to ensure only essential

power is produced;

• Control of lighting (e.g. accommodation, night security)

to avoid unnecessary use;

• Use of energy-efficient technology for security

and task lighting;

• Effective server management of computers

(consider cloud computing?);

• Energy-efficient site accommodation (as before);

• Efficient use of plant and equipment (as before);

• Monitor and collect data and disseminate results to

other stakeholders in the supply chain. This could be

implemented in part by a contractor-appointed energy

advisor for each construction project.

To help address these issues, it has been suggested that a

‘Good-Practice Toolkit’ is produced for use as guidance

by both clients and contractors. Incentives (e.g. BREEAM,

CEEQUAL) will also be instrumental in encouraging good

and best practice.

In addition to the reduction of CO2 emissions,

good-practice energy management on site has added

benefits including:

• Reduction of fuel costs;

• Less wear-and-tear.

on-site measurement, monitoring & targeting It is recognised that project related data-capture,

assessment, dissemination and use of results will be a

key factor in establishing performance benchmarks for

reducing the construction industry’s CO2 footprint.

For this to be effective, wholeness and consistency in

recording, assessment of data and reporting are regarded

as essential criteria. Clearly, such actions are likely to be

instrumental in the Government’s ability to gauge

progress, or lack of, in meeting targets. While a number

of initiatives have already been established and are in

operation, these appear to fall short of the capacity to

enable an industry-wide solution. Inconsistency of results

between projects has been identified as a major pitfall of

extant schemes and it is envisaged that, where appropriate

to do so, the introduction of new measurement protocols

would afford the setting of ‘carbon budgets’ for

construction projects.

It has been recommended that measures are implemented

in order to benchmark good and best practice during the

construction phase of the buildings listed below, with the

same benchmarks further developed for refurbishment,

repair and maintenance activities:

• Domestic: (tonnes CO2 per square metres

gross floor-area [m2 GFA]);

• Non-domestic: (tonnes CO2 per m2 GFA);

• Infrastructure (linear): (tonnes CO2 per km);

• Infrastructure (area): (tonnes CO2 per m2).

A number of actions entailing various stakeholder

involvement, including contractors, have been identified

that will help achieve an accurate and consistent approach

to on-site measuring, monitoring and targeting:

• Public reporting (to inform the development of

protocols, benchmarks, budgets and targets);

• Establish a ‘Construction Site Greenhouse Gas

Protocol’ (for assessing greenhouse gas emissions from

construction processes and associated transport);

• Investigate options for the collection of physical data

in order to develop emissions benchmarks relative to

physical output (construction and refurbishment works);

• Establish ‘Energy Use Profiles’ of projects through the

initiation of a scheme to sub-meter energy used on a

representative range of project sites;

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• Establish good-practice benchmarks;

• Reward good practice through rating schemes


• Reward good practice through awards.

fuel efficient freight driving and renewable transport fuels Action is required to reduce CO2 emissions arising from

transporting goods to and from sites. Part of the solution

will entail new managerial and logistical approaches to the

acquisition and transport of materials. Key measures that

should be implemented include:

• Increased use of fuel-efficient vehicles;

• Reducing the weight of freight moved;

• Reducing the distances travelled;

• Use of carbon-light fuels;

• Increased utilisation rate of vehicles

(i.e. maximised use of vehicles’ load capacity,

avoiding part-loads where possible);

• mproved driving (Smart Driving) to conserve fuel

consumption including the use of vehicle-performance

control units. An initiative to increase driver training

is considered to be instrumental in affording improved

fuel-efficiency including the specification of high

standards in tender documents and enquiries.

In addition to the reduction of CO2 emissions, the

increased adoption of fuel-efficient freight driving and

renewable transport fuels has added benefits including:

• Reduced fuel costs;

• Improved residual values of vehicles;

• Public relations benefits, including improved perception

(e.g. considerate) of the industry.

construction consolidation While presently limited in application, construction

consolidation clearly has an important role to play in

reducing CO2 emissions. Essentially, this is achieved by

greater efficiency in the handling of materials. The key

efficiency gains in using construction consolidation are:

• The employment of vehicles which are fully loaded;

• Greater scope for the re-use and recycling of materials

and packaging at consolidation centres;

• Quality assurance at the consolidation centre thus

reducing the risk of re-ordering and re-delivery

of materials;

• Provision of elements of pre-assembly.

