Building Online Buzz and Authority Using Social Media Recommendation Engines

Post on 27-Aug-2014

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Building Online Buzz and Authority Using Social Media Recommendation Engines. "Businesses who are relentless in building a following on social media are in fact creating their own publishing platforms, growing their marketing channels and content distribution networks. It is a digital asset that grows every year. Over time it can provide huge leverage and marketing independence if done right."

Transcript of Building Online Buzz and Authority Using Social Media Recommendation Engines

Increase Brand & Online Awareness

Developing a cohesive and branded online presence in the Web 2.0 world is a process that takes time to develop and evolve – requiring a long-term, comprehensive approach that includes constant tweaking and fine-tuning for continued improvement in order to stay abreast and ahead of the myriad of changes that occur all the time in the online marketing frontier.

Success lies in a deliberate and well- orchestrated effort across a variety of channels that in combination, serve as a megaphone to get your message to your audience.

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Integrate Social Media Marketing into your overall strategy…

To get your message out and heard above the noise, the key is to create a Social Media Platform (SMP) that works as a part of your existing overall marketing strategy to amplify your message, where your audience is, when they are there.

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Use a long-term multi-prong approach …

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Drive traffic to your site by: • Creating an SEO friendly website • Creating responsive and/or

mobile optimized/friendly version of site

• Publishing new and unique content frequently on a variety of channels, and keeping them ‘active’

• “Socializing” and connecting with ‘competitors’ and other relevant entities in your space on Social Media Channels

• Staying top of mind using a newsletter and ‘being there’ when your prospect is ready to do business

– Takes 7 ‘touches’ on average before a sale is made

• Consider PPC (Pay Per Click) Advertising through Google and perhaps on Facebook’s version of PPC

Generate leads with a comprehensive strategy …

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Let’s stay focused on …

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Why Social Media?

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Increase your reach and search results by publishing often, being interesting,

providing valuable information and doing it on as many channels as possible.

Social Media channels are sometimes referred to as “recommendation engines” or referral

networks” because people are more likely to use a service or product that one of their

friends/contacts suggested.

Create and publish “digestible” information … constantly … on sites like YouTube, Pinterest, Google+, Twitter, Facebook Pages, LinkedIn Company Pages, and Slideshare. All these channels exist outside of ‘walled gardens’ and are therefore visible to the search engines, making your content potentially part of the search results when a user types in a query … increasing the chances of getting someone into your network.

You’ll quickly get a leg up on the pack especially if your competitors haven’t picked up on this increasingly important component of organic (vs. paid) search placement.

Social Media: Word of Mouth for the Digital Age

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How much is it worth for even a fraction of this time and getting to enter into a two-way conversation with your audience?

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What are some of the advantages of this approach?

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Social media has benefits.

Drive most engagement in comparison to email or website alone

Helps to increase affinity for your brand

Helps to create a sense of ‘community’ around your brand Gives

your ‘tribe’ a place to ‘follow you’ and gives them ‘access’

Makes it socially acceptable for your brand to be in that space and for your brand to participate in the conversation that is already going on

Great way to provide customer service and be where your customers are – when they are talking about your brand or your industry anyway because it gives you a chance to answer questions from prospects and customers alike – position yourself as authority and resource on your subject

Gives you valuable information about your brand right ‘from the horse’s mouth’ (i.e. the users of your product/brand/service), giving you a “fly on the wall effect”

Helps tailor your message to the right format and the right places by ‘packaging’ the information in the appropriate sized bits and formats and then making it available wherever your audience is looking for it

Since Facebook business pages, Twitter profiles, Google+ profiles, and LinkedIn Company pages are visible to the search engines, if you are contributing to the conversation and answering the questions users have, you effectively increase the chances of your content showing up in organic search engine results, thereby increasing the chances of getting in front of a bigger and wider audience than traditional marketing channels.

Makes your company’s persona come alive

For the most part social media channels are ‘free’ to use for marketing purposes – upgrades to paid versions are not that much more expensive

“STAYING IN THE LOOP” with your audience is

easy and possible using a cohesive Social Media

Platform that helps you stay in front of your customers and

also to get in front of potential new


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Just the same ol’ tools…


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10 things you didn’t know about the state of Social Media in 2014 …

• Pinterest (21%) is now more popular than Twitter (18%) among Internet users.

• Women are four times more likely to be Pinterest users than men.

• Facebook is ageing. 45% of Internet users aged 65+ use Facebook.

• Pinterest attracts older people. Twitter and Instagram are still youth dominated networks, but 23% of Internet users aged 50+ use Pinterest.

• Contrary to popular belief, most people aren’t using multiple social networks. Over 50% of Internet users either don’t use any social networks, or use just one (i.e. Facebook).

• Facebook and Instagram users are the most engaged. Around 60% of their users sign in every day (compared to 46% of Twitter users)

• Almost all social networkers use Facebook. In fact, over 80% of ‘other ’ social network users also use Facebook.

• Instagrammers also use Twitter. There is a 50% crossover between the networks.

• Pinterest and LinkedIn are stand-alone networks. There is much less crossover usage with other networks (except Facebook).

• Pinterest and LinkedIn users are wealthier than the other networks with a high percentage earning over $75000 PA.

You can read the full report from Pew Internet here.

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For your information and in case you’re interested…


Social Media channel use by age bracket 2005-2013

What are these channels for and how many active users do they have?

Generate a powerful social media buzz for your business by using your channels effectively, as a cohesive platform...





| F





Why do I need all

these channels?

