Building Silverlight Custom Field...

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Transcript of Building Silverlight Custom Field...

Hands-On LabBuilding Silverlight Custom Field Controls

Lab version: 1.0.0

Last updated: 5/25/2023


OVERVIEW................................................................................................................................................. 3

EXERCISE 1: BUILDING THE CUSTOM FIELD CONTROL ....................................................................4Task 1 – Preparing...............................................................................................................................4

Task 2 – Telling SharePoint About our Custom Field...........................................................................5

Task 3 – The User Display Control........................................................................................................6

Task 4 – The Field Definition................................................................................................................6

Exercise 1 Verification.......................................................................................................................10

EXERCISE 2: ADDING THE SILVERLIGHT CONTROL..........................................................................10Task 1 – Examining the Silverlight Markup........................................................................................10

Task 2 – Adding the Silverlight Control..............................................................................................11

Exercise 2 Verification.......................................................................................................................13

EXERCISE 3: INTERACTING WITH SHAREPOINT................................................................................13Task 1 – Retrieving Silverlight Parameters.........................................................................................13

Task 2 – Creating the Silverlight Application......................................................................................14

Exercise 3 Verification.......................................................................................................................18

SUMMARY................................................................................................................................................ 18


SharePoint ships with thirteen supported field types out of the box, but one of its key strengths is the ability to add custom field types if the out of the box ones don’t meet your need. If one of the needs that are not met is a custom display of the data, then a Silverlight custom field control might be the solution. Adding Silverlight’s rich UI capabilities, along with the managed code and off-server client object model code, can produce a compelling user experience.


This lab will demonstrate how to build a custom SharePoint field control that uses a Silverlight application to provide the end user display. Specifically, you will

Build a custom SharePoint field control

Add a Silverlight user interface

Add the code to interact with the SharePoint list

System Requirements

You must have the following items to complete this lab:

2010 Information Worker Demonstration and Evaluation Virtual Machine

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

Silverlight 4

Silverlight web part extension for Visual Studio

Silverlight 4 Toolkit


You must perform the following steps to prepare your computer for this lab...

1. Download the 2010 Information Worker Demonstration and Evaluation Virtual Machine and create the Hyper-V image.

2. Install the Visual Studio 2010 Silverlight Web Part. The Silverlight Web Part is an add-on to Visual Studio 2010.

3. Ensure that the latest version of Silverlight 4 is installed.

4. Install the Silverlight 4 Toolkit.

5. Run the SetupLab.cmd file from the <install>\Labs\BuildingSilverlightCustomFieldControls\Source\Begin folder to establish the SharePoint environment necessary for this lab


This Hands-On Lab comprises the following exercises:

1. Building the Custom field control

2. Adding the Silverlight control

3. Interacting with SharePoint

Estimated time to complete this lab: 45 minutes.

Starting Materials

This Hands-On Lab includes the following starting materials.

Visual Studio solutions. The lab provides the following Visual Studio solutions that you can use as starting point for the exercises.

◦ <install>\Labs\BuildingSilverlightCustomFieldControls\Source\Begin\SLNavigation\SLFieldControl.sln: This solution contains the beginnings of a SharePoint custom field control. You will finish off the field control and add the Silverlight application.

Note: Inside each exercise folder, you will find an end folder containing a solution with the completed lab exercise.

Exercise 1: Building the Custom field control

In this exercise you will build upon the starter project to finish off a custom SP field control. The starter solution is set up only to contain the core files required plus a little supporting code. You will explore the starter project and add the rest of the code.

Task 1 – Preparing

In this task, you will open the starter solution in VS 2010 and explore the environment to understand what has been done to get things set up for the rest of the exercise.

1. Using Visual Studio 2010, open the starter solution named SLNavigation from the <Install>\labs\BuildingSilverlightCustomFieldControls\source\begin\SLNavigation folder. Solution Explorer should look like this:

Figure 1Solution Explorer

Notice that there are two projects in this solution:

a. SLSliderField – this is the actual project that will be deployed to SharePoint. It is an Empty SharePoint Project with the items added to it necessary for a custom SharePoint field control. We’ll examine these elements throughout this lab.

b. Silverlight.XAML.SliderControl.Slider – this is the Silverlight project in which we will build our Silverlight application. The output of this project is packaged with the output of the SLSliderField project and deployed to SharePoint.

2. Double-click on the Properties node in Solution Explorer underneath the SLSliderField project and then open the SharePoint tab. Notice that the checkbox next to Enable Silverlight debugging is selected. This is necessary if we need to step through our code later on. Close the properties pane.