In addition to the reduction of CO2 emissions, the

increased adoption of construction consolidation has

added benefits including:

• Reductions in waste and recovery of reusable materials;

• Reductions in traffic congestion and the pollution that

arises from this.

With the limited application of construction consolidation

that exists at present, the following measures have

been proposed:

• Initiate measures to facilitate the consolidation

of small deliveries to construction sites;

• Development of financing models for establishing

and running a regional consolidation centre and the

implications for instigating an urban congestion-charge

for construction vehicles;

• Engage with stakeholders to develop flagship

consolidation centres for a number of major projects,

or development areas, within the next five years;

• Engage with the Infrastructure Planning Commission

(IPC) to establish parameters for the use of

consolidation centres during the construction phase

of nationally significant infrastructure projects;

• Through stakeholder engagement, implementation of

strategic planning for future consolidation centres.

sharing Knowledge about alternative sustainable fuels The use of alternative (e.g. carbon light) fuels for

powering generators and mobile plant has proven benefits

for reducing CO2 emissions. For instance, it is estimated

that the use of 100% biodiesel for powering generators

on site would reduce emissions from site activities by

approximately 25%. But it is acknowledged, however,

that there is a need for the dissemination of information

regarding this, acknowledging the requirements set by

the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO).

The uptake in the use of alternative fuels specifically for

generating equipment is expected to apply to smaller sites

where there is generally less reliance on the national grid.

For successful uptake by the industry, directed research by

stakeholders is required in order to provide a convincing

argument of the benefits of using alternative fuels. Areas

that warrant investigation for producing sound guidance,

including targets, for use by stakeholders include:

• Performance and flexibility;

• Reliability;

• Implications for manufacturers’ warranties;

• Health & safety;

• Costs;

• Security of supply;

• Sustainability of supply;

• Lessons learned;

• Environmental impacts;

• On-site space requirements;

• Potential CO2 savings.

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In addition to the reduction of CO2 emissions, the

sharing of knowledge concerning the increased adoption

of alternative fuels has added benefits including:

• Possible savings in fuel costs;

• Lower particulate emissions.

reducing the transport of Waste Inevitably, most construction projects generate waste

of some sort (construction, demolition, excavation) that

requires transportation away from the site. In addition to

improved driving, there are further measures that can be

taken to reduce the impact of transporting waste. This

will contribute to the Strategic Forum for Construction’s

target of halving waste to landfill by 2012. Waste

prevention (minimisation), reuse and recovery are

key elements in current initiatives.

A part-solution is to ensure that, in the first instance,

surplus materials and/or waste from construction sites

is designated for re-use through ‘Regional Materials

Exchange Networks’. A number of waste-orientated

initiatives are already in operation promoting the re-use

of materials on or near site, and reducing waste at source.

In addition to the reduction of CO2 emissions, reducing

the transport of waste has added benefits including:

• Savings in the cost of treating waste;

• Reduced quantity of landfill;

• Savings in the cost of purchasing new materials;

• Savings in the purchase of transport fuels;

• Conservation of land;

• Conservation of natural resources;

• Reduced traffic congestion and related

environmental impacts.

Business travel, fleet-management and modal shift Business travel, as it relates specifically to the construction

process (i.e. not to include employee driving journeys to

and from corporate offices and/or construction sites)

has been identified as an area where significant CO2

reductions can be achieved. Key areas identified for

reduction impacts include:

• Where relevant, promoting Smarter Driving

lessons for staff;

• Selected procurement or leasing of vehicles

(i.e. seek greener options);

• Insistence on selected passenger vehicles or company

cars (i.e. seek greener options);

• Promote Energy Saving Trust ‘Green Fleet Reviews’

for fleets exceeding defined parameters;

• Promote the use of rail journeys instead of using

domestic flights;

• Promote the use of remote conferencing instead

of travelling to venues.

In addition to the reduction of CO2 emissions,

adopting greener policies towards business travel and

company-fleet management has added benefits including:

• Savings in the cost of purchasing fuel;

• Reduced motor-insurance premiums;

• Lower vehicle excise-duties.

good-practice energy management of corporate offices Although remote from the site, the energy consumption

that takes place at the permanent corporate offices

of firms undertaking building work is deemed to be

inextricably related to the CO2 impact of construction-

phase activities. The action required to reduce such

consumption relates primarily to the application of

monitoring and control systems. For example, it has been

estimated that monitoring and control actions have the

potential to reduce energy consumption by 10-20%

(without involving any capital expenditure). Areas of

particular focus include:

• Heating;

• Ventilating;

• Cooling;

• Lighting;

• Information & communication technology (ICT).