Twitter Facebook / Google+

Blog / Link Building

YouTube / Vimeo / Metacafe

Website / Slideshare/



Share industry related

information, links to new

content in 120

characters or less (so it can be RT)

- Join in the

conversation, find tweeples to follow, retweet, #FF, follow

people back

Share information in a few engaging


- Show the ‘human’

side of your business,

comment/like others posts, find

new fans

Share anecdotal

information (blog posts: 250-500

words, but for comment posting as applicable- stay succint and to the point)

- Respond to &

moderate comments,

comment on other blogs for

interlinking efforts

Share up to 1.5 min

videos: how to’s, day in the life, & quick


- Respond to &

moderate comments,

create video responses,

accept friend requests, find

new subscribers

You are a resource to

others – GATHER all content here

- Add new content. Daily QA of site verify

functionality is optimal. Consistent effort to improve UI.


When utilized efficiently

and cohesively,

your message can reach an exponentially

larger audience using the power of

online distribution

channels without a huge time


Want more leads? Want to find more customers? Using Social Media, and especially posting highly visual content works ...

Your audience is already there, why not take advantage and tell your brand story?

WHAT’S STOPPING YOU FROM GETTING SOCIAL? Businesses who are relentless in building a following on social media are in fact creating their own publishing platforms, growing their marketing channels and content distribution networks. It is a digital asset that grows every year. Over time it can provide huge leverage and marketing independence if done right.

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To get your message out above all the noise so you can get to work on building those relationships,

you need a PLATFORM that works cohesively as a unit to communicate your message in a consistent and

branded fashion across a variety of social media channels.

Ok, now what?... {the work commences on getting search engines and bigger #’s of targeted people paying attention & influencing your brand’s reputation by …}

How? Create a solid Social Networking Infrastructure, a.k.a. SMP = Social Media Platform from where you can consistently and easily communicate your message in an engaging format

by creating a place for a two- way conversation.

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Are people talking about you with AFFINITY?

Building an online community is not much different than what we do to develop a new friendship in our daily lives …

it’s all about BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS. Think of it as a place for a TWO-WAY CONVERSATION TO TAKE PLACE


AND AUTHORITY ON YOUR AREA OF EXPERTISE. By doing this, you are in effect giving your audience what they want: direct access to your brand/product/service/expertise.

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A Social Media Platform (SMP) sets the stage for a two-way conversation which in turn,


AWARENESS, allowing you to leverage these social media channels and their power as ‘recommendation engines.’



Facebook Fan page

Facebook Business Profile {a.k.a. “Fan page”}

Flickr / Instagram

FourSquare Company Page

FourSquare Profile

Google+ Company Page

Google+ Profile LinkedIn


LinkedIn Company Page {Spotlight pages}

Pinterest business profile

Twitter Profile

YouTube channel | Vimeo | Metacafe



Email Marketing Newsletter (e.g. Constant Contact, Mail Chimp, Mad Mimi)

Slideshare Library (serves as content depository)

Pinterest | Mulu | Manteresting

Flickr Library

Instagram Library

Bloomfire (set up a training room)

(for media library: Press Releases)

Tools to use to share: (URL shortener)

Hootsuite (to manage/schedule posts on various SM networks / don’t use for FB posting)


• Editorial Calendar & Content Production and Distribution Schedule to organize efforts around your message – Good content production & distribution strategy/schedule to ensure constant flow of relevant, authentic content flowing out to your network in a constant,

focused, and effective manner

• Search engine friendly/user friendly website built with Content Management System like Wordpress

– Easy hosting solution like BlueHost / GoDaddy

Good information from Google Alerts, Analytics & Webmaster Tools, & Klout Scores

BackLinks (comment posting)

Directory Listings: Google Places, Manta, Yellow/White Pages and other top directories

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Position as an authority • Share ‘breaking’ news (stay on top with

Google Alerts and by subscribing to industry leaders)

• Share helpful, relevant content often and include opinion or comments (follow 80/20 rule – 80% others info and 20% yours)

• Participate in forums, discussions on LinkedIn, anywhere the relevant conversation is happening

Position as a resource • Submit articles to industry or trade sources

• Post insightful blogs with take-aways • Share relevant information on social media channels (80/20 rule) • Post relevant content that answers users questions on all your channels

to keep search engines interested • Create helpful downloadable reference guides and upload to content depository

By consistently sharing relevant and helpful information on your

SMP, your brand becomes a trusted resource and the go-to

for information about your topic

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Consider putting these in place as part of your overall marketing strategy ...

o A Branded & SEO-friendly website where you have a repository for ALL your ‘stuff ’ and that serves as a hub for your ‘network’ where current & potential customers can get information and get in touch with you o Is it Responsive Design (i.e. will it adjust to the browser

size the user is ‘entering ’ from?)

o Seek out & Maintain Directory Listings: Get

yourself found by people. TIP: fill them out completely and include as many links to your network as possible.

o Get a Content Strategy in place (using an Editorial

Calendar & Content Production and Distribution strategies that take full advantage of repurposing content)

And a few more goodies to consider to add even more punch!

o Direct Marketing campaigns o Podcasting for SEO & Building online reputation o Video Marketing o Email Marketing

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How do you stand out in the crowd?

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Flutterby Media helps businesses create comprehensive marketing solutions.

Helping businesses just like yours stand out from the crowd by providing customized

solutions that work for your budget and resources are our specialty.

What’s stopping you from

standing out from the crowd?

A unified, consistent, and branded presence on the world wide web helps

your business stand out in today’s tech-savvy, lighting fast world.

Barbara Gray Head Geek in Charge

Flutterby Media

T: 561 654 1084

Thank you for your time.

What questions may I answer for you?

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