3. [Optional] If desired, explore the different files in both projects. There are several files included in this starter project

Task 2 – Telling SharePoint About our Custom Field

In this task, you will explore the FldTypes file. This file is responsible for letting SharePoint know about our new field control. Each FldTypes file must be an XML file that adheres to a defined schema. It must

be placed into the <SharePointRoot>\TEMPLATE\XML folder and must be named fldtypes*.xml, where * represents a unique identifier. For this lab, the FLDTYPES file is named fldtypes_SliderField.xml.

1. Open the fldtypes_SliderField.xml file. It is located inside the XML mapped folder of the SLSliderField project. Placing it inside this mapped folder will ensure that it ends up in the right place when our solution is deployed.

2. Examine the contents of this file. Notice that the top of the file consists of several field definitions – TypeName, TypeDisplayName, TypeShortDescription, etc. Notice, too that the FieldTypeClass field defines the assembly that will be loaded when this field control is used in a list. It points to the custom class we will build later in this exercise. The bottom part of this file includes several custom property definitions – Minimum, Maximum, Step and XAPPath. These are used to customize a particular instance of this custom field control when it is added to a SharePoint list. We’ll see these custom properties when we are working with our custom field control.

3. Close the fldtypes_SliderField.xml file.

Task 3 – The User Display Control

In this task, you will explore the user control (.ASCX) that is used to render the custom field control on a form (Display, New or Edit) in SharePoint. In the case of our Silverlight field control, things are a little different because we are adding all of the controls dynamically, but it is still important to understand the function that this file serves.

1. Open the file SliderField_UserDisplay.ascx from the CONTROLTEMPLATES mapped folder. Placing the file in this mapped folder will ensure that it ends up in the right place when our solution is deployed.

2. Examine the SharePoint:RenderingControl element. Notice that the ID of the RenderingControl matches the TypeName value from the fldtypes_SliderField.xml file – SliderField. It is this element of the custom field control that tells SharePoint how to find our user control file. SharePoint looks for a RenderingControl with an ID value that matches what it finds in the FldTypes file.

3. As mentioned above, for this particular custom field, the Silverlight control will be added programmatically at runtime so our RenderingTemplate is blank. Normally, any controls that you include here would be shown on the SharePoint form.

Task 4 – The Field Definition

In this task, you will explore the file that is used to define our custom field control. This is a class file that inherits from one of the out of the box field types; in this case SPFieldNumber because our slider control field is used to enter numbers into a SharePoint list.

1. Open the file SliderField_Definition.cs from the root of the SLSliderField project.

2. Position your cursor on line 30, inside the FieldRenderingControl property getter, and add the following code:


return new SliderFieldControl(){FieldName = InternalName};

This code returns an instance of our user control with the FieldName property set appropriately. In a more complex custom field control, this class would do more, such as, calculating values, returning the control used to render on a mobile device, controlling whether the field is able to be sorted and filtered and other things as well. To examine some of the possibilities, position your cursor on line 35 and type public override. Intellisense will pop up and show you the members that could be used to add additional functionality.

3. Save the SliderField_Definition.cs file.

4. Right-click on the SLSliderField project in Solution Explorer and select Deploy from the context menu.

Figure 2Deploy SLSliderField project

5. Once Visual Studio has deployed the solution, navigate to

6. Click on the List tab in the Ribbon

7. Click the Create Column button

Figure 3Create a Column

8. Enter a name for the new column and select Silverlight Slider Control as the column type. This custom column type shows up because of the fldtypes_SliderField.xml file that was deployed with our solution

Figure 4Create a Silverlight Slider Control column

9. After clicking on the Silverlight Slider Control field type, the page will refresh to show the custom properties we defined as part of our custom field:

Figure 5Additional Column Settings

10. Change the minimum, maximum, and step values from their defaults if you wish, but leave the XAP Path value set to its default.

11. Click OK to create the new field on the Announcements list. You will be returned to the default view of the list with the new column added to the default view:

Figure 6Slide1 column

12. Click the Add new announcement link to test out the new field. Your screen should look like this:

Figure 7Slide1 Field

The field shows up on the list, but there is nothing rendered to allow us to edit the field. We’ll add that in Exercise 2.

That concludes this exercise. The framework for our custom field control is now complete. In later exercises, we will complete this field control to add the rest of the functionality.

Exercise 1 Verification

In order to verify that you have correctly performed all steps of Exercise 1, proceed as follows:

Verification 1

In this verification, you can compare the anticipated output shown in steps 8, 9, 11 and 12 with the actual output shown on your screen. If your screen shows a similar view, you have completed the exercise successfully.