The recommended actions that can be taken include:

• Corporate energy-reviews of premises in order

to establish solutions for reducing consumption;

• Undertake review of existing ICT stock and replace

where required with more energy-efficient equipment;

• Where viable, install automatic switch-off technology;

• Review computer-server arrangements and, where

necessary, seek alternatives that are more


• Engage with Carbon Trust programmes: Carbon

Management (CM) and Carbon Management Energy

Efficiency (CMee) programmes.

In addition to the reduction of CO2 emissions, initiating

good-practice energy management of corporate offices

has added benefits including:

• Savings in the cost of purchasing energy.

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the Big hitters…

As the Innovation & Growth Team (IGT) remind us, in

order to meet the challenges set by the Climate Change Act

(2008), there needs to be a “quantum change” in the

industry’s practices. Part of this will entail the creation of

a central ‘Knowledge Hub’ (Knowledge Transfer Network

[KTN]) for the dissemination of data procured, lessons

learnt, and experience gained, from around the country.

It is believed this will afford the leadership necessary to

commence a meaningful delivery of the low-carbon

agenda, augmented by the formulation of well-designed

regulatory standards. It is also acknowledged that a sea

change will be required with regards to ways of thinking,

of doing and the acquisition of knowledge (e.g. improved

process and product innovation).

The 2012 targets set by the Strategic Forum for

Construction and Carbon Trust (SFfC & CT 2010) take

into account the ‘whole-life carbon’/’whole-life cycle’

of buildings and thus command action relating to every

aspect of the construction process. While distribution and

assembly on site account for a relatively small portion of

whole-life carbon they are, nevertheless, responsible for

significant quantities of CO2 emissions. Moreover, the

additional benefits that can be accrued by ‘greening’,

including the reduction of fuel costs, are manifold. Key to

progress will be a greater integration of the construction

industry, i.e. the entire supply-chain. It has been estimated

that the latter is also likely to yield benefits in the form

of faster project delivery (IGT 2010[a], §3.1.2).

The move towards a low-carbon economy has resulted

in a surfeit of literature on the subject. The upshot of this

is a resource of baroque complexity that the industry finds

difficult to absorb. This report has principally adopted the

findings of the Strategic Forum for Construction (SFfC),

Innovation & Growth Team (IGT) and Carbon Trust (CT).

From these findings, the CIOB, with its expertise relating

to all aspects of the construction process (CIOB 2010),

not least construction-activity logistics, occupies a

prominent position to produce and implement

straight-talking evidence-based guidance to practitioners

and other stakeholders. This will be a progressive

approach to lowering the CO2 emissions of the entire

construction process and taking forward the UK’s

low-carbon agenda.

Although requiring input from a range of organisations, it is

anticipated that the SFfC & CT’s Action Plan will be engaged

with by large construction firms (i.e. more than 300 people)

in the first instance (SFfC & CT 2010, §5.1). With regard

to the ‘size’ of a project, this is more likely to be factored

by CO2 impact rather that physicality or budget (IGT

2010[b], §4.1.1). It is anticipated that major projects

will pave the way forward for the implementation and

delivery of CO2 reduction measures on lesser projects

(i.e. scaling down/scalability) (IGT 2010[b], §4.1.2).

The SFfC & CT’s Action Plan has recommended a staged

approach for the introduction of the actions highlighted

based on prescribed increments (SFfC & CT 2010,

Table 4). The potential for CO2 emissions have also been

assigned values (very high, high, medium, low) relating

to their potential for CO2 savings (SFfC & CT 2010,

Tables 6-8). Processes/actions that have been designated

‘Very High’ or ‘High’ are deemed in this report to be

those that require priority action, see Table 2.

Buildings in construction carBon action 2050 White papers From the chartered institute oF building

action By contracting firms

process action potential for co2 saving

Energy-efficient site Most energy-efficient site accommodation to be specified in tender Very Highaccommodation or contract documentation.

Fuel-efficient freight Transport providers that are able to demonstrate systems for the efficient Very Highdriving and renewable management of logistics and high levels of fuel-efficient driving training to betransport fuels favoured via stipulation in tender documentation.

Good-practice energy Appointment of energy adviser responsible for monitoring and reporting Highmanagement on site energy performance to be specified in contract documentation.

Energy-efficient site Procurement of the most energy-efficient site accommodation; develop Very Highaccommodation strategy to retrofit existing stock or turn them over to new efficient

site accommodation.

Fuel-efficient freight Transport providers that are able to demonstrate systems for the efficient Very Highdriving and renewable management of logistics and high levels of fuel-efficient driving training to betransport fuels favoured via stipulation in tender documentation.

Good-practice energy Assign an energy adviser to monitor and report energy performance for each Highmanagement on site construction project.

Implement the guidance set out in the Toolkit for good-practice energy management on site.

Efficient use of Develop site toolbox-talks that raise plant-operator awareness regarding the Highconstruction plant benefits and savings of fuel-efficient plant operation; work with stakeholders

(e.g. employer federations and equipment manufacturers) to drive home the message to the workforce.

Establish procurement processes that favour the most efficient plant and equipment, as measured using standard duty-cycles.

Business travel, Lease, hire and procure only passenger vehicles with fuel-economy Highfleet-management labels in bands A & B.& modal shift

For company cars, allow only passenger vehicles with fuel-economy labels in bands A & B.

Organisations with 50 or more fleet vehicles to undertake a free Green Fleet Review from the Energy Saving Trust (EST); organisations with 10-49 fleet vehicles to consult the EST’s small-fleet telephone advice-line.



Table 2: Summary of SFfC & CT’s (2010) ‘actions’ designated ‘Very High’ or ‘High’ in terms of their potential to reduce

CO2 emissions from the construction process (assembly on site and related transport). For purposes of clarity, some

items have been quoted verbatim.

Buildings in construction carBon action 2050 White papers From the chartered institute oF building

action By construction clients

process action potential for co2 saving

Earlier connection Develop a probabilistic approach to temporary electrical supplies. Highto the grid

Fuel-efficient freight Targets to be set for the proportion of drivers within the firm completing Very Highdriving and renewable fuel-efficient driving training as part of maintaining Driver Certificate oftransport fuels Professional Competence; encourage drivers to undertake refresher training

regularly (at least every five years).



Buildings in construction carBon action 2050 White papers From the chartered institute oF building

action By freight & Waste-transport firms

process action potential for co2 saving

Energy-efficient site Procurement of the most energy-efficient site accommodation; develop Very Highaccommodation strategy to retrofit existing stock or turn them over to new efficient site

accommodation; advertise energy-efficient accommodation to contractorsnot taking part in the SFfC & CT’s Action Plan.

Fuel-efficient freight Transport providers that are able to demonstrate systems for the efficient Very Highdriving and renewable management of logistics and high levels of fuel-efficient driving training to betransport fuels favoured via stipulation in tender documentation.

Efficient use of Establish procurement processes that favour the most efficient plant and Highconstruction plant equipment, as measured using standard duty-cycles.

action By plant hire firms

process action potential for co2 saving

Energy-efficient site Develop and manufacture energy-efficient site accommodation as part of the Very Highaccommodation product range and set target for phasing-out energy-inefficient

accommodation products.

Fuel-efficient freight Transport providers that are able to demonstrate systems for the efficient Very Highdriving and renewable management of logistics and high levels of fuel-efficient driving training to betransport fuels favoured via stipulation in tender documentation.

Efficient use of Set targets for establishing the fuel performance of plant and equipment in Highconstruction plant product range based on industry standard duty-cycles; publish fuel performance

along with product information.

action By suppliers & manufacturers

process action potential for co2 saving

action By energy suppliers

process action potential for co2 saving

Earlier connection Guidance to be produced regarding when a client is to provide information to Highto the grid energy suppliers; consider notification before contractors are appointed.

action By the British property federation (Bpf)

process action potential for co2 saving

Fuel-efficient freight Develop a campaign to increase the number of drivers who complete one-day Very Highdriving and renewable SAFED training or equivalent, and have refresher training regularly (at least everytransport fuels five years); implement the strategy and measure changes in fuel-consumption by

trained drivers.