Exercise 2: Adding the Silverlight control

This exercise adds the Silverlight control to our custom field control so that something is rendered on the SP form to allow us to change the value stored in the field.

Task 1 – Examining the Silverlight Markup

In this task, you will review the XAML that is already included in the starter project to render our slider field. The XAML is fairly long so rather than having you type it all out, you will just examine it.

1. If the browser window is still open from Exercise 1, close it.

2. Back in Visual Studio, open the file MainPage.xaml in the SL.XAML.SliderControl.Slider project.

3. The top part of the file display will show a visual display of the control and the bottom the textual markup, the XAML.

4. Take a few minutes to examine the XAML to see how the UI is built. You can click inside the visual display at the top of the page and the corresponding XAML will be highlighted in the bottom part of the display.

Task 2 – Adding the Silverlight Control

In this task, you will write the managed code to cause the Silverlight control to be loaded when the user control for our custom field is loaded by SharePoint.

1. Open the file SliderField_UserDisplay.aspx.cs (located under the CONTROLTEMPLATES mapped folder).

2. The starter project includes some code already in this file, take a minute to examine what is already there. Notice that the class inherits from a class called NumberField. Our class must ultimately derive from BaseFieldControl, which NumberField does. Also, it includes some functionality to allow the field to store numeric values.

3. Position your cursor on line 49 and hit <Enter>. Add the following code:


valueField = new HtmlInputHidden();valueField.ID = ValueFieldNameID;valueField.Name = ValueFieldNameID;base.Controls.Add(valueField);

This code adds a hidden HTML field to the HTML DOM. This field will be used to store the value selected in the Silverlight application and provide it to SharePoint. Review the existing code already in the file for the Value property and the UpdateFieldValueInItem method. These two pieces of code work with the hidden HTML field to retrieve the value from the field and store the value in the field respectively.

4. Position your cursor on line 54 and hit <Enter>. Add the following code:


double minimum = (double)Field.GetCustomProperty("Minimum");double maximum = (double)Field.GetCustomProperty("Maximum");double step = (double)Field.GetCustomProperty("Step");string SLSource = (string)Field.GetCustomProperty("XAPPath");

This code sets up a few variables and populates them with the values retrieved from the four custom properties set up inside our fldtypes_SliderField.xml file and seen step 9 of Exercise 1.

5. Position your cursor on line 84 and hit <Enter>. Add the following code:


LiteralControl silverlightHost = new LiteralControl(string.Format(@" <div id='{0}' style=\"width:100%; height:100%\">{1}</div>", SLId, slstring));this.Controls.Add(silverlightHost);

This code actually adds the Silverlight control to our user control (remember that this is the code behind for our user control and all of the code we’ve added is inside the CreateChildControls method). This code uses the slstring variable we built up in the code from lines 60 through 80 that were already in this file. We also make use of a JavaScript function that is defined in the JavaScript library \Layouts\SLSliderField\SLUtils.js.

Open up the JavaScript library in the file \Layouts\SLSliderField\SLUtils.js and examine the CreateSL function defined on line 32. This function makes use of the createObjectEx method, which is defined in the file Silverlight.js that is deployed with SharePoint. Some of the code that was added to the starter project made sure that the two JavaScript libraries (Silverlight.js and SLUtils.js) are included on the page – beginning on line 33 in the OnInit method.

6. That concludes the coding for this exercise. Right-click on the SLSliderField project in Solution Explorer and select Deploy from the context menu.

Figure 8Deploy SLSliderField

7. Once Visual Studio has deployed the solution, navigate to

8. Click the Add new announcement link to test out the new field. Your screen should look like this:

Figure 9Slide1 Field

The field shows up on the list as before, but now includes the Silverlight control. The Silverlight control doesn’t include any functionality yet, we’ll add that in Exercise 3.

Exercise 2 Verification

In order to verify that you have correctly performed all steps of Exercise 2, proceed as follows:

Verification 1

In this verification, you can compare the anticipated output shown in step 8 with the actual output shown on your screen. If your screen shows a similar view, you have completed the exercise successfully.

Exercise 3: Interacting with SharePoint

This exercise adds the code to the Silverlight project to have it interact with SharePoint.

Task 1 – Retrieving Silverlight Parameters

In this task, you will see how to retrieve parameters passed to Silverlight and add the code to use them to customize the Silverlight UI.

1. If the browser is still open from Exercise 2, close it

2. In Visual Studio 2010, open the file App.xaml.cs from Solution Explorer

3. Look at the code already in the starter project in the Application_Startup method. Notice the use of e.InitParams to retrieve the initiation parameters.