Buildings in construction carBon action 2050 White papers From the chartered institute oF building

action By the freight transport association & road haulage association

process action potential for co2 saving

Fuel-efficient freight Seek the inclusion of fuel-efficient driving in National Occupancy Standards and Very Highdriving and renewable subsequently Vocational Qualifications.transport fuels

action By sKills for logistics

process action potential for co2 saving

Energy-efficient Work with stakeholders to develop and agree energy-efficient specifications for Very Highsite accommodation new and retrofitted site-accommodation.

Earlier connection Convene a meeting of stakeholders to include timely grid-connection as a Highto the grid default requirement of planning consent for major projects.

action By the strategic forum for construction (sffc)

process action potential for co2 saving

Energy-efficient Provide support to contracting firms in relation to procuring or hiring of the Very Highsite accommodation most energy-efficient site accommodation; establish plans to retrofit existing

stock or turn them over to new efficient site-accommodation.

Provide support to plant-hire firms in relation to procuring or hiring of the most Very Highenergy-efficient site accommodation; establish plans to retrofit existing stock or turn them over to new efficient site-accommodation; advertise energy-efficient accommodation to contractors not participating in the SFfC & CT’s Action Plan.

Provide support to construction clients to ensure the most energy-efficient site Very Highaccommodation is specified in tender or contract documentation.

Provide support to suppliers to develop and manufacture energy-efficient site Very Highaccommodation as part of the product range and to phase-out energy-inefficient accommodation products.

Work with stakeholders to develop and agree energy-efficient specifications for Very Highnew and retrofitted site-accommodation.

Publicise specification amongst suppliers and signal the market created for Very Highcompliant cabins in order to stimulate competition and production.

action By the modular & portaBle Buildings association (mpBa)

process action potential for co2 saving

Energy-efficient site Work with stakeholders to develop and agree energy-efficient specifications Very Highaccommodation for new and retrofitted site-accommodation.

Earlier connection Apply for the inclusion of timely grid-connection as a monitoring item in the Highto the grid Scheme; provide guidance and good-practice case studies to help Scheme

applicants connect to utilities early in construction.



Buildings in construction carBon action 2050 White papers From the chartered institute oF building

action By the uK contractors group (uKcg)

process action potential for co2 saving

Efficient use of Develop a British Standard specifying standard duty-cycles for different Highconstruction plant equipment types and promote the publication of fuel-use benchmarks with

equipment product-information.

action By the British standards institution (Bsi)

process action potential for co2 saving

Earlier connection Consider including timely grid-connection in mandatory or optional credits for Highto the grid site-energy management in BREEAM and CEEQUAL; provide guidance for

achieving credits.

Good-practice energy Work with researchers and Knowledge-Transfer-Network to develop a Good- Highmanagement on site Practice Toolkit; consider developing a training DVD and a training course.

Once good practice is defined and guidance developed, refine BREEAM and CEEQUAL construction carbon/energy-credits and provide guidance for achieving credits, such as references to the Good-Practice Toolkit.

action By the British research estaBlishment (Bre) gloBal

process action potential for co2 saving

General Action Promote participation of SME’s in the SFfC & CT’s Action Plan via the Federation Very Highof Small Business, Business Link and other SME-focused groups.

Energy-efficient Publicise specification amongst suppliers and signal the market created for Very Highsite accommodation compliant cabins in order to stimulate competition and production.

Good-practice energy Work with researchers and Knowledge-Transfer-Network to develop a Good- Highmanagement on site Practice Toolkit; consider developing a training DVD and a training course.

action By the carBon trust

process action potential for co2 saving

Earlier connection Consider including timely grid-connection in mandatory or optional credits for Highto the grid site-energy management in BREEAM and CEEQUAL; provide guidance for

achieving credits.

Good-practice energy Work with researchers and Knowledge-Transfer-Network (KTN) to develop a Highmanagement on site Good-Practice Toolkit; consider developing a training DVD and a training course.

Consider refining BREEAM and CEEQUAL construction carbon/energy-credits Highand provide guidance for achieving credits, such as references to the Good-Practice Toolkit.



Buildings in construction carBon action 2050 White papers From the chartered institute oF building

action By ceeQual ltd

process action potential for co2 saving

Good-practice energy Work with researchers and Knowledge-Transfer-Network to develop a Highmanagement on site Good-Practice Toolkit; consider developing a training DVD and a training course.

action By the construction industry research and information association (ciria)

process action potential for co2 saving

Efficient use of Develop site toolbox-talks that raise plant-operator awareness of the benefits Highconstruction plant and savings of fuel-efficient plant operation; work with employer federations and

equipment manufacturers to reinforce the message within the workforce.

Seek the inclusion, and raise the emphasis of, fuel-efficient driving in National HighOccupancy Standards, Vocational Qualifications and the assessment and re-assessment, within the Construction Plant Certification Scheme (CPCS).

action By construction sKills

process action potential for co2 saving

Table 2 summarises a number of ‘actions’ that have been

identified by the SFfC & CT (SFfC & CT 2010) as ‘Very

High’ or ‘High’ in terms of their potential for reducing

CO2 emissions. This is not to ignore those that have been

designated ‘medium’ or ‘low’ (see SFfC & CT 2010, Tables

6-8), or many other measures that can be enacted, many


In addition to identifying the primary target-specific

actions, the work (Action Plan) of the SFfC & CT (SFfC

& CT 2010) has highlighted the extraordinary complexity

of the task in hand i.e. reducing the CO2 output from the

entire construction process. Clearly, there is wide-ranging

stakeholder interest that calls for orchestration by the

leaders of industry, with the CIOB ideally placed to play

a key role.

It is clear that for the Action Plan (SFfC & CT 2010) to be

successful, and for the IGT’s ‘propositions’ to be realised,

the industry, with its complex supply-chain and range of

specialist services, will need to adopt a collaborative/

integrated approach (IGT 2010[a] & [b]). Success will also

heavily depend on ‘real’ measurement and monitoring,

avoiding the fallacy of not counting, or double counting,

as this will lead to flawed ‘carbon accounting’ and thus

stultification of the entire process. It will also be important

to avoid falling into the classic trap of only counting what

can be measured rather than measuring what counts. This

will call for new roles to be introduced into the construction

process (e.g. carbon manager, logistics manager).

For the construction ‘green agenda’ to progress,

knowledge transfer (e.g. KTN) and communication have

also been identified as critical. The latter, itself, commands

a reflexive attitude by all, i.e. being receptive to new ideas

and change, and recognising new spheres of influence. On

the matter of influence, it is incumbent for stakeholders

not only to promote innovation, but also to effect changes

in the way people behave toward the conservation of

energy in the construction process – and beyond.



case studies

The IGT (2010[b], §4) have proposed that major projects,

where appropriate, should be used to spearhead the

establishment of new standards for effecting change in the

construction procurement process (i.e. throughout the

entire supply chain). It is envisaged that the data captured

and lessons learnt from such projects will ultimately be used

to create benchmarks and standards that can be suitably

adapted for cascading down to non-major projects.

Whereas, to date, there appears to have been a propensity

to focus on ‘sustainable design’ and the related operational

performance of buildings (extremely important factors),

the data and lessons learnt on major projects will facilitate

measures for the meaningful reduction of CO2 emissions

from site operations and related activities during the

construction phase, although it is acknowledged that

many projects of all scales have initiatives of some

form underway at present.

Given the incipient nature of many current initiatives

the IGT’s (2010[b], §4.2) Recommendation 4.3 proposes

to use the London Olympics (2012) site as a showcase

for demonstrating processes and approaches for

delivering a low-carbon built environment, see

useful references

BERR, 2008. Strategy for Sustainable Construction.

London: Department for Business, Enterprise and

Regulatory Reform.

BIS & DECC, 2009. The UK Low Carbon Industrial Strategy.

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and

Department of Energy and Climate Change.

CE, 2008(a). Chapter 1: Procurement & Integration,

In, Clients’ Commitments Best Practice Guide. London:

Constructing Excellence (Construction Clients’ Group).

CE, 2008(b). Chapter 4: Sustainability, In, Clients’

Commitments Best Practice Guide. London: Constructing

Excellence (Construction Clients’ Group).

CE, 2009. Never Waste a Good Crisis: A Review of Progress

Since Rethinking Construction and Thoughts for Our Future,

by Andrew Wolstenholme. London: Constructing Excellence.

Charles, P. and Connolly, S. (eds), 2005. Environmental

Good Practice Site Guide. Second Edition. London: CIRIA.

CIOB, 2010. CIOB’s Professionalism: An Inclusive

Definition of Construction Management. Ascot: The

Chartered Institute of Building.

DECC, 2009. The UK Low Carbon Transition Plan.

Department of Energy & Climate Change. Norwich:

The Stationery Office.