4. Position you cursor on line 65 and add the following code:


this.RootVisual = new MainPage(valueControlId, siteUrl, listId, minimum, maximum, step, itemId, fieldName, value);

This code uses the parameters passed into Silverlight from the hosting user control to create a new instance of the MainPage object

Task 2 – Creating the Silverlight Application

In this task, you will

1. Open the file MainPage.xaml.cs from Solution Explorer

2. Position your cursor on line 46 and enter the following code:


ClientContext ctx = new ClientContext(siteUrl);list = ctx.Web.Lists.GetById(new Guid(listId));ctx.Load(list);item = list.GetItemById(itemId);ctx.Load(item);ctx.ExecuteQueryAsync(OnReadSuccess, OnFailure);

This code uses the values passed in as parameters and some Silverlight client object model code to retrieve the SPListItem being displayed in the current form.

3. Position your cursor on line 58 and enter the following code:


Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>{ object newValueObj = null; double newValue; newValueObj = item[this.fieldName]; if (null == newValueObj) { SetToMinValue(); } else { double.TryParse(newValueObj.ToString(), out newValue);

if (newValue < this.MinValue || newValue > this.MaxValue) { newValue = this.MinValue; } SelectedValue = Convert.ToInt32(newValue); SetNewValue(); this.SliderBlock.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; }});

This code runs on the background thread, so we need to make use of an anonymous delegate and Dispatcher.BeginInvoke since it needs to interact with the UI. It attempts to retrieve the value of the corresponding field in the current list item. If the value can’t be retrieved for some reason, the control will be configured to display the minimum value allowed (set from the custom property in Exercise 1, step 9). Otherwise, it makes sure the current value is legal, setting it to the minimum value if not, and sets the control to display the current value and shows the slider block.

4. Position your cursor on line 86 and enter the following code:



This code will be called if the ExecuteQueryAsync call from either step 2 or step 3 returns a failure – due to there not being a current item (step 2) or the item not having a value in the slider field (step 3). In either event, the control will be configured to display the minimum value.

5. Position your cursor on line 89 and enter the following code:


private void SetValueInHiddenControl(){ string valuestring = this.SelectedValue.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); HtmlElement element = HtmlPage.Document.GetElementById(valueControlId); if (element != null) { element.SetAttribute("value", valuestring); }}

This code is called whenever the value displayed in the Silverlight control is changed. It finds the hidden HTML field that was added to the user control in Exercise 2 step 3, and uses the HTML Bridge to set its value to the same value as the Silverlight control. This makes sure that the value will be stored back in SharePoint properly when the form is saved.

6. Take a few minutes to examine the code in the starter project in the code regions – Slider properties and Slider methods. For the most part, these members are involved with calculating and positioning the slider block appropriately, but there is some interesting code that is worth investigating.

That concludes the coding for this exercise. Right-click on the Silverlight.XAML.SliderControl.Slider project in Solution Explorer and select Rebuild from the context menu:

Figure 10Rebuild project

This will refresh the XAP file with our code changes and copy the XAP file to the LAYOUTS/ SLSliderField folder in the SLSliderField project.

7. Right-click on the SLSliderField project in Solution Explorer and select Deploy from the context menu.

Figure 11Deploy SLSliderField

This will rebuild the deployment package to make sure it includes the updated XAP file and then deploy the solution to SharePoint.

8. Once Visual Studio has deployed the solution, navigate to

9. Depending on how your browser is configured, it may be necessary to clear the browser cache so that the new XAP file is downloaded and used. Go ahead and clear the cache now.

10. Click the Add new announcement link to test out the new field. Your screen should look like this:

Figure 12Slider1 Field

The Silverlight control shows up on the list as before, but now includes the slider block to indicate the value in the field. Notice that it is set to the configured minimum. Change the slider to a new value and enter that same value in the Title field. Click Save.

11. You will be returned to the default view of the Announcements list with the new item added:

Figure 13New item added to Announcements List

12. Select Edit Item from the ECB menu of the new item to load the edit form:

Figure 14Slider1 Field

13. Notice that the slider shows the value you set previously.

Exercise 3 Verification

In order to verify that you have correctly performed all steps of Exercise 3, proceed as follows:

Verification 1

In this verification, you can compare the anticipated output shown in steps 10, 11 and 12 with the actual output shown on your screen. If your screen shows a similar view, you have completed the exercise successfully.


In this lab you have seen how to:

Build a custom SharePoint field control

Add a Silverlight user interface

Add the code to interact with the SharePoint list

The functionality demonstrated in this lab can be used to increase the usefulness a SharePoint site or application by delivering an improved experience for end users.