Gould, L., 2010. What is BIM… and Should We Care?

Construction Research and Innovation 1 (2), 26-31.

Green, A., 2010. Taking the Measure of a Low Carbon

Industry. Construction Manager May 2010, 41-44.

HM Government, 2011. Carbon Plan.

IGT, 2010(a). Low Carbon Construction: Emerging Findings.

Innovation & Growth Team. Department for Business,

Innovation & Skills.

IGT, 2010(b). Low Carbon Construction: Final Report.

Innovation & Growth Team. Department for Business,

Innovation & Skills.

Jones, M., 2008. Site Waste Management Plans.

Construction Manager April 2008, 27-30.

King, D., 2010. The Great Zero-Carbon Skills Gap.

Construction Research and Innovation 1 (1), 24-29.

Payne, M., 2009. Eco Management the Easy Way.

Construction Manager March 2009, 31-33.

Potts, B. and Baldwin, T., 2010. Chucking It All Away.

Construction Research and Innovation 1 (1), 36-39.

SFfC & BIS, 2009. Strategy for Sustainable Construction:

Progress Report. September 2009. Strategic Forum

for Construction & HM Government (Department for

Business, Innovation and Skills).

SFfC & CT, 2010. Carbon: Reducing the Footprint of the

Construction Process. An Action Plan to Reduce Carbon

Emissions. Prepared by Joan Ko on behalf of the Strategic

Forum for Construction and the Carbon Trust. London:

Construction Products Association.

Smith, K., 2010. ‘A Little Ticking Time Bomb’.

Construction Research and Innovation 1 (3), 14-19.

Buildings in construction carBon action 2050 White papers From the chartered institute oF building

action By Whom? “could”, is this action comments “should”, measuraBle? if so, hoW? & points foror “must” discussion

1. Use of energy-efficient site Sector Sites Must Metric: Kwh, Kg CO2 Anticipated accommodation impact:

Monitoring and analysis (e.g. GlobalKey stakeholder input: against performance benchmarks • Construction clients /carbon budgets) of energy • Contracting firms consumption* for selected • Plant-hire firms individual projects, or multiple • Suppliers & manufacturers projects (this could apply to large • Modular & Portable Buildings consumer organisations in the

Association (MPBA) first instance, then possibly• SFfC refined at a later stage to • CT include SMEs);• UKCG

Analysis of data* procured from suppliers of energy-efficient site accommodation, including hire companies (i.e. measure and evaluate uptake, or lack of), to include consideration of increased lifespan of equipment;

Monitor and analysis of data* procured from site-accommodation retrofit companies (i.e. measure and evaluate uptake, or lack of);

Feedback from sector bodies;

Feedback regarding human benefits (e.g. staff surveys, human resources department data).

*Relating to industry-set baselines

2. Adopt fuel-efficient freight driving Sector Must Metric: Kwh, Kg CO2 Anticipated and renewable transport-fuels impact:

Procurement of fuel-supply market GlobalKey stakeholder input: returns and forecasts (for general • Construction clients trends);• Contracting firms• Freight & waste transport firms Feedback from fuel suppliers in • Plant-hire firms relation to large consumer• Suppliers & manufacturers organisations (this could possibly • Freight Transport Association be refined at a later stage to

& Road Haulage Association include SMEs), including data on • Skills for Logistics the volume of materials transported

/number of deliveries/collections;

Procurement of returns (expenditure on fuels and/or vehicle maintenance/renewal) from large consumer organisations (this could possibly be refined at a later stage to include SMEs);



Buildings in construction carBon action 2050 White papers From the chartered institute oF building

Key action points

action By Whom? “could”, is this action comments “should”, measuraBle? if so, hoW? & points foror “must” discussion



Buildings in construction carBon action 2050 White papers From the chartered institute oF building

Key action points cont.

Procurement of returns from training providers (i.e. to monitor uptake, or lack of, of training for ‘smart’ driving);

Procurement of returns for success rates in obtaining accreditation for ‘smart’ driving (and refresher training);

Larger organisations to make use of logistics manager for monitoring initiatives (for organisations and/or selected projects), capturing and disseminating smart data to stakeholders.

3. Adopt good-practice energy Sector Must Metric: Kwh, Kg CO2 Implications: management on site Global

Monitoring and analysis of energy Key stakeholder input: consumption* for selected individual• Construction clients projects, or multiple projects (this • Contracting firms could apply to large consumer • BRE Global organisations in the first instance, • CT then possibly refined at a later • CEEQUAL Ltd stage to include SMEs);

Monitoring and analysis of energy consumption* for entire organisations (this could apply to large consumer organisations in the first instance, then possibly refined at a later stage to include SMEs);

Larger organisations to make use of energy advisers for monitoring initiatives (for selected projects), capturing and disseminating smart data to stakeholders;

Monitor credits (e.g. BREEAM, CEEQUAL) awarded to projects for site energy-management.*Relating to industry-set baselines

4. Adopt efficient use of Sector Must Metric: Kwh, Kg CO2 Implications: construction plant Contractors Global

Procurement of returns (expenditureKey stakeholder input: on fuels and/or vehicle maintenance• Contracting firms /renewal) from large consumer • Plant-hire firms organisations (this could possibly • Suppliers & manufacturers be refined at a later stage to• British Standards Institution (BSI) include SMEs);• ConstructionSkills

Feedback from large organisations relating to their success in meetingfuel-use benchmarks (this could possibly be refined at a later stage to include SMEs);

action By Whom? “could”, is this action comments “should”, measuraBle? if so, hoW? & points foror “must” discussion



Buildings in construction carBon action 2050 White papers From the chartered institute oF building

Key action points cont.

Procurement of returns from training providers (i.e. to monitor uptake, or lack of, of training [and refresher training], for the efficient use of construction plant).

5. Earlier connection to the grid Sector Must Metric: Kwh, Kg CO2 Anticipated Contractors impact:

Key stakeholder input: Monitoring and analysis* of energy Global• Energy suppliers consumption for selected individual • British Property Federation (BPF) projects, or multiple projects (this • SFfC could apply to large consumer • UKCG organisations in the first instance, • BRE Global then possibly refined at a later • CEEQUAL Ltd stage to include SMEs);

Feedback from energy providers regarding levels of uptake, or lack of (e.g. regional, organisational, project-specific);

Monitor planning consents for whichthere is a condition for early connection to the grid;

Monitor credits (BREEAM, CEEQUAL, LEED, Green Star, HQI) awarded to projectsfor site energy management.*Relating to industry-set baselines

6. Business travel, fleet-management Sector Must Metric: Kg CO2 Anticipated and modal shift Contractors impact:

Procurement of returns from GlobalKey stakeholder input: dealers or hire companies regarding• Contracting firms uptake (or lack of) by large

consumer organisations (this could possibly be refined at a later stage to include SMEs);

Procurement of returns regarding expenditure on fuel and/or vehicle maintenance/renewal from large consumer organisations (this could possibly be refined at a later stage to include SMEs).

Fiona Roberts, Kye Gbangbola FCIOB, Alan Crane FCIOB, March 2011

action By Whom? “could”, is this action comments “should”, measuraBle? if so, hoW? & points foror “must” discussion

further actions



Buildings in construction carBon action 2050 White papers From the chartered institute oF building

Key action points cont.

7. Adopt best-practice energy Sector Must Metric: Kg CO2 Anticipated impact:use in corporate offices contractors Global

and other Monitoring and analysis ofKey stakeholder input: industry firms energy consumption (i.e.• All industry firms involved in heating, cooling, ventilation,

the construction process lighting and Information &• UKCG Communications Technology)• Carbon Trust for industry firms.• CIRIA

Engage with Carbon Trustprogrammes: Carbon ManagementCM) and Carbon ManagementEnergy Efficiency (CMee)programmes.

8. Commission subcontractors and Contractors, Should Metric: Kg CO2

the supply chain to reduce their own sub-contractors,carbon emissions supply chain Main contractors should

commission their subcontractorsKey stakeholder input: to undertake carbon accountancy. • All industry firms involved

in the construction process Using this approach, individual • UKCG businesses involved at every stage

of a building’s life-cycle work witheach other to create a full carbon footprint, allowing common, comparable carbon management across the supply chain.

reducing the transport of wasteKey stakeholder input from:construction clients, contracting firms, plant-hire firms, suppliers & manufacturers, WRAP

construction consolidationKey stakeholder input from: SFfC, CT

local sourcing of products & services

promote industrial symbiosis for exchange of waste

Better use of ict for reducing the necessity of business-related travel

Andrew Townsend MCIOB